ClearNote Health’s Avantect® Pancreatic Cancer Test Now Available to Health Plan Members Accessing Claritev’s National PPO Networks
ClearNote Health has announced a new agreement with Claritev (NYSE: CTEV) to make its Avantect® Pancreatic Cancer Test available through Claritev's national PHCS and MultiPlan Networks. The test is a DNA-based blood screening that combines epigenomic and genomic signals with machine learning to detect early pancreatic cancer indicators.
The Avantect test specifically targets high-risk patients, including:
- Type 2 diabetes patients aged 50 and older
- Individuals with relevant family history
- People with genetic predisposition
The test utilizes 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) profiling in cell-free DNA and AI algorithms to detect tumor development earlier than conventional methods. This is particularly significant as pancreatic cancer often has only a 3% five-year survival rate when diagnosed at advanced stages.
ClearNote Health ha annunciato un nuovo accordo con Claritev (NYSE: CTEV) per rendere disponibile il suo Test per il Cancro del Pancreas Avantect® attraverso le reti nazionali PHCS e MultiPlan di Claritev. Il test è uno screening del sangue basato sul DNA che combina segnali epigenomici e genomici con l'apprendimento automatico per rilevare precocemente indicatori di cancro al pancreas.
Il test Avantect è specificamente rivolto a pazienti ad alto rischio, tra cui:
- Pazienti con diabete di tipo 2 di età pari o superiore a 50 anni
- Individui con una storia familiare rilevante
- Persone con predisposizione genetica
Il test utilizza il profilo della 5-idrossimetilcitosina (5hmC) nel DNA libero e algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale per rilevare lo sviluppo del tumore prima rispetto ai metodi convenzionali. Questo è particolarmente significativo poiché il cancro al pancreas ha spesso solo un tasso di sopravvivenza del 3% a cinque anni quando diagnosticato in stadi avanzati.
ClearNote Health ha anunciado un nuevo acuerdo con Claritev (NYSE: CTEV) para hacer disponible su Prueba de Cáncer de Páncreas Avantect® a través de las redes nacionales PHCS y MultiPlan de Claritev. La prueba es un análisis de sangre basado en ADN que combina señales epigenómicas y genómicas con aprendizaje automático para detectar indicadores tempranos de cáncer de páncreas.
La prueba Avantect está dirigida específicamente a pacientes de alto riesgo, incluyendo:
- Pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 de 50 años o más
- Individuos con antecedentes familiares relevantes
- Personas con predisposición genética
La prueba utiliza el perfil de 5-hidroximetilcitosina (5hmC) en ADN libre y algoritmos de IA para detectar el desarrollo del tumor antes que los métodos convencionales. Esto es particularmente significativo ya que el cáncer de páncreas a menudo tiene solo un 3% de tasa de supervivencia a cinco años cuando se diagnostica en etapas avanzadas.
ClearNote Health는 Claritev (NYSE: CTEV)와 새로운 협약을 발표하여 Claritev의 국가 PHCS 및 MultiPlan 네트워크를 통해 Avantect® 췌장암 검사를 제공할 것입니다. 이 검사는 DNA 기반의 혈액 스크리닝으로, 조기 췌장암 지표를 감지하기 위해 에피게놈 및 게놈 신호와 머신 러닝을 결합합니다.
Avantect 검사는 특히 고위험 환자를 대상으로 하며, 포함되는 대상은:
- 50세 이상의 제2형 당뇨병 환자
- 관련 가족력이 있는 개인
- 유전적 소인이 있는 사람들
이 검사는 세포 자유 DNA에서 5-하이드록시메틸사이토신(5hmC) 프로파일링과 AI 알고리즘을 사용하여 기존 방법보다 조기에 종양 발생을 감지합니다. 이는 췌장암이 진행된 단계에서 진단될 경우 5년 생존율이 3%에 불과하다는 점에서 특히 중요합니다.
ClearNote Health a annoncé un nouvel accord avec Claritev (NYSE: CTEV) pour rendre son Test Avantect® pour le Cancer du Pancréas disponible via les réseaux nationaux PHCS et MultiPlan de Claritev. Le test est un dépistage sanguin basé sur l'ADN qui combine des signaux épigénomiques et génomiques avec l'apprentissage automatique pour détecter les indicateurs précoces de cancer du pancréas.
Le test Avantect cible spécifiquement les patients à haut risque, y compris:
- Les patients atteints de diabète de type 2 âgés de 50 ans ou plus
- Les individus ayant des antécédents familiaux pertinents
- Les personnes avec une prédisposition génétique
Le test utilise le profilage de la 5-hydroxyméthylcytosine (5hmC) dans l'ADN libre et des algorithmes d'IA pour détecter le développement des tumeurs plus tôt que les méthodes conventionnelles. Cela est particulièrement significatif car le cancer du pancréas n'a souvent qu'un taux de survie de 3 % à cinq ans lorsqu'il est diagnostiqué à un stade avancé.
ClearNote Health hat eine neue Vereinbarung mit Claritev (NYSE: CTEV) bekannt gegeben, um seinen Avantect® Pankreaskrebs-Test über die nationalen PHCS- und MultiPlan-Netzwerke von Claritev verfügbar zu machen. Der Test ist ein DNA-basiertes Blut-Screening, das epigenomische und genomische Signale mit maschinellem Lernen kombiniert, um frühe Anzeichen von Pankreaskrebs zu erkennen.
Der Avantect-Test richtet sich speziell an Hochrisikopatienten, einschließlich:
- Patienten mit Typ-2-Diabetes im Alter von 50 Jahren oder älter
- Personen mit relevanter Familiengeschichte
- Menschen mit genetischer Veranlagung
Der Test verwendet das Profil von 5-Hydroxymethylcytosin (5hmC) in zellfreier DNA und KI-Algorithmen, um Tumorentwicklungen früher als herkömmliche Methoden zu erkennen. Dies ist besonders wichtig, da die Überlebensrate von Pankreaskrebs in fortgeschrittenen Stadien nur 3% über fünf Jahre beträgt.
- Expanded market access through partnership with major healthcare networks
- Innovative early detection technology addressing a critical medical need
- Strategic positioning in the high-risk patient segment
- None.
ClearNote Health has achieved a significant commercial milestone by securing an agreement with Claritev (formerly MultiPlan) that integrates their Avantect Pancreatic Cancer Test into Claritev's national PHCS and MultiPlan Networks. This partnership substantially expands access to ClearNote's diagnostic technology through established insurance channels, removing a critical barrier to adoption.
The strategic value of this agreement lies in its market access implications. By becoming available through Claritev's provider networks, ClearNote's test becomes more accessible to physicians and patients, potentially accelerating clinical adoption. Insurance network integration is a important step in the commercialization pathway for diagnostic technologies, as it reduces financial barriers for patients while creating standardized reimbursement mechanisms.
The Avantect test addresses a critical medical need in pancreatic cancer, which is typically diagnosed after metastasis when survival rates drop to approximately
From a commercialization perspective, this agreement represents one component of what would typically be a multi-channel distribution strategy. While the agreement's specific financial terms and potential patient reach aren't disclosed, the partnership with a NYSE-listed healthcare services company adds credibility and expands ClearNote's commercial infrastructure without requiring the capital investment of building these networks independently.
Latest agreement expands access to the PHCS and MultiPlan Networks
While early detection has vastly improved survival rates for many types of cancer, pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced metastatic stage when patients have a five-year survival rate as low as
The Avantect Pancreatic Cancer Test was designed for patients at high risk of pancreatic cancer, including those newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who are at least 50 years old, as well as those with a relevant family history and/or a genetic predisposition. It detects pancreatic cancer by profiling the epigenomic biomarker 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) in cell-free DNA and uses advanced AI algorithms to combine that data with other genomic information. This 5hmC-based approach provides a more comprehensive view of the active biological changes related to tumor development, allowing clinicians to identify cancer far earlier than with conventional methods.
“Participation in Claritev’s PHCS and MultiPlan Networks is another critical commercial milestone that will make it easier for health plan members accessing Claritev’s provider networks to use our innovative early cancer detection technology,” said Dave Mullarkey, CEO at ClearNote Health. “We look forward to working with Claritev to enable early detection of pancreatic cancer in high-risk patients so they can live longer, healthier lives.”
For more information on the Avantect cancer tests, please visit
About ClearNote Health
ClearNote Health is a privately held company dedicated to improving early detection and monitoring for some of the deadliest forms of cancer. Developed by scientists in the Stephen Quake laboratory at Stanford University, the company’s patented core Virtuoso™ epigenomics platform builds on the latest advances in artificial intelligence and bioinformatics to measure active biological differences between cancer and healthy cells in a blood sample. Its highly sensitive, noninvasive Avantect® pancreatic and ovarian diagnostic tests are designed to identify cancers in high-risk patient populations far earlier than conventional approaches, when patients are most likely to benefit from treatment. ClearNote Health’s headquarters and CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited laboratory are located in
About Claritev
Claritev is a healthcare technology, data and insights company focused on delivering affordability, transparency and quality to the
Claritev serves more than 700 healthcare payors, over 100,000 employers, 60 million consumers and 1.4 million contracted providers. For more information, visit
ClearNote Health, the ClearNote Health logo, and Avantect, are registered trademarks of ClearNote Health.
1. Rawla P, Sunkara T, Gaduputi V. Epidemiology of Pancreatic Cancer: Global Trends, Etiology and Risk Factors. World J Oncol. 2019 Feb;10(1):10-27. doi: 10.14740/wjon1166.
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Andrew Noble
Source: ClearNote Health