Cascada's Phase II Diamond Drilling Program Intersects Porphyry Mineralization at the Angie Cu/Mo Project
Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) (OTCQB: CSSCF) has completed its Phase II diamond drilling program at the Angie Copper Molybdenum Property in Chile. The final hole, DAAS-05, intersected a mineralized dioritic porphyry complex containing pyrite and chalcopyrite. This porphyry complex is associated with an induced polarization chargeability high coinciding with a magnetic low, creating an exploration target measuring 1,300 metres by 550 metres.
Drill holes DAAS-03 and DAAS-04 targeted a molybdenum geochemical anomaly along the eastern margin of the chargeability anomaly, intersecting altered rhyodacite porphyry with quartz molybdenum veins. The last 200 metres of DAAS-04 cut an altered dioritic porphyry complex similar to DAAS-05 but less mineralized.
According to Carl Hansen, Cascada's President and CEO, this discovery provides a clearer understanding of the geological controls and identifies a high-priority, high-tonnage target for the next drill program. All drill core samples have been submitted for assay, with results expected in 4-6 weeks.
Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) (OTCQB: CSSCF) ha completato il suo programma di perforazione con diamante di Fase II presso il Proprietà di Rame e Molibdeno Angie in Cile. L'ultimo foro, DAAS-05, ha intersecato un complesso porfirico diorite mineralizzato contenente pirite e calcopirite. Questo complesso porfirico è associato a un'alta polarizzazione indotta che coincide con un basso magnetico, creando un obiettivo di esplorazione che misura 1.300 metri per 550 metri.
I fori di perforazione DAAS-03 e DAAS-04 hanno mirato a un'anomalia geochimica di molibdeno lungo il margine orientale dell'anomalia di polarizzazione, intersecando porfirico diorite alterato con vene di molibdeno in quarzo. Gli ultimi 200 metri di DAAS-04 hanno attraversato un complesso porfirico diorite alterato simile a DAAS-05, ma meno mineralizzato.
Secondo Carl Hansen, Presidente e CEO di Cascada, questa scoperta fornisce una comprensione più chiara dei controlli geologici e identifica un obiettivo di alta priorità e alto tonnellaggio per il prossimo programma di perforazione. Tutti i campioni di nucleo di perforazione sono stati inviati per l'analisi, con risultati attesi in 4-6 settimane.
Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) (OTCQB: CSSCF) ha completado su programa de perforación con diamante de Fase II en la Propiedad de Cobre y Molibdeno Angie en Chile. El último pozo, DAAS-05, intersectó un complejo porfirítico diorita mineralizado que contiene pirita y calcopirita. Este complejo porfirítico está asociado con una alta polarización inducida que coincide con un bajo magnético, creando un objetivo de exploración que mide 1.300 metros por 550 metros.
Los pozos de perforación DAAS-03 y DAAS-04 tuvieron como objetivo una anomalía geoquímica de molibdeno a lo largo del margen oriental de la anomalía de polarización, intersectando porfirito diorita alterado con vetas de molibdeno en cuarzo. Los últimos 200 metros de DAAS-04 cortaron un complejo porfirítico diorita alterado similar al DAAS-05, pero menos mineralizado.
Según Carl Hansen, Presidente y CEO de Cascada, este descubrimiento proporciona una comprensión más clara de los controles geológicos e identifica un objetivo de alta prioridad y alto tonelaje para el próximo programa de perforación. Todas las muestras de núcleo de perforación han sido enviadas para análisis, con resultados esperados en 4-6 semanas.
카스카다 실버 코퍼레이션 (CSE: CSS) (OTCQB: CSSCF)는 칠레의 앤지 구리 몰리브덴 광산에서 2단계 다이아몬드 드릴링 프로그램을 완료했습니다. 마지막 구멍인 DAAS-05는 황철석과 구리철석이 포함된 광물화된 화강암 포르프리 복합체를 관통했습니다. 이 포르프리 복합체는 자기 저항이 낮은 곳과 일치하는 높은 유도 전하량과 관련이 있어 1,300미터 x 550미터 크기의 탐사 목표를 형성합니다.
드릴링 홀 DAAS-03 및 DAAS-04는 전하량 이상 현상의 동쪽 경계에 있는 몰리브덴 지구화학적 이상을 목표로 하여, 수정 몰리브덴 광맥을 가진 변형된 리오다사이트 포르프리와 교차했습니다. DAAS-04의 마지막 200미터는 DAAS-05와 유사하지만 광물화가 덜 된 변형된 화강암 포르프리 복합체를 절단했습니다.
카스카다의 사장 겸 CEO인 칼 한센에 따르면, 이번 발견은 지질학적 제어를 더 명확하게 이해할 수 있게 해주며 다음 드릴링 프로그램을 위한 높은 우선순위와 높은 톤수의 목표를 식별합니다. 모든 드릴 코어 샘플은 분석을 위해 제출되었으며, 결과는 4-6주 후에 예상됩니다.
Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) (OTCQB: CSSCF) a terminé son programme de forage diamant de Phase II sur la Propriété de Cuivre et de Molybdène Angie au Chili. Le dernier trou, DAAS-05, a intersecté un complexe porphyrique dioritique minéralisé contenant de la pyrite et de la chalcopyrite. Ce complexe porphyrique est associé à une haute polarisation induite coïncidant avec un faible magnétique, créant une cible d'exploration mesurant 1 300 mètres sur 550 mètres.
Les trous de forage DAAS-03 et DAAS-04 visaient une anomalie géochimique de molybdène le long de la marge orientale de l'anomalie de polarisation, intercepant un porphyre de rhyodacite altéré avec des veines de molybdène en quartz. Les 200 derniers mètres de DAAS-04 ont traversé un complexe porphyrique dioritique altéré similaire à DAAS-05, mais moins minéralisé.
Selon Carl Hansen, président et PDG de Cascada, cette découverte offre une compréhension plus claire des contrôles géologiques et identifie une cible prioritaire de haute priorité et de tonnage élevé pour le prochain programme de forage. Tous les échantillons de carottes de forage ont été soumis à des analyses, avec des résultats attendus dans 4 à 6 semaines.
Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) (OTCQB: CSSCF) hat sein Phase-II-Diamantbohrprogramm im Angie Kupfer-Molybdän-Vorkommen in Chile abgeschlossen. Das letzte Loch, DAAS-05, durchteufte einen mineralisierten dioritischen Porphyrkomplex, der Pyrit und Chalkopyrit enthält. Dieser Porphyrkomplex ist mit einer hohen induzierten Polarisation verbunden, die mit einem magnetischen Tiefpunkt übereinstimmt und ein Erkundungsziel von 1.300 Metern mal 550 Metern schafft.
Die Bohrlöcher DAAS-03 und DAAS-04 zielten auf eine molybdänhaltige geochemische Anomalie entlang des östlichen Randes der Polarisationanomalie und durchteuften veränderten Rhyodacit-Porphyr mit Quarz-Molybdän-Venen. Die letzten 200 Meter von DAAS-04 durchteuften einen veränderten dioritischen Porphyrkomplex, der DAAS-05 ähnlich ist, aber weniger mineralisiert.
Laut Carl Hansen, Präsident und CEO von Cascada, bietet diese Entdeckung ein klareres Verständnis der geologischen Kontrollen und identifiziert ein hochpriorisiertes, hochvolumiges Ziel für das nächste Bohrprogramm. Alle Bohrkernproben wurden zur Analyse eingereicht, und die Ergebnisse werden in 4-6 Wochen erwartet.
- Discovery of a mineralized porphyry complex at the Angie property
- Identified a large exploration target measuring 1,300 by 550 metres
- Drill holes intersected visible copper and molybdenum bearing sulphides
- Completed Phase II diamond drilling program successfully
- Assay results still pending with 4-6 week wait time
- No confirmation yet of economically viable quantities of metals
- DAAS-04 showed less mineralization than DAAS-05
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 25, 2025) - Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) (OTCQB: CSSCF) ("Cascada") is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Phase II diamond drilling program at its Angie Copper Molybdenum Property ("Angie") located 85 kilometres east southeast of the City of Copiapo, Chile.
The final hole of the Phase II drilling program, DAAS-05, intersected a mineralized dioritic porphyry complex with variable amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite disseminated throughout and occurring locally in veins, veinlets and along fractures. The porphyry complex is spatially associated with an induced polarization ("IP") chargeability high coinciding with a magnetic low which combined provide an exploration target measuring 1,300 metres by 550 metres (see Figures 1, 2 and 3, attached).
Drill holes DAAS-03 and DAAS-04 targeted the extensive molybdenum geochemical anomaly occurring along the eastern margin of the chargeability anomaly. Both drill holes intersected altered rhyodacite porphyry cut by minor quartz molybdenum veins and veinlets with locally minor pyrite and trace chalcopyrite. The last 200 metres of DAAS-04 cut an altered dioritic porphyry complex similar to that intersected by DAAS-05 although mineralized to a lesser degree.
"The completion of the Phase II diamond drilling program marks a significant step forward in our exploration efforts at Angie. Not only have we discovered a mineralized porphyry complex, we have developed a clearer understanding of the geological controls shaping the system," said Carl Hansen, Cascada's President and CEO. "While we initially considered that the extensive molybdenum anomaly was overlying a porphyry system, it is clear that the molybdenum occurs along the eastern flank of a mineralized dioritic porphyry complex. This porphyry complex, which hosts variable sulphide mineralization, primarily pyrite with minor chalcopyrite, is spatially associated with a chargeability high and magnetic low which when combined provides a clear 1,300 by 550 metre, high priority - high tonnage target for our next drill program. All drill core samples have been submitted to the assay lab and assays should be available in four to six weeks."
Drill Hole Summaries
Cautionary Note: While visible copper and molybdenum bearing sulphides have been observed in the diamond drill core from the Phase II Angie drill program, there can be no assurance that economically viable quantities of metals are present. Assaying is necessary to determine the grade and no grades should be inferred from the disclosures made in this press release.
DAAS-05 targeted a strong IP chargeability high coinciding with a magnetic low. The hole was collared into an altered rhyodacite porphyry cut by microdiorite and diorite porphyry dykes. At 193 metres downhole, the hole entered into an altered dioritic porphyry complex, dominated by porphyritic to phaneritic diorite, cut by fine grained microdiorite units, which continued to the end of the hole at 551 metres. Within the dioritic complex, sulphides (primarily pyrite with lesser chalcopyrite) occur as disseminations, fracture fillings, and locally in veins and veinlets. Alteration varies from moderate to intense potassic (biotite, chlorite, magnetite, ± k-feldspar, ± epidote).
DAAS-04 was drilled to test the high grade core of the molybdenum geochemical anomaly. The drill hole was collared into a rhyodacite porphyry overprinted by moderated to intense chlorite magnetite alteration with trace to minor disseminated pyrite and cut by quartz molybdenite veins and veinlets. Below 300 metres, intense potassic alteration (chlorite biotite magnetite with K-feldspar) dominates with trace to locally minor disseminated and fracture-controlled pyrite and chalcopyrite along with quartz molybdenite vein and veinlets. Below 400 metres, the rhyodacite porphyry is cut by microdiorite intrusives and at 460 metres the hole entered a diorite porphyry complex, possibly the same complex intersected by DAAS-05. The diorite complex is dominated by diorite porphyry cut by microdiorite dykes with trace to minor disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite as well as sulphide veins and veinlets. DAAS-04 continued in the diorite complex to the end of the hole at 611 metres.
DAAS-03 was drilled to test the extension of an 8-metre interval grading 1,208 parts per million molybdenum returned at the end drill hole AAS-02 (see Cascada press release dated November 20, 2024). DAAS-03 cut rhyodacite porphyry, similar to that encountered in the upper portion of DAAS-04, cut by dioritic dykes and xenoliths. Intense potassic (biotite K-feldspar) alteration overprinted by chlorite and magnetite was observed. Quartz veins and veinlets with minor molybdenite were observed throughout the drill hole. Below 300 metres, occasional pyrite veins, veinlets and fracture fillings with minor pyrite and trace chalcopyrite were observed along with quartz molybdenite veins. The drill hole was completed at 487 metres.
NI 43-101 Technical Disclosure
The Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators, for Cascada's exploration activities in Chile is Sergio Diaz, a resident of Santiago, Chile. Mr. Diaz is a Public Registered Person for Reserves and Resources N° 51, in Chile and is also registered in the Colegio de Geólogos de Chile under N° 315.
About Cascada Silver Corp.
Cascada is a mineral exploration company focused on exploration opportunities in Chile. Cascada's team of successful exploration professionals are dedicated to the discovery of mineral deposits that can be progressed into economically viable development projects creating value for all stakeholders.
On behalf of Cascada Silver Corp.,
Carl Hansen, CEO
Phone: 416-907-9969
For additional information, please contact us at:
This news release contains forward-looking statements, including predictions, projections and forecasts. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: plans for the evaluation of exploration properties; the success of evaluation plans; the success of exploration activities; mine development prospects; and, potential for future metals production. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "planning", "expects" or "does not expect", "continues", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "potential", "anticipates", "does not anticipate", or describes a "goal", or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved.
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, future events, conditions, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, prediction, projection, forecast, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others: changes in economic parameters and assumptions; all aspects related to the timing of exploration activities and receipt of exploration results; the interpretation and actual results of current exploration activities; changes in project or exploration parameters as plans continue to be refined; the results of regulatory and permitting processes; future metals price; possible variations in grade or recovery rates; failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; the results of economic and technical studies; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of exploration; as well as those factors disclosed in Cascada's publicly filed documents.
Although Cascada has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
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Figure 1 - RTF Magnetics Overlain with IP Chargeability & Phase I and II Drill Drilling
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Figure 2 - Geological Section 6959670N with Drill Collars & Traces Superimposed on Induced Polarization Chargeability
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Figure 3 - Induced Polarization Chargeability with Drill Hole Traces Surface Plan and Sections
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What did Cascada Silver discover in its Phase II drilling at the Angie project?
How large is the exploration target identified at Cascada's Angie property?
When will Cascada Silver (CSSCF) receive assay results from the Angie drilling program?
What minerals were observed in the drill cores from Cascada's Angie project?