CVS Health Foundation helps address barriers to care for patients with chronic diseases in Atlanta

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CVS Health Foundation announced $1.5 million in new Health Zones funding to support healthcare access in Atlanta, partnering with Good Samaritan Health Center, Open Hand Atlanta, and Uber Health. The initiative focuses on addressing diabetes and hypertension through comprehensive clinical services, transportation, and medically tailored meals.

Initial six-month results show significant improvements: 53% of diabetic participants showed improved A1c levels, 56% of hypertensive participants demonstrated better blood pressure control, and medication adherence improved with only 13.3% of participants skipping medication compared to 36.4% previously. The program has helped 1,277 patients with chronic disease support and provided 40 participants with access to nutrition education and meal services.

CVS Health Foundation ha annunciato un nuovo finanziamento di 1,5 milioni di dollari per le Health Zones, al fine di supportare l'accesso all'assistenza sanitaria ad Atlanta, in collaborazione con il Good Samaritan Health Center, Open Hand Atlanta e Uber Health. L'iniziativa si concentra sul trattamento del diabete e dell'ipertensione attraverso servizi clinici completi, trasporti e pasti adattati medicalmente.

I risultati iniziali dopo sei mesi mostrano miglioramenti significativi: il 53% dei partecipanti diabetici ha mostrato miglioramenti nei livelli di A1c, il 56% dei partecipanti ipertesi ha dimostrato un migliore controllo della pressione sanguigna e l'aderenza ai farmaci è migliorata, con solo il 13,3% dei partecipanti che ha saltato i farmaci rispetto al 36,4% precedente. Il programma ha assistito 1.277 pazienti con malattie croniche e ha fornito a 40 partecipanti l'accesso a educazione nutrizionale e servizi di pasti.

CVS Health Foundation anunció una nueva financiación de 1,5 millones de dólares para las zonas de salud, con el objetivo de apoyar el acceso a la atención médica en Atlanta, en colaboración con Good Samaritan Health Center, Open Hand Atlanta y Uber Health. La iniciativa se centra en abordar la diabetes y la hipertensión a través de servicios clínicos integrales, transporte y comidas adaptadas médicamente.

Los resultados iniciales después de seis meses muestran mejoras significativas: el 53% de los participantes diabéticos mostró niveles de A1c mejorados, el 56% de los participantes hipertensos demostró un mejor control de la presión arterial y la adherencia a la medicación mejoró, con solo el 13,3% de los participantes omitiendo medicamentos en comparación con el 36,4% anterior. El programa ha ayudado a 1.277 pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y ha proporcionado a 40 participantes acceso a educación nutricional y servicios de comidas.

CVS Health Foundation는 아틀란타에서 Good Samaritan Health Center, Open Hand Atlanta 및 Uber Health와 협력하여 의료 접근을 지원하기 위해 150만 달러의 새로운 Health Zones 자금을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 포괄적인 임상 서비스, 교통 수단 및 의료 맞춤형 식사를 통해 당뇨병과 고혈압 문제를 해결하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

초기 6개월 결과는 상당한 개선을 보여줍니다: 당뇨병 환자의 53%가 A1c 수치가 개선되었고, 고혈압 환자의 56%는 혈압 조절이 개선되었으며, 약물 복용 준수가 개선되어 약물 복용을 건너뛴 참가자가 13.3%에 불과했습니다. 이전에는 36.4%였습니다. 이 프로그램은 만성 질환을 가진 1,277명의 환자를 지원하였으며, 40명의 참가자에게 영양 교육 및 식사 서비스에 대한 접근을 제공했습니다.

CVS Health Foundation a annoncé un nouveau financement de 1,5 million de dollars pour les Health Zones afin de soutenir l'accès aux soins de santé à Atlanta, en partenariat avec le Good Samaritan Health Center, Open Hand Atlanta et Uber Health. L'initiative se concentre sur le traitement du diabète et de l'hypertension à travers des services cliniques complets, le transport et des repas adaptés médicalement.

Les résultats initiaux après six mois montrent des améliorations significatives : 53 % des participants diabétiques ont montré des niveaux d'A1c améliorés, 56 % des participants hypertendus ont démontré un meilleur contrôle de leur pression artérielle, et l'adhésion aux médicaments s'est améliorée, avec seulement 13,3 % des participants omettant leurs médicaments contre 36,4 % précédemment. Le programme a aidé 1 277 patients atteints de maladies chroniques et a fourni à 40 participants un accès à l'éducation nutritionnelle et aux services de repas.

CVS Health Foundation hat eine neue Finanzierung in Höhe von 1,5 Millionen Dollar für die Health Zones angekündigt, um den Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung in Atlanta zu unterstützen. Dazu arbeitet sie mit dem Good Samaritan Health Center, Open Hand Atlanta und Uber Health zusammen. Die Initiative konzentriert sich darauf, Diabetes und Bluthochdruck durch umfassende klinische Dienstleistungen, Transport und medizinisch angepasste Mahlzeiten anzugehen.

Die ersten Ergebnisse nach sechs Monaten zeigen signifikante Verbesserungen: 53 % der diabetischen Teilnehmer zeigten verbesserte A1c-Werte, 56 % der hypertensiven Teilnehmer demonstrierten eine bessere Blutdruckkontrolle, und die Medikamenteneinnahmeverbesserte sich, da nur 13,3 % der Teilnehmer ihre Medikation ausließen, verglichen mit 36,4 % zuvor. Das Programm hat 1.277 Patienten mit chronischen Erkrankungen unterstützt und 40 Teilnehmern den Zugang zu Ernährungsbildung und Mahlzeitendiensten ermöglicht.

  • Significant improvement in patient outcomes: 53% of diabetic participants showed better A1c levels
  • 56% of hypertensive participants demonstrated improved blood pressure readings
  • Medication adherence improved substantially, with medication skipping reduced from 36.4% to 13.3%
  • Program reached 1,277 patients with chronic disease support
  • None.


The CVS Health Foundation's $1.5 million Health Zones funding represents a strategic investment in addressing chronic disease management in Atlanta, particularly targeting diabetes and hypertension. The initiative shows promising early results, with 53% of diabetic participants showing improved A1c levels and 56% of hypertensive participants demonstrating better blood pressure control.

The program's holistic approach combining healthcare access, transportation and nutrition education addresses key social determinants of health. With diabetes costing Georgia an estimated $11 billion annually, this initiative could lead to significant healthcare cost savings while improving community health outcomes. The partnership with Uber Health and Open Hand Atlanta creates a sustainable ecosystem for long-term patient care management.

Foundation announces $1.5 million in new Health Zones funding and progress through first six months of the program

WOONSOCKET, R.I., Oct. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The CVS Health® Foundation today announced $1.5 million in new Health Zones funding between Good Samaritan Health Center, Open Hand Atlanta and Uber Health to increase access to comprehensive health care services, medically tailored meals and transportation for patients with chronic diseases. This announcement was made during the company's Project Health event at Good Samaritan Health Center, underscoring CVS Health's commitment to community health and bridging critical gaps in the health care and social system.

"An individual's health is influenced by a continuous intersection of factors, such as access to health care, healthy food and transportation," said Sheryl Burke, Senior Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Chief Sustainability Officer at CVS Health®. "By gaining a better understanding of the root causes of these factors with organizations who know the community the best, we are addressing the barriers to improving health outcomes for patients with chronic diseases in Atlanta. Over the last six months, we have already seen the positive impact and look forward to continuing our collaborations."

Diagnosed diabetes costs an estimated $11 billion in Georgia each year, and despite the number of people with diabetes going down, deaths due to heart disease and diabetes in Georgia have steadily risen since 2012. With this in mind, the CVS Health Foundation tailored its Health Zones initiative to address the high levels of diabetes and hypertension in Atlanta. The Foundation's investment supports Good Samaritan Health Center in providing comprehensive clinical services, diabetic education and a nurse navigator to help patients take proactive steps toward a healthier future. The nurse navigator guides patients to use Uber Health for transportation and Open Hand Atlanta for medically tailored meals, educational resources and access to a cooking class called Cooking Matters. By encouraging this more connected, coordinated use of resources between each Health Zone organization, the CVS Health Foundation aims to help simplify a complex care navigation process.  

"We have seen how integrating human connection, supportive services and evidence-based care can greatly improve health outcomes," said Breanna Lathrop, CEO-elect and Nurse Practitioner at Good Samaritan Health Center. "With the support of the CVS Health Foundation and resulting collaborations, we are able to expand services for our patients with chronic disease. We are connecting patients with the supportive services and educational opportunities that best fit their needs as we seek to reduce the impact of health inequities."

The CVS Health Foundation is releasing impact numbers to highlight the Health Zone partners' recent successes over the last six months in Atlanta.

  • 1,277 patients were referred to chronic disease support
  • 40 participants were referred to medically tailored meals and Open Hand Atlanta's Cooking Matters classes by Good Samaritan Health Center
  • Of the 317 diabetic participants, 156 have had a second A1c, and 53% demonstrated an improvement (n=82)
  • Of the 710 hypertensive participants seen, 632 have had a second BP for analysis; 56% demonstrated an improvement in BP (n=328)
  • 13.3 percent of participants reported they skipped their medication in the last 30 days an improvement compared to 36.4% at the beginning of the program

The Health Zones initiative has transformed the lives of patients like Blanca who credits her A1C level going down to the Cooking Matter Classes. As Blanca shares, "One day, I had a lot of problems with my diabetes and I got really scared. They called me from the clinic about the classes, and I decided to attend to see what would happen. I started going with my husband. The first recipe we made I liked a lot; it was a ratatouille, with vibrant colors. After taking the cooking classes, I started cooking with more vegetables at home and my A1C level went down. After the program ended, I had to undergo a scheduled surgery, and the meals delivered to my house have been helping me eat healthy. I'm very grateful to Eliza for her patience in teaching and educating us about our daily nutrition. It was a great experience for me and my husband. Thank you to Good Sam Clinic for providing the classes, and thank you for these very educational lessons, from which I have benefited greatly."

In addition to announcing the new Health Zones funding, CVS Health has offered free health screenings to individuals at Good Samaritan Health Center today through its Project Health initiative. This proactive program is designed to offer free biometric screenings, including blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose level and body mass index to detect early risks of chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. The screenings also offer a PHQ-2 assessment to help identify people who require additional evaluation for depression. All individuals have an on-site consultation with a nurse practitioner and are provided a directory of local health care providers and resources. This year, CVS Health hosted 25 Project Health events in Atlanta and screened 675 participants, which resulted in 2,363 screenings. The program is offered throughout the year across the country, and a full schedule of events for the remainder of the year can be found online or through its iPhone or Android app.

Supporting Georgia is part of CVS Health's commitment to build a world of health around every community it calls home. The company recently committed over $1.25 million in monetary and product donations to support relief efforts in communities across the states most impacted by recent Hurricanes Helene and Milton, including Georgia. Contributions in Georgia included supporting Americares and World Central Kitchen, which began serving meals to the hardest hit areas the days after the storms passed. CVS Health also recently contributed $150,000 to support the Center for Black Women's Wellness Doula Program and $150,000 to the Gwinnett Coalition. The funding will strengthen Center for Black Women's coordination of health care services post-delivery, increase access to doula services and education. The grant to the Gwinnett Coalition will support its new initiative aimed at increasing the capacity for organizations to fulfill their missions. Additionally, CVS Health has invested in the creation, renovation and preservation of nearly 5,100 units of affordable housing across the state of Georgia, including over 1,400 units in Fulton County since 1997.

About CVS Health
CVS Health® is the leading health solutions company, delivering care like no one else can. We reach more people and improve the health of communities across America through our local presence, digital channels and over 300,000 dedicated colleagues — including more than 40,000 physicians, pharmacists, nurses and nurse practitioners. Wherever and whenever people need us, we help them with their health — whether that's managing chronic diseases, staying compliant with their medications or accessing affordable health and wellness services in the most convenient ways. We help people navigate the health care system — and their personal health care — by improving access, lowering costs and being a trusted partner for every meaningful moment of health. And we do it all with heart, each and every day. Follow @CVSHealth on social media.

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Courtney Tavener

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What is the value of CVS Health Foundation's new Health Zones funding in Atlanta?

The CVS Health Foundation announced $1.5 million in new Health Zones funding to support healthcare access initiatives in Atlanta.

How many patients have been helped by CVS Health's Health Zones program in Atlanta?

The program has helped 1,277 patients with chronic disease support in its first six months.

What percentage of diabetic participants showed improvement in CVS Health's Atlanta program?

53% of diabetic participants (82 out of 156) who had a second A1c test showed improvement.

How has medication adherence improved through CVS Health's Atlanta Health Zones program?

Medication adherence improved significantly, with participants skipping medication dropping from 36.4% to 13.3%.



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