Commvault and Pure Storage Collaborate to Help Financial Institutions Meet Stringent DORA Requirements

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Commvault and Pure Storage have announced a joint cyber readiness solution to help organizations comply with evolving regulations, particularly the EU's Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), effective January 2025. The solution addresses key aspects of DORA, including risk management and operational resilience testing.

The joint offering provides:

  • Protection: Built on zero-trust principles with advanced authentication, storage encryption, and compliance locks
  • Detection: Proactive risk scanning, AI-assisted anomaly detection, and cyber deception technology
  • Response and Recovery: Rapid recovery of mission-critical systems using Pure Storage Platform snapshots
  • Operational Resilience Testing: Continuous testing in secure, isolated environments

This solution aims to enhance cyber resilience, operational readiness, and rapid recovery capabilities for financial institutions and other organizations facing stringent regulatory requirements.

Commvault e Pure Storage hanno annunciato una soluzione congiunta per la preparazione al cyber attacco, destinata ad aiutare le organizzazioni a conformarsi alle normative in evoluzione, in particolare al Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) dell'UE, che entrerà in vigore a gennaio 2025. La soluzione affronta aspetti chiave di DORA, tra cui la gestione del rischio e il test di resilienza operativa.

L'offerta congiunta prevede:

  • Protezione: Basata su principi di zero trust con autenticazione avanzata, crittografia dello storage e blocchi di conformità
  • Rilevamento: Scansione proattiva dei rischi, rilevamento delle anomalie assistito da AI e tecnologia di inganno informatico
  • Risposta e Recupero: Recupero rapido dei sistemi critici per la missione utilizzando gli snapshot della Pure Storage Platform
  • Test di Resilienza Operativa: Test continuo in ambienti sicuri e isolati

Questa soluzione mira a migliorare la resilienza informatica, la prontezza operativa e le capacità di recupero rapido per le istituzioni finanziarie e altre organizzazioni soggette a rigorosi requisiti normativi.

Commvault y Pure Storage han anunciado una solución conjunta para la preparación ante ciberataques, destinada a ayudar a las organizaciones a cumplir con las regulaciones en evolución, en particular con la Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) de la UE, que será efectiva en enero de 2025. La solución aborda aspectos clave de DORA, incluyendo la gestión de riesgos y la prueba de resiliencia operativa.

La oferta conjunta proporciona:

  • Protección: Basada en principios de confianza cero con autenticación avanzada, cifrado de almacenamiento y bloqueos de cumplimiento
  • Detección: Escaneo proactivo de riesgos, detección de anomalías asistida por IA y tecnología de engaño cibernético
  • Respuesta y Recuperación: Recuperación rápida de sistemas críticos mediante instantáneas de la Pure Storage Platform
  • Pruebas de Resiliencia Operativa: Pruebas continuas en entornos seguros e aislados

Esta solución tiene como objetivo mejorar la resiliencia cibernética, la preparación operativa y las capacidades de recuperación rápida para instituciones financieras y otras organizaciones que enfrentan estrictos requisitos regulatorios.

Commvault와 Pure Storage가 공동 사이버 준비 솔루션을 발표했습니다. 이 솔루션은 조직이 변화하는 규정을 준수하도록 도와주며, 특히 2025년 1월 발효되는 EU의 디지털 운영 복원력 법령(DORA)와 관련됩니다. 이 솔루션은 DORA의 핵심 측면인 위험 관리운영 복원력 테스트를 다룹니다.

공동 제안은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 보호: 고급 인증, 스토리지 암호화 및 준수 잠금과 함께 제로 트러스트 원칙에 기반함
  • 탐지: 능동적인 위험 스캐닝, AI 지원 이상 탐지 및 사이버 기만 기술
  • 응답 및 복구: Pure Storage Platform 스냅샷을 사용하여 미션 크리티컬 시스템의 빠른 복구
  • 운영 복원력 테스트: 안전하고 격리된 환경에서의 지속적인 테스트

이 솔루션은 금융 기관 및 기타 엄격한 규제 요건에 직면한 조직의 사이버 복원력, 운영 준비성 및 신속한 복구 능력을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Commvault et Pure Storage ont annoncé une solution conjointe de préparation aux cyberattaques pour aider les organisations à se conformer aux réglementations en évolution, en particulier le Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) de l'UE, qui entrera en vigueur en janvier 2025. La solution aborde des aspects clés de DORA, y compris la gestion des risques et les tests de résilience opérationnelle.

L'offre conjointe propose :

  • Protection: Basée sur des principes de confiance zéro avec authentification avancée, cryptage de stockage et verrous de conformité
  • Détection: Analyse proactive des risques, détection d'anomalies assistée par IA et technologie de déception cybernétique
  • Réponse et Récupération: Récupération rapide des systèmes critiques à l'aide des instantanés de la Pure Storage Platform
  • Tests de résilience opérationnelle: Tests continus dans des environnements sûrs et isolés

Cette solution vise à améliorer la résilience cybernétique, la préparation opérationnelle et les capacités de récupération rapide des établissements financiers et d'autres organisations confrontées à des exigences réglementaires strictes.

Commvault und Pure Storage haben eine gemeinsame Lösung zur Cyber-Bereitschaft angekündigt, um Organisationen dabei zu helfen, sich an die sich entwickelnden Vorschriften anzupassen, insbesondere an das Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) der EU, das im Januar 2025 in Kraft tritt. Die Lösung behandelt die wichtigsten Aspekte von DORA, darunter Risikomanagement und Tests zur operativen Resilienz.

Das gemeinsame Angebot bietet:

  • Schutz: Basierend auf Zero-Trust-Prinzipien mit fortschrittlicher Authentifizierung, Speicherungverschlüsselung und Compliance-Sperren
  • Erkennung: Proaktive Risikoprüfung, KI-unterstützte Anomalieerkennung und Cyber-Deception-Technologie
  • Reaktion und Wiederherstellung: Schnelle Wiederherstellung kritischer Systeme mit Hilfe von Snapshots der Pure Storage Platform
  • Tests zur operativen Resilienz: Kontinuierliche Tests in sicheren, isolierten Umgebungen

Diese Lösung zielt darauf ab, die Cyberresilienz, die operationale Bereitschaft und die schnellen Wiederherstellungsfähigkeiten von Finanzinstituten und anderen Organisationen, die strengen regulatorischen Anforderungen gegenüberstehen, zu verbessern.

  • Joint solution addresses key aspects of DORA compliance
  • Enhances cyber resilience and operational readiness
  • Provides rapid recovery capabilities for mission-critical systems
  • Offers continuous testing in secure, isolated environments
  • Supports compliance with multiple cybersecurity and privacy regulations
  • None.


This collaboration between Commvault and Pure Storage addresses critical aspects of DORA compliance, particularly in cyber resiliency and operational readiness. The joint solution offers multi-layered protection, including zero-trust principles, advanced authentication and hardware immutability. Key features like AI-assisted anomaly detection and cyber deception technology significantly enhance threat detection capabilities.

The solution's ability to provide rapid recovery from Pure Storage Platform snapshots is important for meeting stringent recovery time objectives. This is especially vital for critical systems like payments in the financial sector. The continuous testing capability in isolated environments is a standout feature, allowing organizations to refine their recovery processes and maintain readiness for potential breaches or outages.

While this partnership strengthens compliance efforts, it's important to note that DORA compliance involves broader organizational changes beyond just technological solutions. Financial institutions will need to ensure their entire operational framework aligns with DORA's comprehensive requirements.

The Commvault-Pure Storage collaboration is timely, given DORA's impending implementation in January 2025. This solution addresses key DORA requirements, particularly in risk management and operational resilience testing. It's noteworthy that the solution extends beyond DORA, potentially aiding compliance with other regulations like the EU's NIS2 Directive and RBI e-mandates.

For financial institutions, this integrated approach could streamline compliance efforts across multiple regulatory frameworks. However, it's important to understand that technology alone doesn't ensure full compliance. Organizations must also focus on policy development, staff training and regular audits to meet DORA's comprehensive requirements.

The solution's emphasis on rapid recovery and continuous testing aligns well with DORA's focus on operational resilience. This could be particularly valuable for global banks and financial entities operating across multiple jurisdictions, helping them maintain consistent compliance standards.

Joint solution delivers cyber resiliency, operational readiness, and rapid recovery capabilities to address growing regulations.

LONDON, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- COMMVAULT SHIFT -- Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions for the hybrid cloud, today announced a joint cyber readiness solution with Pure Storage that can play a key role in helping organizations comply with evolving and stringent regulations.

For example, the European Union's (EU) Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), slated to take effect in January 2025, introduces a comprehensive framework focused on ensuring financial entities, including global banks, are not only prepared for unplanned events, but capable of recovering swiftly and effectively.

DORA requires organizations to report on cyber resiliency practices across a host of areas including, but not limited to risk management and operational resilience testing. Together, Commvault's exceptional data protection and cyber resilience offerings and the innovative Pure Storage Platform help organizations address aspects of these regulations with an integrated solution that assists with compliance and keeps customers' data secure in the face of cyber-attacks, bad actors, and rising ransomware threats.

Under risk management, DORA identifies several subcategories that financial entities should focus on as part of their strategy for securing customer data. Among them are protection and prevention, detection, and response and recovery. The joint Commvault and Pure Storage solution addresses these categories in the following ways:

  • Protection – The Commvault and Pure Storage solution is built on zero-trust principles and includes advanced authentication, storage encryption, and compliance locks to safeguard critical backup data. In addition, the solution has multiple layers of software and hardware immutability, including Pure SafeMode™ Snapshots and S3 Object Locking on the Pure Storage Platform, for enhanced recoverability and additional protection against cyber threats.
  • Detection – Commvault helps organizations easily detect and remediate risks, threats, and unusual activity. With proactive risk scanning, AI-assisted anomaly detection, and cyber deception technology that uses decoy devices to hunt threats, Commvault delivers early warning so organizations can coordinate response and accelerate recovery of clean data.
  • Response and Recovery – For the most critical systems (e.g., payments), one of the best ways to meet stringent recovery time objectives required by regulations is to use storage-based snapshots. Commvault integrates with Pure Storage to provide rapid recovery of mission critical systems from Pure Storage Platform snapshots that leverage Pure SafeMode.

Commvault also integrates with a wide array of leading cybersecurity and threat intelligence solutions to enable better threat recognition and faster, more coordinated response and recovery.

To address DORA's operational resilience testing requirements Commvault and Pure Storage deliver the ability to continuously test cyber recovery in secure, isolated environments, so organizations can enhance recovery processes and readiness for breaches or outages. Whether testing is conducted on-demand in cloud-isolated tenants via Commvault's Cleanroom Recovery solution or within isolated recovery environments with Commvault's offerings and the Pure Storage Platform, organizations can easily deliver rapid, frictionless recovery of clean data to isolated environments with the flexibility needed to meet operational and data sovereignty requirements.

Enabling organizations to advance resilience is not only applicable to DORA, but supports compliance under other cybersecurity and privacy regulations like the EU's NIS2 Directive and e-mandates from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for recurring transactions.

"Commvault and Pure Storage are delivering a globally scalable solution for digital operational resilience," said Alan Atkinson, Chief Partner Officer, Commvault. "Whether organizations are trying to comply with DORA or the multitude of new regulatory compliance requirements, we combine exceptional detection, forensics, and reporting capabilities with immutable and rapidly recoverable snapshots in one comprehensive solution."

"The financial sector is under constant threat of cyberattacks that have the ability to undermine economies and consumer confidence. At the same time, cyber regulations are putting stretched IT and security teams to the test," said Patrick Smith, Field CTO, EMEA, Pure Storage. "Through our partnership with Commvault, we are giving financial institutions critical tools that not only help comply with regulations like DORA but advance their cyber resilience to help ensure enterprise data remains secure, protected, and if necessary, recoverable."

For more information about how Commvault and Pure Storage can help organizations ensure compliance, please visit the partner page.

More Details

  • Learn how Cloud Rewind is a game-changer in cyber resilience.
  • Read about how Commvault unlocks new levels of cyber resilience for AWS customers.
  • Find out more about Commvault's expanded support for Google Workspace.
  • Hear about the latest in cloud-first cyber resilience at SHIFT. Click here to register for the must-attend virtual conference.

About Commvault

Commvault (NASDAQ: CVLT) is the gold standard in cyber resilience, helping more than 100,000 organizations keep data safe and businesses resilient and moving forward. Today, Commvault offers the only cyber resilience platform that combines the best data security and rapid recovery at enterprise scale across any workload, anywhere—at the lowest TCO.

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When does the EU's Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) take effect?

DORA is slated to take effect in January 2025.

What are the key features of the Commvault and Pure Storage joint solution for DORA compliance?

The joint solution offers protection with zero-trust principles, detection through AI-assisted anomaly detection, rapid recovery using Pure Storage Platform snapshots, and operational resilience testing in secure, isolated environments.

How does the Commvault and Pure Storage solution address DORA's risk management requirements?

The solution addresses DORA's risk management requirements through protection and prevention, detection, and response and recovery capabilities, including advanced authentication, storage encryption, and compliance locks.

Can the Commvault and Pure Storage solution help with compliance beyond DORA?

Yes, the solution supports compliance with other cybersecurity and privacy regulations like the EU's NIS2 Directive and e-mandates from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for recurring transactions.

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