Centuri Announces Key Construction Milestone for Riggs Distler Work on Ørsted Sunrise Wind Project

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Centuri Holdings (NYSE:CTRI) announced a significant milestone in the construction of Ørsted's Sunrise Wind project, New York's largest offshore wind initiative. Riggs Distler, a Centuri company, has completed over half of the specialized wind turbine foundation components at the Port of Coeymans. The project, set to deliver 924 megawatts of renewable energy, will power nearly 600,000 homes in New York, supporting the state's goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030.

The construction has created 125 union labor jobs and stimulated local businesses around Albany. Additionally, Riggs Distler's partner, LJUNGSTRӦM, has over 225 employees working on pre-fabricating steel components. This project showcases the impact of public-private partnerships in advancing clean energy initiatives and local economic development.

Centuri Holdings (NYSE:CTRI) ha annunciato un traguardo significativo nella costruzione del progetto Sunrise Wind di Ørsted, la più grande iniziativa di energia eolica offshore di New York. Riggs Distler, una società di Centuri, ha completato oltre la metà dei componenti specializzati per le fondamenta delle turbine eoliche nel porto di Coeymans. Il progetto, destinato a fornire 924 megawatt di energia rinnovabile, alimenterà quasi 600.000 case a New York, supportando l'obiettivo dello stato di 70% di energia rinnovabile entro il 2030.

La costruzione ha creato 125 posti di lavoro sindacali e ha stimolato le imprese locali intorno ad Albany. Inoltre, il partner di Riggs Distler, LJUNGSTRӦM, ha oltre 225 dipendenti che lavorano alla prefabbricazione dei componenti in acciaio. Questo progetto dimostra l'impatto delle partnership pubblico-private nel promuovere iniziative di energia pulita e sviluppo economico locale.

Centuri Holdings (NYSE:CTRI) anunció un hito significativo en la construcción del proyecto Sunrise Wind de Ørsted, la mayor iniciativa de energía eólica marina de Nueva York. Riggs Distler, una empresa de Centuri, ha completado más de la mitad de los componentes especializados para las bases de las turbinas eólicas en el puerto de Coeymans. El proyecto, que entregará 924 megavatios de energía renovable, alimentará casi 600.000 hogares en Nueva York, apoyando la meta del estado de 70% de energía renovable para 2030.

La construcción ha creado 125 empleos sindicales y ha estimulado los negocios locales alrededor de Albany. Además, el socio de Riggs Distler, LJUNGSTRӦM, cuenta con más de 225 empleados trabajando en la prefabricación de componentes de acero. Este proyecto muestra el impacto de las asociaciones público-privadas en el avance de iniciativas de energía limpia y el desarrollo económico local.

Centuri Holdings (NYSE:CTRI)는 Ørsted의 Sunrise Wind 프로젝트 건설에서 중요한 이정표를 발표했습니다. 이는 뉴욕에서 가장 큰 해상 풍력 프로젝트입니다. Riggs Distler는 Centuri 산하의 회사로, Coeymans 항구에서 전문 풍력 터빈 기초 부품의 절반 이상을 완공했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 924 메가와트의 재생 에너지를 제공할 예정이며, 뉴욕의 거의 60만 가구에 전력을 공급하고, 2030년까지 70% 재생 에너지 목표를 지원합니다.

이 건설로 125개의 노동 조합 일자리가 만들어졌으며, Albany 주변 지역의 비즈니스를 활성화시켰습니다. 또한, Riggs Distler의 파트너인 LJUNGSTRӦM은 225명 이상의 직원이 철강 부품의 사전 제작 작업을 하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 청정 에너지 이니셔티브와 지역 경제 발전을 추진하는 공공-민간 파트너십의 영향을 보여줍니다.

Centuri Holdings (NYSE:CTRI) a annoncé une étape importante dans la construction du projet Sunrise Wind d’Ørsted, la plus grande initiative éolienne offshore de New York. Riggs Distler, une entreprise de Centuri, a terminé plus de la moitié des composants spécialisés pour les fondations des éoliennes au port de Coeymans. Le projet, qui doit fournir 924 mégawatts d'énergie renouvelable, alimentera près de 600 000 foyers à New York, soutenant l'objectif de l'État d'atteindre 70 % d'énergie renouvelable d'ici 2030.

La construction a créé 125 emplois syndicaux et stimulé les entreprises locales autour d'Albany. De plus, le partenaire de Riggs Distler, LJUNGSTRӦM, compte plus de 225 employés travaillant à la préfabrication des composants en acier. Ce projet met en avant l'impact des partenariats public-privé dans la promotion des initiatives d'énergie propre et du développement économique local.

Centuri Holdings (NYSE:CTRI) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein im Bau des Sunrise Wind Projekts von Ørsted angekündigt, der größten Offshore-Windinitiative New Yorks. Riggs Distler, ein Unternehmen von Centuri, hat über die Hälfte der spezialisierten Fundamentkomponenten für die Windturbinen im Hafen von Coeymans abgeschlossen. Das Projekt, das 924 Megawatt erneuerbare Energie liefern soll, wird fast 600.000 Haushalte in New York mit Strom versorgen und unterstützt das Ziel des Bundesstaates von 70% erneuerbarer Energie bis 2030.

Der Bau hat 125 Gewerkschaftsarbeitsplätze geschaffen und lokale Unternehmen in der Umgebung von Albany gefördert. Darüber hinaus hat Riggs Distlers Partner, LJUNGSTRӦM, über 225 Mitarbeiter, die an der Vorfertigung von Stahlkomponenten arbeiten. Dieses Projekt zeigt den Einfluss von öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaften auf die Förderung von Initiativen für saubere Energie und die lokale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung.

  • Completion of over 50% of specialized wind turbine foundation components for a major renewable energy project
  • Creation of 125 union labor jobs and stimulation of local businesses in the Albany area
  • Partnership with LJUNGSTRӦM, employing over 225 workers for steel component pre-fabrication
  • Contribution to New York State's renewable energy goals
  • Potential for increased revenue and market presence in the renewable energy sector
  • None.

The completion of over half the specialized wind turbine foundation components for Ørsted's Sunrise Wind project marks a significant milestone in New York's renewable energy landscape. This project, set to deliver up to 924 megawatts of clean energy, aligns perfectly with the state's ambitious goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030.

The economic impact is substantial, with the creation of 125 union jobs and the involvement of over 225 employees from a local steel fabricator. This demonstrates the project's role in stimulating local economies and fostering a skilled workforce in the renewable sector.

For investors, this progress signals strong growth potential in the offshore wind industry, particularly for companies like Centuri that are positioning themselves as key players in this emerging market. The successful execution of such large-scale projects could lead to increased investor confidence and potentially higher valuations for companies involved in renewable energy infrastructure.

The Sunrise Wind project represents a major leap forward in New York's transition to clean energy. Powering nearly 600,000 homes with renewable energy, this initiative will significantly reduce the state's carbon footprint and accelerate progress towards its 2040 zero-emission electricity goal.

The project's scale and the involvement of multiple stakeholders, including private companies and state leaders, showcase an effective public-private partnership model for advancing green energy initiatives. This collaborative approach could serve as a blueprint for future large-scale renewable projects across the country.

Investors should note that such projects are likely to become more common as states push for aggressive climate targets. Companies with proven expertise in renewable infrastructure, like Centuri, are well-positioned to capitalize on this growing trend, potentially leading to long-term revenue streams and market leadership in the green energy transition.

The Sunrise Wind project's impact on job creation is noteworthy, with 125 union labor jobs directly created and an additional 225 employees engaged through the supply chain. This demonstrates the significant employment potential of large-scale renewable energy projects, particularly in regions transitioning from traditional industries.

The involvement of union labor is particularly significant, as it suggests these are likely to be well-paying, stable jobs with benefits. This could help offset job losses in fossil fuel industries and contribute to a just transition to a green economy.

For investors, this trend indicates potential for sustained growth in the renewable energy sector's workforce. Companies that can effectively manage large union workforces and navigate the complexities of these projects may find themselves at a competitive advantage, potentially leading to increased market share and profitability in the long term.

Wind generation project to power nearly 600,000 homes in New York with 100% renewable energy

Sunrise Wind Project Partners Gather for Commemorative Event at Port of Coeymans

PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Centuri Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CTRI) (“Centuri” or “the Company”), a premier utility infrastructure services provider, announced today at a media event alongside Ørsted and New York state leaders that it has completed the construction of more than half of the specialized wind turbine foundation componentry for Ørsted’s Sunrise Wind project at the Port of Coeymans in New York’s Capital District.

(Photo: Business Wire)

(Photo: Business Wire)

Ørsted develops, constructs, and operates offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, and bioenergy plants. Its Sunrise Wind project is New York’s largest offshore wind project and will deliver up to 924 megawatts of renewable energy—enough to power nearly 600,000 homes. The project directly supports New York State’s goal of achieving 70% renewable energy by 2030 and transitioning to a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040.

The work completed by Centuri company Riggs Distler, Inc. involves the construction, assembly and inspection of large, specialized components essential to wind turbine foundations, referred to as advanced foundation component (AFCs), including external working platforms, supported internal platforms, monopile doors, and anode cages.

“Satisfying the drastically increasing global energy demand requires a multifaceted approach, including development of clean energy sources like wind,” said Centuri Interim President and CEO Paul Caudill. “Today’s milestone brings Sunrise Wind one step closer to completion, and we are proud to be aligned with our energy and governmental partners in helping them achieve their renewable energy goals. These projects are a true testament to the power of public-private sector partnerships and what can be achieved with innovation and collaboration. The economic benefits of job creation and local supply chain development are equally impactful.”

In addition to contributing to the region’s clean energy goals, Riggs Distler’s work on Sunrise Wind has created 125 union labor jobs in the region and stimulated local businesses in and around Albany, New York. In addition, Riggs Distler’s steel fabrication partner, New York-based technology manufacturer LJUNGSTRӦM, has over 225 employees working on pre-fabricating steel components for the AFCs including portions of the anode cages and suspended internal platforms.

“Riggs Distler has worked hard to become a leading union construction contractor performing safe and reliable solutions in the offshore wind industry in America,” said Stephen M. Zemaitatis Jr., President and CEO of Riggs Distler. “We are proud of the generation-to-meter infrastructure work we are doing in the northeast that will positively impact the future both environmentally and economically, paving a sustainable path for future generations.”

About Centuri Holdings, Inc.

Centuri Holdings, Inc. is the parent company for Centuri Group Inc., a strategic utility infrastructure services company that partners with regulated utilities to build and maintain the energy network that powers millions of homes and businesses across the United States and Canada. For more information about Centuri, visit

About Riggs Distler

Riggs Distler, a trusted leader and strategic partner in the energy and utility sectors, brings over a century of experience as one of the largest union utility, mechanical, and electrical contractors in the U.S. Based in New Jersey with a regional presence in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, the company is actively constructing the essential local supply chain to bolster the offshore wind industry as a Tier 1 general contractor across multiple states, and contributing to a sustainable future through innovative and reliable infrastructure development. Riggs Distler is a subsidiary of Centuri Group, Inc. Learn more at

For Centuri media information, contact:

Jennifer Russo

(602) 781-6958

For Centuri shareholders, contact:

(623) 879-3700

Source: Centuri Holdings, Inc.


What is the capacity of the Sunrise Wind project that Centuri (CTRI) is working on?

The Sunrise Wind project, which Centuri (CTRI) is contributing to, will deliver up to 924 megawatts of renewable energy, enough to power nearly 600,000 homes in New York.

How many jobs has the Sunrise Wind project created for Centuri (CTRI)?

Centuri's (CTRI) work on the Sunrise Wind project through its subsidiary Riggs Distler has created 125 union labor jobs in the region.

What specific components is Centuri (CTRI) constructing for the Sunrise Wind project?

Centuri (CTRI), through Riggs Distler, is constructing advanced foundation components (AFCs) including external working platforms, supported internal platforms, monopile doors, and anode cages for the Sunrise Wind project.

How does the Sunrise Wind project align with New York State's renewable energy goals?

The Sunrise Wind project, which Centuri (CTRI) is working on, supports New York State's goal of achieving 70% renewable energy by 2030 and transitioning to a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040.

Centuri Holdings, Inc.


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