Dan O. Dinges and Robert S. Boswell to Retire from Coterra Energy Board of Directors
Coterra Energy (NYSE: CTRA) announced that Board members Dan O. Dinges and Robert S. Boswell will retire and not seek re-election at the company's 2025 annual meeting. Dinges, who served as Chairman, President, and CEO of Cabot Oil & Gas for 20 years, remained as Executive Chairman of Coterra until December 2022 before serving as Director. He brought valuable institutional knowledge from the predecessor entity and broader corporate governance experience.
Boswell, who served as Chairman and CEO of various exploration and production companies over 40 years, has been a Director since 2015. He contributed technical expertise in oil and gas reserves development and financial acumen. Chairman, CEO, and President Tom Jorden acknowledged both members' contributions, highlighting Dinges' role in building Cabot during the shale era and Boswell's professional approach and technical expertise.
Coterra Energy (NYSE: CTRA) ha annunciato che i membri del Consiglio Dan O. Dinges e Robert S. Boswell si ritireranno e non cercheranno la rielezione all'assemblea annuale dell'azienda del 2025. Dinges, che ha ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente, Amministratore Delegato e CEO di Cabot Oil & Gas per 20 anni, è rimasto come Presidente Esecutivo di Coterra fino a dicembre 2022 prima di servire come Direttore. Ha portato un prezioso bagaglio di conoscenze istituzionali dall'entità predecessore e una più ampia esperienza nella governance aziendale.
Boswell, che ha ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente e CEO di varie aziende di esplorazione e produzione per oltre 40 anni, è stato Direttore dal 2015. Ha contribuito con competenze tecniche nello sviluppo delle riserve di petrolio e gas e con acume finanziario. Il Presidente, CEO e Presidente Tom Jorden ha riconosciuto i contributi di entrambi i membri, evidenziando il ruolo di Dinges nella costruzione di Cabot durante l'era dello shale e l'approccio professionale e le competenze tecniche di Boswell.
Coterra Energy (NYSE: CTRA) anunció que los miembros de la Junta Dan O. Dinges y Robert S. Boswell se jubilarán y no buscarán la reelección en la reunión anual de la compañía de 2025. Dinges, quien se desempeñó como Presidente, Presidente Ejecutivo y CEO de Cabot Oil & Gas durante 20 años, continuó como Presidente Ejecutivo de Coterra hasta diciembre de 2022 antes de servir como Director. Aportó un valioso conocimiento institucional de la entidad predecesora y una experiencia más amplia en gobernanza corporativa.
Boswell, quien se desempeñó como Presidente y CEO de varias empresas de exploración y producción durante más de 40 años, ha sido Director desde 2015. Contribuyó con experiencia técnica en el desarrollo de reservas de petróleo y gas y con agudeza financiera. El Presidente, CEO y Presidente Tom Jorden reconoció las contribuciones de ambos miembros, destacando el papel de Dinges en la construcción de Cabot durante la era del shale y el enfoque profesional y la experiencia técnica de Boswell.
Coterra Energy (NYSE: CTRA)는 이사회 구성원인 Dan O. Dinges와 Robert S. Boswell가 은퇴하고 2025년 회사 연례 회의에서 재선에 나서지 않을 것이라고 발표했습니다. Dinges는 Cabot Oil & Gas의 회장, 사장 및 CEO로 20년간 재직했으며, 2022년 12월까지 Coterra의 집행 회장직을 맡은 후 이사로 활동했습니다. 그는 선행 기관으로부터 소중한 제도적 지식을 가져왔고, 더 넓은 기업 거버넌스 경험을 쌓았습니다.
Boswell은 40년 이상 다양한 탐사 및 생산 회사의 회장 및 CEO로 재직했으며, 2015년부터 이사로 활동하고 있습니다. 그는 석유 및 가스 매장량 개발에 대한 기술 전문성과 재무 통찰력을 기여했습니다. 회장, CEO 및 사장인 Tom Jorden은 두 구성원의 기여를 인정하며, Dinges가 셰일 시대에 Cabot를 구축하는 데 기여한 역할과 Boswell의 전문적인 접근 방식 및 기술 전문성을 강조했습니다.
Coterra Energy (NYSE: CTRA) a annoncé que les membres du Conseil Dan O. Dinges et Robert S. Boswell prendront leur retraite et ne chercheront pas à se représenter lors de l'assemblée générale de l'entreprise en 2025. Dinges, qui a été Président, Directeur Général et CEO de Cabot Oil & Gas pendant 20 ans, est resté Président Exécutif de Coterra jusqu'en décembre 2022 avant de servir en tant que Directeur. Il a apporté des connaissances institutionnelles précieuses de l'entité précédente et une expérience plus large en matière de gouvernance d'entreprise.
Boswell, qui a été Président et CEO de diverses entreprises d'exploration et de production pendant plus de 40 ans, est Directeur depuis 2015. Il a contribué avec son expertise technique dans le développement des réserves de pétrole et de gaz et son sens financier. Le Président, CEO et Directeur Tom Jorden a reconnu les contributions des deux membres, soulignant le rôle de Dinges dans la construction de Cabot durant l'ère du schiste et l'approche professionnelle et l'expertise technique de Boswell.
Coterra Energy (NYSE: CTRA) gab bekannt, dass die Vorstandsmitglieder Dan O. Dinges und Robert S. Boswell in den Ruhestand treten und sich nicht zur Wiederwahl bei der Hauptversammlung des Unternehmens im Jahr 2025 stellen werden. Dinges, der 20 Jahre lang als Vorsitzender, Präsident und CEO von Cabot Oil & Gas tätig war, blieb bis Dezember 2022 als Executive Chairman von Coterra, bevor er als Direktor tätig wurde. Er brachte wertvolles institutionelles Wissen von der Vorgängereinheit und umfassendere Erfahrungen in der Unternehmensführung mit.
Boswell, der über 40 Jahre als Vorsitzender und CEO verschiedener Explorations- und Produktionsunternehmen tätig war, ist seit 2015 Direktor. Er trug mit technischem Fachwissen in der Entwicklung von Öl- und Gasreserven und finanzieller Kompetenz bei. Der Vorsitzende, CEO und Präsident Tom Jorden würdigte die Beiträge beider Mitglieder und hob Dinges' Rolle beim Aufbau von Cabot während der Schieferära sowie Boswells professionelle Herangehensweise und technische Expertise hervor.
- None.
- None.
Mr. Dinges served as Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Cabot Oil & Gas for 20 years, with nearly 40 total years of executive management experience in the oil and gas exploration and production business. After the formation of Coterra, Dinges remained Executive Chairman until December 2022 before serving another two years as a Director. He brought significant value to our Board with his institutional knowledge of the predecessor entity, as well as a broader corporate governance and strategy perspective from his service on other boards, across various industries.
Mr. Boswell served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of several private and public exploration and production companies over the past 40 years. He has served as a Director on the Board of Coterra, and its predecessor, since 2015. Mr. Boswell brought deep management and operating experience as an executive in the upstream oil and gas industry and an extensive technical understanding of the development of oil and gas reserves, as well as substantial financial expertise, to the Company’s Board.
Tom Jorden, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President commented, “Dan Dinges’ visionary leadership in building Cabot will remain one of the landmark stories of the shale era and made the foundation of Coterra possible. His voice of experience and wisdom has been instrumental in our early years, and we express our deepest thanks for his service to our Board and to the formation of our company. Bob Boswell defines the words professional and gracious, and his technical expertise and organizational experience have been deeply helpful to our Board and to our team. We wish both Dan and Bob the best. Their impact has made Coterra stronger and more resilient.”
About Coterra Energy
Coterra is a premier exploration and production company based in
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Investor Contact
Daniel Guffey – Vice President of Finance, IR, and Treasury
Hannah Stuckey – Investor Relations Manager
Source: Coterra Energy Inc.
When will Dan O. Dinges and Robert S. Boswell retire from Coterra Energy's (CTRA) Board?
How long did Dan O. Dinges serve as Chairman, President, and CEO of Cabot Oil & Gas before Coterra (CTRA)?
What was Dan Dinges' role at Coterra Energy (CTRA) after the formation of the company?