Cotec Announces Exclusivity and Collaboration Agreement with Salter Cyclones for the Use of Its Multi-Gravity Technology for the Recovery Ultra Fine Iron and Manganese
CoTec Holdings Corp (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF) has signed a binding long-term exclusivity and collaboration agreement with Salter Cyclones for their Multi-Gravity Separators (MGS) technology to recover iron ore and manganese from mining and tailings material.
The agreement grants CoTec a three-year exclusivity period for MGS application to iron ore globally and manganese in the US, South Africa, and Brazil, with potential extensions based on milestone achievements. Initial due diligence at the Lac Jeannine Project in Québec has shown promising results, achieving critical mineral status concentrate grades from ultra-fine iron tailings.
The technology targets millions of tonnes of tailings from ongoing and historical operations in major mining regions. CoTec aims to become a mid-tier producer of high-grade concentrate and plans to either acquire assets or enter joint ventures with existing operators. The strategy focuses on expediting early revenue through low capital, low carbon technologies and brownfield permitting processes.
CoTec Holdings Corp (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF) ha firmato un accordo vincolante di esclusività e collaborazione a lungo termine con Salter Cyclones per la loro tecnologia Multi-Gravity Separators (MGS) per il recupero di minerale di ferro e manganese dai materiali di estrazione e dai tailings.
L'accordo concede a CoTec un periodo di esclusività di tre anni per l'applicazione della MGS al minerale di ferro a livello globale e al manganese negli Stati Uniti, in Sudafrica e in Brasile, con possibili estensioni basate sul raggiungimento di traguardi. La due diligence iniziale presso il progetto Lac Jeannine in Québec ha mostrato risultati promettenti, raggiungendo gradi di concentrazione di minerali critici da tailings di ferro ultra-fini.
La tecnologia mira a milioni di tonnellate di tailings provenienti da operazioni in corso e storiche in importanti regioni minerarie. CoTec punta a diventare un produttore di medio livello di concentrati di alta qualità e prevede di acquisire asset o entrare in joint venture con operatori esistenti. La strategia si concentra sull'accelerazione delle entrate iniziali attraverso tecnologie a basso capitale e basso carbonio e processi di autorizzazione per brownfield.
CoTec Holdings Corp (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF) ha firmado un acuerdo vinculante de exclusividad y colaboración a largo plazo con Salter Cyclones para su tecnología de Separadores de Multi-Gravedad (MGS) para recuperar mineral de hierro y manganeso de los materiales de minería y colas.
El acuerdo otorga a CoTec un período de exclusividad de tres años para la aplicación de MGS al mineral de hierro a nivel global y al manganeso en EE. UU., Sudáfrica y Brasil, con posibles extensiones basadas en el cumplimiento de hitos. La debida diligencia inicial en el Proyecto Lac Jeannine en Québec ha mostrado resultados prometedores, alcanzando grados de concentración de minerales críticos a partir de colas de hierro ultrafinas.
La tecnología tiene como objetivo millones de toneladas de colas de operaciones en curso e históricas en importantes regiones mineras. CoTec busca convertirse en un productor de nivel medio de concentrados de alta calidad y planea adquirir activos o entrar en asociaciones con operadores existentes. La estrategia se centra en acelerar los ingresos iniciales a través de tecnologías de bajo capital y bajo carbono y procesos de permisos para brownfield.
코텍 홀딩스 코퍼레이션 (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF)은 살터 사이클론과 철광석 및 망간을 채굴 및 테일링 물질에서 회수하기 위한 다중 중력 분리기(MGS) 기술에 대한 장기 독점 및 협력 계약을 체결했습니다.
이번 계약은 코텍에 철광석에 대한 MGS 적용에 대해 전 세계적으로, 그리고 미국, 남아프리카 및 브라질의 망간에 대해 3년간의 독점 기간을 부여하며, 이정표 성과에 따라 잠재적인 연장이 가능합니다. 퀘벡의 라크 제닌 프로젝트에서 초기 실사는 초미세 철 테일링에서 중요한 광물 상태 농축 등급을 달성하며 유망한 결과를 보여주었습니다.
이 기술은 주요 광산 지역에서 진행 중인 및 과거의 작업에서 수백만 톤의 테일링을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 코텍은 고품질 농축물의 중간 규모 생산자가 되는 것을 목표로 하며, 기존 운영자와 자산을 인수하거나 공동 투자에 참여할 계획입니다. 이 전략은 낮은 자본과 낮은 탄소 기술 및 브라운필드 허가 프로세스를 통해 초기 수익을 신속하게 창출하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
CoTec Holdings Corp (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF) a signé un accord de collaboration et d'exclusivité à long terme avec Salter Cyclones pour leur technologie Multi-Gravity Separators (MGS) visant à récupérer du minerai de fer et du manganèse à partir de matériaux miniers et de résidus.
L'accord accorde à CoTec une période d'exclusivité de trois ans pour l'application de la MGS au minerai de fer à l'échelle mondiale et au manganèse aux États-Unis, en Afrique du Sud et au Brésil, avec des extensions potentielles basées sur l'atteinte de jalons. La première due diligence sur le projet Lac Jeannine au Québec a montré des résultats prometteurs, atteignant des grades de concentré de statut minéral critique à partir de résidus de fer ultra-fins.
La technologie cible des millions de tonnes de résidus issus d'opérations en cours et historiques dans des régions minières majeures. CoTec vise à devenir un producteur de taille intermédiaire de concentrés de haute qualité et prévoit d'acquérir des actifs ou de s'engager dans des coentreprises avec des opérateurs existants. La stratégie se concentre sur l'accélération des revenus précoces grâce à des technologies à faible capital et faible carbone et à des processus d'autorisation pour les sites brownfield.
CoTec Holdings Corp (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF) hat eine verbindliche langfristige Exklusivitäts- und Kooperationsvereinbarung mit Salter Cyclones für deren Multi-Gravity Separators (MGS) Technologie unterzeichnet, um Eisenerz und Mangan aus Bergbau- und Tailings-Material zurückzugewinnen.
Die Vereinbarung gewährt CoTec einen dreijährigen Exklusivitätszeitraum für die Anwendung von MGS auf Eisenerz weltweit und auf Mangan in den USA, Südafrika und Brasilien, mit möglichen Verlängerungen basierend auf dem Erreichen von Meilensteinen. Die erste Due Diligence im Lac Jeannine Projekt in Québec hat vielversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt und kritische Mineralstatus-Konzentratgehalte aus ultrafeinen Eisenerz-Tailings erreicht.
Die Technologie zielt auf Millionen von Tonnen von Tailings aus laufenden und historischen Betrieben in wichtigen Bergbauregionen ab. CoTec strebt an, ein mittelgroßer Produzent von hochgradigen Konzentraten zu werden und plant, entweder Vermögenswerte zu erwerben oder Joint Ventures mit bestehenden Betreibern einzugehen. Die Strategie konzentriert sich darauf, frühe Einnahmen durch kapitalkostengünstige, kohlenstoffarme Technologien und Genehmigungsprozesse für Brownfield-Projekte zu beschleunigen.
- Exclusive rights to valuable MGS technology for iron ore globally
- Successful initial testing achieving critical mineral grade concentrates
- Access to 40% of global manganese market through territorial rights
- Chemical-free processing technology reduces environmental impact
- Opportunity to monetize waste materials from existing operations
- Technology's effectiveness in bulk commodities has historical proof
- Success depends on achieving undefined milestone requirements for exclusivity extension
- Requires additional capital for acquisitions or joint ventures
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA / ACCESS Newswire / February 27, 2025 / CoTec Holdings Corp. (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF) ("CoTec") is pleased to announce the signing of a binding long-term exclusivity and collaboration agreement with Salter Cyclones Limited ("Salter") for the application of its Multi-Gravity Separators (MGS) technology for the recovery of iron ore and manganese from both primary mining and tailings material.
Salter's MGS technology was originally developed in the 1980s by Richard Mozley and has been in operation for many years applied to the recovery of valuable metal minerals (tin, chromium, copper, zinc etc). Its application to bulk commodities such as iron and manganese has been limited.
CoTec believes the technology could represent a step change in the bulk handling of iron and manganese tailings, offering the company the opportunity to produce high grade critical mineral iron and manganese concentrates from ultra fine tailings, material which is currently classified as waste and sent directly to tailings storage facilities.
As part of the collaboration CoTec will have an Exclusivity Period for the application of the MGS to iron ore globally and manganese in the United States, South Africa and Brazil for three (3) years. This Exclusivity Period can be extended by achieving certain milestones. CoTec and Salter will actively collaborate on a asset-by-asset basis to apply the technology to identified iron and manganese assets.
Julian Treger, CoTec CEO commented, "We are very pleased to have entered into an agreement with Salter, a company that has a long history with the MGS technology. Our initial due diligence of the MGS has produced exciting results from our Lac Jeannine Project in Québec, Canada achieving concentrate grades of critical mineral status from ultra fine iron tailings.
We plan to build on these results in the coming months supporting CoTec's strategy to become a leading supplier of high grade, low carbon, iron concentrate through the processing of tailings material. The application of the technology to manganese also offers us the opportunity to become a supplier of high-grade manganese concentrate to the steel industry and producers of high purity manganese sulphate monohydrate (HPMSM) industry".
Ian Daniels, Salter Cyclones Managing Director commented, "Our MGS technology is highly effective at processing ultrafine tailings material to achieve saleable grade concentrates without the need for chemicals. We believe it is a natural fit with other technologies and strengths within CoTec, which should help to develop new markets for the MGS technology. We are excited to work with CoTec to enable additional value to be produced from these waste iron and manganese projects"
The market opportunity for CoTec is significant with millions of tonnes of tailings being produced from ongoing operations as well as historical iron tailings located in the traditional iron ore mining districts of the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia and South Africa. The technology offers CoTec the opportunity to target assets in these regions with the aim of becoming a mid-tier producer of high-grade concentrate.
With the application of the MGS technology to manganese in South Africa and Brazil, CoTec is targeting assets located in two major regions of manganese ore production, which together represent approximately
The HPMSM sector is dominated by Chinese supply and EV manufacturers will need to establish new sources of supply to mitigate future critical supply risks to meet market demand. CoTec has already identified multiple sites where the technology could be applied to both historic tailings and ongoing operations.
CoTec's strategy is to acquire assets or to enter into joint venture agreements with existing operators where CoTec will either look to treat historic tailings and/or install the MGS machines as part of their current recovery circuit, thereby increasing overall recovery and reducing the amount of material sent to tailings. This technology further supports the strategy of expediting early revenue through low capital, low carbon technologies and brown field permitting processes.
About CoTec
CoTec is a publicly traded investment issuer listed on the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange ("TSX- V") and the OTCQB and trades under the symbol CTH and CTHCF respectively. CoTec Holdings Corp. is a forward-thinking resource extraction company committed to revolutionizing the global metals and minerals industry through innovative, environmentally sustainable technologies and strategic asset acquisitions. With a mission to drive the sector toward a low-carbon future, CoTec employs a dual approach: investing in disruptive mineral extraction technologies that enhance efficiency and sustainability while applying these technologies to undervalued mining assets to unlock their full potential. By focusing on recycling, waste mining, and scalable solutions, the Company accelerates the production of critical minerals, shortens development timelines, and reduces environmental impact. CoTec's strategic model delivers low capital requirements, rapid revenue generation, and high barriers to entry, positioning it as a leading mid-tier disruptor in the commodities sector.
For further information, please contact:
Braam Jonker - (604) 992-5600
Forward-Looking Information Cautionary Statement
Statements in this press release regarding the Company and its investments which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" which involve risks and uncertainties, including statements relating to the Salter agreement and its potential to open up new investment opportunities for the Company as well as management's expectations with respect to other current and potential future investments and the benefits to the Company which may be implied from such statements. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements, due to known and unknown risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, including but not limited to resource and reserve risks; environmental risks and costs; labor costs and shortages; uncertain supply and price fluctuations in materials; increases in energy costs; labor disputes and work stoppages; leasing costs and the availability of equipment; heavy equipment demand and availability; contractor and subcontractor performance issues; worksite safety issues; project delays and cost overruns; extreme weather conditions; and social and transport disruptions. For further details regarding risks and uncertainties facing the Company please refer to "Risk Factors" in the Company's filing statement dated April 6, 2022, a copy of which may be found under the Company's SEDAR profile at The Company assumes no responsibility to update forward-looking statements in this press release except as required by law. Readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release and are encouraged to read the Company's continuous disclosure documents which are available on SEDAR at
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
SOURCE: CoTec Holdings Corp.
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
What are the key terms of CoTec's (CTHCF) exclusivity agreement with Salter Cyclones?
What results did CTHCF achieve in their initial MGS technology testing at Lac Jeannine?
How does the MGS technology benefit CTHCF's operations?
What percentage of global manganese market does CTHCF's exclusive territories represent?