Aria Cybersecurity Protects Your Critical Systems from the CrowdStrike-Induced Windows Outage

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ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, a CSPi business (NASDAQ:CSPI), offers AZT PROTECT to prevent outages caused by flawed cloud-based updates, like the recent CrowdStrike-induced Windows outage on July 19, 2024. This lightweight agent can be deployed alongside existing protection systems to:

  • Stop untested updates from automatically implementing on critical systems
  • Catch sophisticated attacks missed by other vendors
  • Allow time for proper testing of software updates
  • Protect critical infrastructure without requiring frequent updates

AZT PROTECT uses a different approach that doesn't rely on constant updates, enabling companies to apply best practices in testing cybersecurity updates before deployment while maintaining protection against attacks.

ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, un'azienda di CSPi (NASDAQ:CSPI), offre AZT PROTECT per prevenire interruzioni causate da aggiornamenti basati su cloud difettosi, come l'interruzione di Windows causata da CrowdStrike il 19 luglio 2024. Questo agente leggero può essere implementato insieme ai sistemi di protezione esistenti per:

  • Impedire l'implementazione automatica di aggiornamenti non testati su sistemi critici
  • Rilevare attacchi sofisticati trascurati da altri fornitori
  • Consentire il tempo necessario per il test appropriato degli aggiornamenti software
  • Proteggere le infrastrutture critiche senza la necessità di aggiornamenti frequenti

AZT PROTECT utilizza un approccio diverso che non si basa su aggiornamenti costanti, consentendo alle aziende di applicare le migliori pratiche nel test degli aggiornamenti di cybersecurity prima del rilascio, mantenendo al contempo la protezione contro gli attacchi.

ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, una empresa de CSPi (NASDAQ:CSPI), ofrece AZT PROTECT para prevenir fallos causados por actualizaciones basadas en la nube defectuosas, como la reciente interrupción de Windows provocada por CrowdStrike el 19 de julio de 2024. Este agente ligero puede desplegarse junto a los sistemas de protección existentes para:

  • Evitar que actualizaciones no probadas se implementen automáticamente en sistemas críticos
  • Detectar ataques sofisticados que han sido pasados por alto por otros proveedores
  • Permitir tiempo para la prueba adecuada de las actualizaciones de software
  • Proteger la infraestructura crítica sin requerir actualizaciones frecuentes

AZT PROTECT utiliza un enfoque diferente que no depende de actualizaciones constantes, lo que permite a las empresas aplicar las mejores prácticas en la prueba de actualizaciones de ciberseguridad antes de su implementación, mientras mantiene la protección contra ataques.

ARIA 사이버 보안 솔루션, CSPi의 사업부(나스닥:CSPI)는 AZT PROTECT를 제공하여 클라우드 기반 업데이트의 결함으로 인한 중단을 방지합니다. 이는 2024년 7월 19일 CrowdStrike로 인해 발생한 Windows 중단과 같습니다. 이 경량 에이전트는 기존 보호 시스템과 함께 배치되어:

  • 테스트되지 않은 업데이트가 중요한 시스템에 자동으로 구현되지 않도록 방지합니다.
  • 다른 공급업체가 놓친 정교한 공격을 감지합니다.
  • 소프트웨어 업데이트의 적절한 테스트 시간을 허용합니다.
  • 빈번한 업데이트 없이 중요한 인프라를 보호합니다.

AZT PROTECT는 지속적인 업데이트에 의존하지 않는 다른 접근 방식을 사용하여 기업이 배포 전에 사이버 보안 업데이트를 테스트하는 모범 사례를 적용할 수 있도록 하며, 동시에 공격에 대한 보호를 유지합니다.

ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, une entreprise de CSPi (NASDAQ:CSPI), propose AZT PROTECT pour prévenir les pannes causées par des mises à jour basées sur le cloud défectueuses, comme l'incident de Windows provoqué par CrowdStrike le 19 juillet 2024. Cet agent léger peut être déployé parallèlement aux systèmes de protection existants pour :

  • Empêcher l'implémentation automatique de mises à jour non testées sur des systèmes critiques
  • Détecter des attaques sophistiquées négligées par d'autres fournisseurs
  • Accorder du temps pour des tests appropriés des mises à jour logicielles
  • Protéger l'infrastructure critique sans nécessiter de mises à jour fréquentes

AZT PROTECT utilise une approche différente qui ne dépend pas de mises à jour constantes, permettant aux entreprises d'appliquer les meilleures pratiques en matière de tests des mises à jour de cybersécurité avant leur déploiement, tout en maintenant une protection contre les attaques.

ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, ein Unternehmen von CSPi (NASDAQ:CSPI), bietet AZT PROTECT an, um Ausfälle durch fehlerhafte cloud-basierte Updates zu verhindern, wie das kürzlich am 19. Juli 2024 durch CrowdStrike verursachte Windows-Ausfall. Dieser leichtgewichtige Agent kann zusammen mit bestehenden Schutzsystemen implementiert werden, um:

  • Ungetestete Updates daran zu hindern, automatisch auf kritischen Systemen implementiert zu werden
  • Fortspruchsvolle Angriffe zu erkennen, die von anderen Anbietern übersehen wurden
  • Ausreichend Zeit für die ordnungsgemäße Prüfung von Software-Updates zu ermöglichen
  • Kritische Infrastrukturen zu schützen, ohne häufige Updates zu benötigen

AZT PROTECT verfolgt einen anderen Ansatz, der nicht auf ständigen Updates beruht, sodass Unternehmen bewährte Methoden zur Prüfung von Cybersicherheits-Updates vor der Bereitstellung anwenden können, während der Schutz vor Angriffen aufrechterhalten wird.

  • ARIA Cybersecurity offers a solution to prevent outages caused by flawed updates
  • AZT PROTECT can be deployed alongside existing protection systems
  • The product catches sophisticated attacks missed by other vendors
  • AZT PROTECT doesn't require frequent updates, reducing risk of update-related issues
  • None.

As a tech expert, it is clear that the recent announcement by ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions addresses a critical vulnerability in the current IT infrastructure landscape. The CrowdStrike-induced Windows outage on July 19th revealed the significant risks associated with untested software updates. The AZT PROTECT™ from ARIA offers a solution that could mitigate such risks by ensuring updates are verified before deployment. This development is impactful because it proposes a safeguard against one of the most common yet underestimated threats—flawed updates. Such a tool can be a game-changer for businesses relying on continuous uptime for their critical systems.

Furthermore, the lightweight nature of AZT PROTECT™ means it can be easily integrated with existing systems without adding significant overhead. Businesses can maintain their current cybersecurity measures while adding an additional layer of protection against unapproved updates. This dual benefit makes AZT PROTECT™ a compelling option for enterprises looking to enhance their cybersecurity posture without extensive changes to their existing processes.

From a market research perspective, ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions' launch of AZT PROTECT™ can be seen as a strategic move to capitalize on a growing niche in the cybersecurity market. The incident involving CrowdStrike has heightened awareness about the potential for unvetted updates to cause significant operational disruptions. By positioning AZT PROTECT™ as a remedy to this specific issue, ARIA can attract businesses that have been directly affected or are now more conscious of such risks.

Moreover, this product's ability to function alongside existing cybersecurity solutions without requiring extensive modifications is a strong selling point. It not only reduces the barrier to adoption but also makes it an attractive option for companies looking for quick-to-deploy solutions to enhance their cybersecurity frameworks.

From a financial standpoint, the introduction of AZT PROTECT™ by ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions could positively impact CSPi's (NASDAQ:CSPI) stock performance. The recent cybersecurity incident has highlighted a critical gap in the market and ARIA's timely response with a solution could drive increased demand for their products. If AZT PROTECT™ gains traction, it could result in higher sales and an expanded customer base for ARIA, contributing to CSPi's revenue growth.

Additionally, the ability of AZT PROTECT™ to work with existing systems means companies might be more willing to invest in this solution, seeing it as a cost-effective way to enhance their cybersecurity measures. This could lead to a positive outlook for CSPi's financial health, potentially boosting investor confidence and stock valuation.

ARIA AZT PROTECT™ Stops Untested Updates Taking Critical Systems Down

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 22, 2024 / ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, a CSPi business (NASDAQ:CSPI) a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions offers a solution to help avoid this type of flawed cloud-based update from creating an outage to your critical infrastructure. A "flawed update process" on July 19th, 2024, is apparently to blame for the massive worldwide outage of systems running on Windows platforms as reported by CrowdStrike.

This type of outage can be prevented!

Companies using AZT PROTECT's™ protection capabilities can prevent both malicious code as well as flawed updates from taking critical systems down. We can ensure that untested updates do not become active on your systems, helping you avoid this type of disaster.

It has become the norm for your IT application and cybersecurity vendors to send updates directly to their applications. Unfortunately, as this incident has demonstrated, few customers test these updates and just allow them to update automatically.

Whether intentional or not, untested supply chain updates can wreak more havoc on your critical systems than most cyberattacks. If an update to a system puts lives in danger due to an outage, it should not be deployed without some form of verification test. The same goes for servers running any critical business process.

AZT PROTECT can ensure that such updates - even if distributed to the endpoints - are not automatically implemented until they are verified to "do no harm".

AZT PROTECT is a simple-to-deploy, lightweight agent that can deploy alongside CrowdStrike or other protection systems and not only catches the sophisticated attacks that they miss, but also can ensure IT and OT software update procedures are properly enforced avoiding such disasters. What's more, as we stop what these vendors miss, you now have time to test their software updates - while we keep your systems safe from attack. We use a fundamentally different approach that does not require such updates. You can be assured that our attack protection has you covered so you can now apply age-old, industry best practices to test cybersecurity updates before deployment - to avoid such disasters without worrying about stopping attacks.

The software application industry is full of well-meaning vendors - but fundamental flaws in their update approaches will make the likeliness of such incidents a more frequent occurrence. However, you can take control of what these large vendors can do to your environment with AZT PROTECT. We offer a simple-to-deploy solution that can actively protect your critical systems in minutes.

To learn more:

Media Contact

Gary Southwell
General Manager
ARIA Cybersecurity


View the original press release on


What caused the worldwide Windows outage on July 19, 2024?

The worldwide Windows outage on July 19, 2024, was reportedly caused by a 'flawed update process' from CrowdStrike, affecting systems running on Windows platforms globally.

How can ARIA Cybersecurity's AZT PROTECT prevent outages like the CrowdStrike incident?

AZT PROTECT prevents outages by ensuring untested updates are not automatically implemented on critical systems until they are verified to 'do no harm', allowing companies to test updates before deployment while maintaining protection against attacks.

What are the key features of ARIA Cybersecurity's AZT PROTECT (NASDAQ:CSPI)?

Key features of AZT PROTECT include: stopping untested updates from automatically implementing, catching sophisticated attacks missed by other vendors, allowing time for proper update testing, and protecting critical infrastructure without requiring frequent updates.

How quickly can ARIA Cybersecurity's AZT PROTECT be deployed to protect critical systems?

According to the press release, AZT PROTECT is a simple-to-deploy solution that can actively protect critical systems in minutes.

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