Commvault Launches Cloud Rewind - Transforming How Cloud-First Organizations Rapidly Recover After a Cyberattack

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Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions, has announced the availability of Cloud Rewind™ on the Commvault Cloud platform. This new offering integrates cloud-native distributed application recovery and rebuild capabilities, transforming cyber resilience for cloud-first organizations. Cloud Rewind is designed to quickly restore an organization's entire cloud application and data environment, including all necessary cloud infrastructure configurations, in a highly automated way.

Key features of Cloud Rewind include:

  • Resource discovery for reduced organizational risk
  • App-centric dependency mapping to reduce operational confusion
  • Drift analysis to keep security teams in-sync
  • Automated cyber recovery testing with Recovery-as-Code
  • On-demand cloud reconstruction to avoid wasting cloud resources
  • Integrated application-centric cyber recovery and disaster recovery

Commvault also introduced a new Cyber Resilience Dashboard that provides continuous ransomware readiness assessments and actionable insights to improve resilience and recovery readiness.

Commvault, un fornitore leader di soluzioni per la resilienza informatica e la protezione dei dati, ha annunciato la disponibilità di Cloud Rewind™ sulla piattaforma Commvault Cloud. Questa nuova offerta integra le capacità di recupero e ricostruzione di applicazioni distribuite nativo nel cloud, trasformando la resilienza informatica per le organizzazioni orientate al cloud. Cloud Rewind è progettato per ripristinare rapidamente l'intero ambiente applicativo e di dati di un'organizzazione nel cloud, inclusa la configurazione necessaria dell'infrastruttura cloud, in un modo altamente automatizzato.

Le funzionalità principali di Cloud Rewind includono:

  • Scoperta delle risorse per ridurre il rischio organizzativo
  • Mappatura delle dipendenze incentrata sulle app per ridurre la confusione operativa
  • Analisi delle variazioni per mantenere i team di sicurezza sincronizzati
  • Test automatizzati di recupero informatico con Recovery-as-Code
  • Ricostruzione cloud su richiesta per evitare sprechi di risorse cloud
  • Recupero cyber e disaster recovery integrati incentrati sulle applicazioni

Commvault ha anche introdotto un nuovo Cyber Resilience Dashboard che fornisce valutazioni continue della prontezza ai ransomware e informazioni utilizzabili per migliorare la resilienza e la prontezza al recupero.

Commvault, un proveedor líder de soluciones de ciberresiliencia y protección de datos, ha anunciado la disponibilidad de Cloud Rewind™ en la plataforma Commvault Cloud. Esta nueva oferta integra capacidades de recuperación y reconstrucción de aplicaciones distribuidas nativas de la nube, transformando la ciberresiliencia para organizaciones orientadas a la nube. Cloud Rewind está diseñado para restaurar rápidamente todo el entorno de aplicaciones y datos en la nube de una organización, incluidas todas las configuraciones necesarias de la infraestructura de la nube, de manera altamente automatizada.

Las características clave de Cloud Rewind incluyen:

  • Descubrimiento de recursos para reducir el riesgo organizativo
  • Mapeo de dependencias centrado en la aplicación para reducir la confusión operativa
  • Análisis de desvíos para mantener sincronizados a los equipos de seguridad
  • Pruebas automatizadas de recuperación cibernética con Recovery-as-Code
  • Reconstrucción de la nube bajo demanda para evitar el desperdicio de recursos en la nube
  • Recuperación cibernética y recuperación ante desastres integradas centradas en la aplicación

Commvault también introdujo un nuevo Cyber Resilience Dashboard que proporciona evaluaciones continuas de preparación para ransomware e información accionable para mejorar la resiliencia y la preparación para la recuperación.

Commvault는 사이버 복원력 및 데이터 보호 솔루션의 선두 제공업체로서 Cloud Rewind™가 Commvault Cloud 플랫폼에서 제공됨을 발표했습니다. 이 새로운 서비스는 클라우드 기반의 분산 애플리케이션 복구 및 재구축 기능을 통합하여 클라우드 우선 조직의 사이버 복원력을 변혁합니다. Cloud Rewind는 조직의 전체 클라우드 애플리케이션 및 데이터 환경, 필요한 모든 클라우드 인프라 설정을 신속하게 복원하도록 설계되었으며, 매우 자동화된 방식으로 작동합니다.

Cloud Rewind의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 조직적 위험을 줄이기 위한 자원 탐색
  • 운영 혼란을 줄이기 위한 애플리케이션 중심 의존성 매핑
  • 보안 팀 간의 동기화를 유지하기 위한 드리프트 분석
  • Recovery-as-Code로 자동화된 사이버 복구 테스트
  • 클라우드 자원 낭비 방지를 위한 온디맨드 클라우드 재구성
  • 애플리케이션 중심의 사이버 복구 및 재해 복구 통합

Commvault는 또한 지속적인 랜섬웨어 준비 점검 및 복원력을 향상시키고 회복 준비 상태를 개선하기 위한 실행 가능한 통찰력을 제공하는 새로운 Cyber Resilience Dashboard를 선보였습니다.

Commvault, un fournisseur leader de solutions de cyberrésilience et de protection des données, a annoncé la disponibilité de Cloud Rewind™ sur la plateforme Commvault Cloud. Cette nouvelle offre intègre des capacités de récupération et de reconstruction d'applications distribuées, transformant ainsi la cyberrésilience pour les organisations axées sur le cloud. Cloud Rewind est conçu pour restaurer rapidement l'ensemble de l'environnement applicatif et de données d'une organisation dans le cloud, y compris toutes les configurations nécessaires de l'infrastructure cloud, de manière hautement automatisée.

Les principales caractéristiques de Cloud Rewind comprennent :

  • Découverte des ressources pour réduire le risque organisationnel
  • Cartographie des dépendances centrée sur les applications pour réduire la confusion opérationnelle
  • Analyse des dérives pour maintenir les équipes de sécurité synchronisées
  • Tests automatisés de récupération cybernétique avec Recovery-as-Code
  • Reconstruction cloud à la demande pour éviter le gaspillage de ressources cloud
  • Recuperation cyber et disaster recovery intégrées centrées sur les applications

Commvault a également introduit un nouveau Cyber Resilience Dashboard qui fournit des évaluations continues de la préparation aux ransomwares et des informations exploitables pour améliorer la résilience et la préparation au rétablissement.

Commvault, ein führender Anbieter von Cyber-Resilienz- und Datenschutzlösungen, hat die Verfügbarkeit von Cloud Rewind™ auf der Commvault Cloud-Plattform angekündigt. Dieses neue Angebot integriert cloud-native Wiederherstellungs- und Wiederaufbau-Funktionen für verteilte Anwendungen und transformiert die Cyber-Resilienz für Cloud-first-Organisationen. Cloud Rewind ist darauf ausgelegt, die gesamte Cloud-Anwendungs- und Datenumgebung einer Organisation schnell wiederherzustellen, einschließlich aller erforderlichen Konfigurationen der Cloud-Infrastruktur, auf eine stark automatisierte Weise.

Die wichtigsten Funktionen von Cloud Rewind umfassen:

  • Ressourcenerkennung zur Reduzierung des organisatorischen Risikos
  • App-zentrische Abhängigkeitskartierung zur Verringerung von Betriebskonfusion
  • Abweichungsanalyse zur Synchronisation der Sicherheitsteams
  • Automatisiertes Cyber-Wiederherstellungstests mit Recovery-as-Code
  • On-Demand-Cloud-Rekonstruktion zur Vermeidung von Verschwendung von Cloud-Ressourcen
  • Integrierte Anwendung-zentrierte Cyber-Wiederherstellung und Katastrophenwiederherstellung

Commvault hat auch ein neues Cyber Resilience Dashboard vorgestellt, das kontinuierliche Bewertungen der Bereitschaft gegenüber Ransomware und umsetzbare Erkenntnisse zur Verbesserung der Resilienz und der Bereitschaft zur Wiederherstellung bietet.

  • Introduction of Cloud Rewind™, a unique offering for rapid recovery of cloud applications and data after cyberattacks
  • Launch of Cyber Resilience Dashboard for continuous ransomware readiness assessments
  • Support for all major public and private cloud platforms, including AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure
  • Potential to reduce recovery time from over a week to minutes after a cloud services outage or ransomware attack
  • None.


Commvault's launch of Cloud Rewind represents a significant advancement in cloud-based cyber resilience. This innovative solution addresses a critical gap in the market by combining data recovery with cloud-native application and infrastructure rebuild automation. The key features include:

  • Automated resource discovery and dependency mapping
  • Drift analysis for configuration alignment
  • Recovery-as-Code for automated testing
  • On-demand cloud reconstruction

These capabilities can potentially reduce recovery time from weeks to minutes, which is a game-changer for organizations heavily reliant on cloud services. The support for major cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure) enhances its market appeal.

The new Cyber Resilience Dashboard adds another layer of value by providing continuous readiness assessments and actionable insights. This proactive approach to cyber resilience could significantly improve an organization's ability to respond to and recover from cyber incidents.

For Commvault, this product launch could strengthen its position in the competitive cloud data protection market, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth. Investors should monitor customer adoption rates and the impact on Commvault's financial performance in upcoming quarters.

This product launch has significant positive implications for Commvault's financial outlook:

  • Market Expansion: Cloud Rewind addresses a growing need in the $21.1 billion cloud security market, potentially opening new revenue streams.
  • Competitive Advantage: The unique combination of data recovery and application rebuild capabilities differentiates Commvault from competitors, potentially leading to higher market share.
  • Recurring Revenue: As a cloud-based solution, Cloud Rewind could contribute to Commvault's subscription-based revenue model, enhancing predictability and stability of cash flows.
  • Cross-selling Opportunities: The integration with existing Commvault products creates upselling potential within the current customer base.
  • Enterprise Focus: Targeting cloud-first organizations aligns with high-value enterprise customers, potentially improving profit margins.

While specific financial projections aren't provided, the product's potential to reduce customer downtime from weeks to minutes suggests a strong value proposition that could drive adoption. Investors should watch for impacts on Commvault's revenue growth rate and customer acquisition metrics in future earnings reports.

New discovery, reporting, recovery, and rebuild capabilities can help customers bounce back following an attack

LONDON, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- COMMVAULT SHIFT -- Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions for the hybrid cloud, today announced the availability of Cloud Rewind™ on the Commvault Cloud platform. This unique offering, which integrates cloud-native distributed application recovery and rebuild capabilities from the Appranix acquisition, gives cloud-first organizations a secret weapon to transform their cyber resilience capabilities.

Today, when organizations are attacked, restoring the data is only half the battle. The truly laborious task is actually restoring the distributed cloud applications, which are used to run and power that data.

Think of it like this: a typical enterprise organization may use as many as 3711 cloud applications spanning various services like finance, HR, and operations. After an attack, organizations often can't resume "business-as-usual" operations until many of those applications are rebuilt in a step-by-step, systematic, time-consuming way. The majority of enterprises report that it takes more than a week to return to normal operations, according to Commvault's latest research. That's too long. But, with Cloud Rewind, that's all changing.

Cloud Rewind offers a truly unique approach that transforms and simplifies cloud cyber recoveries. It's designed to quickly restore an organization's entire cloud application and data environment – including all the necessary cloud infrastructure configurations – in a highly automated way. By combining data recovery – the sole focus of traditional data protection tools – with cloud-native application and infrastructure rebuild automation, Cloud Rewind helps customers get back to business within minutes after a cloud services outage or ransomware attack, akin to a "cloud time machine."

Advanced Cloud Rewind Capabilities

Cloud Rewind introduces an advanced set of unique capabilities designed to help businesses bounce back from cyber incidents with exceptional speed and efficiency.

  • Reduce organizational risk with resource discovery: automatically identifies and catalogs all cloud components in use, offering full visibility into what assets need protection and recovery. So that nothing critical is missed in the recovery process, even in complex, multi-cloud environments.
  • Reduce operational confusion and toil with app-centric dependency mapping: analyzes and defines the intricate relationships between various cloud components. This feature accelerates the task of piecing these dependencies together after an incident, making the rebuild process much faster. So, when a system is restored, all connected resources and services are aligned, with little to no human involvement.
  • Keep security teams in-sync with drift analysis: helps return restored systems to their correct state by identifying and correcting any deviations (or "drifts") from the original configuration. This proactive capability keeps tabs so that restored systems are aligned with their secure and functional state after an incident.
  • Automated cyber recovery testing with Recovery-as-Code: captures not only the data but also the full map of applications, infrastructure, and networking configurations. This means that systems can be restored with their complete operational blueprint intact, reducing guesswork for a thorough recovery.
  • Avoid wasting cloud resources with on-demand cloud reconstruction: puts it all back together, helping customers swiftly rebuild both the data environment and its supporting infrastructure. This provides organizations with a secure and operational cloud environment, ready for immediate use following a disruption.
  • Integrated application-centric cyber recovery and disaster recovery: Cloud Rewind integrates with Commvault Cloud data resilience capabilities to help organizations rapidly recover from short-term failures to debilitating cyber-attacks with a few clicks.

Cloud Rewind supports all major public and private cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure, for true customer cloud choice.

Cyber Resilience Dashboard

Complementing Commvault's cloud-native rebuild technology is its new Cyber Resilience Dashboard. This dashboard provides continuous ransomware readiness assessments that make it easy for organizations to understand where they have gaps in their resilience plans. It also delivers actionable insights to improve resilience and recovery readiness. The dashboard provides a view across the entire data estate, assessing components such as testing frequency and success, and availability of immutable air-gapped copies of critical data. Leveraging that information, organizations receive a grade based on their readiness to recover and recommendations on improving it.

Supporting Quotes

  • "Commvault's Cloud Rewind enhances data management by covering every step of a data breach – protection, recovery, and rebuilding," said Venkata Sudhakar Nagandla, SVP & Global Head-IT Infrastructure & Cloud, Allcargo Group Companies. "Additionally, we can achieve better RTO and RPO to meet our business needs without requiring a parallel hot standby IT infrastructure and with minimal manual effort."

  • "What we are doing with Cloud Rewind is unlike anything offered on the market today. In the ransomware era, recovering data is important, but it's table stakes," said Brian Brockway, CTO, Commvault. "We're ushering in an entirely new chapter in cyber resilience that not only expedites data recovery, but recovery of cloud applications. This is the gold standard in recovery for a cloud-first world."

  • "With Cloud Rewind, Commvault helps organizations quickly recover in the case of a cybersecurity incident," said Melinda Marks, Practice Director, Cybersecurity, Enterprise Strategy Group. "Its resource discovery, dependency mapping, drift analysis, and automated cloud reconstruction capabilities provide much-needed relief for teams to save them from the intricate and time-consuming process of rebuilding their applications. For enterprises managing hundreds of cloud services, this is a huge advantage for minimizing downtime after a breach."

Cloud-First Cyber Resilience

Cloud Rewind and the Cyber Resilience Dashboard will be generally available in the coming months. For more information about the new Commvault Cloud offerings, please check out today's blog or visit the product page.

More Details

Hear about the latest in cloud-first cyber resilience at SHIFT on October 9 and 10. Click here to register for the must-attend virtual conference.

To read the other announcements being made at SHIFT, please visit:

About Commvault
Commvault (NASDAQ: CVLT) is the gold standard in cyber resilience, helping more than 100,000 organizations keep data safe and businesses resilient and moving forward. Today, Commvault offers the only cyber resilience platform that combines the best data security and rapid recovery at enterprise scale across any workload, anywhere—at the lowest TCO.

1 Productive. (2024, June 6). State of SaaS.

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What is Commvault's Cloud Rewind™ and how does it improve cyber resilience?

Cloud Rewind™ is a new offering from Commvault that integrates cloud-native distributed application recovery and rebuild capabilities. It quickly restores an organization's entire cloud application and data environment, including cloud infrastructure configurations, in a highly automated way. This improves cyber resilience by potentially reducing recovery time from over a week to minutes after a cyberattack or cloud services outage.

What are the key features of Commvault's Cloud Rewind™ (CVLT)?

Key features of Commvault's Cloud Rewind™ include resource discovery, app-centric dependency mapping, drift analysis, automated cyber recovery testing with Recovery-as-Code, on-demand cloud reconstruction, and integrated application-centric cyber recovery and disaster recovery. These features help organizations quickly recover and rebuild their cloud environments after a cyber incident.

When will Commvault's Cloud Rewind™ and Cyber Resilience Dashboard be available?

According to the press release, Commvault's Cloud Rewind™ and Cyber Resilience Dashboard will be generally available in the coming months. Specific release dates were not provided in the announcement.

Which cloud platforms does Commvault's Cloud Rewind™ (CVLT) support?

Commvault's Cloud Rewind™ supports all major public and private cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. This provides customers with true cloud choice for their cyber resilience needs.

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