Carmell Corporation Launches Skincare Partnership With Ladies Playbook to Support and Celebrate NFL Sports Community

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Carmell (Nasdaq: CTCX) has announced a strategic partnership with Ladies Playbook, an exclusive community for NFL families. This collaboration aims to support skin health and education within the NFL community, which generates annual revenues approaching $20 billion from 32 teams valued at approximately $160 billion.

The partnership will showcase Carmell's flagship brand, Carmell Secretome™, a revolutionary regenerative skincare line derived from human platelets without synthetic proteins. Carmell will host events with NFL wives and girlfriends in various markets and build omni-channel opportunities across social media and digital platforms.

Carmell's commitment to skin health is emphasized by their exclusion of 14 harsh chemicals, dubbed 'The Foul Fourteen™', from their products. This partnership aligns with Carmell's goal to accelerate growth through direct-to-consumer and e-commerce channels, as well as influential franchise initiatives.

Carmell (Nasdaq: CTCX) ha annunciato una partnership strategica con Ladies Playbook, una comunità esclusiva per le famiglie NFL. Questa collaborazione mira a sostenere la salute della pelle e l'istruzione all'interno della comunità NFL, che genera entrate annuali vicine ai 20 miliardi di dollari da 32 squadre valutate circa 160 miliardi di dollari.

La partnership metterà in mostra il marchio di punta di Carmell, Carmell Secretome™, una linea rivoluzionaria di cura della pelle rigenerativa derivata da piastrine umane senza proteine sintetiche. Carmell ospiterà eventi con mogli e fidanzate di giocatori NFL in vari mercati e svilupperà opportunità omni-canale attraverso i social media e le piattaforme digitali.

L'impegno di Carmell per la salute della pelle è sottolineato dall'esclusione di 14 sostanze chimiche aggressive, definite 'The Foul Fourteen™', dai loro prodotti. Questa partnership si allinea con l'obiettivo di Carmell di accelerare la crescita attraverso canali diretti al consumatore e di e-commerce, così come iniziative di franchising influenti.

Carmell (Nasdaq: CTCX) ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con Ladies Playbook, una comunidad exclusiva para las familias de la NFL. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo apoyar la salud de la piel y la educación dentro de la comunidad de la NFL, que genera ingresos anuales que se acercan a los 20 mil millones de dólares de 32 equipos valorados en aproximadamente 160 mil millones de dólares.

La asociación mostrará la marca insignia de Carmell, Carmell Secretome™, una línea revolucionaria de cuidado de la piel regenerativa derivada de plaquetas humanas sin proteínas sintéticas. Carmell organizará eventos con esposas y novias de jugadores de la NFL en varios mercados y construirá oportunidades omnicanal a través de las redes sociales y plataformas digitales.

El compromiso de Carmell con la salud de la piel se enfatiza por la exclusión de 14 productos químicos agresivos, denominados 'The Foul Fourteen™', de sus productos. Esta asociación se alinea con el objetivo de Carmell de acelerar el crecimiento a través de canales directos al consumidor y comercio electrónico, así como iniciativas de franquicia influyentes.

Carmell (Nasdaq: CTCX)은 NFL 가족을 위한 독점 커뮤니티인 Ladies Playbook와 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 협업은 NFL 커뮤니티 내에서 피부 건강과 교육을 지원하는 것을 목표로 하며, 32개 팀에서 약 1,600억 달러의 가치를 지닌 연간 수익이 200억 달러에 근접합니다.

파트너십은 Carmell의 주력 브랜드 Carmell Secretome™을 선보일 것이며, 이는 합성 단백질 없이 인체 혈소판에서 유래한 혁신적인 재생 피부 관리 라인입니다. Carmell은 다양한 시장에서 NFL 선수의 아내 및 여자친구와 함께 이벤트를 주최하고 소셜 미디어 및 디지털 플랫폼에서 옴니채널 기회를 구축할 것입니다.

Carmell의 피부 건강에 대한 헌신은 제품에서 'The Foul Fourteen™'으로 명명된 14개의 강한 화학 물질을 제외함으로써 강조됩니다. 이 파트너십은 소비자 직접 판매 및 전자 상거래 채널과 영향력 있는 프랜차이즈 이니셔티브를 통해 성장 가속화를 목표로 하는 Carmell과 일치합니다.

Carmell (Nasdaq: CTCX) a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec Ladies Playbook, une communauté exclusive pour les familles de la NFL. Cette collaboration vise à soutenir la santé de la peau et l'éducation au sein de la communauté NFL, qui génère des revenus annuels approchant les 20 milliards de dollars avec 32 équipes évaluées à environ 160 milliards de dollars.

Le partenariat mettra en avant la marque phare de Carmell, Carmell Secretome™, une ligne révolutionnaire de soins de la peau régénératifs dérivée de plaquettes humaines sans protéines synthétiques. Carmell organisera des événements avec les épouses et petites amies de joueurs NFL sur différents marchés et construira des opportunités omnicanal à travers les réseaux sociaux et les plateformes numériques.

L'engagement de Carmell envers la santé de la peau est souligné par l'exclusion de 14 produits chimiques agressifs, appelés 'The Foul Fourteen™', de ses produits. Ce partenariat s'aligne sur l'objectif de Carmell d'accélérer la croissance via des canaux de vente directe aux consommateurs et de commerce électronique, ainsi que des initiatives de franchise influentes.

Carmell (Nasdaq: CTCX) hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Ladies Playbook, einer exklusiven Gemeinschaft für NFL-Familien, angekündigt. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Hautgesundheit und Bildung innerhalb der NFL-Gemeinschaft zu unterstützen, die jährlich Einnahmen von fast 20 Milliarden Dollar aus 32 Teams erzielt, die insgesamt etwa 160 Milliarden Dollar wert sind.

Die Partnerschaft wird Carmells Flaggschiff-Marke Carmell Secretome™ vorstellen, eine revolutionäre regenerative Hautpflege-Linie, die aus menschlichen Blutplättchen ohne synthetische Proteine gewonnen wird. Carmell wird Veranstaltungen mit NFL-Frauen und -Freundinnen in verschiedenen Märkten ausrichten und Omni-Channel-Möglichkeiten über soziale Medien und digitale Plattformen aufbauen.

Carmells Engagement für Hautgesundheit wird durch den Ausschluss von 14 scharfen Chemikalien, die als 'The Foul Fourteen™' bezeichnet werden, aus ihren Produkten betont. Diese Partnerschaft entspricht Carmells Ziel, das Wachstum durch Direktvertrieb und E-Commerce-Kanäle sowie einflussreiche Franchise-Initiativen zu beschleunigen.

  • None.
  • None.

Carmell provides its revolutionary regenerative skincare through the first of its kind partnership with Ladies Playbook, an exclusive community dedicated to providing support, information, and the connections needed for National Football League (“NFL”) families to thrive.

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Carmell Corporation (Nasdaq: CTCX), a bio-aesthetics company focused on skin and hair health (“Company” or “Carmell”), today announced a strategic partnership with Ladies Playbook, an exclusive community dedicated to providing support, information, and the connections for an NFL family to thrive wherever their football career takes them.

The NFL is the most valuable sports franchise in the world, with annual revenues approaching $20 billion from 32 teams, collectively worth approximately $160 billion, according to Statista.

This partnership comes as the new NFL season kicks into full gear and as Carmell aims to accelerate the growth of its flagship brand, Carmell Secretome™, through the expansion of its direct-to-consumer and e-commerce customer channels as well as driving toward influential franchise initiatives like Ladies Playbook. Carmell Secretome™ is a new approach to regenerative skincare and haircare that consists of a potent cocktail of proteins, peptides and bio-lipids extracted from allogeneic human platelets without the use of synthetic proteins.

“After spending 11 years in the NFL, I created Ladies Playbook as a space to help other women find all their needs conveniently in one place. Our partnership with Carmell enables NFL Ladies an opportunity to enhance their own skin health through bio-aesthetic derived products and the local MedSpa community,” said Atoya Burleson, Founder of Ladies Playbook.

Through this partnership, Carmell will showcase its commitment to skin health and education by hosting a series of events with key wives and girlfriends from the NFL community in various markets from Seattle, Minnesota, Miami and New York. Furthering its commitment, Carmell and Ladies Playbook will also build omni-channel opportunities to feature both brands across social media,, and digital platforms leading to the Ladies Playbook Awards in New Orleans – Super Bowl LIX.

“We understand the importance of skin health and its impact on internal systems that are imperative to our overall health and well-being, many of the ambassadors are playing within their homes. The alignment between our brands is rooted in our focus on a revolutionary approach to regenerative skincare that utilizes human biology vs. synthetic chemistry to target the five pathways of skin aging to support skin and hair health. While our technology is impressive, what’s equally impressive is what is not in the bottle. In our goal for Carmell Secretome™ to be the best skincare in the market, we developed a list of 14 excipients that will never be found in our products. We call them The Foul Fourteen™. By excluding these excipients from our products, we ensure our products are just as nature intended and nothing more. From being on the field, to traveling between games, running their own businesses and more, we are excited to provide products to the Ladies Playbook community to support skin health with no harsh chemicals, no pore-clogging goo, no artificial dyes and no fake fragrances,” said Kendra Bracken-Ferguson, Chief Executive Officer of Carmell.

About Carmell
Carmell is a bio-aesthetics company that utilizes the Carmell Secretome™ to support skin and hair health. The Carmell Secretome™ consists of a potent cocktail of proteins, peptides and bio-lipids extracted from allogeneic human platelets sourced from U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved tissue banks. Over the past seven years, the Company has extensively tested the technology underpinning the Carmell Secretome™. Additionally, the Company has developed a novel microemulsion formulation that enables the delivery of lipophilic and hydrophilic ingredients without relying on the Foul Fourteen™, 14 potentially harmful excipients that are commonly used by other companies to impart texture, stability, and other desirable physicochemical attributes to cosmetic products. The Company is also developing a line of men’s products and a line of topical haircare products. All products are tailored to meet the demanding technical requirements of professional care providers and discerning retail consumers. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on beliefs, assumptions and information currently available. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “project,” “potential,” “continue,” “ongoing” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. These statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from the information expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained in this press release, we caution you that these statements are based on a combination of facts and factors currently known by us and our projections of the future, about which we cannot be certain. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the launch and commercialization of our products, our expected cash runway, our potential acquisition and investment activity, the anticipated benefits of future acquisitions and investments, our projected future results and market opportunities, our expected growth and ability to achieve profitability, the expansion of our product portfolio and the execution of our business strategy. We cannot assure you that the forward-looking statements in this press release will prove to be accurate. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results, including, those described under the header “Risk Factors” in the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed by Carmell with the SEC on April 1, 2024, as amended by the Annual Report on Form 10-K/A filed with the SEC on April 29, 2024, and in our other reports filed with the SEC. Most of these factors are outside of Carmell’s control and are difficult to predict. Furthermore, if the forward-looking statements prove to be inaccurate, the inaccuracy may be material. In light of the significant uncertainties in these forward-looking statements, you should not regard these statements as a representation or warranty by us or any other person that we will achieve our objectives and plans in any specified time frame or at all. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. You should, therefore, not rely on these forward-looking statements as representing our views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

Bryan Cassaday, CFO


What is the new partnership between Carmell (CTCX) and Ladies Playbook?

Carmell (CTCX) has partnered with Ladies Playbook to provide regenerative skincare products and education to the NFL community, hosting events and building omni-channel opportunities across various platforms.

What is Carmell Secretome™ and how is it different from other skincare products?

Carmell Secretome™ is a regenerative skincare line that uses proteins, peptides, and bio-lipids extracted from human platelets without synthetic proteins. It targets five pathways of skin aging and excludes 14 harsh chemicals, called 'The Foul Fourteen™'.

How will the Carmell (CTCX) and Ladies Playbook partnership benefit NFL families?

The partnership will provide NFL families access to Carmell's innovative skincare products, skin health education, and events in various markets. It aims to support overall health and well-being through skin care tailored to their active lifestyles.

What are the key markets where Carmell (CTCX) will host events for the NFL community?

Carmell (CTCX) will host events for key wives and girlfriends from the NFL community in markets including Seattle, Minnesota, Miami, and New York.

When and where will the Ladies Playbook Awards featuring Carmell (CTCX) take place?

The Ladies Playbook Awards, featuring Carmell (CTCX), will take place in New Orleans during Super Bowl LIX. The exact date is not specified in the press release.

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