Clearwater Analytics Study Reveals Client Engagement as Dominant Driver of Investment Flows

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Clearwater Analytics (NYSE: CWAN) has released its 2024 State of Investment Data Management study, revealing important insights for the investment industry. The study, based on responses from 130 investment professionals, highlights that 60% of firms focus on organic investment performance for AUM growth. Notably, 48% of institutional investors identify client engagement as the primary driver of investment flows.

The research also exposes inefficiencies in data management, with 44% of firms still relying on manual tools like Excel for client reporting, and 21.3% spending 60-80% of their time on client inquiries. However, 41.2% of firms use outsourced third-party tools, indicating a shift towards specialized solutions. The study emphasizes the need for investment in technology to enhance client engagement and operational efficiency.

Clearwater Analytics (NYSE: CWAN) ha pubblicato il suo studio 2024 sullo stato della gestione dei dati sugli investimenti, rivelando importanti spunti per il settore degli investimenti. Lo studio, basato sulle risposte di 130 professionisti del settore, evidenzia che il 60% delle aziende si concentra sulle performance di investimento organiche per la crescita dell'AUM. È interessante notare che il 48% degli investitori istituzionali identifica il coinvolgimento dei clienti come il principale motore dei flussi d'investimento.

La ricerca mette in luce anche le inefficienze nella gestione dei dati, con il 44% delle aziende che continua a fare affidamento su strumenti manuali come Excel per la reportistica ai clienti, e il 21,3% che trascorre il 60-80% del proprio tempo in risposte alle richieste dei clienti. Tuttavia, il 41,2% delle aziende utilizza strumenti esternalizzati di terze parti, indicando un cambiamento verso soluzioni specializzate. Lo studio sottolinea la necessità di investire in tecnologia per migliorare il coinvolgimento dei clienti e l'efficienza operativa.

Clearwater Analytics (NYSE: CWAN) ha publicado su estudio 2024 sobre el estado de la gestión de datos de inversión, revelando importantes conocimientos para la industria de inversión. El estudio, basado en las respuestas de 130 profesionales de la inversión, destaca que el 60% de las empresas se centra en el rendimiento de la inversión orgánica para el crecimiento de AUM. Notablemente, el 48% de los inversores institucionales identifican el compromiso del cliente como el principal motor de los flujos de inversión.

La investigación también expone ineficiencias en la gestión de datos, con el 44% de las empresas que todavía confía en herramientas manuales como Excel para la elaboración de informes a los clientes, y el 21,3% dedica el 60-80% de su tiempo a las consultas de los clientes. Sin embargo, el 41,2% de las empresas utiliza herramientas externas de terceros, lo que indica un cambio hacia soluciones especializadas. El estudio enfatiza la necesidad de invertir en tecnología para mejorar el compromiso del cliente y la eficiencia operativa.

클리어워터 애널리틱스 (NYSE: CWAN)가 2024 투자 데이터 관리 현황 보고서를 발표하며 투자 산업에 대한 중요한 인사이트를 공개했습니다. 130명의 투자 전문가들의 응답을 바탕으로 한 이 연구는 60%의 기업이 자산 운용(AUM) 성장에 대한 유기적 투자 성과에 중점을 둔다고 강조하고 있습니다. 특히, 48%의 기관 투자자들은 고객 참여를 투자 흐름의 주요 동인으로 간주하고 있습니다.

이 연구는 또한 데이터 관리에서의 비효율성을 드러내며 44%의 기업이 여전히 엑셀과 같은 수동 도구에 의존해 고객 보고서를 작성하고 있으며, 21.3%는 고객 문의에 60-80%의 시간을 소비하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 그러나, 41.2%의 기업은 아웃소싱된 서드파티 도구를 사용하고 있어 전문화된 솔루션으로의 전환을 나타냅니다. 이 연구는 고객 참여와 운영 효율성을 향상시키기 위한 기술 투자 필요성을 강조하고 있습니다.

Clearwater Analytics (NYSE: CWAN) a publié son étude 2024 sur l'état de la gestion des données d'investissement, révélant des insights importants pour l'industrie de l'investissement. L'étude, basée sur les réponses de 130 professionnels de l'investissement, souligne que 60% des entreprises se concentrent sur la performance d'investissement organique pour la croissance de l'AUM. Notamment, 48% des investisseurs institutionnels identifient l'engagement client comme le principal moteur des flux d'investissement.

La recherche met également en lumière des inefficacités dans la gestion des données, avec 44% des entreprises qui dépendent encore d'outils manuels comme Excel pour la reporting client, et 21,3% passant 60-80% de leur temps à répondre aux demandes des clients. Cependant, 41,2% des entreprises utilisent des outils externes, indiquant un changement vers des solutions spécialisées. L'étude souligne la nécessité d'investir dans la technologie pour améliorer l'engagement client et l'efficacité opérationnelle.

Clearwater Analytics (NYSE: CWAN) hat seine Studie 2024 zum Stand des Investitionsdatenmanagements veröffentlicht, die wichtige Erkenntnisse für die Investmentbranche offenbart. Die Studie basiert auf den Antworten von 130 Investmentprofis und hebt hervor, dass 60% der Unternehmen sich auf die organische Investmentperformance für das Wachstum des AUM konzentrieren. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass 48% der institutionellen Investoren die Kundenbindung als den Haupttreiber der Investmentströme identifizieren.

Die Forschung zeigt auch Ineffizienzen im Datenmanagement auf, da 44% der Unternehmen weiterhin auf manuelle Tools wie Excel für die Kundenberichterstattung angewiesen sind, und 21,3% der Unternehmen 60-80% ihrer Zeit mit Kundenanfragen verbringen. Dennoch nutzen 41,2% der Firmen ausgelagerte Drittanbieter-Tools, was auf einen Wandel hin zu spezialisierten Lösungen hinweist. Die Studie betont die Notwendigkeit von Investitionen in Technologien zur Verbesserung der Kundenbindung und der betrieblichen Effizienz.

  • 60% of firms focus on organic investment performance for AUM growth
  • 48% of institutional investors identify client engagement as the primary driver of investment flows
  • 41.2% of firms use outsourced third-party tools for data management
  • Clearwater Analytics manages over $7.3 trillion in assets on its platform
  • 44% of firms still rely on manual tools like Excel for client reporting
  • 21.3% of firms spend 60-80% of their time responding to client inquiries

This study offers valuable insights into investment industry trends, but lacks immediate financial impact on Clearwater Analytics. The focus on client engagement as a key driver of investment flows (48% of respondents) highlights a potential market opportunity for Clearwater's SaaS solutions. However, the high reliance on manual tools (44% using Excel) suggests a slow adoption rate of advanced technologies, which could impact Clearwater's growth prospects. The emphasis on organic investment performance (60% of respondents) for AUM growth indicates a challenging market environment where Clearwater's data management solutions could prove valuable. While these insights are interesting, they don't directly translate to financial outcomes for Clearwater in the short term.

The study reveals important market trends that could shape Clearwater Analytics' strategy. The identification of client engagement as the primary driver of investment flows presents a significant opportunity for Clearwater to position its SaaS solutions as enablers of enhanced client relationships. The finding that 21.3% of firms spend 60-80% of their time responding to client inquiries underscores the need for efficient data management systems. However, the slow adoption of advanced technologies (44% still using Excel) suggests a market education challenge. Clearwater must focus on demonstrating the ROI of its solutions to overcome this hurdle. The reliance on outsourced third-party tools (41.2%) indicates a growing acceptance of specialized solutions, which could benefit Clearwater in the long run.

New Research Uncovers the High Costs of 'Business as Usual,' Underscoring the Need to Modernize Data Management

BOISE, Idaho, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Clearwater Analytics (NYSE: CWAN), a leading worldwide provider of SaaS-based investment management, accounting, reporting, and analytics solutions, today released its comprehensive 2024 State of Investment Data Management study. The study reveals valuable insights into the current and future trends of investment data management. The survey, with contributions from 130 investment professionals including asset managers, wealth managers, hedge funds, and OCIOs, represents a broad spectrum of AUM ranges and reflects the diverse strategies and challenges confronting investment professionals in today's complex market.

"In the face of our latest findings, it's a pivotal moment for investment industry leaders to take decisive action and shift toward smarter systems," said Scott Erickson, Chief Revenue Officer at Clearwater Analytics. "We're at a digital crossroads where clinging to legacy systems like Excel isn't just inefficient, it's a sign of commercial inertia. Firms spending up to 80% of their time on data collection are misallocating their most valuable resource – time. This study is a clear call to action: Accelerate the adoption of automation and data management technologies to free up valuable time for strategic initiatives that can significantly enhance client satisfaction and loyalty."

Download the 2024 State of Investment Data Management study today. Key findings in this study include:

Organic Investment Performance Reigns Supreme in Driving AUM Growth

The study reveals that 60% of respondents are primarily focused on organic investment performance to drive AUM growth. This finding underscores the age-old belief that competitive returns are fundamental to asset growth and that firms must not only maintain, but also evolve their investment strategies to maintain an edge in a crowded marketplace.

Client Engagement Emerges as the Dominant Driver of Investment Flows

According to the study, client engagement is identified by 48% of institutional investors as the most significant factor driving investment flows. Successful firms understand that an investment in technology systems that deepen client engagement is crucial for AUM growth. This focus ensures that each interaction enriches the client experience and solidifies trust and loyalty.

Time Drain vs. Tech Gain: The Critical Decision for Investment Firms

The study finds that 44% of firms continue to rely on manual tools, such as Excel, to aggregate and manage investment data for client reporting, while 21.3% of firms are spending between 60-80% of their time responding to client inquiries. Yet, the study also reveals a notable reliance on outsourced third-party tools (41.2%), illustrating the industry's trust in specialized solutions and expertise. Firms lagging behind in this transition should consider the benefits of accuracy and efficiency that investment management technology offers, a potential area for immediate improvement and crucial step towards market leadership.

"This study shows that firms cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with clients are well positioned for the growth and retention of assets. To optimize this dynamic, business leaders should invest in technology systems that support deeper client engagement, ensuring every interaction adds value and strengthens trust," said Sunil Dixit, Chief Product Officer at Clearwater Analytics. "At the core of this study is an industry that's on a steady march towards a data-driven, tech-savvy future. Those who have the foresight to invest in cutting-edge technology and outsourced expertise stand to reap substantial rewards."

To learn more about Clearwater Analytics, speak to an expert today.

About Clearwater Analytics

Clearwater Analytics (NYSE: CWAN), a global, industry-leading SaaS solution, automates the entire investment lifecycle. With a single instance, multi-tenant architecture, Clearwater offers award-winning investment portfolio planning, performance reporting, data aggregation, reconciliation, accounting, compliance, risk, and order management. Each day, leading insurers, asset managers, corporations, and governments use Clearwater's trusted data to drive efficient, scalable investing on more than $7.3 trillion in assets spanning traditional and alternative asset types. Additional information about Clearwater can be found at

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What is the main focus for AUM growth according to Clearwater Analytics' 2024 study?

According to the study, 60% of respondents primarily focus on organic investment performance to drive AUM (Assets Under Management) growth.

What is the most significant factor driving investment flows for CWAN clients?

The study reveals that 48% of institutional investors identify client engagement as the most significant factor driving investment flows.

How many firms still use manual tools for investment data management according to the CWAN study?

The study finds that 44% of firms continue to rely on manual tools, such as Excel, to aggregate and manage investment data for client reporting.

What percentage of firms spend a significant amount of time on client inquiries according to Clearwater Analytics?

The study shows that 21.3% of firms are spending between 60-80% of their time responding to client inquiries.

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