Cognizant Announces Multi-Agent Orchestration for its Neuro® AI Platform

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Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH) has announced significant enhancements to its Cognizant Neuro® AI platform, aimed at enabling enterprises to rapidly discover, prototype, and develop AI use cases for improved decision-making. The platform now features multi-agent AI orchestration to accelerate the enterprise AI productivity-to-growth journey.

Key features include:

  • Opportunity Finder: A multi-agent powered discovery tool to identify use cases
  • Model Orchestrator: A drag-and-drop interface for data cleaning and machine learning model application
  • Pre-built configurations for various industries and use cases

The enhanced platform has been tested and used by dozens of clients, including Gilead Sciences and Bayer Crop Science, and is backed by multiple patents. It addresses the challenges faced by enterprises in implementing and scaling cross-enterprise AI use cases, as identified in a Cognizant and Oxford Economics study.

Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH) ha annunciato importanti miglioramenti alla sua piattaforma Cognizant Neuro® AI, progettata per consentire alle aziende di scoprire, prototipare e sviluppare rapidamente casi d'uso dell'IA per una migliore presa di decisioni. La piattaforma ora include orchestrazione IA multi-agente per accelerare il percorso dalla produttività all'espansione dell'IA nelle imprese.

Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Opportunity Finder: uno strumento di scoperta alimentato da più agenti per identificare casi d'uso
  • Model Orchestrator: un'interfaccia drag-and-drop per la pulizia dei dati e l'applicazione di modelli di machine learning
  • Configurazioni predefinite per vari settori e casi d'uso

La piattaforma migliorata è stata testata e utilizzata da decine di clienti, tra cui Gilead Sciences e Bayer Crop Science, ed è supportata da diversi brevetti. Affronta le sfide che le imprese devono affrontare nell'implementare e scalare casi d'uso dell'IA trasversali all'impresa, come identificato in uno studio di Cognizant e Oxford Economics.

Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH) ha anunciado mejoras significativas en su plataforma Cognizant Neuro® AI, orientadas a permitir a las empresas descubrir, prototipar y desarrollar rápidamente casos de uso de IA para mejorar la toma de decisiones. La plataforma ahora cuenta con orquestación de IA multiagente para acelerar el camino de productividad al crecimiento en la IA empresarial.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Opportunity Finder: una herramienta de descubrimiento impulsada por múltiples agentes para identificar casos de uso
  • Model Orchestrator: una interfaz de arrastrar y soltar para la limpieza de datos y la aplicación de modelos de aprendizaje automático
  • Configuraciones preconstruidas para diversas industrias y casos de uso

La plataforma mejorada ha sido probada y utilizada por docenas de clientes, incluidos Gilead Sciences y Bayer Crop Science, y cuenta con múltiples patentes. Aborda los desafíos que enfrentan las empresas al implementar y escalar casos de uso de IA en toda la empresa, como se identificó en un estudio de Cognizant y Oxford Economics.

Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH)는 기업들이 더 나은 의사 결정을 위해 신속하게 AI 사용 사례를 발견, 프로토타입 제작 및 개발할 수 있도록 설계된 Cognizant Neuro® AI 플랫폼의 중요한 개선 사항을 발표했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 이제 기업의 AI 생산성 확대 여정을 가속화하기 위해 멀티 에이전트 AI 오케스트레이션 기능을 제공합니다.

주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 기회 찾기 도구: 사용 사례를 식별하는 데 도움이 되는 멀티 에이전트 기반의 발견 도구
  • 모델 오케스트레이터: 데이터 정리 및 머신러닝 모델 적용을 위한 드래그 앤 드롭 인터페이스
  • 다양한 산업 및 사용 사례에 대한 사전 구축된 설정

개선된 플랫폼은 Gilead Sciences 및 Bayer Crop Science를 포함한 수십 개의 고객에 의해 테스트되고 사용되었으며, 여러 특허로 뒷받침됩니다. 이는 Cognizant와 옥스포드 이코노믹스 연구에서 확인된 바와 같이 기업이 교차 기업 AI 사용 사례를 구현하고 확장하는 데 직면한 도전 과제를 해결합니다.

Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH) a annoncé des améliorations significatives de sa plateforme Cognizant Neuro® AI, visant à permettre aux entreprises de découvrir, prototyper et développer rapidement des cas d'utilisation de l'IA pour une meilleure prise de décision. La plateforme propose désormais une orchestration IA multi-agents pour accélérer le parcours de la productivité à la croissance de l'IA dans les entreprises.

Les principales fonctionnalités comprennent :

  • Opportunity Finder : un outil de découverte alimenté par plusieurs agents pour identifier les cas d'utilisation
  • Model Orchestrator : une interface glisser-déposer pour le nettoyage des données et l'application de modèles d'apprentissage automatique
  • Configurations préconstruites pour divers secteurs et cas d'utilisation

La plateforme améliorée a été testée et utilisée par des dizaines de clients, y compris Gilead Sciences et Bayer Crop Science, et est soutenue par plusieurs brevets. Elle répond aux défis rencontrés par les entreprises pour mettre en œuvre et évoluer des cas d'utilisation de l'IA à l'échelle de l'entreprise, comme indiqué dans une étude de Cognizant et Oxford Economics.

Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH) hat bedeutende Verbesserungen an seiner Cognizant Neuro® AI-Plattform angekündigt, die Unternehmen dabei helfen sollen, schnell KI-Anwendungsfälle zur Verbesserung der Entscheidungsfindung zu entdecken, zu prototypisieren und zu entwickeln. Die Plattform bietet nun Multi-Agenten-KI-Orchestrierung, um den Produktivitäts-zu-Wachstums-Weg der KI im Unternehmen zu beschleunigen.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

  • Opportunity Finder: Ein von mehreren Agenten unterstütztes Entdeckungswerkzeug zur Identifizierung von Anwendungsfällen
  • Model Orchestrator: Eine Drag-and-Drop-Oberfläche zur Datenbereinigung und Anwendung von Machine-Learning-Modellen
  • Vorgefertigte Konfigurationen für verschiedene Branchen und Anwendungsfälle

Die verbesserte Plattform wurde von Dutzenden von Kunden getestet und verwendet, darunter Gilead Sciences und Bayer Crop Science, und ist durch mehrere Patente geschützt. Sie geht auf die Herausforderungen ein, denen Unternehmen bei der Implementierung und Skalierung von unternehmensübergreifenden KI-Anwendungsfällen gegenüberstehen, wie in einer Studie von Cognizant und Oxford Economics festgestellt wurde.

  • Enhanced Neuro® AI platform enables rapid discovery and development of AI use cases
  • Multi-agent AI orchestration accelerates enterprise AI productivity-to-growth journey
  • Platform tested and used by dozens of clients, backed by multiple patents
  • Pre-built configurations available for various industries and use cases
  • Addresses challenges in implementing and scaling cross-enterprise AI use cases
  • None.


The enhanced Cognizant Neuro® AI platform represents a significant advancement in enterprise AI implementation. Its multi-agent orchestration approach addresses key challenges faced by businesses in scaling AI across their operations. The platform's ability to rapidly identify, prototype and develop AI use cases is particularly noteworthy, as it can potentially accelerate the AI adoption process for many organizations.

Key features like the Opportunity Finder and Model Orchestrator demonstrate a user-centric design, making AI more accessible to business leaders rather than limiting it to data scientists. This democratization of AI tools could lead to more widespread and effective AI integration across various industries.

The platform's versatility, evidenced by its applications in healthcare, finance, agriculture and general business operations, suggests a broad market appeal. This could position Cognizant favorably in the competitive AI solutions market.

However, it's important to note that while the platform shows promise, its long-term impact on Cognizant's financial performance will depend on factors such as market adoption rates, competitive differentiation and the platform's ability to deliver measurable business value to clients consistently.

The launch of the enhanced Cognizant Neuro® AI platform aligns well with current market trends and demands. According to the cited Cognizant and Oxford Economics study, 76% of enterprises are seeking to leverage AI for new revenue streams, but 70% feel they're not moving fast enough. This indicates a significant market opportunity for Cognizant's solution.

The endorsements from high-profile clients like Gilead Sciences and Bayer Crop Science lend credibility to the platform's capabilities and potential impact across diverse industries. This could help Cognizant attract new clients and expand its market share in the AI solutions space.

From an investor perspective, the Neuro® AI platform could be a key differentiator for Cognizant in the highly competitive AI market. The platform's focus on enabling rapid AI implementation and scaling could address a critical pain point for many enterprises, potentially driving increased demand for Cognizant's services.

However, investors should also consider the competitive landscape and the pace of innovation in the AI field. Cognizant will need to continue innovating and demonstrating clear ROI for clients to maintain a strong market position.

Enhanced platform integrates powerful multi-agent AI orchestration that can accelerate the enterprise AI productivity-to-growth journey

Dozens of businesses have already leveraged the platform to rapidly identify, build and pilot AI decisioning use cases that can deliver business value at scale

TEANECK, N.J., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cognizant (NASDAQ:CTSH) today announced significant enhancements to its Cognizant Neuro® AI platform, aimed at enabling enterprises to rapidly discover, prototype, and develop AI use cases that can improve decision-making, leading to better company performance and new revenue opportunities.

According to data from a Cognizant and Oxford Economics study, most enterprises (76%) are looking to leverage AI to create new revenue streams but struggle with implementing and scaling cross-enterprise use cases. Many (70%) also don't think they're moving fast enough. The enhancements to Cognizant Neuro® AI address these problems -- in just minutes, business leaders can identify what business problems to tackle, scope them, and generate synthetic data or import their own anonymized data to start creating AI models. The platform can then predict and provide guidance on meeting business outcomes while justifying those decisions, thereby enabling businesses to quickly assess the impact of a variety of use cases. 

Now available to Cognizant clients, the enhanced Cognizant Neuro® AI platform has been tested, piloted and used by dozens of clients already and is backed by multiple patents. It can be leveraged for almost any industry or business challenge involving data analysis, from inventory management and dynamic pricing to fraud reduction and efficient staff allocation. The enhancements to the Neuro® AI platform began as research projects at the Cognizant AI Research Lab, which launched earlier this year. The lab focuses on researching and developing decision-based AI systems, and these enhancements are the first developments from the lab that have been integrated into a commercial offering. 

Gilead Sciences, a leading biopharmaceutical company and Cognizant client, commented on the enhanced Neuro® AI platform: 

"Many enterprises struggle to apply AI beyond predicting outcomes, and that's because solving real business problems usually involves thousands of different scenarios often with conflicting priorities," said Murali Vridhachalam, Head of Cloud, Data, and Analytics at Gilead Sciences. "With these latest updates, Cognizant Neuro® AI is the only platform I've seen that empowers businesses to quickly deploy end-to-end Gen AI use cases across various applications, and to uncover tangible, revenue-generating opportunities. Its innovative, multi-agent approach to managing decision workflows sets it apart in the industry."  

Another Cognizant client, Bayer Crop Science, also commented on their experience using the enhanced platform:

 "Agriculture is one of the most challenging professions, requiring intricate decision-making amid environmental uncertainties and the need to balance social, economic, and environmental objectives," said Patricio Salvatore La Rosa, Head of Decision Science at Bayer Crop Science. "We have directly tested several foundational components of Cognizant Neuro® AI, especially LEAF, which has empowered us to navigate complex scenarios effectively. By harnessing the collaborative capabilities of specialized Gen AI agents, we look forward to addressing intricate decision-making challenges in a reliable, transparent, and trustworthy manner."

Cognizant has integrated powerful new features as part of the enhancements to Cognizant Neuro® AI, including a multi-agent powered discovery tool to identify use cases, called Opportunity Finder, as well as a suite of large language model (LLM) assistants that form a powerful AI decisioning engine. Clients first interact with the platform through Opportunity Finder, an LLM-assistant that helps identify potential AI decisioning use cases for their businesses. The Model Orchestrator, featuring a drag-and-drop interface, then enables users to clean up the data and apply a variety of machine learning models to it. Data preparation is streamlined through LLMs and then machine learning models are applied to predict outcomes while evolutionary AI models prescribe decisions. Once trained, the best models can be further interrogated through a web interface or queried via an LLM assistant. 

The enhanced Cognizant Neuro® AI platform is available with pre-built configurations that provide easy starting points for various use cases. These include healthcare (like drug discovery and treatment plans), finance (such as cybersecurity and fraud prevention), agriculture (like crop yield optimization and pesticide development), and general templates for supply chain, call centers, customer retention, and price optimization. 

"Businesses are struggling with how and where to apply AI to solve business problems, and that's why we've seen most AI use cases limited to prediction-based outcomes or single LLM chat-based solutions," said Babak Hodjat, Chief Technology Officer of AI at Cognizant. "Multi-agent AI systems hold the key to solving these problems, which is why Cognizant Neuro® AI is now built with one at its core. This platform puts business leaders – not just data scientists -- in the driver's seat, so they can tap into their own domain knowledge to quickly test and establish decision-making use cases for AI in minutes and then provide the resulting model code to iterate at scale." 

According to Gartner®, "Multiple agents can work toward a common goal that goes beyond the ability of individual agents. The combined application of multiple agents can tackle complex tasks that individual agents cannot, while creating more adaptable, scalable and robust solutions."1

Neil Ward-Dutton, VP Automation, AI and Analytics at IDC also commented: "As enterprises start to try to approach AI strategically, and move beyond experimentation, they are crying out to understand how to identify and prioritize use cases. Providers that can use technology to help accelerate the identification of use cases, and then use that technology to test and scale implementations, will be in a strong position."  

To learn more about the enhanced Cognizant Neuro® AI platform and sign up for a demo, visit

About Cognizant 

Cognizant (Nasdaq: CTSH) engineers modern businesses. We help our clients modernize technology, reimagine processes and transform experiences so they can stay ahead in our fast-changing world. Together, we're improving everyday life. See how at or @cognizant. 

About the Cognizant AI Research Lab 

The mission of the Cognizant AI Research Lab is to maximize human potential with Decision AI, a form of AI that combines generative AI, multi-agent architecture, deep learning, and evolutionary AI to create sophisticated decision-making systems. Decision AI powers Cognizant's Neuro® AI platform, which is utilized by Fortune 500 companies and non-profits to discover new ways to exceed their goals. The platform enables organizations to rapidly build AI that optimizes decision-making, leading to revenue growth and societal progress.  

Led by AI pioneers Babak Hodjat and Risto Miikkulainen, the lab collaborates with institutions, academia, and technology partners to develop groundbreaking AI solutions responsibly. With over 75 patents (issued or pending), the lab excels at combining scientific innovation with commercial application. It supports Cognizant's goal of improving everyday life, focusing on business and AI-for-good applications. 

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes statements that may constitute forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the accuracy of which are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. These statements include, but are not limited to, express or implied forward-looking statements relating to the adoption of generative artificial intelligence and the effects of generative artificial intelligence on the workforce, businesses and economy. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees but are the findings of the study discussed above and remain subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements. Existing and prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. Factors that could cause outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied include general economic conditions, the impact of technological development and competition, the competitive and rapidly changing nature of the markets we compete in, the competitive marketplace for talent and its impact on employee recruitment and retention, and the other factors discussed in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Cognizant undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities law.

1 Gartner: Innovation Insight: AI Agents, April 3, 2024. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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What are the key enhancements to Cognizant's Neuro® AI platform announced on October 16, 2024?

Cognizant announced significant enhancements to its Neuro® AI platform, including multi-agent AI orchestration, Opportunity Finder for use case discovery, Model Orchestrator for data cleaning and model application, and pre-built configurations for various industries and use cases.

How does the enhanced Cognizant Neuro® AI platform (CTSH) benefit enterprises?

The enhanced platform enables enterprises to rapidly discover, prototype, and develop AI use cases for improved decision-making, leading to better company performance and new revenue opportunities. It addresses challenges in implementing and scaling cross-enterprise AI use cases.

Which companies have already tested or used Cognizant's enhanced Neuro® AI platform?

The enhanced Cognizant Neuro® AI platform has been tested, piloted, and used by dozens of clients, including Gilead Sciences and Bayer Crop Science, as mentioned in the press release.

What specific features does the Cognizant Neuro® AI platform (CTSH) offer for AI use case development?

The platform offers Opportunity Finder for use case discovery, Model Orchestrator for data cleaning and model application, a suite of LLM assistants forming an AI decisioning engine, and pre-built configurations for various industries and use cases.

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