EPA Names Cal Water 2024 WaterSense® Excellence Award Winner for Second Consecutive Year

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California Water Service (Cal Water) has been awarded the WaterSense® Excellence in Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the second consecutive year. This national recognition highlights Cal Water's commitment to promoting water efficiency among its customers.

Key achievements in 2023 include:

  • Installation of over 1,660 WaterSense-labeled, weather-based irrigation controllers
  • Installation of 8,000 WaterSense-labeled spray sprinkler bodies
  • Distribution of conservation kits to sixth-grade students
  • An estimated water savings of 395.1 million gallons over the lifetime of installed devices

Cal Water's efforts align with EPA's focus on promoting water-use efficiency, particularly important in the face of climate change and increasingly frequent dry periods. The utility remains committed to responsible stewardship of water resources through efficiency, conservation, and sustainability initiatives.

California Water Service (Cal Water) ha ricevuto per il secondo anno consecutivo il WaterSense® Excellence in Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products Award dall'Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale degli Stati Uniti (EPA). Questo riconoscimento nazionale evidenzia l'impegno di Cal Water nella promozione dell'efficienza idrica tra i propri clienti.

I principali risultati nel 2023 includono:

  • Installazione di oltre 1.660 controllori di irrigazione a base meteorologica etichettati WaterSense
  • Installazione di 8.000 corpi di spruzzatori a spruzzo etichettati WaterSense
  • Distribuzione di kit di conservazione agli studenti di sesta elementare
  • Un risparmio idrico stimato di 395,1 milioni di galloni durante il ciclo di vita dei dispositivi installati

Gli sforzi di Cal Water si allineano con l'attenzione dell'EPA sulla promozione dell'efficienza nell'uso dell'acqua, particolarmente importante di fronte ai cambiamenti climatici e a periodi di siccità sempre più frequenti. L'utility rimane impegnata nella gestione responsabile delle risorse idriche attraverso iniziative di efficienza, conservazione e sostenibilità.

California Water Service (Cal Water) ha sido premiado por segundo año consecutivo con el WaterSense® Excellence in Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products Award por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE. UU. (EPA). Este reconocimiento nacional destaca el compromiso de Cal Water en la promoción de la eficiencia del agua entre sus clientes.

Los logros clave en 2023 incluyen:

  • Instalación de más de 1,660 controladores de riego basados en el clima etiquetados con WaterSense
  • Instalación de 8,000 cuerpos de aspersores etiquetados WaterSense
  • Distribución de kits de conservación a estudiantes de sexto grado
  • Un ahorro de agua estimado de 395.1 millones de galones durante la vida útil de los dispositivos instalados

Los esfuerzos de Cal Water se alinean con el enfoque de la EPA en promover la eficiencia en el uso del agua, especialmente importante frente al cambio climático y los períodos de sequía cada vez más frecuentes. La empresa sigue comprometida con la gestión responsable de los recursos hídricos a través de iniciativas de eficiencia, conservación y sostenibilidad.

캘리포니아 워터 서비스(Cal Water)는 미국 환경 보호국(EPA)으로부터 WaterSense® 우수 물자원 효율 제품 홍보 상을 두 번째로 연속 수상했습니다. 이 국가적 인정은 고객 간 물 효율성을 촉진하려는 Cal Water의 헌신을 강조합니다.

2023년 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 1,660개 이상의 기후 기반 물감지 장치 설치
  • 8,000개 물감지 스프링클러 바디 설치
  • 6학년 학생들에게 보존 키트 배포
  • 설치된 장치의 수명 동안 약 3억 9,510만 갤런의 물 절약 예상

Cal Water의 노력은 지속 가능한 발전과 효율성을 통해 자원 관리를 책임지려는 EPA의 목표와 일치합니다. 기후 변화와 잦은 가뭄을 고려할 때 물 사용의 효율성을 촉진하는 것이 특히 중요합니다.

California Water Service (Cal Water) a été récompensé pour la deuxième année consécutive par le WaterSense® Excellence in Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products Award de l'Agence de Protection de l'Environnement des États-Unis (EPA). Cette reconnaissance nationale met en lumière l'engagement de Cal Water à promouvoir l'efficacité de l'eau auprès de ses clients.

Les principales réalisations en 2023 incluent :

  • Installation de plus de 1 660 contrôleurs d'irrigation basés sur la météo étiquetés WaterSense
  • Installation de 8 000 corps de pulvérisateur étiquetés WaterSense
  • Distribution de kits de conservation aux élèves de sixième année
  • Une estimation des économies d'eau de 395,1 millions de gallons pendant la durée de vie des dispositifs installés

Les efforts de Cal Water s'alignent sur l'axe de l'EPA concernant la promotion de l'efficacité de l'utilisation de l'eau, ce qui est particulièrement important face aux changements climatiques et aux périodes de sécheresse de plus en plus fréquentes. La compagnie s'engage à une gestion responsable des ressources en eau à travers des initiatives d'efficacité, de conservation et de durabilité.

California Water Service (Cal Water) wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge mit dem WaterSense® Excellence in Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products Award von der US-amerikanischen Umweltschutzbehörde (EPA) ausgezeichnet. Diese nationale Anerkennung unterstreicht Cal Waters Engagement für die Förderung der Wassereffizienz unter seinen Kunden.

Zu den wichtigsten Errungenschaften im Jahr 2023 gehören:

  • Installation von über 1.660 wetterbasierten Bewässerungssteuerungen mit WaterSense-Label
  • Installation von 8.000 mit WaterSense-Label ausgezeichneten Sprinklerkörpern
  • Verteilung von Wasserschutzkits an Sechstklässler
  • Ein geschätzter Wasserspar von 395,1 Millionen Gallonen über die Lebensdauer der installierten Geräte

Die Bemühungen von Cal Water stimmen mit dem Fokus der EPA auf die Förderung der Wassernutzungseffizienz überein, die angesichts des Klimawandels und immer häufigerer Trockenperioden besonders wichtig ist. Das Unternehmen bleibt dem verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Wasserressourcen durch Effizienz-, Erhaltungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen verpflichtet.

  • None.
  • None.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NYSE: CWT—For the second year in a row, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has honored California Water Service (Cal Water) with its WaterSense® Excellence in Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products Award. EPA presented the 2024 national award to Cal Water for the utility’s commitment to, and partnership in, helping customers become more water-efficient.

This award recognizes a partner that goes above and beyond to help consumers understand the value of water-use efficiency and aligns with EPA’s focus to aid in those efforts. Last year, through Cal Water’s free Smart Landscape Tune-Up Program—which provides evaluations and repair/retrofit services by an irrigation professional certified through a WaterSense-approved program—along with the utility’s extensive conservation rebate program, more than 1,660 WaterSense-labeled, weather-based irrigation controllers and 8,000 WaterSense-labeled spray sprinkler bodies were installed throughout Cal Water’s service areas. Additionally, beyond the free, high-efficiency conservation kits already offered to residential customers, Cal Water distributed kits to sixth-grade students to take home and provide WaterSense-labeled showerheads and faucet aerators to their families to use.

In total, WaterSense-labeled devices installed in customers’ homes and businesses in 2023 through Cal Water’s conservation rebate programs, Smart Landscape Tune-Up Program, and conservation kits will save an estimated 395.1 million gallons of water over the lifetime of the devices.

“I believe our partnership with WaterSense strengthens our efforts to help customers make conservation a way of life, particularly important as our changing climate brings increasingly frequent and longer cycles of hotter, drier years,” said Marty Kropelnicki, Cal Water Chairman and CEO. “We appreciate the recognition EPA has given us and remain committed to being a responsible steward of our limited water resources through our comprehensive approach to efficiency, conservation, and sustainability.”

About California Water Service

California Water Service provides high-quality, reliable water utility services to more than 2 million people statewide through 497,700 service connections. Cal Water’s purpose is to enhance the quality of life for customers and communities. To do so, it invests responsibly in water and wastewater infrastructure, sustainability initiatives, and community well-being. The company’s 1,100+ employees live by a set of strong core values and share a commitment to protecting the planet, caring for people, and operating with the utmost integrity. The utility has been named one of “America’s Most Responsible Companies” and the “World’s Most Trustworthy Companies” by Newsweek, a Top Workplace, and a Great Place to Work®.  More information is available at

Contact: Yvonne Kingman, 310-257-1434


What award did California Water Service (CWT) receive from the EPA in 2024?

California Water Service (CWT) received the WaterSense® Excellence in Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products Award from the EPA in 2024, for the second consecutive year.

How many WaterSense-labeled devices did Cal Water (CWT) install in 2023?

In 2023, Cal Water (CWT) installed over 1,660 WaterSense-labeled, weather-based irrigation controllers and 8,000 WaterSense-labeled spray sprinkler bodies.

What is the estimated water savings from Cal Water's (CWT) conservation efforts in 2023?

Cal Water's (CWT) conservation efforts in 2023 are estimated to save 395.1 million gallons of water over the lifetime of the installed devices.

What program did Cal Water (CWT) use to install WaterSense-labeled devices?

Cal Water (CWT) used its free Smart Landscape Tune-Up Program and extensive conservation rebate program to install WaterSense-labeled devices.

How did Cal Water (CWT) promote water efficiency to students in 2023?

Cal Water (CWT) distributed conservation kits to sixth-grade students, which included WaterSense-labeled showerheads and faucet aerators for their families to use.

California Water Service


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Utilities - Regulated Water
Water Supply
United States of America