Commvault Takes Top Position in 2024 GigaOm Sonar Report for Cloud-Native Data Protection

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Commvault (CVLT) has been named a 'Leader' and 'Forward Mover' in the 2024 GigaOm Sonar Report for Cloud-Native Data Protection, achieving the highest average rating among 13 vendors. The report praises the Commvault Cloud platform for its strong performance in cloud-native data protection and hybrid cloud support.

Key highlights include:

  • Recognition for extensive workload coverage and enterprise-level resilience
  • Integration of data protection, cyber recovery, and cloud-native app rebuild
  • Appranix acquisition enhancing cyber recovery capabilities
  • Cleanroom Recovery feature for secure, isolated recovery environments
  • AI-supported automation and generative AI interactions through Arlie

GigaOm analyst Chester Conforte emphasized Commvault's comprehensive capabilities for addressing data threats and recovery needs across various environments.

Commvault (CVLT) è stata nominata 'Leader' e 'Forward Mover' nel Rapporto GigaOm Sonar 2024 sulla Protezione dei Dati Cloud-Native, ottenendo il punteggio medio più alto tra 13 fornitori. Il rapporto elogia la piattaforma Cloud di Commvault per le sue elevate prestazioni nella protezione dei dati cloud-nativi e nel supporto ai cloud ibridi.

Punti salienti includono:

  • Riconoscimento per la copertura estesa dei carichi di lavoro e la resilienza a livello aziendale
  • Integrazione della protezione dei dati, del recupero informatico e della ricostruzione delle app cloud-native
  • Acquisizione di Appranix che migliora le capacità di recupero informatico
  • Funzione di Recupero Cleanroom per ambienti di recupero sicuri e isolati
  • Automazione supportata dall'AI e interazioni AI generativa tramite Arlie

L'analista di GigaOm Chester Conforte ha sottolineato le capacità complete di Commvault per affrontare le minacce ai dati e le esigenze di recupero in diversi ambienti.

Commvault (CVLT) ha sido nombrado 'Líder' y 'Movedor hacia adelante' en el Informe GigaOm Sonar 2024 para la Protección de Datos Nativa en la Nube, logrando la calificación promedio más alta entre 13 proveedores. El informe elogia la plataforma Cloud de Commvault por su sólido rendimiento en la protección de datos nativos en la nube y el soporte para nubes híbridas.

Puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Reconocimiento por su amplia cobertura de carga de trabajo y resiliencia a nivel empresarial
  • Integración de protección de datos, recuperación cibernética y reconstrucción de aplicaciones nativas de la nube
  • Adquisición de Appranix que mejora las capacidades de recuperación cibernética
  • Función de Recuperación Cleanroom para entornos de recuperación seguros y aislados
  • Automatización respaldada por IA e interacciones de IA generativa a través de Arlie

El analista de GigaOm Chester Conforte enfatizó las capacidades integrales de Commvault para abordar amenazas a los datos y necesidades de recuperación en diversos entornos.

Commvault (CVLT)는 2024년 GigaOm Sonar 보고서에서 클라우드 네이티브 데이터 보호를 위한 '리더' 및 '선도 움직임'으로 선정되었으며, 13개 공급업체 중 가장 높은 평균 등급을 기록했습니다. 이 보고서는 Commvault Cloud 플랫폼이 클라우드 네이티브 데이터 보호와 하이브리드 클라우드 지원에서 강력한 성능을 발휘한다고 칭찬합니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 광범위한 워크로드 커버리지 및 기업 수준의 복원력에 대한 인정
  • 데이터 보호, 사이버 복구 및 클라우드 네이티브 앱 재구성 통합
  • 사이버 복구 능력을 향상시키는 Appranix 인수
  • 보안되고 격리된 복구 환경을 위한 클린룸 복구 기능
  • AI 지원 자동화 및 Arlie를 통한 생성 AI 상호작용

GigaOm 분석가 Chester Conforte는 다양한 환경에서 데이터 위협 및 복구 요구 사항을 해결하기 위한 Commvault의 포괄적인 능력을 강조했습니다.

Commvault (CVLT) a été désigné 'Leader' et 'Acteur engagé' dans le Rapport GigaOm Sonar 2024 sur la Protection des Données Natives dans le Cloud, obtenant la note moyenne la plus élevée parmi 13 fournisseurs. Le rapport loue la plateforme Cloud de Commvault pour ses performances solides en matière de protection des données cloud natives et de support hybride.

Les points saillants incluent :

  • Reconnaissance pour une couverture de charge de travail étendue et une résilience au niveau de l'entreprise
  • Intégration de la protection des données, de la récupération cybernétique et de la reconstruction d'applications cloud natives
  • Acquisition d'Appranix améliorant les capacités de récupération cybernétique
  • Fonction de récupération Cleanroom pour des environnements de récupération sécurisés et isolés
  • Automatisation assistée par l'IA et interactions d'IA générative via Arlie

L'analyste de GigaOm Chester Conforte a souligné les capacités complètes de Commvault pour faire face aux menaces pesant sur les données et aux besoins de récupération dans divers environnements.

Commvault (CVLT) wurde im GigaOm Sonar Bericht 2024 für Cloud-Native Data Protection als 'Leader' und 'Forward Mover' ausgezeichnet und erzielte die höchste durchschnittliche Bewertung unter 13 Anbietern. Der Bericht lobt die Commvault Cloud-Plattform für ihre starke Leistung im Bereich der cloud-nativen Datensicherung und Unterstützung hybrider Clouds.

Wesentliche Highlights sind:

  • Anerkennung für umfassende Arbeitslastabdeckung und unternehmensweite Resilienz
  • Integration von Datensicherung, Cyber-Rückgewinnung und Neuaufbau von cloud-nativen Apps
  • Übernahme von Appranix, die die Cyber-Rückgewinnungsfähigkeiten verbessert
  • Cleanroom-Recovey-Funktion für sichere, isolierte Wiederherstellungsumgebungen
  • KI-gestützte Automatisierung und generative KI-Interaktionen über Arlie

Der GigaOm-Analyst Chester Conforte betonte die umfassenden Fähigkeiten von Commvault zur Bewältigung von Datenbedrohungen und Wiederherstellungsbedarfen in verschiedenen Umgebungen.

  • Achieved highest average rating in GigaOm Sonar Report for Cloud-Native Data Protection
  • Recognized for extensive workload coverage and enterprise-level resilience
  • Appranix acquisition extends cyber recovery capabilities in hyperscaler space
  • Cleanroom Recovery feature provides secure, isolated environments for cyber recovery testing
  • AI-supported automation and generative AI interactions enhance operational efficiency
  • None.

Commvault's top ranking in the GigaOm Sonar Report is noteworthy but not groundbreaking. While it showcases the company's strong position in cloud-native data protection, the impact on investors may be The report highlights Commvault's comprehensive capabilities, particularly in hybrid cloud environments, which could appeal to enterprise customers. However, the real test will be whether this translates into increased market share and revenue growth.

The acquisition of Appranix and the introduction of Cleanroom Recovery demonstrate Commvault's commitment to innovation, especially in cyber recovery. These features could provide a competitive edge in a crowded market. The emphasis on AI-supported automation and generative AI interactions through Arlie aligns with industry trends, but the actual impact on operational efficiency and customer adoption remains to be seen.

This report positions Commvault favorably in the cloud-native data protection market, but it's important to consider the broader competitive landscape. With 13 vendors evaluated, Commvault's top position is impressive, yet the market dynamics are constantly shifting. The recognition as a "Leader" and "Forward Mover" could potentially influence enterprise buying decisions, especially for organizations prioritizing cyber resilience.

However, investors should note that analyst reports, while influential, don't always correlate directly with financial performance. The key will be monitoring Commvault's ability to capitalize on this recognition through increased sales and market share gains. The expanding partner ecosystem is a positive sign, potentially leading to new revenue streams and market penetration opportunities.

GigaOm names Commvault a hybrid cloud "Leader" and "Forward Mover," praising the Commvault Cloud platform, including Appranix rebuild and Cleanroom Recovery capabilities

TINTON FALLS, N.J., Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions for hybrid cloud organizations, today announced that it has been named a "Leader" and "Forward Mover" in the 2024 GigaOm Sonar Report for Cloud-Native Data Protection. Out of 13 vendors, Commvault achieved the highest average rating based on scores awarded across 10 key characteristics.

This prestigious recognition underscores Commvault's commitment to helping customers accelerate their cloud journeys, while advancing data protection, cyber resilience, data risk governance, and cyber recovery.

The GigaOm Sonar report evaluates vendors based on their execution, roadmap, and ability to innovate. Commvault was recognized for delivering cutting-edge solutions and technologies that truly make a difference for customers globally.

The report recognizes the Commvault Cloud platform for its strong performance in cloud-native data protection, along with its hybrid cloud support. GigaOm says the platform "stands out for its extensive workload coverage and enterprise-level resilience." Additionally, GigaOm highlights the platform's ability to integrate "data protection, cyber recovery, and cloud-native app rebuild and operational efficiency into a unified suite."

With respect to Commvault's recent acquisition of Appranix, GigaOm stated the acquisition "further extends its cyber recovery and resilience capabilities in the hyperscaler space to discover and rebuild cloud-native apps, making it a robust solution for modern enterprises."  

GigaOm also recognized unique product innovations, including Cleanroom Recovery, which provides "secure, isolated environments for cyber recovery testing," while also facilitating "quick, secure recovery from cyber incidents without reinfection." The report adds, "The ability to automate and prioritize recovery workflows, including restoring accounts, permissions, and credentials, enhances the platform's resilience and operational efficiency."

Along with Commvault's AI-supported automation layer and its generative AI interactions, through its AI co-pilot Arlie, GigaOm states: "These comprehensive capabilities make Commvault ideal for enterprises with complex, hybrid IT environments seeking robust data protection and cyber resilience solutions."

GigaOm analyst Chester Conforte said, "True cyber resilience requires security and IT teams to work together across an infinitely variable number of workloads, applications, and infrastructure, which can be complex. Commvault Cloud Platform delivers the broadest and deepest set of capabilities to address data threats, attack tactics, continuous validation, forensic analysis, and recovery needs across legacy on-prem, shared storage, endpoint, VM, public, private, and SaaS clouds all in a unified and extensible platform."

"We're thrilled to be recognized by GigaOm as a Leader in cloud-native data protection," said Pranay Ahlawat, Chief Technology and AI Officer, Commvault. "This acknowledgement truly reflects Commvault's commitment to being the best vendor for cloud-native workloads. With cloud, your data protection strategy needs to go beyond restoring data and focus on reconstructing cloud applications – critical to being resilient following a cyberattack or outage. We will continue to strengthen our cloud native capabilities while empowering our customers to advance and accelerate their cloud journeys."

GigaOm notes the continued growth of Commvault's partner ecosystem as a strength, with strategic partnerships that enhance its offerings and extend its reach, stating that Commvault "collaborates with leading technology providers to ensure seamless integration and interoperability across various platforms and environments."

For more information on Commvault's data protection solutions and to access the full GigaOm Sonar report, visit

About Commvault
Commvault (NASDAQ: CVLT) is the gold standard in cyber resilience, helping more than 100,000 organizations keep data safe and businesses resilient and moving forward. Today, Commvault offers the only cyber resilience platform that combines the best data security and rapid recovery at enterprise scale across any workload, anywhere—at the lowest TCO.

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What recognition did Commvault (CVLT) receive in the 2024 GigaOm Sonar Report?

Commvault (CVLT) was named a 'Leader' and 'Forward Mover' in the 2024 GigaOm Sonar Report for Cloud-Native Data Protection, achieving the highest average rating among 13 vendors.

What key features of Commvault's Cloud platform were highlighted in the GigaOm report?

The GigaOm report highlighted Commvault Cloud platform's strong performance in cloud-native data protection, hybrid cloud support, extensive workload coverage, and enterprise-level resilience. It also praised the integration of data protection, cyber recovery, and cloud-native app rebuild capabilities.

How does Commvault's Cleanroom Recovery feature enhance cyber resilience?

Commvault's Cleanroom Recovery feature provides secure, isolated environments for cyber recovery testing and facilitates quick, secure recovery from cyber incidents without reinfection. It also automates and prioritizes recovery workflows, including restoring accounts, permissions, and credentials.

What impact does the Appranix acquisition have on Commvault's (CVLT) capabilities?

The Appranix acquisition further extends Commvault's (CVLT) cyber recovery and resilience capabilities in the hyperscaler space, enabling the discovery and rebuilding of cloud-native apps, making it a more robust solution for modern enterprises.

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