Commvault Enables New Levels of Cyber Readiness for Cloud-First Enterprises on the AWS Cloud

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Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions, has announced that its Commvault Cloud cyber resilience platform will be available on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This platform includes several key offerings:

1. Cloud Rewind: Acts as an AWS time machine, allowing organizations to recover and rebuild cloud applications quickly.
2. Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3: Provides time machine capabilities for Amazon S3 customers.
3. Air Gap Protect: Offers immutable, isolated copies of data in a Commvault tenant as a service.
4. Cleanroom Recovery: Enables automatic provisioning of recovery infrastructure in AWS.

These solutions aim to enhance data protection, advance cyber recovery, and simplify the cloud application rebuild process following cyberattacks. The full suite of solutions for AWS will be generally available in the coming months and accessible through AWS Marketplace.

Commvault, un fornitore leader di soluzioni per la resilienza informatica e la protezione dei dati, ha annunciato che la sua piattaforma di resilienza informatica Commvault Cloud sarà disponibile su Amazon Web Services (AWS). Questa piattaforma include diverse offerte chiave:

1. Cloud Rewind: Funziona come una macchina del tempo AWS, consentendo alle organizzazioni di recuperare e ricostruire rapidamente le applicazioni cloud.
2. Cyber Resilience per Amazon S3: Offre funzionalità di macchina del tempo per i clienti di Amazon S3.
3. Air Gap Protect: Fornisce copie di dati immutabili e isolate in un'utenza Commvault come servizio.
4. Cleanroom Recovery: Abilita l'approvvigionamento automatico dell'infrastruttura di recupero in AWS.

Queste soluzioni mirano a migliorare la protezione dei dati, a progredire nel recupero informatico e a semplificare il processo di ricostruzione delle applicazioni cloud dopo attacchi informatici. L'intera suite di soluzioni per AWS sarà generalmente disponibile nei prossimi mesi e accessibile attraverso il AWS Marketplace.

Commvault, un proveedor líder de soluciones de ciberresiliencia y protección de datos, ha anunciado que su plataforma de ciberresiliencia Commvault Cloud estará disponible en Amazon Web Services (AWS). Esta plataforma incluye varias ofertas clave:

1. Cloud Rewind: Actúa como una máquina del tiempo de AWS, permitiendo a las organizaciones recuperar y reconstruir rápidamente las aplicaciones en la nube.
2. Ciberresiliencia para Amazon S3: Proporciona capacidades de máquina del tiempo para los clientes de Amazon S3.
3. Air Gap Protect: Ofrece copias de datos inmutables e isoladas en un inquilino Commvault como servicio.
4. Cleanroom Recovery: Permite el aprovisionamiento automático de la infraestructura de recuperación en AWS.

Estas soluciones tienen como objetivo mejorar la protección de datos, avanzar en la recuperación cibernética y simplificar el proceso de reconstrucción de aplicaciones en la nube tras ataques cibernéticos. La suite completa de soluciones para AWS estará generalmente disponible en los próximos meses y será accesible a través del AWS Marketplace.

커뮤니벌트(Commvault)는 사이버 복원력 및 데이터 보호 솔루션의 선도적인 제공업체로서 커뮤니벌트 클라우드 사이버 복원력 플랫폼이 아마존 웹 서비스(AWS)에서 제공된다고 발표했습니다. 이 플랫폼에는 여러 주요 제공 사항이 포함되어 있습니다:

1. 클라우드 리와인드: AWS의 타임머신처럼 작동하여 조직이 클라우드 애플리케이션을 신속하게 복구하고 재구성할 수 있도록 합니다.
2. 아마존 S3를 위한 사이버 복원력: 아마존 S3 고객을 위한 타임머신 기능을 제공합니다.
3. 에어 갭 프로텍트: 커뮤니벌트 테넌트에서의 데이터의 불변하고 격리된 복사본을 서비스로 제공합니다.
4. 클린룸 복구: AWS에서 복구 인프라의 자동 제공을 용이하게 합니다.

이러한 솔루션은 데이터 보호를 강화하고 사이버 복구를 발전시키며 사이버 공격 후 클라우드 애플리케이션의 재구성 프로세스를 단순화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. AWS를 위한 전체 솔루션 모음은 향후 몇 달 내에 일반적으로 제공될 예정이며 AWS 마켓플레이스를 통해 접근할 수 있습니다.

Commvault, un fournisseur leader de solutions de résilience cybernétique et de protection des données, a annoncé que sa plateforme de résilience cybernétique Commvault Cloud sera disponible sur Amazon Web Services (AWS). Cette plateforme comprend plusieurs offres clés :

1. Cloud Rewind: Agit comme une machine à remonter le temps AWS, permettant aux organisations de récupérer et de reconstruire rapidement des applications cloud.
2. Résilience Cybernétique pour Amazon S3: Fournit des capacités de machine à remonter le temps pour les clients d'Amazon S3.
3. Air Gap Protect: Offre des copies de données immuables et isolées dans un locataire Commvault en tant que service.
4. Récupération Cleanroom: Permet l'approvisionnement automatique de l'infrastructure de récupération dans AWS.

Ces solutions visent à améliorer la protection des données, à faire progresser la récupération cybernétique et à simplifier le processus de reconstruction des applications cloud après des cyberattaques. La suite complète de solutions pour AWS sera généralement disponible dans les mois à venir et accessible via AWS Marketplace.

Commvault, ein führender Anbieter von Cyber-Resilienz- und Datensicherungslösungen, hat angekündigt, dass seine Commvault Cloud Cyber-Resilienzplattform auf Amazon Web Services (AWS) verfügbar sein wird. Diese Plattform umfasst mehrere wichtige Angebote:

1. Cloud Rewind: Fungiert als AWS-Zeitmaschine, die es Organisationen ermöglicht, Cloud-Anwendungen schnell wiederherzustellen und neu aufzubauen.
2. Cyber-Resilienz für Amazon S3: Bietet Zeitmaschinenfähigkeiten für Amazon S3-Kunden.
3. Air Gap Protect: Bietet unveränderbare, isolierte Kopien von Daten in einem Commvault-Mieter als Service.
4. Cleanroom Recovery: Ermöglicht die automatische Bereitstellung der Wiederherstellungsinfrastruktur in AWS.

Diese Lösungen zielen darauf ab, den Datenschutz zu verbessern, die Cyber-Rettung voranzutreiben und den Prozess des Wiederaufbaus von Cloud-Anwendungen nach Cyberangriffen zu vereinfachen. Die vollständige Suite von Lösungen für AWS wird in den kommenden Monaten allgemein verfügbar sein und über den AWS Marketplace zugänglich sein.

  • Expansion of Commvault's services to AWS platform, potentially increasing market reach
  • Introduction of new technologies like Cloud Rewind and Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3
  • Enhanced cyber resilience offerings for cloud-first enterprises
  • Automated recovery and rebuild processes, potentially reducing downtime after cyberattacks
  • None.


This announcement represents a significant expansion of Commvault's offerings on AWS, potentially strengthening their market position in cloud data protection and cyber resilience. Key highlights include:

  • Introduction of Cloud Rewind, enabling rapid recovery and automated application rebuilding after cyberattacks
  • Upcoming Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3, addressing the growing need for protecting large datasets, including AI and ML data
  • Air Gap Protect and Cleanroom Recovery, enhancing data isolation and recovery capabilities

These advancements could appeal to enterprises increasingly adopting cloud-first strategies, especially given the statistic that 73% of new data will be stored in the cloud. The integration with AWS Marketplace may streamline adoption for existing AWS customers, potentially driving growth for Commvault.

However, the impact on Commvault's financials remains to be seen, as the offerings will be generally available "in the coming months." The success will depend on market reception, competitive differentiation and effective execution of the AWS partnership.

Commvault's expanded offerings on AWS address critical gaps in cloud cybersecurity:

  • Rapid Recovery: Cloud Rewind and Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3 tackle the challenge of swift data and application recovery post-attack, important for minimizing downtime and financial losses.
  • Immutable Backups: Air Gap Protect provides an essential defense against ransomware by offering isolated, immutable data copies.
  • Automated Testing: Cleanroom Recovery's ability to frequently test cyber recovery plans is a significant advancement, as many organizations struggle with maintaining updated and tested recovery procedures.

These features align well with the growing need for comprehensive cyber resilience strategies, especially as cloud adoption accelerates. The integration of Appranix and Clumio technologies demonstrates Commvault's commitment to innovation through strategic acquisitions.

While the offerings show promise, their effectiveness will ultimately depend on real-world performance and the ability to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Commvault delivers the full Commvault Cloud cyber resilience platform on AWS, including Cleanroom Recovery, Commvault SaaS Offerings, Air Gap Protect, and Cloud Rewind

LONDON, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- COMMVAULT SHIFT -- Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions for the hybrid cloud, today announced that the Commvault® Cloud cyber resilience platform will be available on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The Commvault Cloud platform, including its widely deployed SaaS offerings (formerly known as Metallic), will provide AWS customers with cutting-edge solutions for automating data protection, advancing cyber recovery, and simplifying the cloud application rebuild process following a cyberattack.

Today, more organizations are embracing a cloud-first approach where cyber resilience is key. In fact, 73% of all new data will be stored in the cloud1. Commvault's announcement provides organizations with even more options for building resilience on the secure AWS Cloud. Offerings that will be available to AWS customers include:

  • Cloud Rewind: Based on Appranix technology, Cloud Rewind acts as an AWS time machine. This cloud-native offering lets organizations "rewind" to the last clean copy of their data, recover that data, and automate the cloud application rebuild process so that businesses can get back to normal in minutes versus hours, days, weeks, or months. To read about other new developments with Cloud Rewind, click here.
  • Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3: Through its recent acquisition of Clumio, Commvault will be introducing new technology in the coming months that will also bring time machine capabilities to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) customers. In the event of an attack, this technology will allow Amazon S3 customers to revert rapidly back to a clean copy of data that has not been infiltrated with malware. At a time when many companies are storing very large datasets in Amazon S3, including AI and ML datasets, this advancement will represent an important opportunity to further cyber resilience in the AI era.
  • Air Gap Protect: This critical last line of defense offering will provide AWS customers with immutable, isolated copies of data in a Commvault tenant, as a service. This offering joins Commvault's current capabilities for backup and protection in customer-owned tenants. This gives AWS customers another way to keep their data safe and resilient.
  • Cleanroom Recovery: Commvault is extending the power of Cleanroom Recovery to AWS. When attacked, this technology will allow organizations to automatically provision recovery infrastructure, allowing recovery to an isolated location in AWS and rapidly restore production workloads. Customers can also conduct forensics in this clean and safe location. The beauty of Cleanroom Recovery is that it also enables IT and security teams to frequently and fully test their cyber recovery plans in advance so that they know when they are hit, they can recover quickly. For more on Cleanroom Recovery, click here or watch this video.

Building on a Strong Foundation

Vast numbers of customers already utilize Commvault to protect data stored on AWS. In fact, in the last year alone, Commvault has backed up exabytes of data to AWS targets. And, with today's announcements – including offering the full Commvault Cloud platform on AWS – Commvault expects that number to grow significantly.

Availability at Your Fingertips

Commvault's suite of solutions for AWS will be generally available in the coming months. Following availability, joint customers will be able to access these solutions in AWS Marketplace.

Supporting Quotes

  • "By utilizing Commvault in our AWS environment, we will be able to greatly enhance our data protection, resiliency, and recovery processes," said Marek Duranik, Core Infrastructure & Data Storage and Protection Associate Director, Merck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD). "Commvault's orchestration capabilities allow us to automate and streamline recovery in the event of a cyberattack and significantly decrease recovery time. Plus, we get the added benefit of having access to Commvault's SaaS offerings with full support for both cloud and on-premises infrastructure. Our data and recovery environments will be secure, resilient, and prepared to face potential threats, decreasing our risk and enhancing our ability to quickly respond to cyberattacks."
  • "We are proud to extend the full power of the Commvault Cloud platform and cloud-native solutions to AWS," said Pranay Ahlawat, Chief Technology and AI Officer, Commvault. "We believe our game-changing technology will empower joint customers to recover faster, mitigate threats more effectively, and enhance their cyber resilience strategies."

More Details

  • Learn how Cloud Rewind is a game-changer in cyber resilience.
  • Read about the new joint solution from Commvault and Pure Storage.
  • Hear about the latest in cloud-first cyber resilience at SHIFT. Click here to register for the must-attend virtual conference.

About Commvault
Commvault (NASDAQ: CVLT) is the gold standard in cyber resilience, helping more than 100,000 organizations keep data safe and businesses resilient and moving forward. Today, Commvault offers the only cyber resilience platform that combines the best data security and rapid recovery at enterprise scale across any workload, anywhere—at the lowest TCO.

1 IDC Global DataSphere and StorageSphere, 2022; BCG's Future of Data, 2022 (N = 299); BCG analysis.

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What new services is Commvault offering on AWS for cyber resilience?

Commvault is offering Cloud Rewind, Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3, Air Gap Protect, and Cleanroom Recovery on AWS to enhance cyber resilience for cloud-first enterprises.

When will Commvault's new cyber resilience solutions be available on AWS Marketplace?

Commvault's suite of solutions for AWS will be generally available in the coming months and accessible through AWS Marketplace.

How does Commvault's Cloud Rewind technology benefit AWS customers?

Cloud Rewind acts as an AWS time machine, allowing organizations to recover data and automate cloud application rebuild processes, potentially reducing recovery time from days or weeks to minutes.

What is the significance of Commvault's Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3?

Cyber Resilience for Amazon S3 will bring time machine capabilities to Amazon S3 customers, allowing them to revert rapidly back to clean copies of data in case of malware infiltration, which is particularly important for large datasets including AI and ML data.

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