Preparedness Pays Off: New Data Shows Breached Organizations Spend More Time, Money, and Effort on Cyber Resilience - And Reap the Benefits

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Commvault's 2024 Cyber Recovery Readiness Report reveals important insights into cybersecurity practices. Organizations that have experienced breaches invest 30% more in cybersecurity measures and are 2.5 times more likely to prioritize understanding their data risk profiles. These breached organizations also conduct more testing, with only 2% not testing their recovery plans compared to 20% of non-breached organizations.

The impact of these investments is significant: breached organizations recover 41% faster and are 32% more likely to recover within 48 hours. This reduced downtime can lead to substantial savings in direct financial losses and preservation of customer trust. The report emphasizes that proactive cyber resilience measures are far less costly than the potential expenses of cyber incidents.

Il Rapporto sulla Prontezza Cyber Recovery 2024 di Commvault svela importanti informazioni sulle pratiche di sicurezza informatica. Le organizzazioni che hanno subito violazioni investono il 30% in più in misure di sicurezza informatica e hanno 2,5 volte più probabilità di dare priorità alla comprensione dei profili di rischio dei dati. Queste organizzazioni violate effettuano anche più test, con solo il 2% che non sottopone a prova i propri piani di recupero rispetto al 20% delle organizzazioni non violate.

L'impatto di questi investimenti è significativo: le organizzazioni violate recuperano il 41% più velocemente e hanno una probabilità maggiore del 32% di recuperare entro 48 ore. Questa riduzione dei tempi di inattività può portare a notevoli risparmi nelle perdite finanziarie dirette e nella preservazione della fiducia dei clienti. Il rapporto sottolinea che le misure proattive di resilienza informatica sono di gran lunga meno costose rispetto alle potenziali spese legate a incidenti informatici.

El Informe sobre la Preparación para la Recuperación Cibernética 2024 de Commvault revela información importante sobre las prácticas de ciberseguridad. Las organizaciones que han sufrido violaciones invierten un 30% más en medidas de ciberseguridad y tienen 2.5 veces más probabilidades de priorizar la comprensión de sus perfiles de riesgo de datos. Estas organizaciones vulneradas también realizan más pruebas, con solo el 2% que no evalúa sus planes de recuperación en comparación con el 20% de las organizaciones no vulneradas.

El impacto de estas inversiones es significativo: las organizaciones afectadas se recuperan un 41% más rápido y tienen un 32% más de probabilidades de recuperarse en 48 horas. Esta reducción del tiempo de inactividad puede llevar a ahorros sustanciales en pérdidas financieras directas y a la preservación de la confianza del cliente. El informe enfatiza que las medidas proactivas de resiliencia cibernética son mucho menos costosas que los posibles gastos de los incidentes cibernéticos.

Commvault의 2024 사이버 복구 준비 보고서는 사이버 보안 관행에 대한 중요한 통찰을 밝혀냅니다. 위반을 경험한 조직들은 사이버 보안 조치에 30% 더 많은 비용을 투자합니다 그리고 데이터 위험 프로필을 이해하는 것을 우선시할 가능성이 2.5배 더 높습니다. 이러한 위반 조직들은 테스트를 더 많이 수행하며, 복구 계획을 테스트하지 않는 비율이 2%에 불과한 반면, 비위반 조직의 경우 이 비율은 20%입니다.

이런 투자의 영향은 상당합니다: 위반을 경험한 조직들은 41% 더 빠르게 복구됩니다 그리고 48시간 이내에 복구할 가능성이 32% 더 높습니다. 이 시간 감소는 직접적인 재정 손실을 줄이고 고객 신뢰를 유지하는 데 큰 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 이 보고서는 사이버 사고로 인한 잠재적 비용보다 사전 사이버 복원력 조치가 훨씬 덜 비용이 든다고 강조합니다.

Le Rapport sur la Préparation à la Récupération Cybernétique 2024 de Commvault révèle des informations importantes sur les pratiques de cybersécurité. Les organisations qui ont subi des violations investissent 30% de plus dans les mesures de cybersécurité et ont 2,5 fois plus de chances de prioriser la compréhension de leurs profils de risque de données. Ces organisations violées effectuent également plus de tests, seulement 2% d'entre elles ne testent pas leurs plans de récupération, contre 20% des organisations non violées.

L'impact de ces investissements est significatif : les organisations violées se rétablissent 41% plus rapidement et ont 32% plus de chances de récupérer sous 48 heures. Cette réduction du temps d'inactivité peut conduire à des économies substantielles en pertes financières directes et à la préservation de la confiance des clients. Le rapport souligne que les mesures de résilience cybernétique proactives coûtent beaucoup moins cher que les dépenses potentielles liées aux incidents cybernétiques.

Der Cyber Recovery Readiness Report 2024 von Commvault offenbart wichtige Erkenntnisse über Cyber-Sicherheitspraktiken. Organisationen, die Verstöße erlebt haben, investieren 30% mehr in Cybersicherheitsmaßnahmen und sind 2,5-mal wahrscheinlicher damit beschäftigt, ihre Datenrisikoprofile zu verstehen. Diese betroffenen Organisationen führen auch mehr Tests durch, wobei nur 2% ihre Wiederherstellungspläne nicht testen im Vergleich zu 20% der nicht betroffenen Organisationen.

Die Auswirkungen dieser Investitionen sind erheblich: betroffene Organisationen erholen sich 41% schneller und haben eine 32% höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, sich innerhalb von 48 Stunden zu erholen. Diese verringerte Ausfallzeit kann zu erheblichen Einsparungen bei direkten finanziellen Verlusten und zur Erhaltung des Kundenvertrauens führen. Der Bericht betont, dass proaktive Cyber-Resilienzmaßnahmen wesentlich kostengünstiger sind als die potenziellen Ausgaben aufgrund von Cyber-Vorfällen.

  • Organizations that experienced breaches invest 30% more in cybersecurity measures
  • Breached organizations recover 41% faster from cyber incidents
  • Breached organizations are 32% more likely to recover within 48 hours
  • Proactive cyber resilience measures are less costly than potential cyber incident expenses
  • 20% of non-breached organizations do not test their recovery plans at all

This report reveals a stark contrast in cybersecurity approaches between breached and non-breached organizations. The 30% higher investment in cybersecurity measures by breached organizations highlights the tangible value of proactive security. The focus on understanding data risk profiles and prioritizing cyber readiness testing demonstrates a shift towards a more comprehensive security posture.

The 41% faster recovery time for well-prepared organizations is a game-changer. This translates to significantly reduced downtime and potential savings in the millions. It's clear that the "learn from experience" approach is paying dividends in the cybersecurity realm.

The financial implications of this report are substantial. Organizations investing in cyber resilience are essentially buying an insurance policy against future breaches. The 32% higher likelihood of recovering within 48 hours for breached organizations can translate to enormous cost savings.

Consider the potential losses from extended downtime, regulatory fines and reputational damage. These can easily surpass the millions in additional cybersecurity investments. This report makes a strong business case for proactive cyber resilience strategies, potentially leading to increased demand for cybersecurity solutions and services.

This report underscores the critical importance of risk assessment and preparedness in cybersecurity. The fact that breached organizations are 2.5 times more likely to prioritize understanding their data risk profiles is telling. It suggests a shift from a reactive to a proactive risk management approach.

The stark difference in testing frequency - with only 2% of breached organizations not testing their recovery plan compared to 20% of non-breached ones - highlights the value of regular risk assessments. This data should prompt organizations to reevaluate their risk management strategies and consider more frequent and comprehensive testing protocols.

Latest Commvault Research Reveals How Proactive Investments and Attention to Cyber Recovery Can Save Millions in the Event of a Breach

TINTON FALLS, N.J., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions for hybrid cloud organizations, today released new critical insights from its 2024 Cyber Recovery Readiness Report. This global survey of 1,000 security and IT professionals across 11 countries, reveals interesting behavior changes for organizations that have been breached versus those that have not.

The Commvault survey, done in collaboration with GigaOm, shows that organizations that have endured cyber incidents in the past don't want to get burned again. Consequently, they often reassess and invest in cyber resilience and recovery strategies in very meaningful ways. According to the survey:

  • Investments in cyber resilience increase: Organizations that have been breached spend nearly 30% more on cybersecurity measures than those that haven't.
  • More attention is given to understanding data risk profiles: Breached organizations are nearly 2.5 times more likely to prioritize understanding their data risk profiles, which highlight data types and relative levels of risk.
  • Cyber readiness testing is prioritized: Breached organizations conduct more testing to find gaps in their cyber preparedness plans. Twenty percent of organizations that haven't been breached do not test their recovery plan at all, that number drops to just 2% for organizations that have been breached.

The impact of these added investments and focus on cyber resilience is significant. According to the survey, breached organizations that have invested in comprehensive cyber recovery plans recover 41% faster than their less-prepared counterparts. In terms of specific recovery times, breached organizations state that they are 32% more likely to recover within 48 hours compared to those that have not been breached – a much better outcome than the recovery times noted by other respondents, which could be three weeks or more. This reduced downtime can translate to significant savings, both in terms of direct financial losses and the preservation of customer trust and brand reputation.

"We've all heard the expression hindsight is 20/20, and that could not be more applicable when it comes to the findings of this survey," said Brian Brockway, Chief Technology Officer at Commvault. "Our survey shows that the most resilient organizations are those that continuously test and refine their recovery strategies, learning from each incident to strengthen their defenses. It's this proactive mindset, rather than reactive spending, that makes the difference."

Much like health insurance, where the cost of coverage often far outweighs the potential expenses of medical emergencies, cyber recovery readiness serves a similar purpose. The report underscores that the costs of being breached – ranging from operational disruption to regulatory fines – far exceed the expenses of proactive cyber resilience measures.

"The findings should be a call to action for all organizations, not just those that have been breached," said Chris Ray, Cybersecurity Analyst at GigaOm. "Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and so too must the strategies to counter them. It's about adopting a holistic approach to cyber resilience that integrates people, processes, and technology, ensuring readiness at every level."

In addition to these findings, Commvault and GigaOm were able to pinpoint five key capabilities, also called resiliency markers, that when deployed together, helped companies recover faster from cyberattacks and experience fewer breaches compared to companies that did not follow the same path. These five resiliency markers emerged after data analysis teams combed through the same survey results across a range of topics including: how often companies were breached, what resilience technologies were (or were not) deployed, and how rapidly businesses were able to recover data and resume normal operations. Read more on the five resiliency markers here.

More Information:

Commvault in conjunction with GigaOm conducted this inaugural study of 1,000 respondents across 11 countries in April 2024 to better understand their views on cyber readiness and how prepared their organizations are in the face of cyber threats. Respondents were from companies earning at least $10 million in annual revenues, with the majority earning $500 million or more. Thirty-five percent of respondents were board-level or C-Suite executives, 48% were senior-level management, and the remaining 17% were mid- or junior-level management. The 11 countries included in the survey are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States.

About Commvault
Commvault (NASDAQ: CVLT) is the gold standard in cyber resilience, helping more than 100,000 organizations keep data safe and businesses resilient and moving forward. Today, Commvault offers the only cyber resilience platform that combines the best data security and rapid recovery at enterprise scale across any workload, anywhere—at the lowest TCO.

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How much more do breached organizations spend on cybersecurity compared to non-breached ones?

According to Commvault's survey, organizations that have been breached spend nearly 30% more on cybersecurity measures than those that haven't.

What percentage of breached organizations test their recovery plans?

The survey shows that 98% of organizations that have been breached test their recovery plans, compared to only 80% of non-breached organizations.

How much faster do breached organizations recover from cyber incidents?

Breached organizations that have invested in comprehensive cyber recovery plans recover 41% faster than their less-prepared counterparts.

What is the likelihood of breached organizations recovering within 48 hours?

According to the survey, breached organizations are 32% more likely to recover within 48 hours compared to those that have not been breached.

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