CSX Champions See Tracks? THINK TRAIN!® Week to Stop Track Tragedies

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CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX) is partnering with Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) to observe See Tracks? Think Train!® Week from Sept. 23-29, 2024. This national public-safety campaign aims to educate people about rail safety and prevent accidents around trains and tracks. CSX emphasizes that safety is core to their culture and essential for efficient train operations.

In 2023, over 2,100 people in the U.S. were injured or killed in railroad crossing collisions or trespass incidents. CSX's goal is zero accidents, and they're committed to working with Operation Lifesaver to inform employees, families, and communities about railroad safety. During the week, CSX's Incident Reduction Team will conduct education and enforcement activities across their network to reduce rail-related incidents.

CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX) sta collaborando con Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) per osservare la settimana See Tracks? Think Train!® dal 23 al 29 settembre 2024. Questa campagna nazionale per la sicurezza pubblica mira a educare le persone sulla sicurezza ferroviaria e a prevenire incidenti intorno ai treni e ai binari. CSX sottolinea che la sicurezza è fondamentale per la loro cultura ed essenziale per operazioni ferroviarie efficienti.

Nel 2023, oltre 2.100 persone negli Stati Uniti sono rimaste ferite o uccise in incidenti di attraversamento ferroviario o di intrusione. L'obiettivo di CSX è zero incidenti e si impegna a lavorare con Operation Lifesaver per informare dipendenti, famiglie e comunità sulla sicurezza ferroviaria. Durante questa settimana, il Team per la Riduzione degli Incidenti di CSX condurrà attività di educazione e enforcement su tutta la loro rete per ridurre gli incidenti legati al ferrovia.

CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX) se está asociando con Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) para observar la semana See Tracks? Think Train!® desde el 23 hasta el 29 de septiembre de 2024. Esta campaña nacional de seguridad pública tiene como objetivo educar a las personas sobre la seguridad ferroviaria y prevenir accidentes alrededor de trenes y rieles. CSX enfatiza que la seguridad es fundamental para su cultura y esencial para operaciones ferroviarias eficientes.

En 2023, más de 2,100 personas en EE. UU. resultaron heridas o fallecidas en colisiones en cruces ferroviarios o incidentes de intrusión. El objetivo de CSX es cero accidentes, y están comprometidos a trabajar con Operation Lifesaver para informar a empleados, familias y comunidades sobre la seguridad ferroviaria. Durante esa semana, el Equipo de Reducción de Incidentes de CSX llevará a cabo actividades de educación y aplicación en toda su red para reducir los incidentes relacionados con el ferrocarril.

CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX)는 Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI)와 협력하여 2024년 9월 23일부터 29일까지 See Tracks? Think Train!® 주간을 관찰할 예정입니다. 이 전국 공공 안전 캠페인은 사람들에게 철도 안전에 대해 교육하고 기차 및 선로 주위의 사고를 예방하는 것을 목표로 합니다. CSX는 안전이 그들의 문화의 핵심이며 효율적인 기차 운영에 필수적이라고 강조합니다.

2023년에는 미국에서 2,100명 이상이 철도 교차로 충돌 또는 불법 침입 사고로 부상을 당하거나 사망했습니다. CSX의 목표는 제로 사고이며, 직원, 가족 및 지역 사회에 철도 안전에 대한 정보를 제공하기 위해 Operation Lifesaver와 협력할 것입니다. 이번 주 동안 CSX의 사고 감소 팀은 철도 관련 사건을 줄이기 위해 그들의 네트워크 전역에서 교육 및 집행 활동을 수행할 것입니다.

CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX) s'associe à Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) pour observer la semaine See Tracks? Think Train!® du 23 au 29 septembre 2024. Cette campagne nationale de sécurité publique vise à sensibiliser le public à la sécurité ferroviaire et à prévenir les accidents autour des trains et des voies ferrées. CSX souligne que la sécurité est au cœur de sa culture et est essentielle pour des opérations ferroviaires efficaces.

En 2023, plus de 2 100 personnes aux États-Unis ont été blessées ou tuées dans des collisions aux passages à niveau ou des incidents d'intrusion. L'objectif de CSX est d'avoir zéro accident, et l'entreprise s'engage à travailler avec Operation Lifesaver pour informer les employés, les familles et les communautés sur la sécurité ferroviaire. Pendant cette semaine, l'équipe de réduction des incidents de CSX mènera des activités d'éducation et d'application au sein de son réseau pour réduire les incidents liés aux chemins de fer.

CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX) geht eine Partnerschaft mit Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) ein, um die See Tracks? Think Train!® Woche vom 23. bis 29. September 2024 zu beobachten. Diese nationale Kampagne zur öffentlichen Sicherheit zielt darauf ab, die Menschen über die Sicherheit im Eisenbahnverkehr zu informieren und Unfälle rund um Züge und Schienen zu verhindern. CSX betont, dass Sicherheit ein zentraler Bestandteil ihrer Firmenkultur ist und für effiziente Bahnoperationen unerlässlich ist.

Im Jahr 2023 wurden in den USA über 2.100 Menschen bei Unfällen an Bahnübergängen oder durch Betreten des Gleisbereichs verletzt oder getötet. CSX hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Unfälle auf null zu reduzieren und arbeitet hart daran, gemeinsam mit Operation Lifesaver Mitarbeiter, Familien und Gemeinden über die Sicherheit im Eisenbahnverkehr zu informieren. Während dieser Woche wird das Team zur Unfallreduzierung von CSX Bildungs- und Durchsetzungsmaßnahmen in ihrem ganzen Netzwerk durchführen, um eisenbahnbedingte Vorfälle zu verringern.

  • CSX is actively promoting rail safety awareness
  • Partnership with Operation Lifesaver, Inc. for safety education
  • Commitment to zero accidents goal
  • None.

The national public-safety campaign delivers critical, life-saving information to drivers, pedestrians, schools and rail passengers

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX) is partnering with Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), to observe See Tracks? Think Train!® Week (formerly Rail Safety Week) to educate and empower the public to make safe decisions around trains and tracks and raise awareness of the need for rail safety education.

“Safety is at the core of our ONE CSX culture, and is foundational to efficient, reliable train operations,” said Mike Cory, executive vice president & chief operating officer. “Our goal is zero accidents, so for us, one crossing collision is too many. That’s why we are committed to working together for safety with Operation Lifesaver and ensuring our employees, loved ones, and neighbors are well informed on how to stay safe around the railroad.”

Federal statistics show that in the United States, every three hours a person or vehicle is hit by a train. In 2023, more than 2,100 people across the country were injured or killed in railroad crossing collisions or trespass incidents, many of which could have been prevented.

“Public safety is everyone’s responsibility. When it comes to railroads, individual decisions can have an irrevocable impact on personal safety, and the safety of others,” said Sean Douris, chief of police, public safety and infrastructure protection. “Rail safety education is the key to incident prevention and CSX is working to reach as many people as possible to recognize the risks, know the warning signs, and how to make safe choices around trains and tracks.”

From Sept. 23-29, CSX Incident Reduction Team will actively engage in education and enforcement activities across our network to reduce the number of rail related incidents in communities where trains operate.

Visit CSX Safety Week and Operation Lifesaver, Inc.’s for more safety tips and statistics.

About CSX

CSX, based in Jacksonville, Florida, is a premier transportation company. It provides rail, intermodal and rail-to-truck transload services and solutions to customers across a broad array of markets, including energy, industrial, construction, agricultural and consumer products. For nearly 200 years, CSX has played a critical role in the nation’s economic expansion and industrial development. Its network connects every major metropolitan area in the eastern United States, where nearly two-thirds of the nation’s population resides. It also links more than 240 short-line railroads and more than 70 ocean, river and lake ports with major population centers and farming towns alike.

Austin Staton, Media Relations


When is CSX observing See Tracks? Think Train!® Week in 2024?

CSX is observing See Tracks? Think Train!® Week from September 23-29, 2024.

How many people were affected by railroad incidents in the US in 2023?

In 2023, more than 2,100 people across the United States were injured or killed in railroad crossing collisions or trespass incidents.

What is CSX's (NASDAQ: CSX) goal regarding rail accidents?

CSX's goal is zero accidents, stating that even one crossing collision is too many.

What activities will CSX conduct during See Tracks? Think Train!® Week?

During See Tracks? Think Train!® Week, CSX's Incident Reduction Team will conduct education and enforcement activities across their network to reduce rail-related incidents.

CSX Corporation


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Railroads, Line-haul Operating
United States of America