New CVS Health® report explores ongoing transformation of community pharmacy

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CVS Health has released The Rx Report, exploring the transformation of community pharmacy and opportunities to meet consumer expectations, support the workforce, and advance the pharmacy model. Key findings from a CVS Health/Morning Consult survey reveal:

- 76% of consumers have at least one active prescription
- 81% trust their local pharmacist
- 83% value their pharmacist's recommendations
- 70% prefer in-person interactions over digital-only experiences

The report highlights challenges in the industry, including the need for a new reimbursement model. CVS Pharmacy is introducing CVS CostVantage, a transparent formula based on drug cost plus a dispensing fee. The report also emphasizes the importance of supporting pharmacy teams and inspiring the next generation of pharmacists, as enrollment in pharmacy schools has declined by 29% in the last five years.

CVS Health ha pubblicato Il Rapporto Rx, che esplora la trasformazione della farmacia comunitaria e le opportunità per soddisfare le aspettative dei consumatori, supportare la forza lavoro e migliorare il modello della farmacia. I principali risultati di un sondaggio condotto da CVS Health/Morning Consult rivelano:

- Il 76% dei consumatori ha almeno una prescrizione attiva
- L'81% si fida del proprio farmacista locale
- L'83% apprezza le raccomandazioni del farmacista
- Il 70% preferisce interazioni di persona piuttosto che esperienze unicamente digitali

Il rapporto evidenzia le sfide del settore, incluso il bisogno di un nuovo modello di rimborso. CVS Pharmacy sta introducendo CVS CostVantage, una formula trasparente basata sul costo del farmaco più una commissione di dispensazione. Il rapporto sottolinea anche l'importanza di supportare i team di farmacisti e ispirare la prossima generazione di farmacisti, dato che le iscrizioni alle scuole di farmacia sono diminuite del 29% negli ultimi cinque anni.

CVS Health ha lanzado El Informe Rx, que explora la transformación de la farmacia comunitaria y las oportunidades para satisfacer las expectativas de los consumidores, apoyar a la fuerza laboral y avanzar en el modelo farmacéutico. Los hallazgos clave de una encuesta de CVS Health/Morning Consult revelan:

- El 76% de los consumidores tiene al menos una receta activa
- El 81% confía en su farmacéutico local
- El 83% valora las recomendaciones de su farmacéutico
- El 70% prefiere interacciones en persona sobre experiencias únicamente digitales

El informe destaca los desafíos en la industria, incluido la necesidad de un nuevo modelo de reembolso. CVS Pharmacy está introduciendo CVS CostVantage, una fórmula transparente basada en el costo del medicamento más una tarifa de dispensación. El informe también enfatiza la importancia de apoyar a los equipos farmacéuticos e inspirar a la próxima generación de farmacéuticos, ya que la matrícula en las escuelas de farmacia ha disminuido un 29% en los últimos cinco años.

CVS Health가 Rx 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 지역 약국의 변화와 소비자의 기대를 충족하고 인력을 지원하며 약국 모델을 발전시킬 수 있는 기회를 탐구합니다. CVS Health와 Morning Consult의 설문 조사 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 소비자의 76%가 최소한 하나의 활성 처방전을 가지고 있습니다.
- 81%가 지역 약사에 대해 신뢰하고 있습니다.
- 83%가 약사의 추천을 중요하게 생각합니다.
- 70%는 디지털 전용 경험보다 대면 상호작용을 선호합니다.

보고서는 산업의 도전 과제를 강조하며, 새로운 보상 모델이 필요하다는 점을 지적합니다. CVS Pharmacy는 약물 비용에 조제 수수료를 추가한 투명한 공식인 CVS CostVantage를 도입하고 있습니다. 이 보고서는 약국 팀을 지원하고 다음 세대의 약사에게 영감을 주는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조하며, 지난 5년 동안 약대 등록이 29% 감소한 것으로 나타났습니다.

CVS Health a publié Le Rapport Rx, qui explore la transformation de la pharmacie communautaire et les opportunités de répondre aux attentes des consommateurs, de soutenir la main-d'œuvre et d'avancer dans le modèle pharmaceutique. Les principales conclusions d'une enquête menée par CVS Health/Morning Consult révèlent :

- 76% des consommateurs ont au moins une prescription active
- 81% font confiance à leur pharmacien local
- 83% apprécient les recommandations de leur pharmacien
- 70% préfèrent les interactions en personne par rapport aux expériences uniquement numériques

Le rapport met en lumière les défis de l'industrie, notamment le besoin d'un nouveau modèle de remboursement. CVS Pharmacy introduit CVS CostVantage, une formule transparente basée sur le coût des médicaments plus des frais de distribution. Le rapport souligne également l'importance de soutenir les équipes de pharmacie et d'inspirer la prochaine génération de pharmaciens, car l'inscription dans les écoles de pharmacie a diminué de 29 % au cours des cinq dernières années.

CVS Health hat Den Rx-Bericht veröffentlicht, der die Transformation der Gemeindapotheke und die Möglichkeiten zur Erfüllung der Verbrauchererwartungen, zur Unterstützung der Belegschaft und zur Weiterentwicklung des Apothekenmodells untersucht. Wichtige Ergebnisse einer Umfrage von CVS Health/Morning Consult zeigen:

- 76% der Verbraucher haben mindestens ein aktives Rezept
- 81% vertrauen ihrem örtlichen Apotheker
- 83% schätzen die Empfehlungen ihres Apothekers
- 70% bevorzugen persönliche Interaktionen gegenüber ausschließlich digitalen Erfahrungen

Der Bericht hebt die Herausforderungen in der Branche hervor, einschließlich des Bedarfs an einem neuen Vergütungsmodell. CVS Pharmacy führt CVS CostVantage ein, eine transparente Formel, die auf den Medikamentenkosten zuzüglich einer Abgabengebühr basiert. Der Bericht betont auch die Bedeutung der Unterstützung von Apothekenteams und der Inspiration der nächsten Generation von Apothekern, da die Einschreibungen in die Apothekenschulen in den letzten fünf Jahren um 29% zurückgegangen sind.

  • High consumer demand for pharmacy care, with 76% having at least one active prescription
  • Strong trust in local pharmacists (81%) and their recommendations (83%)
  • Introduction of CVS CostVantage, a new transparent reimbursement model
  • Investment in workplace improvements and new ways of working to support pharmacy teams
  • Commitment to transforming pharmacy and addressing industry challenges
  • Declining enrollment in pharmacy schools by more than 29% in the last five years
  • Challenges with the current decades-old pharmacy reimbursement model
  • Pressures and challenges experienced by pharmacy teams during the pandemic


This report from CVS Health highlights significant trends and consumer attitudes towards community pharmacies. Key findings include:

  • 76% of consumers have active prescriptions, indicating high demand for pharmacy services.
  • Strong trust in pharmacists, with 81% of consumers trusting their local pharmacist and 83% valuing their recommendations.
  • 70% prefer in-person interactions, suggesting resistance to fully digital pharmacy models.

The report also addresses industry challenges, including the need for a new reimbursement model and workforce support. CVS's introduction of the CostVantage model aims to create a more sustainable business model. However, declining pharmacy school enrollment (29% drop in 5 years) poses a long-term challenge for the industry.

While these findings underscore CVS's strong position in the market, they also highlight the need for ongoing investment in workforce development and adaptation to changing consumer expectations. The emphasis on trust and accessibility could be leveraged for competitive advantage, but also requires continued focus on service quality and community engagement.

CVS Health/Morning Consult survey reveals most pharmacy teams and consumers say more care and services can and should be provided in community pharmacy

Demand for pharmacy care is high, with 76% of consumers having at least one prescription for themselves or a person they care for

Most consumers (81%) say they trust their local pharmacist and 83% say their pharmacist's recommendations are important to them

WOONSOCKET, R.I., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CVS Health® (NYSE: CVS) today released the Rx Report: Transforming Community Pharmacy to Make Healthier Happen Together, which explores the ongoing evolution of community pharmacy as well as opportunities for the industry to keep pace with consumer expectations, better support the workforce and advance the pharmacy model to create a more viable, sustainable future for the industry.

"It's time for change in community pharmacy, and CVS Pharmacy is starting from a place of strength because of the impact we have on local communities across the country," said Prem Shah, Executive Vice President, Chief Pharmacy Officer, and President of Pharmacy and Consumer Wellness, CVS Health. "Consumer demand for pharmacy care is high, and our research shows that Americans deeply trust and rely on their pharmacy teams for important care and credible information. Our people and trust are the heart of everything we do, and why as we look toward the future, we're focused on ensuring a viable, sustainable pharmacy model that helps ensure we can be there for Americans, when and where they need us."

The Rx Report findings underscore the importance of a community pharmacy that prioritizes one-on-one interactions, ensures local access to important care and uses technology to create efficiencies and allow more time for meaningful moments that matter to consumers.

Key findings from The Rx Report CVS Health survey* include:

  • 76% of consumers have had at least one active prescription for themselves or those they care for and 79% have visited a pharmacy in the past year.
  • Most consumers (80%) believe their pharmacist is one of the most credible sources of health information, and the majority (83%) believe that their pharmacist's recommendations are important to them.
  • Trust in local pharmacists remains high (81%) among consumers, and 88% also believe pharmacists are the most accessible and frequently visited health care providers.
  • Consumers don't want a digital-only experience – 70% of those surveyed prefer in-person interactions, and nearly half (48%) said they would likely switch their pharmacy if they knew they were only ever able to interact with their pharmacist digitally.

Pharmacy models must change

The Rx Report explores challenges the community pharmacy industry is facing, including impact of the decades-old pharmacy reimbursement model, which typically follows a market-basket approach, based on discounts from multiple industry benchmarks that may not be closely connected to how much it costs to purchase a drug. It's why CVS Pharmacy® is bringing much-needed simplicity to the model with a new approach called CVS CostVantage, which is based on a transparent formula built on the underlying cost of the drug, plus a dispensing fee tied to the care and value CVS Pharmacy provides. Altogether, the model aims to help ensure a viable and sustainable business over the long-term.

Community pharmacy can better support pharmacy teams

The Rx Report emphasizes the importance of making community pharmacy a better place to work and empowering pharmacy teams to focus more on their purpose of providing care in their community. While the majority (69%) of those who work in community, mail or online pharmacy are satisfied with their jobs, the pressures and challenges experienced by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians during the pandemic exacerbated long-standing issues in pharmacy. It's why many community pharmacies, including CVS Pharmacy, are investing in the workplace and workforce and introducing new ways of working that support pharmacy teams and enable high quality care consumers want.

Inspiring the next generation of pharmacy teams

Although demand for community pharmacies is high and their positive impact on Americans as accessible and frequently visited health care providers is significant, enrollment in pharmacy school has been down by more than 29% in the last five years. To address declining pharmacy school enrollment, community pharmacies must invest in the future workforce through innovative programs and key professional development opportunities. This includes leading tuition reimbursement and scholarship programs offered by CVS Pharmacy.

The Rx Report finds that community pharmacies are integral to public health and a critical part of local access to health care nationwide. But as the marketplace rapidly evolves, the industry must keep pace and adapt. CVS Health is committed to continuing to transform pharmacy, addressing industry challenges and elevating the important role of pharmacy teams.

Download and read the full report at

*Morning Consult Survey Methodology
This survey was conducted online by Morning Consult between July 1 – July 26, 2024, among a sample of 1,000 pharmacists, 53 pharmacy technicians, and 2,201 general consumers in the United States. The data from the pharmacist and pharmacy technicians were left unweighted, while the data from general consumers were weighted to approximate a target sample of U.S. adults based on age, gender, race/ethnicity, region, and educational attainment.

About CVS Health
CVS Health® is the leading health solutions company, delivering care like no one else can. We reach more people and improve the health of communities across America through our local presence, digital channels and over 300,000 dedicated colleagues – including more than 40,000 physicians, pharmacists, nurses and nurse practitioners. Wherever and whenever people need us, we help them with their health – whether that's managing chronic diseases, staying compliant with their medications or accessing affordable health and wellness services in the most convenient ways. We help people navigate the health care system – and their personal health care – by improving access, lowering costs and being a trusted partner for every meaningful moment of health. And we do it all with heart, each and every day. Follow @CVSHealth on social media. 

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Amy Thibault

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What are the key findings of CVS Health's Rx Report on community pharmacy transformation?

The Rx Report reveals that 76% of consumers have active prescriptions, 81% trust their local pharmacist, 83% value pharmacist recommendations, and 70% prefer in-person interactions over digital-only experiences in pharmacies.

How is CVS Health (CVS) addressing pharmacy reimbursement challenges?

CVS Health is introducing CVS CostVantage, a new transparent reimbursement model based on the underlying cost of the drug plus a dispensing fee tied to the care and value provided by CVS Pharmacy.

What issue is the pharmacy industry facing regarding future workforce?

The pharmacy industry is facing a 29% decline in pharmacy school enrollment over the last five years, which CVS Health aims to address through innovative programs and professional development opportunities.

How do consumers perceive pharmacists according to the CVS Health survey?

According to the survey, 80% of consumers believe pharmacists are among the most credible sources of health information, and 88% view them as the most accessible and frequently visited healthcare providers.



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