Cytta Corp. Reports Over 5000% Increase in Revenue and Sales Receivables as New Registrations for CyttaCOMMS and Drone Force Explode Nationwide
Cytta Corp. (OTCQB:CYCA) has reported a remarkable 5000% increase in revenue and sales receivables, achieving over $269,000 in the December 31 Fiscal Quarter and recording its first gross profit. The company has successfully onboarded more than 4,000 new users to its CyttaCOMMS and Drone Force platforms for 2025 through its national marketing campaign.
Initially designed for drone live-streaming, CyttaCOMMS is evolving into a universal mobile command platform as law enforcement agencies across the U.S. are utilizing it to stream video from various tactical devices including:
- Robotics & ground-based surveillance equipment
- Body cameras, cell phones & dashcams
- Tactical helmet & incident command cameras
- Specialized camera-enabled gear for SWAT & emergency response
CEO Gary Campbell noted that departments are adopting CyttaCOMMS beyond drones, using it as a real-time video-sharing and communications solution for multiple tactical tools. This expanded application significantly increases Cytta's market potential in the law enforcement sector.
For 2025, Cytta plans to focus on expanding partnerships with law enforcement agencies, enhancing AI-driven video analytics, and exploring new integrations with tactical hardware.
Cytta Corp. (OTCQB:CYCA) ha riportato un notevole incremento del 5000% nelle entrate e nei crediti di vendita, raggiungendo oltre $269.000 nel trimestre fiscale concluso il 31 dicembre e registrando il suo primo profitto lordo. L'azienda ha con successo acquisito più di 4.000 nuovi utenti per le sue piattaforme CyttaCOMMS e Drone Force per il 2025 attraverso una campagna di marketing nazionale.
Originariamente progettato per lo streaming dal vivo con droni, CyttaCOMMS si sta evolvendo in una piattaforma di comando mobile universale poiché le agenzie di law enforcement negli Stati Uniti lo stanno utilizzando per trasmettere video da vari dispositivi tattici, tra cui:
- Robotica e attrezzature di sorveglianza a terra
- Body camera, telefoni cellulari e dashcam
- Telecamere per elmetti tattici e comando degli incidenti
- Attrezzature specializzate con telecamera per SWAT e risposta alle emergenze
Il CEO Gary Campbell ha dichiarato che i dipartimenti stanno adottando CyttaCOMMS oltre i droni, utilizzandolo come soluzione di condivisione video in tempo reale e comunicazioni per vari strumenti tattici. Questa applicazione ampliata aumenta significativamente il potenziale di mercato di Cytta nel settore della law enforcement.
Per il 2025, Cytta prevede di concentrarsi sull'espansione delle partnership con le agenzie di law enforcement, migliorare le analisi video basate sull'IA e esplorare nuove integrazioni con hardware tattico.
Cytta Corp. (OTCQB:CYCA) ha reportado un notable incremento del 5000% en ingresos y cuentas por cobrar, logrando más de $269,000 en el trimestre fiscal que finalizó el 31 de diciembre y registrando su primer beneficio bruto. La empresa ha incorporado con éxito a más de 4,000 nuevos usuarios a sus plataformas CyttaCOMMS y Drone Force para 2025 a través de una campaña de marketing nacional.
Diseñado inicialmente para la transmisión en vivo de drones, CyttaCOMMS está evolucionando hacia una plataforma de comando móvil universal, ya que las agencias de la ley en EE. UU. lo están utilizando para transmitir video desde varios dispositivos tácticos, incluyendo:
- Robótica y equipos de vigilancia terrestre
- Cámaras corporales, teléfonos móviles y dashcams
- Cámaras de casco táctico y de comando de incidentes
- Equipos especializados con cámara para SWAT y respuesta a emergencias
El CEO Gary Campbell señaló que los departamentos están adoptando CyttaCOMMS más allá de los drones, utilizándolo como una solución de compartición de video en tiempo real y comunicaciones para múltiples herramientas tácticas. Esta aplicación ampliada aumenta significativamente el potencial de mercado de Cytta en el sector de la ley.
Para 2025, Cytta planea centrarse en expandir asociaciones con agencias de la ley, mejorar el análisis de video impulsado por IA y explorar nuevas integraciones con hardware táctico.
Cytta Corp. (OTCQB:CYCA)는 매출 및 매출 채권에서 5000%의 놀라운 증가를 보고하며, 12월 31일 회계 분기 동안 $269,000 이상을 달성하고 첫 번째 총 이익을 기록했습니다. 이 회사는 국가 마케팅 캠페인을 통해 2025년까지 CyttaCOMMS 및 Drone Force 플랫폼에 4,000명 이상의 신규 사용자를 성공적으로 온보딩했습니다.
원래 드론 라이브 스트리밍을 위해 설계된 CyttaCOMMS는 미국 전역의 법 집행 기관들이 다양한 전술 장치에서 비디오를 스트리밍하는 데 사용하고 있어 범용 모바일 명령 플랫폼으로 진화하고 있습니다. 여기에는:
- 로봇 및 지상 감시 장비
- 바디 카메라, 휴대전화 및 대시캠
- 전술 헬멧 및 사고 지휘 카메라
- SWAT 및 긴급 대응을 위한 특수 카메라 장비
CEO Gary Campbell는 부서들이 드론을 넘어 CyttaCOMMS를 채택하고 있으며, 이를 다양한 전술 도구를 위한 실시간 비디오 공유 및 통신 솔루션으로 사용하고 있다고 언급했습니다. 이러한 확장된 응용 프로그램은 법 집행 부문에서 Cytta의 시장 잠재력을 크게 증가시킵니다.
2025년을 위해 Cytta는 법 집행 기관과의 파트너십 확대, AI 기반 비디오 분석 강화 및 전술 하드웨어와의 새로운 통합 탐색에 집중할 계획입니다.
Cytta Corp. (OTCQB:CYCA) a rapporté une augmentation remarquable de 5000% de ses revenus et créances, atteignant plus de $269,000 pour le trimestre fiscal se terminant le 31 décembre et enregistrant son premier bénéfice brut. L'entreprise a réussi à intégrer plus de 4,000 nouveaux utilisateurs sur ses plateformes CyttaCOMMS et Drone Force pour 2025 grâce à une campagne de marketing nationale.
Initialement conçu pour la diffusion en direct par drone, CyttaCOMMS évolue vers une plateforme de commandement mobile universelle alors que les agences de la loi à travers les États-Unis l'utilisent pour diffuser des vidéos depuis divers dispositifs tactiques, notamment :
- Robotique et équipements de surveillance terrestre
- Cameras corporelles, téléphones portables et dashcams
- Cameras de casque tactique et de commandement d'incidents
- Équipements spécialisés avec caméra pour SWAT et intervention d'urgence
Le PDG Gary Campbell a noté que les départements adoptent CyttaCOMMS au-delà des drones, l'utilisant comme solution de partage vidéo en temps réel et de communication pour plusieurs outils tactiques. Cette application élargie augmente considérablement le potentiel de marché de Cytta dans le secteur de la loi.
Pour 2025, Cytta prévoit de se concentrer sur l'expansion des partenariats avec les agences de la loi, l'amélioration des analyses vidéo basées sur l'IA et l'exploration de nouvelles intégrations avec du matériel tactique.
Cytta Corp. (OTCQB:CYCA) hat einen bemerkenswerten 5000% Anstieg bei Einnahmen und Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen gemeldet und über $269.000 im Fiskalquartal zum 31. Dezember erzielt sowie den ersten Bruttogewinn verzeichnet. Das Unternehmen hat erfolgreich mehr als 4.000 neue Nutzer für seine Plattformen CyttaCOMMS und Drone Force für 2025 durch eine nationale Marketingkampagne gewonnen.
Ursprünglich für das Live-Streaming von Drohnen konzipiert, entwickelt sich CyttaCOMMS zu einer universellen mobilen Kommando-Plattform, da Strafverfolgungsbehörden in den USA es nutzen, um Video von verschiedenen taktischen Geräten zu streamen, einschließlich:
- Robotik und bodengestützte Überwachungsausrüstung
- Körperkameras, Handys und Dashcams
- Taktische Helme und Einsatzleitkameras
- Spezialisierte kamerafähige Ausrüstung für SWAT und Notfalleinsätze
CEO Gary Campbell stellte fest, dass Abteilungen CyttaCOMMS über Drohnen hinaus übernehmen und es als Echtzeit-Video-Sharing- und Kommunikationslösung für mehrere taktische Werkzeuge nutzen. Diese erweiterte Anwendung erhöht das Marktpotential von Cytta im Bereich der Strafverfolgung erheblich.
Für 2025 plant Cytta, sich auf den Ausbau von Partnerschaften mit Strafverfolgungsbehörden, die Verbesserung von KI-gesteuerten Videoanalysen und die Erkundung neuer Integrationen mit taktischer Hardware zu konzentrieren.
- 5000% increase in revenue and sales receivables
- Achieved over $269,000 in Revenue and Sales Receivables in Dec 31 Fiscal Quarter
- Recorded first Gross Profit
- Successfully onboarded 4,000+ new users for 2025
- Expanded CyttaCOMMS application beyond drones to multiple tactical devices
- Growing customer base in law enforcement sector
- None.
Cytta Successfully Onboards over 4,000 New 2025 Law Enforcement users to its CyttaCOMMS and Drone Force Applications
LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESS Newswire / February 25, 2025 / Cytta Corp.(OTCQB:CYCA), a leader in real-time video streaming and secure communication solutions for law enforcement and first responders, is pleased to announce that the Company has achieved over
The surge in new registrations for our CyttaCOMMS SaaS solution highlights the growing demand for advanced, secure, and real-time streaming solutions in public safety operations. CyttaCOMMS, initially designed for seamless drone live-streaming, is now proving to be a universal mobile command platform, as departments across the U.S. are leveraging it to stream video from various tactical devices, including:
Robotics & Ground-Based Surveillance Equipment
Body Cameras, Cell Phones & Dashcams
Tactical Helmet & Incident Command Cameras
Specialized Camera-Enabled Gear for SWAT & Emergency Response
Expanding Market Potential & Law Enforcement Adoption
Through direct engagements with law enforcement agencies nationwide, Cytta Corp. has identified a broader application for CyttaCOMMS beyond drones. Agencies are integrating the platform with other video-enabled tactical tools, proving its role as a universal mobile communications and streaming solution for officers and first responders.
"As we continue rolling out CyttaCOMMS and Drone Force, we're discovering that departments are adopting it for more than just drones. They're utilizing it as a real-time video-sharing and communications solution for body cams, cell phones, robots, and other tactical gear, demonstrating its potential as a mission-critical communication tool for modern law enforcement," said Gary Campbell, CEO of Cytta Corp. "This insight significantly expands our market reach and reinforces our position as a technology leader in real-time secure mobile communications."
Continued Growth & Next Steps
With over
Expanding partnerships with law enforcement and first responder agencies.
Enhancing AI-driven video analytics to support real-time situational awareness.
Exploring new integrations with tactical and security-based hardware.
For more information about Cytta Corp., CyttaCOMMS, or to schedule a demo, visit
About Cytta Corp (OTCQB:CYCA) - Cytta Corp is a technology incubator and accelerator focused on advancing innovations in safety, security, and real-time intelligence. By identifying, developing, and scaling high-impact technologies, Cytta creates, nurtures, and spins off disruptive solutions that address mission-critical challenges in law enforcement, defense, emergency response, and enterprise security. Through a strategic model of incubation, commercialization, and value-driven spin-offs, Cytta is committed to long-term shareholder growth and market leadership in the security and intelligence sectors.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. In addition, our representatives or we may make forward-looking statements orally or in writing from time to time. We base these forward-looking statements on our expectations and projections about future events, which we derive from the available information. Such forward-looking statements relate to future events or our future performance, including our financial performance and projections, revenue and earnings growth, and business prospects and opportunities. You can identify forward-looking statements by those that are not historical facts, particularly those that use terminology such as "intends," "may," "should," "expects," "anticipates," "contemplates," "estimates," "believes," "plans," "projected," "predicts," "potential," or "hopes" or the negative of these or similar terms. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are contained, and the Company does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements except as may be required by law.
Contact Us
Cytta Corp.
Toll-Free: 1-877-CYTTAUS (298-8287)
Local: 1-740-CYTTAUS (298-8287)
Natalia Sokolova, President & COO
Direct: (424) 333-0595 (or message)
Gary Campbell, CEO
Direct: (702) 900-7022 (or message)
Mike Elliott, VP of Business Development
Phone: (689) 222-8708 (or message)
SOURCE: Cytta Corp.
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
What was Cytta Corp's (CYCA) revenue increase reported in February 2025?
How many new users did Cytta Corp (CYCA) onboard to CyttaCOMMS in 2025?
What devices can law enforcement agencies integrate with Cytta Corp's (CYCA) CyttaCOMMS platform?
What are Cytta Corp's (CYCA) growth plans for 2025 after reporting its first gross profit?