Constellium-led ALIVE collaborative research project achieves 12 to 35 percent weight savings for EV battery enclosures with optimized designs and manufacturing processes

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Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) has announced the successful completion of its ALIVE project, focused on developing lightweight aluminium battery enclosures for electric vehicles. The £15m collaborative research project, led by Constellium's University Technology Center at Brunel University London, achieved weight savings of 12% to 35% compared to existing designs while meeting performance targets.

The project involved six industrial partners and two university technology partners, utilizing Constellium's high-strength alloys and various joining and forming technologies. Full-scale prototypes were built and tested, demonstrating superior performance in crash tests, vibration, and fire resistance. The team also developed cost models and conducted a life cycle assessment, validating the benefits of aluminium solutions over steel designs.

Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) ha annunciato il completamento con successo del suo progetto ALIVE, focalizzato sullo sviluppo di involucri leggeri in alluminio per batterie per veicoli elettrici. Il progetto di ricerca collaborativa, del valore di 15 milioni di sterline e guidato dal Centro di Tecnologia Universitaria di Constellium presso la Brunel University di Londra, ha raggiunto riduzioni di peso del 12% al 35% rispetto ai progetti esistenti, mantenendo al contempo gli obiettivi di prestazione.

Il progetto ha coinvolto sei partner industriali e due partner tecnologici universitari, utilizzando leghe ad alta resistenza di Constellium e diverse tecnologie di giunzione e formatura. Sono stati realizzati e testati prototipi a grande scala, dimostrando prestazioni superiori nei test di crash, vibrazione e resistenza al fuoco. Il team ha inoltre sviluppato modelli di costo e condotto una valutazione del ciclo di vita, convalidando i benefici delle soluzioni in alluminio rispetto ai progetti in acciaio.

Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) ha anunciado la finalización exitosa de su proyecto ALIVE, enfocado en el desarrollo de cubiertas de batería de aluminio liviano para vehículos eléctricos. El proyecto de investigación colaborativa, con un valor de 15 millones de libras, dirigido por el Centro de Tecnología Universitaria de Constellium en la Brunel University de Londres, logró ahorros de peso del 12% al 35% en comparación con los diseños existentes, mientras cumplía con los objetivos de rendimiento.

El proyecto involucró a seis socios industriales y dos socios tecnológicos universitarios, utilizando aleaciones de alta resistencia de Constellium y diversas tecnologías de unión y conformado. Se construyeron y probaron prototipos a escala completa, demostrando un rendimiento superior en pruebas de choque, vibración y resistencia al fuego. El equipo también desarrolló modelos de costos y realizó una evaluación del ciclo de vida, validando los beneficios de las soluciones de aluminio sobre los diseños de acero.

Constellium (NYSE: CSTM)은 전기차용 경량 알루미늄 배터리 인클로저 개발에 중점을 둔 ALIVE 프로젝트의 성공적인 완료를 발표했습니다. 1500만 파운드 규모의 협력 연구 프로젝트는 런던 브루넬대학교에 있는 Constellium의 대학교 기술 센터가 주도했으며, 기존 디자인에 비해 12%에서 35%의 중량 절감에 성공했습니다.

이 프로젝트에는 6개의 산업 파트너와 2개의 대학 기술 파트너가 참여했으며, Constellium의 고강도 합금과 다양한 접합 및 형성 기술이 활용되었습니다. 전체 규모의 프로토타입이 제작되어 충돌 테스트, 진동 및 화재 저항성에서 우수한 성능을 보여주었습니다. 또한 팀은 비용 모델을 개발하고 생애 주기 평가를 실시하여 알루미늄 솔루션의 이점을 강철 디자인에 비해 검증했습니다.

Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) a annoncé l'achèvement réussi de son projet ALIVE, axé sur le développement de boîtiers de batterie en aluminium léger pour véhicules électriques. Le projet de recherche collaborative, d'une valeur de 15 millions de livres, dirigé par le Centre de technologie universitaire de Constellium à l'Université Brunel de Londres, a atteint des économies de poids de 12 % à 35 % par rapport aux conceptions existantes, tout en respectant les objectifs de performance.

Le projet a impliqué six partenaires industriels et deux partenaires technologiques universitaires, utilisant les alliages à haute résistance de Constellium et diverses technologies de soudage et de formage. Des prototypes à grande échelle ont été construits et testés, démontrant des performances supérieures lors des tests de collision, de vibration et de résistance au feu. L'équipe a également développé des modèles de coûts et réalisé une évaluation du cycle de vie, validant ainsi les avantages des solutions en aluminium par rapport aux conceptions en acier.

Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) hat den erfolgreichen Abschluss seines ALIVE-Projekts bekannt gegeben, das sich auf die Entwicklung von leichten Aluminium-Batteriegehäusen für Elektrofahrzeuge konzentriert. Das 15 Millionen Pfund teure Kooperationsforschungsprojekt, geleitet vom University Technology Center von Constellium an der Brunel University London, erzielte Gewichtsersparnisse von 12% bis 35% im Vergleich zu bestehenden Designs, während die Leistungsziele eingehalten wurden.

Das Projekt umfasste sechs Industriepartner und zwei universitär-technologische Partner und nutzte Constelliums hochfeste Legierungen sowie verschiedene Füge- und Umformtechnologien. Vollskalenprototypen wurden gebaut und getestet, wobei sie in Crash-Tests, Vibrationen und Feuerwiderstand überlegene Leistungen zeigten. Das Team entwickelte auch Kostenmodelle und führte eine Lebenszyklusbewertung durch, die die Vorteile von Aluminiumlösungen gegenüber Stahlkonstruktionen validierte.

  • Achieved 12% to 35% weight savings in battery enclosure designs
  • Successfully developed and tested full-scale prototypes meeting severe testing requirements
  • Demonstrated superior performance of coated aluminium solutions for fire resistance
  • Created a full-scale battery enclosure prototyping line
  • Developed cost models to support future industrialization decision-making processes
  • Validated benefits of aluminium solutions over steel designs through life cycle assessment
  • None.

The ALIVE project's results are highly significant for the EV industry. Achieving 12% to 35% weight reduction in battery enclosures is a game-changer for electric vehicle range and efficiency. This breakthrough could lead to substantial cost savings and performance improvements for EV manufacturers.

The project's success in meeting rigorous safety standards while reducing weight demonstrates the viability of aluminium as a superior material for battery enclosures. This could trigger a shift in material choice across the industry, potentially benefiting aluminium suppliers like Constellium.

The development of cost models and a full-scale prototyping line suggests that these innovations are ready for industrialization, which could accelerate adoption by major automakers. This positions Constellium favorably in the rapidly growing EV market.

The ALIVE project's use of Constellium's HSA6® and HCA6® alloys showcases the potential of advanced aluminium alloys in critical EV components. The superior performance in crash tests and fire resistance demonstrates that these materials can meet or exceed the stringent safety requirements of the automotive industry.

The project's success in implementing various joining and forming technologies is a significant technical achievement. This versatility in manufacturing processes could lead to more flexible and efficient production methods for battery enclosures, potentially reducing costs and improving quality.

The validation of aluminium solutions through a cradle-to-grave LCA adds credibility to the environmental benefits of these designs, which is important for automakers focusing on sustainability.

This breakthrough positions Constellium to potentially capture a larger market share in the rapidly growing EV sector. The 12% to 35% weight reduction could translate to significant cost savings for automakers, making Constellium's solutions highly attractive.

The £15m project, with half funded by UK government subsidies, demonstrates strong governmental support for EV innovation. This backing could lead to further funding opportunities and partnerships for Constellium.

The collaboration with major OEMs like BMW and Volvo could result in long-term supply contracts, providing stable revenue streams. Additionally, the adaptability of the designs to various battery enclosure strategies positions Constellium to cater to a wide range of customers, potentially boosting sales across different vehicle segments.

PARIS, Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) today announced the results of its collaborative research project ALuminium Intensive Vehicle Enclosures (ALIVE). Constellium’s University Technology Center (UTC) at Brunel University London was the lead partner of the project focused on developing structural aluminium battery enclosures for electric vehicles. The £15m project, half funded by UK government subsidies through its Advanced Propulsion Center (APC), began in 2020.

The consortium, comprised of six industrial partners (BMW, Constellium, EXPERT Technologies Group, Innoval Technology, Powdertech and Volvo) and two university technology partners (BCAST (Brunel University London) and WMG (University of Warwick)), developed novel aluminium battery enclosure designs meeting challenging performance, manufacturing, weight, and cost targets for the project’s OEM partners, BMW and Volvo. The project’s multidisciplinary team investigated and implemented a wide range of joining and forming technologies in combination with Constellium’s family of high-strength and high-crash alloys, Constellium HSA6® and Constellium HCA6®, to create high-performance, lightweight, and cost-efficient aluminium designs.

The project also enabled the creation of a full-scale battery enclosure prototyping line. Several different 1:1 scale prototypes have been built for a variety of vehicle platforms, passing a range of severe testing requirements such as side pole crash/side impact, bottom intrusion, acceleration, shock, vibration, and leak testing. The team also demonstrated the superior performance of coated aluminium solutions for fire resistance. The battery enclosure designs and associated manufacturing technologies developed as part of the ALIVE project enabled the team to save between 12% to 35% of the weight, depending on the design, compared to existing OEM aluminium and steel designs while meeting or exceeding performance targets.

ALIVE also supported the development of cost models to quantify manufacturing costs and minimize capital expenditures to support future industrialization decision-making processes. Given the rapidly evolving EV market, the team had to adapt quickly and develop various technologies supporting OEMs’ structural, non-structural, module-to-pack, and cell-to-pack battery enclosure strategies. Additionally, the consortium proposed a full cradle-to-grave Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), validated by an external panel, demonstrating the benefit of aluminium solutions over ancillary steel designs.

“Today, we celebrate the impressive achievements of the ALIVE project and the power of collaboration between OEMs and suppliers to innovate the future of the automotive industry,” commented Alexandra Bendler, President of Constellium’s Automotive Structures & Industry business unit. “Together, we are paving the way toward sustainable electrification, offering unparalleled battery enclosure designs that exceed performance and cost requirements while providing significant weight savings. Thank you to all the teams and partners involved for their exceptional contributions.”

The Constellium team is already adapting the design philosophies to other enclosure types, such as chest battery packs for trucks and SUVs, as well as validating the use of high-recycled content alloys in such demanding aluminium product forms to further improve their carbon footprint.

Constellium designed and produced the aluminium extrusions for the project at its University Technology Center (UTC) at Brunel University London, its dedicated center of excellence for developing and testing aluminium extrusions and prototype automotive components at scale.

About Constellium

Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) is a global sector leader that develops innovative, value-added aluminium products for a broad scope of markets and applications, including aerospace, automotive and packaging. Constellium generated €7.2 billion of revenue in 2023.

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What weight savings did Constellium's ALIVE project achieve for EV battery enclosures?

The ALIVE project achieved weight savings between 12% to 35% for EV battery enclosures, depending on the design, compared to existing OEM aluminium and steel designs.

What alloys did Constellium (CSTM) use in the ALIVE project for battery enclosures?

Constellium used its family of high-strength and high-crash alloys, specifically Constellium HSA6® and Constellium HCA6®, in the ALIVE project for developing battery enclosures.

How much funding did the ALIVE project receive and from where?

The ALIVE project received £15 million in funding, with half of it (£7.5 million) coming from UK government subsidies through its Advanced Propulsion Center (APC).

What types of tests did the Constellium (CSTM) ALIVE project battery enclosures pass?

The battery enclosures passed a range of severe testing requirements, including side pole crash/side impact, bottom intrusion, acceleration, shock, vibration, and leak testing.

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