CSX Reaches Tentative Labor Agreement with Signalmen
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) has reached a new five-year tentative collective bargaining agreement with the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS), covering 1,215 signalmen. The agreement, announced on March 25, 2025, includes improvements in wages, healthcare, and paid time off benefits.
This marks a significant milestone as CSX has now ratified agreements with 11 labor unions, encompassing 14 different work groups, representing 47% of its unionized workforce. The agreement with BRS aligns with previously established terms across other union agreements, demonstrating CSX's commitment to maintaining consistent benefits packages across its workforce.
The tentative agreement is pending ratification by the BRS membership at CSX. The company continues to engage with remaining unions to secure similar agreements, focusing on workplace improvements and operational excellence.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) ha raggiunto un nuovo accordo collettivo provvisorio della durata di cinque anni con la Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS), che copre 1.215 segnali. L'accordo, annunciato il 25 marzo 2025, include miglioramenti nei salari, nella sanità e nei benefici per il tempo libero retribuito.
Questo rappresenta un traguardo significativo poiché CSX ha ora ratificato accordi con 11 sindacati, comprendenti 14 diversi gruppi di lavoro, che rappresentano il 47% della sua forza lavoro sindacalizzata. L'accordo con la BRS è in linea con i termini precedentemente stabiliti in altri accordi sindacali, dimostrando l'impegno di CSX a mantenere pacchetti di benefici coerenti in tutta la sua forza lavoro.
L'accordo provvisorio è in attesa di ratifica da parte dei membri della BRS presso CSX. L'azienda continua a collaborare con i sindacati rimanenti per garantire accordi simili, concentrandosi su miglioramenti sul posto di lavoro e sull'eccellenza operativa.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) ha alcanzado un nuevo acuerdo colectivo tentativo de cinco años con la Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS), que abarca a 1,215 señalistas. El acuerdo, anunciado el 25 de marzo de 2025, incluye mejoras en salarios, atención médica y beneficios por tiempo libre pagado.
Esto marca un hito significativo, ya que CSX ha ratificado acuerdos con 11 sindicatos, abarcando 14 grupos de trabajo diferentes, que representan el 47% de su fuerza laboral sindicalizada. El acuerdo con la BRS se alinea con los términos previamente establecidos en otros acuerdos sindicales, demostrando el compromiso de CSX de mantener paquetes de beneficios consistentes en toda su fuerza laboral.
El acuerdo tentativo está pendiente de ratificación por parte de los miembros de la BRS en CSX. La empresa continúa interactuando con los sindicatos restantes para asegurar acuerdos similares, centrándose en mejoras en el lugar de trabajo y en la excelencia operativa.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX)는 Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS)와 1,215명의 신호원을 포함하는 새로운 5년 임시 단체 협약에 도달했습니다. 이 협약은 2025년 3월 25일에 발표되었으며, 임금, 의료 및 유급 휴가 혜택의 개선을 포함합니다.
이는 CSX가 이제 11개의 노동 조합과의 협약을 비준한 중요한 이정표로, 14개의 서로 다른 작업 그룹을 포함하여 전체 조합원 노동력의 47%를 대표합니다. BRS와의 협약은 다른 조합 협약에서 미리 설정된 조건과 일치하며, CSX가 전체 노동력에 걸쳐 일관된 복지 패키지를 유지하려는 의지를 보여줍니다.
임시 협약은 CSX 내 BRS 회원의 비준을 기다리고 있습니다. 회사는 남아 있는 조합과 계속 협력하여 유사한 협약을 확보하고, 작업장 개선 및 운영 우수성에 집중하고 있습니다.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) a conclu un nouvel accord collectif provisoire de cinq ans avec la Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS), couvrant 1 215 signaleurs. L'accord, annoncé le 25 mars 2025, comprend des améliorations des salaires, de la santé et des congés payés.
Ceci marque une étape importante, car CSX a maintenant ratifié des accords avec 11 syndicats, englobant 14 groupes de travail différents, représentant 47 % de sa main-d'œuvre syndiquée. L'accord avec la BRS s'aligne sur les conditions déjà établies dans d'autres accords syndicaux, démontrant l'engagement de CSX à maintenir des packages de bénéfices cohérents au sein de sa main-d'œuvre.
L'accord provisoire est en attente de ratification par les membres de la BRS chez CSX. L'entreprise continue de collaborer avec les syndicats restants pour obtenir des accords similaires, en se concentrant sur les améliorations sur le lieu de travail et l'excellence opérationnelle.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) hat eine neue vorläufige Tarifvereinbarung über fünf Jahre mit der Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS) getroffen, die 1.215 Signaltechniker abdeckt. Die Vereinbarung, die am 25. März 2025 bekannt gegeben wurde, umfasst Verbesserungen bei Löhnen, Gesundheitsversorgung und bezahltem Urlaub.
Dies stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein dar, da CSX nun Vereinbarungen mit 11 Gewerkschaften ratifiziert hat, die 14 verschiedene Arbeitsgruppen umfassen und 47 % der gewerkschaftlich organisierten Belegschaft vertreten. Die Vereinbarung mit der BRS steht im Einklang mit zuvor festgelegten Bedingungen in anderen Gewerkschaftsvereinbarungen und zeigt das Engagement von CSX, konsistente Leistungspakete für die gesamte Belegschaft aufrechtzuerhalten.
Die vorläufige Vereinbarung steht noch zur Ratifizierung durch die Mitglieder der BRS bei CSX aus. Das Unternehmen arbeitet weiterhin mit den verbleibenden Gewerkschaften zusammen, um ähnliche Vereinbarungen zu sichern, wobei der Fokus auf Verbesserungen am Arbeitsplatz und betrieblicher Exzellenz liegt.
- Secured new five-year labor agreement with signalmen union
- Successfully ratified agreements with 11 unions covering 47% of unionized workforce
- Standardized benefits package across union agreements promotes operational efficiency
- Agreement still requires union membership ratification
- 53% of unionized workforce still not covered by ratified agreements
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CSX Corporation (NASDAQ: CSX) today announced it has secured new five-year tentative collective bargaining agreement with the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS).
“The agreement with the BRS continues to demonstrate our strong partnership with union leadership,” said Joe Hinrichs, President and CEO of CSX. “It reflects our shared commitment to safety, respect, and operational excellence as we move forward together as ONE CSX, ensuring greater efficiency and service for our customers.”
The tentative agreement is subject to ratification by the union’s membership at CSX, accounting for 1,215 signalmen.
To date, CSX has ratified agreements with 11 labor unions, covering 14 different work groups, accounting for 47 percent of its unionized workforce. The terms of the agreements are aligned, providing equivalent packages of improved wages, health care, and paid time off benefits.
CSX remains committed to working with other unions and crafts to reach similar agreements and continuing to partner with employees to make meaningful improvements in their work environment.
About CSX
CSX, based in Jacksonville, Florida, is a premier transportation company. It provides rail, intermodal and rail-to-truck transload services and solutions to customers across a broad array of markets, including energy, industrial, construction, agricultural and consumer products. For nearly 200 years, CSX has played a critical role in the nation’s economic expansion and industrial development. Its network connects every major metropolitan area in the eastern United States, where nearly two-thirds of the nation’s population resides. It also links more than 240 short-line railroads and more than 70 ocean, river and lake ports with major population centers and farming towns alike. More information about CSX Corporation and its subsidiaries is available at www.csx.com. Like us on Facebook (http://facebook.com/OfficialCSX) and follow us on X, formerly known as Twitter (http://twitter.com/CSX).
Matthew Korn, CFA, Investor Relations
Bryan Tucker, Corporate Communications