CSX Expands Labor Agreements with Two More Partners
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) has announced new five-year tentative collective bargaining agreements with the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) and the Transportation Communications Union (TCU). These agreements, pending ratification, were reached over four months before the current contracts become amendable. CSX has now secured proactive agreements with 11 labor unions, covering 15 work groups and more than 50% of its unionized workforce. The agreements offer improved wages, healthcare, and paid time off benefits. CSX's CEO, Joe Hinrichs, emphasized the importance of these agreements in creating a foundation where employees feel valued and empowered, recognizing their critical role in delivering on customer and community commitments.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) ha annunciato nuovi accordi collettivi di lavoro provvisori della durata di cinque anni con la Fratellanza Internazionale dei Calderai (IBB) e la Unione delle Comunicazioni per il Trasporto (TCU). Questi accordi, in attesa di ratifica, sono stati raggiunti oltre quattro mesi prima che i contratti attuali diventino modificabili. CSX ha ora assicurato accordi proattivi con 11 sindacati, coprendo 15 gruppi di lavoro e oltre il 50% della sua forza lavoro sindacalizzata. Gli accordi offrono maggiori salari, assistenza sanitaria e benefici per ferie retribuite. Il CEO di CSX, Joe Hinrichs, ha sottolineato l'importanza di questi accordi nel creare una base in cui i dipendenti si sentano valorizzati e autorizzati, riconoscendo il loro ruolo fondamentale nel soddisfare gli impegni nei confronti dei clienti e della comunità.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) ha anunciado nuevos acuerdos de negociación colectiva tentativos de cinco años con la Hermandad Internacional de Caldereros (IBB) y la Unión de Comunicaciones de Transporte (TCU). Estos acuerdos, pendientes de ratificación, se alcanzaron más de cuatro meses antes de que los contratos actuales se vuelvan modificables. CSX ha asegurado ahora acuerdos proactivos con 11 sindicatos, cubriendo 15 grupos de trabajo y más del 50% de su fuerza laboral sindicalizada. Los acuerdos ofrecen mejores salarios, atención médica y beneficios por tiempo libre remunerado. El CEO de CSX, Joe Hinrichs, enfatizó la importancia de estos acuerdos para crear una base donde los empleados se sientan valorados y empoderados, reconociendo su papel crítico en el cumplimiento de los compromisos con los clientes y la comunidad.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX)는 5년 기한의 새로운 임시 단체 협상 계약을 국제 보일러 조합 (IBB) 및 교통 통신 노조 (TCU)와 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이 계약은 비준을 기다리고 있으며 현재 계약이 수정 가능해지기 4개월 이상 전에 도달했습니다. CSX는 이제 11개 노조와의 사전 협정에 따라 15개의 직무 그룹을 포함하고 있으며, 50% 이상의 노조 소속 인력을 커버하고 있습니다. 이 계약은 임금, 의료 보험 및 유급 휴가 혜택을 증대시키는 내용을 포함하고 있습니다. CSX의 CEO 조 힌리히스는 직원들이 소중하게 여겨지고 권한을 부여받는 토대를 만드는 이러한 계약의 중요성을 강조하며, 고객 및 지역 사회에 대한 약속 이행에 있어 그들의 중요한 역할을 인식하고 있습니다.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) a annoncé de nouveaux accords collectifs provisoires de cinq ans avec la Fraternité Internationale des Cuisiniers (IBB) et le Syndicat des Communications de Transport (TCU). Ces accords, en attente de ratification, ont été conclus plus de quatre mois avant que les contrats actuels ne deviennent modifiables. CSX a maintenant sécurisé des accords proactifs avec 11 syndicats, couvrant 15 groupes de travail et plus de 50 % de sa main-d'œuvre syndiquée. Les accords offrent des salaires améliorés, des soins de santé et des congés payés. Le PDG de CSX, Joe Hinrichs, a souligné l'importance de ces accords pour créer une base où les employés se sentent valorisés et habilités, reconnaissant leur rôle crucial dans la réalisation des engagements envers les clients et la communauté.
CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) hat neue vorläufige Tarifverträge mit einer Laufzeit von fünf Jahren mit der International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) und der Transportation Communications Union (TCU) angekündigt. Diese Verträge, die auf ihre Genehmigung warten, wurden über vier Monate bevor die aktuellen Verträge änderbar werden, erreicht. CSX hat nun proaktive Vereinbarungen mit 11 Gewerkschaften getroffen, die 15 Arbeitsgruppen und mehr als 50% seiner organisierten Arbeitskräfte abdecken. Die Vereinbarungen bieten verbesserte Löhne, Gesundheitsversorgung und bezahlte Urlaubstage. Der CEO von CSX, Joe Hinrichs, betonte die Bedeutung dieser Vereinbarungen, um eine Basis zu schaffen, auf der sich die Mitarbeiter geschätzt und ermächtigt fühlen, und erkannte ihre entscheidende Rolle bei der Erfüllung von Kunden- und Gemeinschaftsverpflichtungen an.
- Secured new five-year tentative agreements with two more labor unions
- Agreements reached over four months ahead of schedule
- Now has agreements covering more than 50% of unionized workforce
- Agreements include improved wages, healthcare, and paid time off benefits
- None.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Aug. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) today announced it has secured new five-year tentative collective bargaining agreements with International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers (IBB) and the Transportation Communications Union (TCU).
“The latest tentative agreements build upon the momentum that we have created alongside our union partners and allows us to solidify the foundation at CSX where every employee feels valued and empowered,” said Joe Hinrichs, president and chief executive officer. “Our employees are the backbone of our company, and their dedication and hard work are critical to our ability to deliver on our promises to our customers and the communities we serve.”
The tentative agreements, which are pending ratification by the unions’ membership at CSX, were reached more than four months before the current collective agreements become amendable under the federal Railway Labor Act.
To date, CSX has reached proactive agreements with 11 labor unions, covering 15 different work groups, amending 20 collective agreements covering more than 50 percent of its unionized workforce. The terms of the agreements are aligned, providing equivalent packages of improved wages, health care, and paid time off benefits.
CSX remains committed to working with other unions and crafts to reach similar agreements over the coming days and continuing to partner with employees to make meaningful improvements in their work environment.
About CSX
CSX, based in Jacksonville, Florida, is a premier transportation company. It provides rail, intermodal and rail-to-truck transload services and solutions to customers across a broad array of markets, including energy, industrial, construction, agricultural, and consumer products. For nearly 200 years, CSX has played a critical role in the nation's economic expansion and industrial development. Its network connects every major metropolitan area in the eastern United States, where nearly two-thirds of the nation's population resides. It also links more than 240 short-line railroads and more than 70 ocean, river and lake ports with major population centers and farming towns alike.
Matthew Korn, CFA, Investor Relations
Bryan Tucker, Corporate Communications