Cushman & Wakefield Adds Premier Team Led by Keith Manson to Lead Northern California Multifamily Capital Markets Practice
Cushman & Wakefield has strengthened its Northern California presence by hiring a premier multifamily brokerage team led by Keith Manson as Vice Chair, along with Zachary Greenwood (Managing Director) and Mac Watson (Senior Director). The trio, joining from CBRE where they were top producers, will lead C&W's Northern California Multifamily Capital Markets practice from San Francisco and East Bay offices.
The team brings over 20 years of experience in the San Francisco Bay Area, specializing in multifamily and mixed-use asset sales, apartment development land, and condominium conversions. Manson, a multiple Costar Power Broker recipient, was consistently ranked among CBRE's top ten brokers in East Bay offices.
This strategic hire reinforces C&W's commitment to its multifamily platform, aiming to better serve investor clients across Northern California and the US. The team emphasizes the region's strong potential for multifamily investors, citing robust millennial labor pools and high housing costs driving rental demand amid development supply.
Cushman & Wakefield ha rafforzato la sua presenza nel Nord della California assumendo un team di brokeraggio multifamiliare di prim'ordine guidato da Keith Manson come Vice Presidente, insieme a Zachary Greenwood (Direttore Generale) e Mac Watson (Direttore Senior). Il trio, in arrivo da CBRE dove erano tra i migliori produttori, guiderà la pratica dei mercati di capitale multifamiliare di C&W dagli uffici di San Francisco e East Bay.
Il team porta con sé oltre 20 anni di esperienza nella Bay Area di San Francisco, specializzandosi nella vendita di beni multifamiliari e a uso misto, nello sviluppo di terreni per appartamenti e nelle conversioni in condomini. Manson, pluripremiato come Costar Power Broker, è stato costantemente classificato tra i primi dieci broker di CBRE negli uffici di East Bay.
Questa assunzione strategica rafforza l'impegno di C&W verso la sua piattaforma multifamiliare, mirando a servire meglio i clienti investitori in tutto il Nord della California e negli Stati Uniti. Il team sottolinea il forte potenziale della regione per gli investitori multifamiliari, citando l'robusta forza lavoro dei millennial e i costi elevati degli alloggi che alimentano la domanda di affitto in mezzo all'offerta di sviluppo.
Cushman & Wakefield ha fortalecido su presencia en el norte de California al contratar a un equipo de corretaje multifamiliar de primer nivel, liderado por Keith Manson como Vicepresidente, junto a Zachary Greenwood (Director General) y Mac Watson (Director Senior). El trío, que se une desde CBRE donde fueron los principales productores, liderará la práctica de mercados de capital multifamiliar de C&W desde las oficinas de San Francisco y East Bay.
El equipo aporta más de 20 años de experiencia en el área de la bahía de San Francisco, especializándose en la venta de activos multifamiliares y de uso mixto, en el desarrollo de terrenos para apartamentos y en conversiones de condominios. Manson, que ha recibido múltiples premios Costar Power Broker, se clasificó constantemente entre los diez mejores corredores de CBRE en las oficinas de East Bay.
Esta contratación estratégica refuerza el compromiso de C&W con su plataforma multifamiliar, con el objetivo de atender mejor a los clientes inversores en el norte de California y en los EE. UU. El equipo enfatiza el gran potencial de la región para los inversores multifamiliares, citando la fuerte mano de obra millennial y los altos costos de vivienda que impulsan la demanda de alquiler en medio del suministro de desarrollo.
Cushman & Wakefield는 Keith Manson을 부회장으로, Zachary Greenwood를 전무이사로, Mac Watson을 선임 이사로 이끄는 프리미엄 다가구 중개 팀을 영입하여 북부 캘리포니아에서의 입지를 강화했습니다. 이 팀은 CBRE에서 최고 생산자로 활동하다가 합류하며, 샌프란시스코와 이스트베이 사무소에서 C&W의 북부 캘리포니아 다가구 자본 시장 실무를 이끌게 됩니다.
이 팀은 샌프란시스코 만 지역에서 20년 이상의 경험을 보유하고 있으며, 다가구 및 복합 용도 자산 판매, 아파트 개발 토지 및 콘도미니엄 전환에 전문화되어 있습니다. 다수의 Costar Power Broker 수상자인 Manson은 이스트베이 사무소에서 CBRE의 상위 10명 중 한 명으로 꾸준히 평가되었습니다.
이번 전략적 영입은 C&W의 다가구 플랫폼에 대한 헌신을 강화하며, 북부 캘리포니아와 미국 전역의 투자자 고객에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 팀은 개발 공급 속에서 임대 수요를 촉진하는 강력한 젊은 노동력과 높은 주거 비용을 언급하며 이 지역에 대한 다가구 투자자의 강력한 잠재력을 강조합니다.
Cushman & Wakefield a renforcé sa présence en Californie du Nord en recrutant une équipe de courtage multifamiliale de premier plan, dirigée par Keith Manson en tant que Vice-Président, ainsi que Zachary Greenwood (Directeur Général) et Mac Watson (Directeur Senior). Le trio, rejoignant CBRE où ils étaient des producteurs de premier ordre, dirigera la pratique des marchés de capitaux multifamiliaires de C&W depuis les bureaux de San Francisco et de East Bay.
Cette équipe apporte plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans la région de la baie de San Francisco, se spécialisant dans la vente d'actifs multifamiliaux et à usage mixte, le développement de terrains pour appartements et les conversions de condominiums. Manson, récipiendaire de plusieurs prix Costar Power Broker, a été classé parmi les dix meilleurs courtiers de CBRE dans les bureaux de East Bay.
Cette embauche stratégique renforce l'engagement de C&W envers sa plateforme multifamiliale, visant à mieux servir ses clients investisseurs à travers le nord de la Californie et les États-Unis. L'équipe souligne le fort potentiel de la région pour les investisseurs multifamiliaux, évoquant des bassins de main-d'œuvre millénaire robustes et des coûts de logement élevés alimentant la demande de location au milieu de l'offre de développement.
Cushman & Wakefield hat seine Präsenz im nördlichen Kalifornien gestärkt, indem ein erstklassiges Team für Mehrfamilienhäuser unter der Leitung von Keith Manson als stellvertretender Vorsitzender sowie Zachary Greenwood (Geschäftsführer) und Mac Watson (Senior Director) eingestellt wurde. Das Trio, das von CBRE kommt, wo es zu den besten Erzeugern gehörte, wird die Praxis für Mehrfamilienhaus-Kapitalmärkte von C&W aus den Büros in San Francisco und East Bay leiten.
Das Team bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im San Francisco Bay Area mit, spezialisiert auf den Verkauf von Mehrfamilienhäusern und gemischt genutzten Immobilien, der Entwicklung von Grundstücken für Wohnungen sowie der Umwandlung von Eigentumswohnungen. Manson, ein mehrfacher Costar Power Broker-Empfänger, wurde konstant unter den besten zehn Maklern von CBRE in den Büros von East Bay eingestuft.
Diese strategische Einstellung stärkt das Engagement von C&W für seine Mehrfamilienhaus-Plattform und zielt darauf ab, Investorenkunden in Nordkalifornien und den USA besser zu bedienen. Das Team hebt das starke Potenzial der Region für Investoren in Mehrfamilienhäusern hervor und verweist auf robuste millennial Arbeitskräfte und hohe Wohnkosten, die die Mietnachfrage bei gleichzeitigem Angebot fördern.
- Strategic acquisition of a top-producing multifamily brokerage team strengthens market position
- Expansion of specialized expertise in the lucrative Northern California market
- Enhanced capability to serve multifamily investor clients across the region
- None.
Powerhouse team of top producers includes Zachary Greenwood and Mac Watson
Manson, Greenwood, and Watson will be based in Cushman & Wakefield’s
The three-member team all join Cushman & Wakefield from CBRE where they were a top-producing multifamily team for many years. They have arranged numerous transactions in the
Blake Okland, Cushman & Wakefield’s President of Multifamily Capital Markets, said, “With Keith’s leadership, this is an accomplished team that is widely respected for their vast market knowledge, experience, and successful sales execution of multifamily properties. They will make an immense impact to Cushman & Wakefield’s multifamily platform, a vital sector in the real estate industry and for our communities. This outstanding team also reaffirms C&W’s priority in hiring the best talent of services providers having acute client-first focus.”
Manson has been in the investment real estate brokerage business for over 20 years in the
“On behalf of our team, we are looking forward to leading Cushman & Wakefield’s multifamily practice in
“Anchored by some of the world’s most desired cities and neighborhoods to live, work and play, the
About Cushman & Wakefield
Cushman & Wakefield (NYSE: CWK) is a leading global commercial real estate services firm for property owners and occupiers with approximately 52,000 employees in nearly 400 offices and 60 countries. In 2023, the firm reported revenue of
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Joshua Deale
Communications Manager, West Region
Source: Cushman & Wakefield
What strategic hires did Cushman & Wakefield (CWK) make in Northern California?
What is the experience level of the new CWK multifamily team in Northern California?
What specific markets will CWK's new multifamily team cover?