CTT Pharma's CEO Issues Letter to Shareholders
CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings (OTCQB:CTTH) CEO Ryan Khouri provided a shareholder update regarding the company's ongoing grant applications and smoking cessation initiatives. The company has submitted applications for NIH and NSF grants before the January 6th deadline, with responses expected in April or May 2025. The review process is scheduled to begin in March.
The NIH grant would enable Johns Hopkins University to conduct clinical trials of CTT's innovative smoke-free low dose dissolvable strip, potentially creating the first new oral smoking cessation product in 40 years. The company has strengthened its team by adding two experienced grant specialists.
Khouri previously spoke at the FDA Headquarters in Maryland in October 2024 at an FDA and NIH event on Advancing Smoking Cessation Technology, receiving positive feedback. A conference call with shareholders is planned for April 2025, with the specific date to be announced.
CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings (OTCQB:CTTH) il CEO Ryan Khouri ha fornito un aggiornamento agli azionisti riguardo alle attuali domande di sovvenzione e alle iniziative per la cessazione del fumo. L'azienda ha presentato domande per finanziamenti NIH e NSF prima della scadenza del 6 gennaio, con risposte attese per aprile o maggio 2025. Il processo di revisione è previsto per iniziare a marzo.
Il finanziamento NIH consentirebbe a Johns Hopkins University di condurre studi clinici sullo striscia dissolvibile a bassa dose e priva di fumo innovativa di CTT, creando potenzialmente il primo nuovo prodotto orale per la cessazione del fumo in 40 anni. L'azienda ha rafforzato il proprio team aggiungendo due specialisti di sovvenzioni esperti.
Khouri ha precedentemente parlato presso la sede della FDA nel Maryland nell'ottobre 2024 durante un evento della FDA e NIH su Avanzare nella Tecnologia per la Cessazione del Fumo, ricevendo feedback positivi. È pianificata una conferenza telefonica con gli azionisti per aprile 2025, con la data specifica che sarà annunciata.
CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings (OTCQB:CTTH) el CEO Ryan Khouri proporcionó una actualización a los accionistas sobre las solicitudes de subvenciones en curso de la empresa y las iniciativas para dejar de fumar. La empresa ha presentado solicitudes para subvenciones NIH y NSF antes de la fecha límite del 6 de enero, con respuestas esperadas en abril o mayo de 2025. El proceso de revisión está programado para comenzar en marzo.
La subvención NIH permitiría a Johns Hopkins University llevar a cabo ensayos clínicos de la innovadora tira disoluble de baja dosis y sin humo de CTT, creando potencialmente el primer nuevo producto oral para dejar de fumar en 40 años. La empresa ha fortalecido su equipo al agregar dos especialistas en subvenciones con experiencia.
Khouri habló anteriormente en la sede de la FDA en Maryland en octubre de 2024 en un evento de la FDA y NIH sobre Avanzar en la Tecnología de Cessación del Fumar, recibiendo comentarios positivos. Se planea una llamada de conferencia con los accionistas para abril de 2025, con la fecha específica que se anunciará.
CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings (OTCQB:CTTH)의 CEO 라이언 카우리(Ryan Khouri)는 회사의 진행 중인 보조금 신청 및 금연 이니셔티브에 대한 주주 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 회사는 1월 6일 마감일 전에 NIH 및 NSF 보조금 신청서를 제출했으며, 응답은 2025년 4월 또는 5월에 예상됩니다. 검토 과정은 3월에 시작될 예정입니다.
NIH 보조금은 존스 홉킨스 대학교가 CTT의 혁신적인 무연 저용량 용해 스트립에 대한 임상 시험을 수행할 수 있도록 하여, 40년 만에 첫 번째 새로운 경구 금연 제품을 만들 가능성이 있습니다. 회사는 두 명의 경험이 풍부한 보조금 전문가를 추가하여 팀을 강화했습니다.
카우리는 2024년 10월 메릴랜드에 있는 FDA 본부에서 금연 기술 발전에 관한 FDA 및 NIH 행사에서 연설했으며 긍정적인 피드백을 받았습니다. 2025년 4월에 주주와의 컨퍼런스 콜이 계획되어 있으며, 구체적인 날짜는 추후 발표될 예정입니다.
CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings (OTCQB:CTTH) le PDG Ryan Khouri a fourni une mise à jour aux actionnaires concernant les demandes de subventions en cours et les initiatives de sevrage tabagique de l'entreprise. La société a soumis des demandes pour des subventions NIH et NSF avant la date limite du 6 janvier, avec des réponses attendues en avril ou mai 2025. Le processus de révision doit commencer en mars.
La subvention NIH permettrait à l'Université Johns Hopkins de mener des essais cliniques sur la bandelette dissolvable innovante à faible dose et sans fumée de CTT, créant potentiellement le premier nouveau produit oral de sevrage tabagique en 40 ans. L'entreprise a renforcé son équipe en ajoutant deux spécialistes expérimentés des subventions.
Khouri a précédemment pris la parole au siège de la FDA dans le Maryland en octobre 2024 lors d'un événement de la FDA et du NIH sur l'Avancement de la Technologie de Sevrage Tabagique, recevant des retours positifs. Un appel conférence avec les actionnaires est prévu pour avril 2025, avec la date spécifique à annoncer.
CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings (OTCQB:CTTH) CEO Ryan Khouri gab ein Update an die Aktionäre bezüglich der laufenden Förderanträge und der Initiativen zur Raucherentwöhnung. Das Unternehmen hat vor der Frist am 6. Januar Anträge für NIH- und NSF-Förderungen eingereicht, mit Antworten, die im April oder Mai 2025 erwartet werden. Der Überprüfungsprozess soll im März beginnen.
Die NIH-Förderung würde es der Johns Hopkins University ermöglichen, klinische Studien zu CTTs innovativem rauchfreiem, niedrig dosierten, löslichen Streifen durchzuführen, was potenziell das erste neue orale Produkt zur Raucherentwöhnung seit 40 Jahren schaffen könnte. Das Unternehmen hat sein Team durch die Hinzufügung von zwei erfahrenen Fördermitarbeitern verstärkt.
Khouri sprach zuvor im Oktober 2024 in der FDA-Zentrale in Maryland bei einer Veranstaltung der FDA und NIH über Fortschritte in der Technologie zur Raucherentwöhnung und erhielt positives Feedback. Ein Konferenzanruf mit den Aktionären ist für April 2025 geplant, das genaue Datum wird noch bekannt gegeben.
- Potential NIH grant could enable clinical trials at prestigious Johns Hopkins University
- Development of first new oral smoking cessation product in 40 years
- Added two experienced grant specialists to strengthen application process
- Presented at FDA Headquarters with positive feedback
- Grant approval remains uncertain
- Clinical trials haven't started yet, pending grant approval
TAMPA, FL / ACCESS Newswire / March 12, 2025 / CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB:CTTH)
Dear Shareholders,
I wanted to issue this brief letter to share a few updates. To start, it's important to note that there are no delays with the NIH or NSF grants. These grants were filed in advance of the January 6th deadline and as a result we are expecting answers in May possibly April. I also received notification that the review process for these grants will start in March. The NIH grant would allow Johns Hopkins University the ability to move forward with clinical trials of our smoke-free low dose dissolvable strip and allow CTT to create the first oral smoking cessation product in 40 years. Additionally, we added two people to the company to help with the NIH and NSF grants. They have extensive knowledge about our technology and have many years of experience with grants. I'm hopeful that the time is now for the government to step in and help us advance the fight against cigarette smoking as smoking kills over 8 million people around the world every year. The CDC states the following, "Cigarette smoking is a major public health concern, with over 16 million Americans living with a smoking related disease. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and is the leading preventable cause of disease, death, and disability in the United States causing more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States." I spoke in October of 2024 at the FDA Headquarters in Maryland about Advancing Smoking Cessation Technology that was held by the FDA and NIH. I received a tremendous amount of positive feedback and look forward to speaking again about CTT in the near future. In April, I will do a conference call and will notify shareholders soon of a specific date.
Ryan Khouri, CEO of CTT Pharma
Contact Information:
CTT Pharma - 813-606-0060
SOURCE: CTT Pharmaceutical Holdings, Inc.
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