Constellium Achieves Aluminium Stewardship Initiative Certification for All Operations Worldwide

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Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) has achieved Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Performance Standard Certification for all its operations worldwide and its Paris corporate office. This certification, based on ASI's latest Performance Standard Version 3.0, covers 11 principles addressing responsible production, sourcing, and stewardship in the aluminium value chain. European and North American operations are certified on all 11 principles, while Chinese operations are certified on the first four principles as material converters.

CEO Jean-Marc Germain emphasized that this achievement reflects Constellium's commitment to responsible business practices and sustainable aluminium solutions. The certification aligns with the company's recycling capacity and sustainability commitments, addressing customer and societal expectations. Constellium aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 30% by 2030 (vs. 2021) and increase recycled input to at least 50% by 2030.

Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) ha ottenuto la Certificazione degli Standard di Performance dell'Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) per tutte le sue operazioni a livello mondiale e per il suo ufficio corporativo di Parigi. Questa certificazione, basata sulla versione 3.0 degli standard di performance dell'ASI, copre 11 principi che riguardano la produzione responsabile, l'approvvigionamento e la gestione nella catena del valore dell'alluminio. Le operazioni europee e nordamericane sono certificate su tutti e 11 i principi, mentre le operazioni cinesi sono certificate sui primi quattro principi come trasformatori di materiale.

Il CEO Jean-Marc Germain ha sottolineato che questo traguardo riflette l'impegno di Constellium per pratiche aziendali responsabili e soluzioni sostenibili in alluminio. La certificazione è in linea con la capacità di riciclaggio dell'azienda e i suoi impegni di sostenibilità, affrontando le aspettative di clienti e società. Constellium punta a ridurre l'intensità delle emissioni di gas serra del 30% entro il 2030 (rispetto al 2021) e ad aumentare l'input riciclato almeno al 50% entro il 2030.

Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) ha logrado la Certificación del Estándar de Desempeño de la Iniciativa de Stewardship del Aluminio (ASI) para todas sus operaciones a nivel mundial y su oficina corporativa en París. Esta certificación, basada en la última versión 3.0 del Estándar de Desempeño de ASI, abarca 11 principios que abordan la producción responsable, el abastecimiento y la gestión en la cadena de valor del aluminio. Las operaciones en Europa y América del Norte están certificadas en los 11 principios, mientras que las operaciones en China están certificadas en los primeros cuatro principios como convertidores de material.

El CEO Jean-Marc Germain enfatizó que este logro refleja el compromiso de Constellium con prácticas comerciales responsables y soluciones sostenibles de aluminio. La certificación está alineada con la capacidad de reciclaje de la empresa y sus compromisos de sostenibilidad, atendiendo a las expectativas de clientes y la sociedad. Constellium tiene como objetivo reducir la intensidad de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en un 30% para 2030 (en comparación con 2021) y aumentar la entrada reciclada a al menos el 50% para 2030.

Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM)는 전 세계 모든 운영 및 파리 본사에 대해 알루미늄 스튜어드십 이니셔티브(ASI) 성과 기준 인증을 획득하였습니다. 이 인증은 ASI의 최신 성과 기준인 버전 3.0을 기반으로 하며, 알루미늄 가치 사슬의 책임 있는 생산, 조달 및 관리에 관한 11가지 원칙을 다룹니다. 유럽 및 북미의 운영은 11개 원칙 모두에 대해 인증을 받았으며, 중국의 운영은 물질 변환업체로서 처음 4가지 원칙에 대해 인증을 받았습니다.

CEO 장-마르크 제르맹은 이번 성과가 Constellium의 책임 있는 비즈니스 관행 및 지속 가능한 알루미늄 솔루션에 대한 의지를 반영한다고 강조했습니다. 이 인증은 회사의 재활용 능력 및 지속 가능성 약속과 일치하며, 고객 및 사회의 기대를 충족합니다. Constellium은 2030년까지 온실가스 배출 강도를 2021년 대비 30% 줄이고, 2030년까지 재활용 투입량을 최소 50% 이상 증가시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) a obtenu la Certification des Standards de Performance de l'Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) pour toutes ses opérations à l'échelle mondiale ainsi que pour son bureau corporate à Paris. Cette certification, basée sur la dernière version 3.0 des standards de performance de l'ASI, couvre 11 principes relatifs à la production responsable, à l'approvisionnement et à la gestion dans la chaîne de valeur de l'aluminium. Les opérations en Europe et en Amérique du Nord sont certifiées sur l'ensemble des 11 principes, tandis que les opérations en Chine sont certifiées sur les quatre premiers principes en tant que convertisseurs de matériaux.

Le PDG Jean-Marc Germain a souligné que cette réussite reflète l'engagement de Constellium envers des pratiques commerciales responsables et des solutions aluminium durables. La certification est en accord avec la capacité de recyclage de l'entreprise et ses engagements en matière de durabilité, répondant aux attentes des clients et de la société. Constellium vise à réduire l'intensité des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 30 % d'ici 2030 (par rapport à 2021) et à augmenter la part des matières recyclées à au moins 50 % d'ici 2030.

Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) hat die Zertifizierung des Leistungsstandards der Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) für alle weltweit betriebenen Standorte sowie sein Firmenbüro in Paris erreicht. Diese Zertifizierung, die auf der neuesten Version 3.0 des ASI-Leistungsstandards basiert, umfasst 11 Prinzipien, die sich mit verantwortungsbewusster Produktion, Beschaffung und dem Management in der Aluminium-Wertschöpfungskette befassen. Die europäischen und nordamerikanischen Betriebe sind nach allen 11 Prinzipien zertifiziert, während die chinesischen Betriebe nach den ersten vier Prinzipien als Materialkonverter zertifiziert sind.

CEO Jean-Marc Germain betonte, dass dieser Erfolg das Engagement von Constellium für verantwortungsvolle Geschäftspraktiken und nachhaltige Aluminiumlösungen widerspiegelt. Die Zertifizierung steht im Einklang mit der Recyclingkapazität des Unternehmens und seinen Verpflichtungen zur Nachhaltigkeit, indem sie die Erwartungen von Kunden und der Gesellschaft adressiert. Constellium strebt an, die Intensität der Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2030 um 30% im Vergleich zu 2021 zu reduzieren und den Anteil recycelter Materialien bis 2030 auf mindestens 50% zu erhöhen.

  • Achieved ASI Performance Standard Certification for all global operations
  • Certified to the latest ASI Performance Standard Version 3.0
  • Demonstrates commitment to responsible business practices and sustainability
  • Aligns with customer and societal expectations for sustainable aluminium solutions
  • Aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 30% by 2030
  • Plans to increase recycled input to at least 50% by 2030
  • None.

Constellium's achievement of ASI certification for all operations is a significant milestone in the aluminum industry. This certification, especially under the latest ASI Performance Standard 3.0, demonstrates Constellium's commitment to sustainable practices across its entire value chain. The certification covers important areas like GHG emissions, waste management and human rights, which are increasingly important to investors and customers.

The company's pledge to reduce GHG emissions intensity by 30% and increase recycled input to 50% by 2030 aligns with global sustainability trends. This positions Constellium favorably in a market where sustainability credentials are becoming a competitive advantage. However, investors should monitor the company's progress towards these targets, as achieving them may require significant investments and operational changes.

While the ASI certification doesn't directly impact Constellium's financials, it could have positive long-term implications. The certification may enhance the company's appeal to environmentally conscious customers and investors, potentially leading to increased market share and improved access to capital. However, the costs associated with maintaining these standards and achieving the 2030 targets could impact short-term profitability.

Investors should consider how this certification might affect Constellium's competitive position, especially in high-value markets where sustainability is a key differentiator. The company's proactive approach to sustainability could serve as a risk mitigation strategy against potential future regulations or carbon pricing mechanisms. It's important to monitor how these initiatives translate into financial performance in upcoming quarters.

Constellium's global ASI certification positions it as a leader in sustainable aluminum production, which could be a game-changer in certain markets. There's a growing trend among end-users, particularly in automotive and packaging industries, to prioritize suppliers with strong sustainability credentials. This certification could give Constellium a competitive edge in securing contracts with these environmentally conscious customers.

However, the impact may vary across regions. While European and North American markets are likely to place high value on this certification, the reception in the Chinese market, where operations are certified on fewer principles, might be different. Investors should watch for shifts in customer preferences and any resulting changes in Constellium's market share or pricing power across different geographical segments.

PARIS, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) today announced it has achieved Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Performance Standard Certification for all its operations, and for its corporate office in Paris.

All operations are certified to ASI’s latest Performance Standard Version 3.0, which sets a new level of targets for responsible production, sourcing, and stewardship of the aluminium value chain. Operations in Europe and North America are certified on all the 11 principles of the Standard, addressing issues such as material stewardship, greenhouse gas emissions, waste and water management, biodiversity, governance, and labor and human rights. Constellium’s Chinese operations have been certified against the first four principles of the Standard as material converters.

“I am proud that Constellium has achieved ASI Certification across all of our operations," commented Jean-Marc Germain, CEO of Constellium. “This accomplishment reflects our strong commitment to responsible business practices and our dedication to delivering high-value, sustainable aluminium solutions. This certification, coupled with our recycling capacity and our sustainability commitments, is a step further to respond to the expectations of our customers and society."

“We warmly congratulate Constellium on committing their entire global portfolio to responsible practices via ASI Certification,” said Fiona Solomon, CEO of Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. “For the aluminium sector to lift performance as a whole, it relies on companies to consistently strive for better sustainability outcomes. Constellium’s achievement across all of its operations places it among leaders within the ASI membership. We look forward to continuing our collaboration towards shared 2050 goals.”

Constellium is a founding member of ASI. Prior to this certification, Constellium already certified its facilities in Singen (Rolling and Extrusion), Gottmadingen, and Dahenfeld, Germany and Neuf-Brisach, France against both the Performance and the Chain of Custody standards, and in 2023, received the ASI Performance Standard certificate for its plants in Muscle Shoals, AL, and Bowling Green, KY in the U.S., and in Děčín, Czech Republic.

Constellium has committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 30 percent in 2030 versus 2021, and to increase its recycled input to at least 50 percent by 2030. Every year, the company transparently discloses its performance and results in its Sustainability Reports.

About Constellium

Constellium (NYSE: CSTM) is a global sector leader that develops innovative, value-added aluminium products for a broad scope of markets and applications, including aerospace, automotive and packaging. Constellium generated €7.2 billion of revenue in 2023.

Media Contacts
Investor Relations Communications
Jason Hershiser Delphine Dahan-Kocher
Phone: +1 443 988-0600 Phone: +1 443 420 7860


What certification has Constellium SE (NYSE: CSTM) achieved for its global operations?

Constellium SE has achieved Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Performance Standard Certification for all its operations worldwide and its Paris corporate office.

How many principles of the ASI Performance Standard are Constellium's European and North American operations certified on?

Constellium's operations in Europe and North America are certified on all 11 principles of the ASI Performance Standard Version 3.0.

What are Constellium's (NYSE: CSTM) sustainability goals for 2030?

Constellium aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 30% by 2030 compared to 2021 levels and increase its recycled input to at least 50% by 2030.

How are Constellium's Chinese operations certified under the ASI Performance Standard?

Constellium's Chinese operations have been certified against the first four principles of the ASI Performance Standard as material converters.

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