Curaleaf Report: Online and unregulated cannabis poses serious health risks with mould, lead, and synthetic cannabinoids detected

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Curaleaf International released a report highlighting significant concerns about illegal online cannabis sales in the UK, which have increased by 50% in the past two years. The study reveals that 73% of online purchases are driven by consumers seeking relief from health conditions. Testing showed illegal cannabis contains harmful contaminants including mould, lead, and synthetic cannabinoids, posing serious health risks to 1.8 million UK users who self-treat medical conditions. Despite these dangers, 17% of cannabis consumers believe illegal cannabis is safer than regulated medical cannabis or don't recognize the difference. Curaleaf advocates for stronger enforcement, public education, improved patient access, and expanded research to address these challenges.

Curaleaf International ha pubblicato un rapporto che evidenzia preoccupazioni significative riguardo le vendite illegali di cannabis online nel Regno Unito, che sono aumentate del 50% negli ultimi due anni. Lo studio rivela che 73% degli acquisti online sono motivati da consumatori in cerca di sollievo per condizioni di salute. I test hanno dimostrato che la cannabis illegale contiene contaminanti nocivi come muffa, piombo e cannabinoidi sintetici, rappresentando gravi rischi per la salute per 1,8 milioni di utenti nel Regno Unito che si auto-trattano per condizioni mediche. Nonostante questi pericoli, 17% dei consumatori di cannabis ritiene che la cannabis illegale sia più sicura rispetto alla cannabis medica regolamentata o non riconosce la differenza. Curaleaf sostiene l'implementazione di una normativa più severa, l'educazione pubblica, un miglior accesso per i pazienti e la ricerca ampliata per affrontare queste sfide.

Curaleaf International publicó un informe que destaca preocupaciones significativas sobre las ventas ilegales de cannabis en línea en el Reino Unido, que han aumentado en un 50% en los últimos dos años. El estudio revela que 73% de las compras en línea son impulsadas por consumidores que buscan alivio de condiciones de salud. Las pruebas mostraron que el cannabis ilegal contiene contaminantes dañinos, incluidos moho, plomo y cannabinoides sintéticos, lo que representa serios riesgos para la salud de 1,8 millones de usuarios en el Reino Unido que se auto-tratan para condiciones médicas. A pesar de estos peligros, 17% de los consumidores de cannabis creen que el cannabis ilegal es más seguro que el cannabis médico regulado o no reconocen la diferencia. Curaleaf aboga por una aplicación más estricta, educación pública, mejor acceso para los pacientes y una investigación ampliada para abordar estos desafíos.

커럴리프 인터내셔널은 영국의 불법 온라인 대마초 판매에 대한 우려를 강조한 보고서를 발표했으며, 지난 2년 동안 50% 증가했습니다. 이 연구는 온라인 구매의 73%가 건강 문제로 인한 구제를 찾는 소비자에 의해 이루어진다는 것을 밝혀냈습니다. 테스트 결과 불법 대마초에는 곰팡이, 납 및 합성 칸나비노이드와 같은 유해한 오염 물질이 포함되어 있어, 자가 치료를 하는 180만명의 영국 사용자에게 심각한 건강 위험을 초래합니다. 이러한 위험에도 불구하고, 17%의 대마초 소비자는 불법 대마초가 규제된 의료 대마초보다 더 안전하다고 믿거나 차이를 인식하지 못합니다. 커럴리프는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 강력한 집행, 대중 교육, 환자 접근 개선 및 연구 확대를 촉구합니다.

Curaleaf International a publié un rapport soulignant des préoccupations significatives concernant les ventes illégales de cannabis en ligne au Royaume-Uni, qui ont augmenté de 50% au cours des deux dernières années. L'étude révèle que 73% des achats en ligne sont liés à des consommateurs recherchant un soulagement pour des problèmes de santé. Les tests ont montré que le cannabis illégal contient des contaminants nocifs, y compris de la moisissure, du plomb et des cannabinoïdes synthétiques, posant de sérieux risques pour la santé pour 1,8 million d'utilisateurs au Royaume-Uni qui se soignent eux-mêmes. Malgré ces dangers, 17% des consommateurs de cannabis pensent que le cannabis illégal est plus sûr que le cannabis médical réglementé ou ne reconnaissent pas la différence. Curaleaf plaide pour un renforcement de l'application des lois, une éducation publique, un meilleur accès aux patients et des recherches élargies pour relever ces défis.

Curaleaf International hat einen Bericht veröffentlicht, der erhebliche Bedenken hinsichtlich des illegalen Online-Verkaufs von Cannabis im Vereinigten Königreich hervorhebt, der in den letzten zwei Jahren um 50% gestiegen ist. Die Studie zeigt, dass 73% der Online-Käufe von Verbrauchern getrieben werden, die Linderung bei Gesundheitsproblemen suchen. Tests haben gezeigt, dass illegales Cannabis schädliche Verunreinigungen wie Schimmel, Blei und synthetische Cannabinoide enthält, was ein ernstes Gesundheitsrisiko für 1,8 Millionen Nutzer im Vereinigten Königreich darstellt, die sich selbst Medikamente verabreichen. Trotz dieser Gefahren glauben 17% der Cannabis-Konsumenten, dass illegales Cannabis sicherer ist als reguliertes medizinisches Cannabis oder erkennen den Unterschied nicht. Curaleaf plädiert für eine stärkere Durchsetzung, öffentliche Aufklärung, verbesserten Patienten Zugang und erweiterte Forschung, um diese Herausforderungen anzugehen.

  • None.
  • Illegal online cannabis sales increased 50% in past two years, threatening regulated market share
  • 73% of illegal market driven by medical consumers who could be legal customers
  • Contaminated products in illegal market undermining legitimate business operations
  • 17% of consumers misunderstand safety differences, indicating market education challenges
  • Illegal cannabis sales through unregulated online retailers have increased 50% in past two years
  • 73% of the illegal online market is driven by those seeking relief from health conditions
  • Tests show illegal cannabis in the UK contains harmful substances such as mould, lead, and synthetic cannabinoids, posing serious health threats to consumers
  • Curaleaf International calls for public education, stronger enforcement, and regulatory reform to tackle the illegal market and safeguard consumers

LONDON, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Curaleaf International, a global leader in medical cannabis, is urging the UK government to take immediate action against the rapidly growing online illicit cannabis market, which is allowing street cannabis to be sold from unregulated and unpoliced websites and platforms.

Curaleaf's latest report reveals that illegal online cannabis sales via the open and dark web have risen by 50% in the past two years, and increased by 67% across open web retailers.

This is largely being driven by consumers buying illegal cannabis to seek relief from health conditions like chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety (73% of online purchasers) - many of whom could be eligible for legally prescribed medical cannabis.

Curaleaf's report, developed in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University, also found that illegal cannabis is often contaminated with dangerous substances such as mould, lead, and synthetic cannabinoids, posing severe health risks to the 1.8 million people in the UK who use the product to self-treat medical conditions. This unregulated market not only endangers public health but also undermines the legal, medical cannabis industry, which adheres to strict quality and safety standards.

Despite dangers including respiratory issues, neurological damage, and increased risk of infection, one in five (17%) cannabis consumers mistakenly believe illegal cannabis is safer than regulated medical cannabis or don't know the difference, highlighting an urgent need for public education to tackle the illicit market and safeguard consumers.

Curaleaf International advocates for a holistic reform strategy that encompasses:

  • Tightened Regulation of Illegal Channels: Strengthening enforcement against unlicensed online sales and dark web activity to protect consumers from unregulated and potentially dangerous products.
  • Public Awareness Initiatives: Launching comprehensive campaigns to educate the public on the risks associated with unregulated cannabis products and the advantages of the existing legal medical cannabis market. These campaigns will ensure patients make informed choices based on reliable information about regulated medical cannabis, which meets stringent safety and quality standards, unlike illicit products.
  • Policy Changes to Improve Patient Access to Medicine: Simple regulatory and policy changes could significantly improve patient access to medical cannabis. For instance, enabling electronic prescribing of cannabis medicines would reduce the bureaucracy imposed on doctors and improve the efficiency of medicine dispensing.
  • Expanded Research into Medical Cannabis: Promoting further clinical research to unlock the full therapeutic potential of cannabis. As a leader in the industry, Curaleaf International is already pioneering studies to advance the understanding of how medical cannabis affects patients with a range of diagnosed medical conditions, where other treatments have not provided relief.

Juan Martinez, Head of Curaleaf International, stated: "While the online market for illicit cannabis is growing year on year and remains completely unregulated, the UK already has a legal medical cannabis market in place, which adheres to rigorous safety and quality standards. Our research has found alarmingly high levels of contamination in illegal cannabis, putting consumers' health at serious risk. If the UK government is truly committed to safeguarding public health and supporting legitimate businesses, it must do more to improve patient access to regulated medical cannabis and enforce stricter regulations on illegal sales. This includes educating the public on the benefits of regulated cannabis products and enhanced policing of internet search engines and service providers. By curbing the illicit market and expanding access to legal, regulated options, we can better protect vulnerable individuals and dismantle illegal operations."

Boris Jordan, Chairman and CEO at Curaleaf Inc, added: "The findings in this new report echo our concerns across the globe, and highlight serious risks to patients in the UK. Similar testing done previously in the US found contaminated products in illegal dispensaries, and this is an issue that weighs on all of us in the industry. Without controlled and legal access to tested, regulated cannabis, patients and consumers are left vulnerable to extreme health risks. Lawmakers around the world must act now to enforce laws against the illicit market and widen access to legal, regulated cannabis products."

About Curaleaf International

Curaleaf International is shaping the future of cannabis through its commitment to research and product excellence. Powered by a strong presence at all stages of the supply chain, its unique distribution network throughout Europe, Canada and Australasia brings together pioneering research with cutting-edge cultivation, extraction, and production. Amidst a rapid growth trajectory, the emphasis on quality and expertise aims to ensure the delivery of safe and legal cannabis.

Curaleaf International's network includes a clinic, pharmacy, and laboratory in the UK; cultivation and processing facilities in Portugal; an EU-GMP processing, quality assurance and research site in Spain; Four20 Pharma wholesaler and distributor in Germany; a Polish wholesaler; and the EU-GMP producer Northern Green Canada.

Curaleaf International is part of Curaleaf Holdings, Inc., a publicly listed business and the world's largest cannabis company.

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SOURCE Curaleaf International


What percentage increase in illegal online cannabis sales did Curaleaf (CURLF) report for the UK?

Curaleaf reported a 50% increase in illegal online cannabis sales in the UK over the past two years, with a 67% increase specifically across open web retailers.

What contaminants did Curaleaf (CURLF) find in illegal UK cannabis?

Curaleaf's testing revealed that illegal cannabis in the UK contains harmful contaminants including mould, lead, and synthetic cannabinoids.

What percentage of UK online cannabis purchases are for medical purposes according to Curaleaf (CURLF)?

According to Curaleaf's report, 73% of online cannabis purchases in the UK are made by consumers seeking relief from health conditions like chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

How many UK residents use cannabis for self-treatment according to Curaleaf's (CURLF) report?

Curaleaf's report indicates that 1.8 million people in the UK use cannabis to self-treat medical conditions.



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