NAACP Butte County Chapter Recognizes Cal Water with Award for Commitment to Supporting Oroville, Chico Communities

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The NAACP Butte County Chapter has honored California Water Service (Cal Water) with the 2024 Excellence in Community Grants & Scholarships Award. This recognition highlights Cal Water's commitment to improving local communities, particularly in Chico and Oroville, where it provides water utility service. Cal Water has sponsored NAACP events to raise funds for student scholarships for the past three years and offers its own College Scholarship Program and Firefighter Grant Program.

Over the past five years, Cal Water has contributed more than $500,000 in Butte County through these initiatives. The company's Chairman and CEO, Marty Kropelnicki, emphasized their dedication to enhancing the quality of life in served communities beyond providing safe drinking water. Janet Goodson, NAACP Butte County Chapter President, praised Cal Water's support as instrumental in achieving their mission of social justice and educational equity.

Il capitolo della NAACP della Contea di Butte ha onorato California Water Service (Cal Water) con il Premio 2024 per l'Eccellenza nei Grant e Borse di Studio per la Comunità. Questo riconoscimento sottolinea l'impegno di Cal Water nel migliorare le comunità locali, in particolare a Chico e Oroville, dove fornisce servizi di approvvigionamento idrico. Cal Water ha sponsorizzato eventi della NAACP per raccogliere fondi per borse di studio per studenti negli ultimi tre anni e offre il proprio Programma di Borse di Studio Universitarie e il Programma di Grants per Vigili del Fuoco.

Nell'ultimo quinquennio, Cal Water ha contribuito con oltre $500.000 nella Contea di Butte attraverso queste iniziative. Il Presidente e CEO dell'azienda, Marty Kropelnicki, ha sottolineato il loro impegno nel migliorare la qualità della vita nelle comunità servite, oltre alla semplice fornitura di acqua potabile sicura. Janet Goodson, Presidente del Capitolo della NAACP della Contea di Butte, ha elogiato il supporto di Cal Water come strumentale per il raggiungimento della loro missione di giustizia sociale ed equità educativa.

El capítulo de la NAACP del condado de Butte ha honrado a California Water Service (Cal Water) con el Premio de Excelencia 2024 en Becas y Subsidios para la Comunidad. Este reconocimiento destaca el compromiso de Cal Water de mejorar las comunidades locales, particularmente en Chico y Oroville, donde brinda servicios de agua. Cal Water ha patrocinado eventos de la NAACP durante los últimos tres años para recaudar fondos para becas estudiantiles y ofrece su propio Programa de Becas Universitarias y Programa de Subsidios para Bomberos.

En los últimos cinco años, Cal Water ha contribuido con más de $500,000 en el condado de Butte a través de estas iniciativas. El presidente y CEO de la compañía, Marty Kropelnicki, enfatizó su dedicación a mejorar la calidad de vida en las comunidades atendidas más allá de proporcionar agua potable segura. Janet Goodson, presidenta del capítulo de la NAACP del condado de Butte, elogió el apoyo de Cal Water como fundamental para lograr su misión de justicia social y equidad educativa.

NAACP 부테 카운티 지부가 캘리포니아 워터 서비스(Cal Water)2024 커뮤니티 그랜트 및 장학금 우수상을 수여했습니다. 이 인식은 Cal Water의 커뮤니티 개선에 대한 노력을 강조하며, 특히 치코와 오로빌에서 물 공급 서비스를 제공하는 지역 사회에 중점을 두고 있습니다. Cal Water는 지난 3년 동안 학생 장학금을 위한 기금을 모으기 위해 NAACP 행사를 후원했으며, 자체 대학 장학금 프로그램소방관 보조금 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다.

지난 5년 동안 Cal Water는 이러한 이니셔티브를 통해 부테 카운티에 $500,000 이상 기여했습니다. 회사의 회장 겸 CEO인 마르티 크로펠니키는 안전한 식수를 제공하는 것 이상으로 제공된 지역 사회의 삶의 질을 향상시키겠다는 약속을 강조했습니다. 자넷 굿슨 NAACP 부테 카운티 지부 회장은 Cal Water의 지원이 사회 정의와 교육 평등이라는 사명을 달성하는 데 중요한 역할을 했다고 찬양했습니다.

Le chapitre de la NAACP du comté de Butte a honoré California Water Service (Cal Water) avec le Prix d'Excellence 2024 en Subventions et Bourses pour la Communauté. Cette reconnaissance met en évidence l'engagement de Cal Water à améliorer les communautés locales, notamment à Chico et Oroville, où elle fournit des services d'eau. Cal Water a sponsorisé des événements de la NAACP pour collecter des fonds pour des bourses d'études pour les étudiants au cours des trois dernières années et propose son propre Programme de Bourses d'Études Universitaires et Programme de Subventions pour Pompiers.

Au cours des cinq dernières années, Cal Water a contribué à plus de $500.000 dans le comté de Butte grâce à ces initiatives. Le président et PDG de l'entreprise, Marty Kropelnicki, a souligné leur dévouement à améliorer la qualité de vie dans les communautés desservies au-delà de la simple fourniture d'eau potable. Janet Goodson, présidente du chapitre de la NAACP du comté de Butte, a salué le soutien de Cal Water comme essentiel à la réalisation de leur mission de justice sociale et d'équité éducative.

Das NAACP-Kapitel im Butte County hat California Water Service (Cal Water) mit dem 2024 Excellence in Community Grants & Scholarships Award ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnung hebt das Engagement von Cal Water hervor, die lokalen Gemeinschaften zu verbessern, insbesondere in Chico und Oroville, wo es Wasserversorgungsdienste anbietet. Cal Water hat in den letzten drei Jahren NAACP-Veranstaltungen gesponsert, um Mittel für Stipendien für Studenten zu sammeln, und bietet sein eigenes und Feuerwehrzuschussprogramm an.

In den letzten fünf Jahren hat Cal Water durch diese Initiativen mehr als $500.000 im Butte County beigetragen. Der Vorsitzende und CEO des Unternehmens, Marty Kropelnicki, betonte ihr Engagement, die Lebensqualität in den bedienten Gemeinschaften über die Bereitstellung von sicherem Trinkwasser hinaus zu verbessern. Janet Goodson, Präsidentin des NAACP-Kapitels im Butte County, lobte die Unterstützung von Cal Water als entscheidend für die Erreichung ihrer Mission von sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Chancengleichheit in der Bildung.

  • Received 2024 Excellence in Community Grants & Scholarships Award from NAACP Butte County Chapter
  • Contributed over $500,000 in Butte County through various initiatives over the past five years
  • Sponsors NAACP events annually to raise funds for student scholarships
  • Offers yearly College Scholarship Program and Firefighter Grant Program
  • None.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NYSE: CWT—For the utility’s commitment to improving the lives of those in its local communities, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Butte County Chapter has honored California Water Service (Cal Water) with the 2024 Excellence in Community Grants & Scholarships Award.

The award recognizes Cal Water’s efforts to invest in the future of Butte County’s youth. Cal Water, which provides water utility service to Chico and Oroville in Butte County, has sponsored NAACP events to raise funds for student scholarships annually for the past three years. The utility also offers a yearly College Scholarship Program to students in its service areas seeking higher education and its annual Firefighter Grant Program. In total, Cal Water has contributed more than $500,000 in Butte County through these initiatives over the past five years.

“Part of our purpose is to enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve, and beyond providing the safe, clean, and reliable drinking water our customers count on, we are dedicated to helping some of our local best and brightest achieve their educational goals and supporting the first responders who put their lives on the line to protect us every day,” said Marty Kropelnicki, Cal Water Chairman and CEO. “We are honored to receive this recognition by the NAACP Butte County Chapter as a testament to not only our commitment to those we serve but also our collaborative working relationship with our community partners.”

“California Water Service has shown outstanding dedication to our community through its generous support of grants and scholarships,” said Janet Goodson, NAACP Butte County Chapter President. “This award is a testament to Cal Water’s commitment to empowering our youth and fostering positive change. Its contributions are instrumental in helping us achieve our mission of social justice and educational equity.”

About California Water Service

California Water Service provides high-quality, reliable water utility services to more than 2 million people statewide through 497,700 service connections. Cal Water’s purpose is to enhance the quality of life for customers and communities. To do so, it invests responsibly in water and wastewater infrastructure, sustainability initiatives, and community well-being. The company’s 1,100+ employees live by a set of strong core values and share a commitment to protecting the planet, caring for people, and operating with the utmost integrity. The utility has been named one of “America’s Most Responsible Companies” and the “World’s Most Trustworthy Companies” by Newsweek, a Top Workplace, and a Great Place to Work®.  More information is available at

Contact: Yvonne Kingman, 310-257-1434


What award did California Water Service (CWT) receive from the NAACP Butte County Chapter in 2024?

California Water Service received the 2024 Excellence in Community Grants & Scholarships Award from the NAACP Butte County Chapter.

How much has Cal Water (CWT) contributed to Butte County initiatives over the past five years?

Cal Water has contributed more than $500,000 in Butte County through various initiatives over the past five years.

What programs does California Water Service (CWT) offer to support education and community service in Butte County?

Cal Water offers a yearly College Scholarship Program for students seeking higher education and an annual Firefighter Grant Program. They also sponsor NAACP events to raise funds for student scholarships.

In which Butte County cities does California Water Service (CWT) provide water utility service?

Cal Water provides water utility service to Chico and Oroville in Butte County.

California Water Service


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Utilities - Regulated Water
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