CVS Health Foundation grants $4 million as part of its new healthy aging initiative

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CVS Health Foundation has announced a $4 million grant initiative over five years to support healthy aging programs across four U.S. cities. The funding will be distributed equally ($1 million each) to organizations in Atlanta, Chicago, New York City, and Boynton Beach, focusing on improving healthcare access and resources for aging community members with brain, heart, and behavioral conditions.

The initiative responds to demographic shifts, as Census Bureau projections indicate that by 2034, Americans over 64 will outnumber those under 18. The grants will support various programs including Atlanta's Community Resource Hub, Chicago's Center for Better Aging's coordinated care model, New York's Care Your Way telemedicine initiative, and Boynton Beach's caregiver support program.

Each recipient organization will focus on specific local needs, from providing medically tailored meals and educational services to establishing data systems for tracking health outcomes and expanding telemedicine infrastructure.

La CVS Health Foundation ha annunciato un'iniziativa di concessione di 4 milioni di dollari nell'arco di cinque anni per supportare programmi di invecchiamento sano in quattro città statunitensi. I fondi saranno distribuiti equamente (1 milione di dollari ciascuno) a organizzazioni di Atlanta, Chicago, New York City e Boynton Beach, focalizzandosi sul miglioramento dell'accesso alle cure sanitarie e delle risorse per i membri anziani della comunità con condizioni cerebrali, cardiache e comportamentali.

L'iniziativa risponde ai cambiamenti demografici, poiché le proiezioni del Bureau del Censimento indicano che entro il 2034, gli americani sopra i 64 anni supereranno quelli sotto i 18. I finanziamenti sosterranno vari programmi tra cui l'Hub di Risorse Comunitarie di Atlanta, il modello di cura coordinata del Centro per il Miglior Invecchiamento di Chicago, l'iniziativa di telemedicina Care Your Way di New York e il programma di supporto ai caregiver di Boynton Beach.

Ogni organizzazione destinataria si concentrerà su specifiche necessità locali, dalla fornitura di pasti medici personalizzati e servizi educativi all'implementazione di sistemi di dati per monitorare i risultati di salute e ampliare le infrastrutture di telemedicina.

La CVS Health Foundation ha anunciado una iniciativa de subvención de 4 millones de dólares durante cinco años para apoyar programas de envejecimiento saludable en cuatro ciudades estadounidenses. La financiación se distribuirá equitativamente (1 millón de dólares cada uno) a organizaciones en Atlanta, Chicago, Nueva York y Boynton Beach, enfocándose en mejorar el acceso a la atención médica y los recursos para los miembros de la comunidad mayor con condiciones cerebrales, cardíacas y de comportamiento.

La iniciativa responde a los cambios demográficos, ya que las proyecciones de la Oficina del Censo indican que para 2034, los estadounidenses mayores de 64 años superarán en número a los menores de 18. Las subvenciones apoyarán varios programas, incluyendo el Hub de Recursos Comunitarios de Atlanta, el modelo de atención coordinada del Centro para un Mejor Envejecimiento de Chicago, la iniciativa de telemedicina Care Your Way de Nueva York y el programa de apoyo a cuidadores de Boynton Beach.

Cada organización receptora se centrará en necesidades locales específicas, desde proporcionar comidas médicamente adaptadas y servicios educativos hasta establecer sistemas de datos para rastrear los resultados de salud y expandir la infraestructura de telemedicina.

CVS 헬스 재단은 미국 네 개 도시에서 건강한 노화를 지원하기 위해 5년 동안 400만 달러의 보조금 계획을 발표했습니다. 자금은 애틀랜타, 시카고, 뉴욕, 보인턴 비치의 조직에 각각 100만 달러씩 동등하게 분배되어 노인 커뮤니티 구성원들의 뇌, 심장 및 행동 관련 질환에 대한 의료 접근성과 자원 개선에 초점을 맞춥니다.

본 이니셔티브는 인구 통계학적 변화에 대응하여, 인구 조사국의 예측에 따르면 2034년에는 64세 이상의 미국인이 18세 이하의 인구를 초과할 것입니다. 보조금은 애틀랜타의 커뮤니티 자원 허브, 시카고의 더 나은 노화 센터의 조정된 치료 모델, 뉴욕의 케어 유어 웨이 원격 의료 이니셔티브, 보인턴 비치의 간병인 지원 프로그램 등을 포함한 다양한 프로그램을 지원합니다.

각 수혜 조직은 맞춤형 의료 식사 제공 및 교육 서비스 제공에서부터 건강 결과 추적을 위한 데이터 시스템 구축과 원격 의료 인프라 확장에 이르기까지 특정 지역의 필요에 초점을 맞출 것입니다.

La CVS Health Foundation a annoncé une initiative de subvention de 4 millions de dollars sur cinq ans pour soutenir des programmes de vieillissement sain dans quatre villes américaines. Le financement sera réparti également (1 million de dollars chacun) entre des organisations à Atlanta, Chicago, New York et Boynton Beach, en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration de l'accès aux soins de santé et des ressources pour les membres âgés de la communauté souffrant de troubles cérébraux, cardiaques et comportementaux.

Cette initiative répond à des changements démographiques, car les projections du Bureau du recensement indiquent que d'ici 2034, les Américains de plus de 64 ans seront plus nombreux que ceux de moins de 18 ans. Les subventions soutiendront divers programmes, notamment le Community Resource Hub d'Atlanta, le modèle de soins coordonnés du Centre for Better Aging de Chicago, l'initiative de télémédecine Care Your Way de New York et le programme de soutien aux aidants de Boynton Beach.

Chaque organisation bénéficiaire se concentrera sur des besoins locaux spécifiques, allant de la fourniture de repas médicaux adaptés et de services éducatifs à l'établissement de systèmes de données pour suivre les résultats de santé et à l'expansion de l'infrastructure de télémédecine.

Die CVS Health Foundation hat eine Förderinitiative in Höhe von 4 Millionen Dollar für einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren angekündigt, um gesunde Altersprogramme in vier US-Städten zu unterstützen. Die Mittel werden gleichmäßig verteilt (je 1 Million Dollar) an Organisationen in Atlanta, Chicago, New York City und Boynton Beach, mit dem Fokus auf die Verbesserung des Zugangs zur Gesundheitsversorgung und der Ressourcen für ältere Gemeindemitglieder mit Erkrankungen des Gehirns, des Herzens und Verhaltensproblemen.

Die Initiative reagiert auf demografische Veränderungen, da die Prognosen des Census Bureau darauf hinweisen, dass bis 2034 die Amerikaner über 64 Jahre die unter 18 Jahren übersteigen werden. Die Zuschüsse unterstützen verschiedene Programme, darunter das Community Resource Hub in Atlanta, das koordinierte Pflege-Modell des Centers for Better Aging in Chicago, die Telemedizin-Initiative Care Your Way in New York und das Unterstützungsprogramm für Pflegepersonen in Boynton Beach.

Jede empfangende Organisation wird sich auf spezifische lokale Bedürfnisse konzentrieren, von der Bereitstellung von medizinisch zugeschnittenen Mahlzeiten und Bildungsdiensten bis hin zur Einrichtung von Datensystemen zur Verfolgung von Gesundheitsergebnissen und zur Erweiterung der Telemedizin-Infrastruktur.

  • Strategic investment in growing demographic segment
  • Geographic diversification across four major markets
  • Focus on technology integration and data tracking systems
  • None.

Funding will support organizations serving older adults in Atlanta, Boynton Beach, Chicago and New York City, bridging gaps in local health care and social systems

WOONSOCKET, R.I., Jan. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The CVS Health® Foundation (NYSE: CVS) today announced $4 million in grants over five years as part of its new Healthy Aging initiative to support Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement in Atlanta, GA, Center for Better Aging in Chicago, IL, EngageWell Independent Provider Association in New York, NY and Palm Health Foundation in Boynton Beach, FL. Each organization will receive $1 million in funding to improve health care access and resources for aging community members with brain, heart and behavioral conditions, as well as their caregivers.

"People over the age of 65 are enjoying longer, more active lives and make up the largest generation of older adults in U.S. history," said Sheryl Burke, Senior Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Chief Sustainability Officer at CVS Health. "We're excited to work with each of these organizations that are making a significant impact by preparing and providing the health care and resources our communities need for the generational shift of aging Americans."

Americans are having fewer children and living longer. According to the Census Bureau, more people in the U.S. will likely be over 64 than under 18 by 2034. With this rise in aging Americans, the CVS Health Foundation identified an opportunity to introduce Healthy Aging as a new focus area for giving. The new grants will support organizations working to help simplify a complex care navigation process and bridge a critical gap in local health care and social systems to help older adults lead healthy lives.  

Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement (ARCHI)
The Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement will use the grant to enhance its Community Resource Hub to help older adults with brain, heart and behavioral health conditions connect to essential health care and resources. With this funding, ARCHI plans to expand its network of partners to better serve aging adults and improve access to medically tailored meals and educational services.

"Collaboration — like here with the CVS Health Foundation — has shown us that when we work together, we can indeed invert the burden from those who have traditionally been left out of good health, including many of our city's underserved elders," said Jeffrey M. Smythe, Executive Director of Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement. "The system can indeed bear that burden, we can change the system of care to be more person-centered, and we look forward to this opportunity to further expand the work of these dedicated partners."

As one of the of partners, Caitlin Behringer at Open Hand Atlanta shares, "We saw tremendous results through our nutrition interventions that were provided to members of the Community Resource Hub, and we know we will continue to see significant improvements in older adults' health outcomes. Leaders from across multiple of these sectors have come together today because we know this can be a game-changer and we can provide significant improvements to the systems of care for our most marginalized older adults and their caregivers."

Center for Better Aging
The Center for Better Aging at St. Bernard Hospital will use the grant to improve its coordinated care model, which is designed to address the high rates of chronic conditions in the South Side of Chicago. It will establish a data system to track health outcomes for the aging population and support initiatives to strengthen community connections for residents and their caregivers.

"The Center for Better Aging has a mission to advance quality and equality in health care to underserved communities across Chicago's South Side where health disparities like coronary heart disease and struggles with cognitive difficulty disproportionately affect older adults," said Estrelitta Harmon, Executive Director, Center for Better Aging. "Support from the CVS Health Foundation will expand our capacity to detect and address critical brain, heart and mental health conditions and provide first-rate specialty care. The CVS Health Foundation will also support programming and social support for the unpaid caregivers who help older adults to manage these complex conditions."

The Center for Better Aging and its partners deliver whole-person health care and provide medical and wellness services across the St. Bernard Hospital campus, in-home wellness visits and through community outreach. As a partner of Center for Better Aging, Vivian Moore, LCPC, CCM, SPARC Wellness Care Coordinator shares, "In our partnership with CBA we've been able to ensure that patients are not delayed in discharge and we're not keeping them longer than they need to be kept, but also assuring that when they're discharged they have the proper equipment with them to support stabilization post-discharge."

EngageWell Independent Provider Association
EngageWell will deploy the funding to enhance its ongoing work making health care nimbler and more responsive to the aging New York City population. It will allow EngageWell to expand its Care Your Way initiative infrastructure for telemedicine, add additional Community Health Workers and provide medication adherence support for senior citizens with heart and or behavioral health conditions.  

"EngageWell is excited to bring our Care Your Way Initiative to older New Yorkers, focusing on low-income elders of color who often experience barriers accessing quality healthcare," said Christopher Joseph, Executive Director of EngageWell IPA. "Elders in these communities often experience significant challenges due to chronic health conditions exacerbated by socio-economic factors, shortages in geriatric specialists, and difficulties navigating technology and transportation. By harnessing innovative technology with Community Health Worker technical assistance and outreach, we aim to address the unique needs of aging New Yorkers, making a meaningful impact on their health and well-being."

As a partner of EngageWell and president and CEO of ACCO Asian community Care organization, Tom Gu shares, "We joined EngageWell in 2023 and are proud to serve over 1400 seniors each year. During COVID-19, our seniors faced increased isolation and fear, so we created an app to connect them with much needed support. When we saw how Engage Well was using technology to improve care, we knew we wanted to be part of the network."

Palm Health Foundation
With this funding, Palm Health Foundation will create a Healthier Aging Initiative as part of its Healthier Boynton Beach to support caregivers who are over 60 years old. Often a caregiver's own health gets overlooked, so this grant will help to identify, coordinate and connect health and wellness services to caregivers in the community.

"Palm Health Foundation wants to see all Palm Beach County residents have opportunities to thrive and reach their full health potential," said Patrick McNamara, President and CEO at Palm Health Foundation. "We make progress toward this vision by centering the voices of those we serve. Our Healthier Boynton Beach initiative is community-driven, with caregivers leading solutions for fellow caregivers to improve and sustain their quality of life."

As part of leading this work, Ricky Petty, Healthier Boynton Beach Project Director shared, "Our community had a conversation about family caregiving and the importance of it and they realized some of the challenges that they face on a day-to-day basis. Challenges such as chronic health conditions, limited access to healthcare, supportive services and the financial strain that it has on families. This initiative is driven by their voice and experience."

About CVS Health
CVS Health® is the leading health solutions company, delivering care like no one else can. We reach more people and improve the health of communities across America through our local presence, digital channels and over 300,000 dedicated colleagues — including more than 40,000 physicians, pharmacists, nurses and nurse practitioners. Wherever and whenever people need us, we help them with their health — whether that's managing chronic diseases, staying compliant with their medications or accessing affordable health and wellness services in the most convenient ways. We help people navigate the health care system — and their personal health care — by improving access, lowering costs and being a trusted partner for every meaningful moment of health. And we do it all with heart, each and every day. Follow @CVSHealth on social media.

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How much is CVS Health Foundation investing in its new Healthy Aging initiative?

CVS Health Foundation is investing $4 million over five years in its new Healthy Aging initiative.

Which cities will receive funding from CVS Health Foundation's Healthy Aging initiative?

The initiative will fund organizations in Atlanta, Boynton Beach, Chicago, and New York City, with each receiving $1 million.

What health conditions does CVS Health Foundation's Healthy Aging initiative target?

The initiative targets brain, heart, and behavioral conditions in aging community members.

How will CVS's grant help EngageWell in New York City?

The grant will help EngageWell expand its Care Your Way initiative infrastructure for telemedicine, add Community Health Workers, and provide medication adherence support for seniors.

What demographic trend is CVS Health Foundation responding to with this initiative?

CVS is responding to Census Bureau projections indicating that by 2034, Americans over 64 will outnumber those under 18.

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