Caesarstone Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results
Caesarstone (NASDAQ: CSTE) reported its Q4 and full year 2024 financial results, with Q4 revenue at $97.9 million and full-year revenue of $443.2 million. The company faced persistent global market headwinds, resulting in lower volumes across main regions.
Key financial highlights include:
- Full-year gross margin improved 550 basis points to 21.8%
- Q4 gross margin increased to 19.4% from 18.1% year-over-year
- Operating loss of $23.0 million in Q4
- Q4 net loss of $24.3 million ($0.60 per share)
- Strong balance sheet with net cash position of $101.8 million
The company made progress on its transformation strategy, focusing on R&D capabilities, expanding zero crystalline silica and porcelain products, and optimizing operations. Legal proceedings update reveals 296 pending lawsuits related to silica exposure, with a $50.0 million provision recorded for claims in Israel, US, and Australia.
Caesarstone (NASDAQ: CSTE) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024, con un fatturato del quarto trimestre pari a 97,9 milioni di dollari e un fatturato annuale di 443,2 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha affrontato persistenti difficoltà nel mercato globale, con una conseguente riduzione dei volumi nelle principali regioni.
I principali punti salienti finanziari includono:
- Il margine lordo annuale è migliorato di 550 punti base, raggiungendo il 21,8%
- Il margine lordo del quarto trimestre è aumentato al 19,4% rispetto al 18,1% dell'anno precedente
- Perdita operativa di 23,0 milioni di dollari nel quarto trimestre
- Perdita netta nel quarto trimestre di 24,3 milioni di dollari (0,60 dollari per azione)
- Solida situazione patrimoniale con una posizione di cassa netta di 101,8 milioni di dollari
L'azienda ha fatto progressi nella sua strategia di trasformazione, concentrandosi sulle capacità di ricerca e sviluppo, espandendo i prodotti in silice cristallina zero e porcellana, e ottimizzando le operazioni. L'aggiornamento sui procedimenti legali rivela 296 cause pendenti relative all'esposizione alla silice, con una provvista di 50,0 milioni di dollari registrata per le richieste in Israele, negli Stati Uniti e in Australia.
Caesarstone (NASDAQ: CSTE) informó sobre sus resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2024, con ingresos del cuarto trimestre de 97,9 millones de dólares y unos ingresos anuales de 443,2 millones de dólares. La compañía enfrentó vientos en contra persistentes en el mercado global, lo que resultó en menores volúmenes en las principales regiones.
Los aspectos financieros clave incluyen:
- El margen bruto anual mejoró 550 puntos básicos, alcanzando el 21,8%
- El margen bruto del cuarto trimestre aumentó al 19,4% desde el 18,1% del año anterior
- Pérdida operativa de 23,0 millones de dólares en el cuarto trimestre
- Pérdida neta en el cuarto trimestre de 24,3 millones de dólares (0,60 dólares por acción)
- Fuerte balance con una posición de efectivo neto de 101,8 millones de dólares
La compañía avanzó en su estrategia de transformación, enfocándose en capacidades de I+D, expandiendo productos de sílice cristalina cero y porcelana, y optimizando operaciones. La actualización sobre procedimientos legales revela 296 demandas pendientes relacionadas con la exposición a sílice, con una provisión de 50,0 millones de dólares registrada para reclamaciones en Israel, EE. UU. y Australia.
Caesarstone (NASDAQ: CSTE)는 2024년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표했으며, 4분기 수익은 9,790만 달러, 연간 수익은 4억 4,320만 달러에 달했습니다. 이 회사는 지속적인 글로벌 시장의 역풍에 직면하여 주요 지역에서 물량 감소를 겪었습니다.
주요 재무 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 연간 총 마진이 550bp 개선되어 21.8%에 도달했습니다.
- 4분기 총 마진은 전년 대비 18.1%에서 19.4%로 증가했습니다.
- 4분기 운영 손실은 2,300만 달러였습니다.
- 4분기 순손실은 2,430만 달러(주당 0.60달러)였습니다.
- 순 현금 위치가 1억 1,800만 달러인 강력한 재무 상태입니다.
회사는 연구 개발 역량에 집중하고, 제로 결정질 실리카 및 도자기 제품을 확장하며, 운영을 최적화하는 변혁 전략에서 진전을 보였습니다. 법적 절차 업데이트에 따르면 실리카 노출과 관련된 296건의 소송이 대기 중이며, 이스라엘, 미국 및 호주에서의 청구를 위해 5천만 달러의 충당금이 기록되었습니다.
Caesarstone (NASDAQ: CSTE) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour le quatrième trimestre et l'année entière 2024, avec un chiffre d'affaires de 97,9 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre et un chiffre d'affaires annuel de 443,2 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a fait face à des vents contraires persistants sur le marché mondial, entraînant une baisse des volumes dans les principales régions.
Les points financiers clés comprennent:
- La marge brute annuelle a augmenté de 550 points de base pour atteindre 21,8%
- La marge brute du quatrième trimestre a augmenté à 19,4% contre 18,1% l'année précédente
- Perte d'exploitation de 23,0 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre
- Perte nette de 24,3 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre (0,60 dollar par action)
- Solide bilan avec une position de liquidités nettes de 101,8 millions de dollars
L'entreprise a progressé dans sa stratégie de transformation, en se concentrant sur les capacités de R&D, en élargissant les produits sans silice cristalline et en optimisant ses opérations. La mise à jour des procédures judiciaires révèle 296 poursuites en cours liées à l'exposition à la silice, avec une provision de 50,0 millions de dollars enregistrée pour les réclamations en Israël, aux États-Unis et en Australie.
Caesarstone (NASDAQ: CSTE) hat die Finanzzahlen für das vierte Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht, mit einem Umsatz von 97,9 Millionen Dollar im vierten Quartal und einem Gesamtjahresumsatz von 443,2 Millionen Dollar. Das Unternehmen sah sich anhaltenden globalen Marktherausforderungen gegenüber, was zu einem Rückgang der Volumina in den Hauptregionen führte.
Wichtige finanzielle Höhepunkte sind:
- Die Bruttomarge für das gesamte Jahr verbesserte sich um 550 Basispunkte auf 21,8%
- Die Bruttomarge im vierten Quartal stieg von 18,1% im Vorjahr auf 19,4%
- Betriebsverlust von 23,0 Millionen Dollar im vierten Quartal
- Nettoverlust im vierten Quartal von 24,3 Millionen Dollar (0,60 Dollar pro Aktie)
- Starke Bilanz mit einer Nettobarmittelposition von 101,8 Millionen Dollar
Das Unternehmen machte Fortschritte bei seiner Transformationsstrategie, indem es sich auf F&E-Fähigkeiten konzentrierte, die Produkte ohne kristalline Silika und Porzellan erweiterte und die Abläufe optimierte. Ein Update zu den rechtlichen Verfahren zeigt 296 anhängige Klagen im Zusammenhang mit Silikagefahr, wobei eine Rückstellung von 50,0 Millionen Dollar für Ansprüche in Israel, den USA und Australien gebildet wurde.
- Gross margin improved 550 basis points to 21.8%
- Strong net cash position of $101.8 million, up from $83.5 million YoY
- Operating cash flow of $31.9 million for full year
- Successful execution of strategic restructuring plan
- Q4 revenue declined 23.8% YoY to $97.9 million
- Full year revenue dropped to $443.2 million from $565.2 million
- Q4 operating loss of $23.0 million
- 296 pending silicosis-related lawsuits with $50.0 million provision
- Q4 Adjusted EBITDA loss of $8.0 million vs. gain of $1.4 million prior year
Caesarstone's Q4 and full-year 2024 results reveal a company navigating significant headwinds while executing operational improvements. The 23.8% year-over-year revenue decline to
However, amid these challenges, Caesarstone has made notable operational improvements. The
The legal situation requires monitoring, with 296 silicosis-related lawsuits outstanding and a
Management's transformation strategy focuses on product innovation (zero crystalline silica and porcelain products) and operational efficiencies, but the guidance for only "modest improvement" in 2025 adjusted EBITDA suggests a challenging road ahead. The company's ability to maintain financial stability while navigating industrywide demand weakness positions it for potential recovery, but meaningful revenue growth remains elusive in the near term.
The legal challenges facing Caesarstone represent a material risk that deserves investor attention. The company currently faces 296 lawsuits across three jurisdictions alleging injuries from exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust—52 in Israel, 122 in Australia, and 122 in the United States. This litigation pattern shows the global nature of the company's potential liability.
Particularly concerning is the disclosure of an adverse jury decision in August 2024 (currently under appeal) and a recent settlement. These developments could establish precedent for remaining cases and potentially increase settlement pressure. While the company is investing in zero crystalline silica products, the historical exposure liability remains.
The dual-sided financial impact is significant—immediate cash requirements for settlements and legal defense costs, plus potential long-term reputational damage in the fabrication industry. This legal overhang introduces substantial uncertainty into financial projections, as adverse outcomes could significantly impact the cash position that currently serves as the company's financial buffer during operational challenges.
Caesarstone's operational transformation strategy is yielding measurable results despite challenging market conditions. The
The company's strategic manufacturing consolidation—closing facilities at Sdot Yam and Richmond Hill—reflects decisive action to align production capacity with current demand realities. The
Working capital management has been particularly impressive, contributing to a
R&D investments in zero crystalline silica and porcelain product offerings address both market opportunities and legal exposure risks. However, the operating expense ratio increased to
Management's assertion that the company is positioned for "substantially higher profitability as revenues recover" appears plausible given the margin improvements, though the timeline for market recovery remains uncertain. The operational foundation for improved performance exists, but execution will depend on market stabilization and continued cost discipline.
- Fourth Quarter Revenue of
- Full Year Gross Margin Improved 550 Basis Points to
- Full Year Cash Flow from Operations of
- Strong Balance Sheet with Net Cash Position of
Yos Shiran, Caesarstone’s Chief Executive Officer commented, “Caesarstone delivered resilient adjusted EBITDA performance for the full year, even as our revenue reflects the persistent global market headwinds affecting our industry. Throughout 2024, we made meaningful progress on our transformation strategy, focusing on strengthening our R&D capabilities, expanding our zero crystalline silica and porcelain product offerings globally, and optimizing our operational framework. The operational enhancements implemented across our business have significantly improved our cash flow generation and working capital efficiency, while positioning us to achieve substantially higher profitability as revenues recover. We have successfully executed upon our strategic restructuring plan exemplified by our improved gross margin. While market conditions remain challenging, we are confident that our strategic initiatives and disciplined execution have created a more agile and efficient organization ready to capitalize on market opportunities in 2025.”
Fourth Quarter 2024 Results
Revenue in the fourth quarter of 2024 was
Gross margin in the fourth quarter of 2024 improved to
Operating expenses in the fourth quarter of 2024 were
Operating loss in the fourth quarter of 2024 was
Adjusted EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2024, which excludes expenses for non-cash share-based compensation, legal settlements and loss contingencies, impairment and restructuring charges and other non-recurring items, was a loss of
Finance (income) expenses in the fourth quarter of 2024 was
Net loss attributable to controlling interest for the fourth quarter of 2024 was
Full Year 2024 Results
Revenue in the full year 2024 was
Gross margin in 2024 improved to
Operating expenses in 2024 were
Operating loss in 2024 was
Adjusted EBITDA, which excludes non-cash impairment and restructuring charges, expenses for share-based compensation, legal settlements and loss contingencies and non-recurring items, was a loss of
Finance (income) expense in 2024 was breakeven compared to finance income of
Net loss attributable to controlling interest in 2024 was
Balance Sheet & Liquidity
As of December 31, 2024, the Company’s balance sheet included cash, cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits of
US Legal Proceedings Update
As of December 31, 2024, the Company was subject to lawsuits with respect to 296 injured persons alleging injuries associated with exposure of fabricators and their employees to respirable crystalline silica dust. Of these, 52 were in
If there is a change in the assessment for the outcome of the claims or the insurance coverage through the course of the trial processes, such changes could lead to a material and adverse impact on our business, financial position, results of operations or cash flows.
For more information, please reference the full disclosure provided in the Company’s 2024 annual report on Form 20-F.
“Looking ahead, while market conditions remain dynamic, we expect to see modest improvement in full year 2025 adjusted EBITDA compared to full year 2024 as we realize the full benefits of our cost optimization initiatives and strategic investments. We remain focused on the disciplined execution of our transformation while continuing to invest strategically in innovation and marketing to drive long-term profitable growth,” concluded Nahum Trost, Caesarstone’s Chief Financial Officer.
Webcast and Conference Call Details
The Company will host a webcast and conference call today, March 5, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. ET to discuss the results, followed by a question and answer session for the investment community. The live webcast can be accessed through the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website at For those unable to access the webcast, the conference call will be accessible domestically or internationally, by dialing 1-833-816-1463 and 1-412-542-4167, respectively. The toll-free Israeli number is 1 80 921 3284. Upon dialing in, please request to join the Caesarstone Fourth Quarter 2024 Earnings Conference Call.
To listen to a telephonic replay of the conference call, dial toll-free 1-844-512-2921 or +1-412-317-6671 (international) and enter pass code 10196433. The replay will be available beginning at 12:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 and will last through 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
About Caesarstone
Caesarstone is a global leader of premium surfaces, specializing in countertops that create dynamic spaces of inspiration in the heart of the home. Established in 1987, its multi-material portfolio of over 100 colors combines the company’s innovative technology with its powerful design passion. Spearheading high-quality, sustainable surfaces, Caesarstone delivers functional resilience with timeless beauty, for a vast range of applications, including kitchen countertops, bathroom vanities, and more, for indoor and outdoor spaces.
Since it pioneered quartz countertops over thirty years ago, the brand has expanded into porcelain and natural stone and is on the ground in more than 50 countries worldwide while enhancing customer experience through the expansion of groundbreaking digital platforms & services. More information on Caesarstone:, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram
The Company has filed its annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 with the
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
The non-GAAP measures presented by the Company should be considered in addition to, and not as a substitute for, comparable GAAP measures. Reconciliations of GAAP gross profit to Adjusted gross profit, GAAP net income (loss) to Adjusted net income (loss) and net income (loss) to Adjusted EBITDA are provided in the schedules to this release. To calculate revenues growth rates that exclude the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates, the Company converts actual reported results from local currency to
Forward-Looking Statements
Information provided in this press release may contain statements relating to current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about future events that are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “goals," “intend,” “seek,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “continue,” “expect,” “estimate,” “may,” “plan,” “outlook,” “future” and “project” and other similar expressions that predict, project or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding the Company’s goals and plans, intentions, expectations, assumptions, goals and beliefs regarding the Company’s business. Actual results may differ materially from those projections and estimates due to various risks and uncertainties, both known or unknown. These factors include, but are not limited to: the effects of global and regional economy and geo-politics on the Company’s business and operations including the length, duration and impact of the war in
Caesarstone Ltd. and its subsidiaries | ||||||
Condensed consolidated balance sheets |
As of | ||||||
December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | |||||
(Unaudited) | (Audited) | |||||
ASSETS | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits | $ |
106,336 |
$ |
91,123 |
Trade receivables, net |
46,880 |
66,888 |
Other accounts receivable and prepaid expenses (*) |
82,651 |
25,489 |
Inventories |
112,609 |
136,446 |
Total current assets |
348,476 |
319,946 |
Severance pay fund |
1,526 |
1,994 |
Deferred tax assets, net |
2,910 |
3,061 |
Long-term deposits and prepaid expenses |
4,750 |
4,961 |
Operating lease right-of-use assets |
115,392 |
120,156 |
Property, plant and equipment, net (*) |
75,724 |
123,480 |
Intangible assets, net |
263 |
6,257 |
Total long-term assets |
200,565 |
259,909 |
Total assets | $ |
549,041 |
$ |
579,855 |
Short-term bank credit | $ |
4,555 |
$ |
5,118 |
Trade payables |
52,838 |
42,848 |
Related parties |
206 |
257 |
Short term legal settlements and loss contingencies |
42,706 |
16,106 |
Accrued expenses and other liabilities |
51,383 |
56,894 |
Total current liabilities |
151,688 |
121,223 |
Long-term bank and other loans |
444 |
2,549 |
Legal settlements and loss contingencies long-term and other liabilities |
9,492 |
11,814 |
Deferred tax liabilities, net |
2,439 |
3,006 |
Long-term lease liabilities |
107,313 |
114,146 |
Accrued severance pay |
2,978 |
3,065 |
Long-term warranty provision |
902 |
1,204 |
Total long-term liabilities |
123,568 |
135,784 |
2,200 |
7,789 |
EQUITY: | ||||||
Ordinary shares |
371 |
371 |
Treasury shares - at cost |
(39,430) |
(39,430) |
Additional paid-in capital |
166,500 |
164,456 |
Capital fund related to non-controlling interest |
(5,587) |
(5,587) |
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net |
(14,870) |
(8,402) |
Retained earnings |
164,601 |
203,651 |
Total equity |
271,585 |
315,059 |
Total liabilities and equity | $ |
549,041 |
$ |
579,855 |
(*) During the first half of 2024, we reclassified approximately |
Caesarstone Ltd. and its subsidiaries Condensed consolidated statements of income (loss) |
Three months ended December 31, |
Twelve months December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
Revenues | $ |
97,863 |
$ |
128,525 |
$ |
443,221 |
$ |
565,231 |
Cost of revenues |
78,875 |
105,245 |
346,546 |
473,292 |
Gross profit |
18,988 |
23,280 |
96,675 |
91,939 |
Operating expenses: | |||||||||||||
Research and development |
1,446 |
1,249 |
4,950 |
5,086 |
Sales and Marketing |
20,191 |
19,764 |
86,239 |
82,222 |
General and administrative |
10,915 |
10,168 |
39,123 |
49,490 |
Restructuring and Impairment expenses related to long lived assets (*) |
7,763 |
27,715 |
1,007 |
47,939 |
Legal settlements and loss contingencies, net |
1,629 |
(2,424) |
7,242 |
(4,770) |
Total operating expenses |
41,944 |
56,472 |
138,561 |
179,967 |
Operating loss |
(22,956) |
(33,192) |
(41,886) |
(88,028) |
Finance loss (income), net |
2,860 |
3,747 |
9 |
(1,069) |
Loss before taxes |
(25,816) |
(36,939) |
(41,895) |
(86,959) |
Tax expenses (income), net |
(1,361) |
13,949 |
1,081 |
21,281 |
Net loss | $ |
(24,455) |
$ |
(50,888) |
$ |
(42,976) |
$ |
(108,240) |
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest |
111 |
367 |
144 |
584 |
Net loss attributable to controlling interest | $ |
(24,344) |
$ |
(50,521) |
$ |
(42,832) |
$ |
(107,656) |
Basic net loss per ordinary share (**) | $ |
(0.60) |
$ |
(1.47) |
$ |
(1.13) |
$ |
(3.13) |
Diluted net loss per ordinary share (**) | $ |
(0.60) |
$ |
(1.47) |
$ |
(1.13) |
$ |
(3.13) |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in computing basic loss per ordinary share |
34,547,633 |
34,522,015 |
34,539,378 |
34,519,126 |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in computing diluted loss per ordinary share |
34,547,633 |
34,522,015 |
34,539,378 |
34,519,126 |
(*) Including long-lived assets impairment and restructuring expenses related to plants closure. Also includes capital gain related to sale of undeveloped land and certain equipment in the Richmond Hill plant. | |||||||||||||
(**) The numerator for the calculation of net loss per share for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, has been increased (decreased) by approximately |
Caesarstone Ltd. and its subsidiaries | ||||||
Selected Condensed consolidated statements of cash flows |
Twelve months December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
Cash flows from operating activities: | ||||||
Net loss | $ |
(42,976) |
$ |
(108,240) |
Adjustments required to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by operating activities: | ||||||
Depreciation and amortization |
17,134 |
30,007 |
Share-based compensation expense |
2,043 |
1,025 |
Accrued severance pay, net |
392 |
(268) |
Changes in deferred tax, net |
(621) |
11,905 |
Capital loss |
980 |
18 |
Legal settlements and loss contingencies, net |
7,242 |
(4,771) |
Decrease in trade receivables |
18,748 |
11,760 |
Decrease in other accounts receivable and prepaid expenses |
6,858 |
8,145 |
Decrease in inventories |
20,128 |
101,549 |
Increase (decrease) in trade payables |
8,952 |
(29,464) |
Decrease in warranty provision |
(579) |
(165) |
Changes in right of use assets |
3,371 |
7,865 |
Changes in lease liabilities |
(5,006) |
(9,516) |
Amortization of premium and accretion of discount on marketable securities, net |
- |
63 |
Changes in Accrued interest related to Marketable Securities |
- |
39 |
Decrease in accrued expenses and other liabilities including related parties |
(5,799) |
(1,362) |
Restructuring expenses and Impairment related to long lived assets |
1,007 |
47,939 |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
31,874 |
66,529 |
Cash flows from investing activities: | ||||||
Net cash paid for acquisitions |
(1,556) |
- |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
(10,421) |
(11,168) |
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment |
67 |
177 |
Maturity of marketable securities |
- |
7,100 |
Decrease (increase) in long term deposits |
51 |
(135) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(11,859) |
(4,026) |
Cash flows from financing activities: | ||||||
Changes in short-term bank credits and long-term loans, including related parties |
(2,545) |
(23,268) |
Contingent consideration related to acquisition |
(500) |
(511) |
Net cash used in financing activities |
(3,045) |
(23,779) |
Effect of exchange rate differences on cash and cash equivalents |
(1,757) |
318 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits |
15,213 |
39,042 |
Cash and cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits at beginning of the period |
91,123 |
52,081 |
Cash and cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits at end of the period | $ |
106,336 |
$ |
91,123 |
Non - cash investing: | ||||||
Changes in trade payables balances related to purchase of fixed assets |
106 |
188 |
Caesarstone Ltd. and its subsidiaries | |||||||||||||
Three months ended December 31, |
Twelve months December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
Reconciliation of Gross profit to Adjusted Gross profit: | |||||||||||||
Gross profit | $ |
18,988 |
$ |
23,280 |
$ |
96,675 |
$ |
91,939 |
Share-based compensation expense (a) |
11 |
(59) |
89 |
94 |
Amortization of assets related to acquisitions |
70 |
71 |
282 |
286 |
Residual operating expenses (income) related to closed plants after closing |
96 |
1,129 |
672 |
3,924 |
Other non recurring items |
141 |
(152) |
182 |
(304) |
Adjusted Gross profit (Non-GAAP) | $ |
19,306 |
$ |
24,269 |
$ |
97,900 |
$ |
95,939 |
(a) |
Share-based compensation includes expenses related to stock options and restricted stock units granted to employees and directors of the Company. |
Caesarstone Ltd. and its subsidiaries | |||||||||||||
Three months ended December 31, |
Twelve months December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
Reconciliation of Net Loss to Adjusted EBITDA: | |||||||||||||
Net loss | $ |
(24,455) |
$ |
(50,888) |
$ |
(42,976) |
$ |
(108,240) |
Finance loss (income), net |
2,860 |
3,747 |
9 |
(1,069) |
Taxes on income |
(1,361) |
13,949 |
1,081 |
21,281 |
Depreciation and amortization |
4,363 |
7,296 |
17,742 |
30,007 |
Legal settlements and loss contingencies, net (a) |
1,629 |
(2,425) |
7,242 |
(4,771) |
Contingent consideration adjustment related to acquisition |
- |
24 |
(53) |
264 |
Share-based compensation expense (b) |
434 |
469 |
2,044 |
1,025 |
Restructuring expenses (income) and Impairment related to long lived assets (c) |
7,827 |
27,715 |
1,005 |
47,939 |
Residual operating expenses related to closed plants after closing |
450 |
1,643 |
2,056 |
4,438 |
Other non recurring items |
284 |
(152) |
325 |
(304) |
Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP) | $ |
(7,969) |
$ |
1,378 |
$ |
(11,525) |
$ |
(9,430) |
(a) |
Consists primarily of legal settlements expenses and loss contingencies, net, related to product liability claims. |
(b) |
Share-based compensation includes expenses related to stock options and restricted stock units granted to employees and directors of the Company. |
(c) |
Including long-lived assets impairment and restructuring expenses related to plants closure. Also includes capital gain related to sale of undeveloped land and certain equipment in the Richmond Hill plant. |
Caesarstone Ltd. and its subsidiaries | |||||||||||||
Three months ended December 31, |
Twelve months December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(Unaudited) |
(Unaudited) |
Reconciliation of net loss attributable to controlling interest to adjusted net loss attributable to controlling interest: | |||||||||||||
Net loss attributable to controlling interest | $ |
(24,344) |
$ |
(50,521) |
$ |
(42,832) |
$ |
(107,656) |
Legal settlements and loss contingencies, net (a) |
1,629 |
(2,425) |
7,242 |
(4,771) |
Contingent consideration adjustment related to acquisition |
- |
24 |
(53) |
264 |
Amortization of assets related to acquisitions, net of tax |
532 |
534 |
2,135 |
2,142 |
Share-based compensation expense (b) |
434 |
469 |
2,044 |
1,025 |
Non cash revaluation of lease liabilities (c) |
977 |
3,538 |
(2,039) |
(1,556) |
Restructuring expenses (income) and Impairment related to long lived assets (d) |
7,827 |
27,715 |
1,005 |
47,939.00 |
Residual operating expenses related to closed plants after closing |
450 |
1,643 |
2,056 |
4,438 |
Other non recurring items |
284 |
(152) |
325 |
(304) |
Total adjustments |
12,133 |
31,346 |
12,715 |
49,177 |
Less tax on non-tax adjustments (e) |
(240) |
(9,421) |
(328) |
(12,035) |
Total adjustments after tax |
12,372 |
40,767 |
13,043 |
61,212 |
Adjusted net loss attributable to controlling interest (Non-GAAP) | $ |
(11,972) |
$ |
(9,754) |
$ |
(29,789) |
$ |
(46,444) |
Adjusted loss per share (f) | $ |
(0.35) |
$ |
(0.28) |
$ |
(0.86) |
$ |
(1.34) |
(a) |
Consists primarily of legal settlements expenses and loss contingencies, net, related to product liability claims. |
(b) |
Share-based compensation includes expenses related to stock options and restricted stock units granted to employees and directors of the Company. |
(c) |
Exchange rate differences deriving from revaluation of lease contracts in accordance with FASB ASC 842. |
(d) |
Including long-lived assets impairment and restructuring expenses related to plants closure. Also includes capital gain related to sale of undeveloped land and certain equipment in the Richmond Hill plant. |
(e) |
Tax adjustments for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, based on the effective tax rates. |
(f) |
In calculating adjusted (Non-GAAP) loss per share, the diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding excludes the effects of share-based compensation expense in accordance with FASB ASC 718. |
Caesarstone Ltd. and its subsidiaries | ||||||||||||||||||||
Geographic breakdown of revenues by region | ||||||||||||||||||||
Three months ended December 31, |
Twelve months December 31, |
Three months ended December 31, | Twelve months December 31, | ||||||||||||||||
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Audited) | YoY % change |
YoY % change CCB |
YoY % change |
YoY % change CCB |
$ |
46,353 |
$ |
60,286 |
$ |
219,559 |
$ |
271,647 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
14,106 |
17,750 |
61,749 |
75,462 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
244 |
817 |
1,392 |
3,285 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
America's |
60,703 |
78,853 |
282,700 |
350,394 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
16,870 |
26,684 |
75,388 |
106,223 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4,317 |
5,890 |
20,577 |
25,959 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
21,187 |
32,574 |
95,965 |
132,182 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
11,858 |
14,513 |
47,121 |
59,908 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4,115 |
2,585 |
17,435 |
22,747 |
- |
- |
Total Revenues | $ |
97,863 |
$ |
128,525 |
$ |
443,221 |
$ |
565,231 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Investor Relations:
ICR, Inc. - Rodny Nacier
+1 (646) 200-8870
Source: Caesarstone Ltd.
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