Cintas Corporation Releases Its Fiscal Year 2024 Sustainability Report
Cintas (CTAS) has released its Fiscal Year 2024 Sustainability Report, highlighting significant progress in environmental and social sustainability initiatives. The company achieved several notable milestones, including:
- Recording its lowest-ever safety incident rate (TRIR) of 1.35
- Increasing U.S. employee-partners with self-reported minority status to 45.7%
- Reducing emissions intensity by 40% since fiscal 2019
- Returning over 90% of withdrawn water to municipalities
- Offering more than 200 styles of recycled material apparel
CEO Todd Schneider emphasized the company's commitment to 'A Shared Drive for Better' through operational improvements benefiting employee-partners, customers, and shareholders. Mark Bolen, VP of Engineering and Sustainability, reinforced the importance of ethical business practices and continuous improvement in creating lasting impact.
Cintas (CTAS) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità per l'Anno Fiscale 2024, evidenziando progressi significativi nelle iniziative di sostenibilità ambientale e sociale. L'azienda ha raggiunto diversi traguardi notevoli, tra cui:
- Il tasso di incidenti di sicurezza più basso mai registrato (TRIR) di 1,35
- Aumento della percentuale di dipendenti-partner statunitensi con status di minoranza auto-riportato al 45,7%
- Riduzione dell'intensità delle emissioni del 40% dal 2019 fiscale
- Restituzione di oltre il 90% dell'acqua prelevata ai comuni
- Offerta di oltre 200 stili di abbigliamento realizzato con materiali riciclati
Il CEO Todd Schneider ha enfatizzato l'impegno dell'azienda per 'Una Spinta Condivisa verso il Migliore' attraverso miglioramenti operativi che avvantaggiano dipendenti-partner, clienti e azionisti. Mark Bolen, VP di Ingegneria e Sostenibilità, ha ribadito l'importanza di pratiche commerciali etiche e del miglioramento continuo per creare un impatto duraturo.
Cintas (CTAS) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad del Año Fiscal 2024, destacando avances significativos en iniciativas de sostenibilidad ambiental y social. La empresa logró varios hitos notables, incluyendo:
- Registrar la tasa de incidentes de seguridad más baja de la historia (TRIR) de 1.35
- Incrementar el porcentaje de empleados-asociados en EE. UU. con estatus de minoría auto-reportado al 45.7%
- Reducir la intensidad de emisiones en un 40% desde el año fiscal 2019
- Devolver más del 90% del agua retirada a los municipios
- Ofrecer más de 200 estilos de ropa fabricada con materiales reciclados
El CEO Todd Schneider enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con 'Un Impulso Compartido por un Mejor Futuro' a través de mejoras operativas que benefician a los empleados-asociados, clientes y accionistas. Mark Bolen, VP de Ingeniería y Sostenibilidad, reforzó la importancia de las prácticas comerciales éticas y la mejora continua en la creación de un impacto duradero.
Cintas (CTAS)는 2024 회계연도 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며, 환경 및 사회 지속 가능성 이니셔티브에서 상당한 발전을 강조했습니다. 회사는 다음과 같은 여러 주요 이정표를 달성했습니다:
- 역사상 가장 낮은 안전 사고율(TRIR)인 1.35 기록
- 자가 보고된 소수자 상태를 가진 미국 직원 파트너 비율 증가 45.7%
- 2019 회계연도부터 배출 강도를 40% 감소
- 시에서 회수된 물의 90% 이상을 반환
- 200개 이상의 재활용 소재 의류 스타일 제공
CEO인 Todd Schneider는 직원 파트너, 고객 및 주주에게 혜택을 주는 운영 개선을 통해 '보다 나은 것을 위한 공동의 노력'에 대한 회사의 약속을 강조했습니다. 엔지니어링 및 지속 가능성 부사장인 Mark Bolen은 윤리적인 비즈니스 관행과 지속적인 개선이 지속적인 영향을 창출하는 데 얼마나 중요한지를 강화했습니다.
Cintas (CTAS) a publié son Rapport de Durabilité pour l'Année Fiscale 2024, mettant en évidence des progrès significatifs dans les initiatives de durabilité environnementale et sociale. L'entreprise a atteint plusieurs jalons notables, notamment :
- Enregistrement du taux d'incidents de sécurité le plus bas jamais enregistré (TRIR) de 1,35
- Augmentation du pourcentage d'employés-participants américains ayant déclaré un statut de minorité à 45,7%
- Réduction de l'intensité des émissions de 40% depuis l'année fiscale 2019
- Retour de plus de 90% de l'eau prélevée aux municipalités
- Offre de plus de 200 styles de vêtements fabriqués à partir de matériaux recyclés
Le PDG Todd Schneider a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise pour 'Une Dynamique Partagée pour Mieux' grâce à des améliorations opérationnelles bénéficiant aux employés-participants, aux clients et aux actionnaires. Mark Bolen, VP de l'ingénierie et de la durabilité, a renforcé l'importance des pratiques commerciales éthiques et de l'amélioration continue pour créer un impact durable.
Cintas (CTAS) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 veröffentlicht und dabei bedeutende Fortschritte in den Bereichen Umwelt- und Sozialnachhaltigkeit hervorgehoben. Das Unternehmen hat mehrere bemerkenswerte Meilensteine erreicht, darunter:
- Die jemals niedrigste Sicherheitsvorfallrate (TRIR) von 1,35
- Erhöhung des Anteils an US-Mitarbeitern-Partnern mit selbstberichteten Minderheitenstatus auf 45,7%
- Reduzierung der Emissionsintensität um 40% seit dem Geschäftsjahr 2019
- Rückführung von über 90% des entnommenen Wassers an die Gemeinden
- Angebot von mehr als 200 Stilen von Bekleidung aus recyceltem Material
CEO Todd Schneider betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für 'Ein Gemeinsames Streben nach Besserem' durch betriebliche Verbesserungen zugunsten von Mitarbeiter-Partnern, Kunden und Aktionären. Mark Bolen, VP für Ingenieurwesen und Nachhaltigkeit, unterstrich die Bedeutung von ethischen Geschäftspraktiken und kontinuierlicher Verbesserung zur Schaffung dauerhafter Auswirkungen.
- None.
- None.
The report highlights the organization’s ambitions and progress in operational efficiency and environmental and social sustainability.

Cintas published its latest Sustainability Report, detailing the company’s sustainability ambitions in the Fiscal Year 2024, which ended May 31, 2024. (Graphic: Business Wire)
>>> Click here for the 2024 Sustainability Report:
“The future is bright at Cintas, where the core values of sustainability have been central since our inception,” said Todd Schneider, President and CEO of Cintas. “We continue to embrace our vision of ‘A Shared Drive for Better’ through operational improvements and efficiencies that positively impact our employee-partners, customers and shareholders for years to come.”
Fiscal Year 2024 sustainability highlights include:
- Achieved the lowest safety incident rate (TRIR) in the company’s history of 1.35
Employee-partners in the
U.S. with a self-reported minority status increased again to45.7% -
Reduced emissions intensity by
40% since the fiscal 2019 base year -
Returned more than
90% of the water withdrawn to municipalities - Offered over 200 different styles of apparel made of recycled material
“Our strong culture of running our business ethically and responsibly is a key tenant to our success through the years,” said Mark Bolen, Vice President of Engineering and Sustainability at Cintas. “It’s imperative that we review our progress through our lens of positive discontent so that we can continue to challenge ourselves to seek out continued improvements that create a lasting impact.”
For more information about these key initiatives and activities and Cintas’ commitment to sustainable business, visit
About Cintas Corporation
Cintas Corporation helps more than one million businesses of all types and sizes get Ready™ to open their doors with confidence every day by providing products and services that help keep their customers’ facilities and employees clean, safe, and looking their best. With offerings including uniforms, mats, mops, towels, restroom supplies, workplace water services, first aid and safety products, eye-wash stations, safety training, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems and alarm service, Cintas helps customers get Ready for the Workday®. Headquartered in
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Cintas Media Contact:
Michelle Goret, Cintas Vice President of Corporate Affairs |, 513-972-4155
Source: Cintas Corporation
What sustainability goals did Cintas (CTAS) achieve in FY 2024?
How much has Cintas (CTAS) reduced its emissions intensity since 2019?
What is Cintas's (CTAS) current minority employee representation?
What is Cintas's (CTAS) water conservation achievement in FY 2024?