CSL Seqirus Presents Data at IDWeek 2024 Highlighting the Urgent Need to Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates and the Benefits of Cell-Based Influenza Vaccines
CSL Seqirus presented five studies at IDWeek 2024, emphasizing the need to increase influenza vaccination rates and showcasing the benefits of cell-based influenza vaccines. Key findings include:
1. A dynamic model showed that increasing vaccination rates to at least 45% is necessary to avoid hospital system resource saturation, especially in ICUs.
2. Multiple real-world evidence studies demonstrated improved relative vaccine effectiveness of cell-based vaccines compared to egg-based vaccines across different age groups, including children as young as 6 months.
3. A model based on the 2022-23 flu season estimated that cell-based vaccines would have averted a significant burden of influenza-related illnesses compared to egg-based vaccines.
4. Cell-based vaccines were found to be cost-saving compared to recombinant influenza vaccines for adults aged 18-64.
CSL Seqirus ha presentato cinque studi a IDWeek 2024, sottolineando la necessità di aumentare i tassi di vaccinazione contro l'influenza e mostrando i benefici dei vaccini contro l'influenza basati su cellule. I risultati chiave includono:
1. Un modello dinamico ha mostrato che è necessario aumentare i tassi di vaccinazione ad almeno 45% per evitare la saturazione delle risorse del sistema ospedaliero, specialmente nelle unità di terapia intensiva.
2. Diversi studi di evidenza del mondo reale hanno dimostrato una maggiore efficacia relativa del vaccino dei vaccini basati su cellule rispetto a quelli basati su uova in diverse fasce d'età, compresi i bambini a partire dai 6 mesi.
3. Un modello basato sulla stagione influenzale 2022-23 ha stimato che i vaccini basati su cellule avrebbero potuto evitare un carico significativo di malattie correlate all'influenza rispetto ai vaccini basati su uova.
4. Si è riscontrato che i vaccini basati su cellule sono stati più economici rispetto ai vaccini ricombinanti contro l'influenza per gli adulti di età compresa tra 18 e 64 anni.
CSL Seqirus presentó cinco estudios en IDWeek 2024, enfatizando la necesidad de aumentar las tasas de vacunación contra la influenza y mostrando los beneficios de las vacunas contra la influenza basadas en células. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
1. Un modelo dinámico mostró que es necesario aumentar las tasas de vacunación al menos al 45% para evitar la saturación de los recursos del sistema hospitalario, especialmente en las UCI.
2. Varios estudios de evidencia del mundo real demostraron una mejor efectividad relativa de las vacunas basadas en células en comparación con las vacunas basadas en huevos en diferentes grupos de edad, incluidos niños tan pequeños como de 6 meses.
3. Un modelo basado en la temporada de gripe 2022-23 estimó que las vacunas basadas en células habrían evitado una carga significativa de enfermedades relacionadas con la influenza en comparación con las vacunas basadas en huevos.
4. Se encontró que las vacunas basadas en células generaron ahorros en comparación con las vacunas de influenza recombinantes para adultos de 18 a 64 años.
CSL Seqirus는 IDWeek 2024에서 다섯 가지 연구를 발표하며 인플루엔자 백신 접종률을 높일 필요성을 강조하고 세포 기반 인플루엔자 백신의 이점을 보여주었습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
1. 동적 모델에서는 백신 접종률을 최소 45%까지 높이는 것이 ICU를 포함한 병원 시스템 자원 포화를 피하는 데 필요하다고 보여주었습니다.
2. 여러 실제 증거 연구에서 세포 기반 백신이 다양한 연령대, 특히 6개월 된 아동을 포함하여 난황 기반 백신보다 상대적인 백신 효과가 개선되었음을 입증했습니다.
3. 2022-23 인플루엔자 시즌을 기반으로 한 모델에서는 세포 기반 백신이 난황 기반 백신에 비해 인플루엔자 관련 질병의 상당한 부담을 줄였을 것이라고 추정했습니다.
4. 세포 기반 백신은 18세에서 64세의 성인에 비해 재조합 인플루엔자 백신보다 비용 절감 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.
CSL Seqirus a présenté Cinq études lors de l'IDWeek 2024, soulignant la nécessité d'augmenter les taux de vaccination contre la grippe et montrant les avantages des vaccins antigrippaux à base cellulaire. Les principales conclusions incluent :
1. Un modèle dynamique a montré qu'il était nécessaire d'augmenter les taux de vaccination à au moins 45% pour éviter la saturation des ressources du système hospitalier, en particulier dans les soins intensifs.
2. Plusieurs études sur des preuves du monde réel ont démontré une amélioration de l'efficacité relative des vaccins à base cellulaire par rapport aux vaccins à base d'œufs dans différents groupes d'âge, y compris les enfants dès 6 mois.
3. Un modèle basé sur la saison de la grippe 2022-23 a estimé que les vaccins à base cellulaire auraient pu éviter un fardeau significatif de maladies liées à la grippe par rapport aux vaccins à base d'œufs.
4. Les vaccins à base cellulaire se sont révélés économiques par rapport aux vaccins antigrippaux recombinants pour les adultes âgés de 18 à 64 ans.
CSL Seqirus präsentierte fünf Studien auf der IDWeek 2024 und betonte die Notwendigkeit, die Impfquoten gegen Influenza zu erhöhen und die Vorteile von zellbasierten Influenzaimpfstoffen zu demonstrieren. Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:
1. Ein dynamisches Modell zeigte, dass es notwendig ist, die Impfquoten auf mindestens 45% zu erhöhen, um eine Überlastung der Ressourcen des Gesundheitssystems, insbesondere in den Intensivstationen, zu vermeiden.
2. Mehrere Studien zur realen Evidenz zeigten eine verbesserte relative Impfstoffwirksamkeit der zellbasierten Impfstoffe im Vergleich zu den ei-basierten Impfstoffen in verschiedenen Altersgruppen, einschließlich Kindern ab 6 Monaten.
3. Ein auf der Influenzasaison 2022-23 basierendes Modell schätzte, dass zellbasierte Impfstoffe eine erhebliche Belastung durch influenzaassoziierte Erkrankungen im Vergleich zu ei-basierten Impfstoffen abgewendet hätten.
4. Zellbasierte Impfstoffe erwiesen sich als kostensparend im Vergleich zu rekombinanten Influenzaimpfstoffen für Erwachsene im Alter von 18 bis 64 Jahren.
- Cell-based quadrivalent vaccines showed higher relative effectiveness compared to egg-based vaccines in preventing outpatient test-confirmed influenza
- Model study estimated cell-based vaccines would avert more influenza-related illnesses than egg-based vaccines
- Cell-based vaccines were found to be cost-saving compared to recombinant influenza vaccines for adults 18-64
- Influenza vaccination rates in the U.S. have been declining for several flu seasons
- Current vaccination rate of ≈35% puts considerable pressure on the U.S. hospital system
- Analysis from a dynamic model showed the need to increase influenza vaccination rates in the
U.S. to at least45% to avoid saturation of hospital system resources, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs).1 - Results from multiple real-world evidence (RWE) studies over different seasons showed improved relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) of cell-based vaccines compared with egg-based vaccines in preventing outpatient test-confirmed influenza across different age groups, including as young as 6 months.2,3
- A model based on RWE from the 2022-23 flu season study estimated that the use of a cell-based influenza vaccine would have averted a significant burden of influenza-related illnesses compared to an egg-based influenza vaccine.4
For several flu seasons, influenza vaccination rates in the
"Evidence shows that higher influenza vaccination rates significantly reduce serious health consequences, including severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. These data underscore an urgent call to action to increase vaccination rates to at least
Other studies being presented by CSL Seqirus at IDWeek include:
- Results from a retrospective test-negative design study of the 2022/23 season in the
U.S. showed that cell-based quadrivalent (QIVc) vaccines prevented more outpatient test-confirmed influenza for those aged six months to 64 years compared with the egg-based quadrivalent (QIVe) vaccines.2 - Results from a systematic literature review of reported effectiveness during the 2017 to 2020 influenza seasons revealed a higher relative effectiveness of QIVc over QIVe/egg-based trivalent (TIVe) vaccines for those aged 4 to 64 years across the three influenza seasons for both test-confirmed influenza and clinically diagnosed influenza.3
- Results from a model study of the 2022/23 season in the
U.S. estimated that a cell-based inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine (ccIIV4) would have averted a significant burden of influenza-related illnesses for those aged 0 to 64 years compared to an egg-based inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine (IIV4).4 - Results from a dynamic model study of the 2018 to 2020 influenza seasons in the
U.S. , calibrated with data from the CDC and publishedU.S. observational studies, indicated that QIVc was cost saving compared to the recombinant influenza vaccine (QIVr) for those aged 18 to 64 years and achieved comparable health outcomes results at a significant reduction in cost.8
These studies add to the growing body of evidence showcasing the benefits of cell-based influenza vaccines compared to standard-dose egg-based influenza vaccines, including the prevention of influenza infections and related complications.2,3,4,8 Moreover, the use of cell-based vaccines was estimated to be associated with substantial economic savings due to lower healthcare utilization and reduced direct medical costs.8
"The results from these studies, collected and analyzed over several recent influenza seasons, have shown that cell-based influenza vaccines are effective in preventing both test-confirmed and clinically diagnosed influenza," stated Mendel Haag, Senior Director, Center of Outcomes Research & Epidemiology at CSL Seqirus. "Data presented at this year's IDWeek further reinforce the importance of protecting people against influenza, particularly in our more vulnerable populations, including children as young as six months. This real-world evidence underscores the critical role of cell-based influenza vaccines in improving public health outcomes and easing the burden on healthcare systems during flu seasons."
For more information about the data being presented at IDWeek 2024, refer to the related document.
Study Limitations
The above studies featuring RWE were subject to the typical limitations associated with retrospective cohort analyses. Unmeasured and residual confounding remain a potential source of bias as in all observational research. Additionally, vaccination in these observational studies was not randomly assigned.
As with all simulations, analyses based on models have several limitations based on a model's parameters and available data, as well as annually varying vaccine effectiveness. Modeling may underestimate the true number of cases averted for several reasons and studies may not account for the indirect benefits of vaccination or capture potential variability between sub-groups.
About Seasonal Influenza
Influenza is a common, contagious seasonal respiratory disease that may cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in some people.9 Influenza can lead to clinical symptoms varying from mild to moderate respiratory illness to severe complications, hospitalization and in some cases, death.9 Because transmission of influenza viruses to others may occur one day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick, the disease can be easily transmitted to others.9 Preliminary estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that during the 2023/24 influenza season, there were an estimated 390,000-830,000 influenza-related hospitalizations in the
About CSL Seqirus
CSL Seqirus is part of CSL (ASX: CSL). As a global leader in the protection of public health and one of the largest influenza vaccine providers in the world, CSL Seqirus is committed to preventing infectious diseases, like influenza and COVID-19, and is a transcontinental partner in pandemic preparedness. With state-of-the-art production facilities in the
For more information about CSL Seqirus, visit www.CSL.com.
About CSL
CSL (ASX:CSL; USOTC:CSLLY) is a global biotechnology company with a dynamic portfolio of lifesaving medicines, including those that treat haemophilia and immune deficiencies, vaccines to prevent influenza, and therapies in iron deficiency and nephrology. Since our start in 1916, we have been driven by our promise to save lives using the latest technologies. Today, CSL – including our three businesses: CSL Behring, CSL Seqirus and CSL Vifor – provides lifesaving products to patients in more than 100 countries and employs 32,000 people. Our unique combination of commercial strength, R&D focus and operational excellence enables us to identify, develop and deliver innovations so our patients can live life to the fullest. For inspiring stories about the promise of biotechnology, visit CSLBehring.com/Vita and follow us on Twitter.com/CSL.
For more information about CSL, visit www.CSL.com.
Intended Audience
This press release is issued from CSL Seqirus in
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding future results, performance or achievements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performances or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and subject to risks and uncertainties. Given these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.
What is FLUCELVAX® (Influenza Vaccine)?
FLUCELVAX is a vaccine that helps protect people aged 6 months and older from the flu. Vaccination with FLUCELVAX may not protect all people who receive the vaccine.
Who should not receive FLUCELVAX?
You should not receive FLUCELVAX if you have a history of severe allergic reactions (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the vaccine.
Before receiving FLUCELVAX, tell your healthcare provider about all medical conditions, including if you:
- have ever had Guillain-Barré syndrome (severe muscle weakness) within six weeks after getting a flu vaccine. The decision to give FLUCELVAX should be made by your healthcare provider, based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks.
- have problems with your immune system or are taking certain medications that suppress your immune system, as these may reduce your immune response to the vaccine
- have ever fainted when receiving a vaccine
What are the most common side effects of FLUCELVAX?
- pain and/or redness where the vaccine was given
- headache
- extreme tiredness
- muscle aches
Additional side effects seen in children include:
- tenderness, bruising and/or a raised hardened area where the vaccine was given
- sleepiness
- irritability
- diarrhea
- changes in eating habits
- feeling unwell (malaise)
These are not all of the possible side effects of FLUCELVAX.
You can ask your healthcare provider for more information and for advice about any side effects that concern you.
What do I do if I have side effects?
Report any severe or unusual side effects to your healthcare provider.
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact CSL Seqirus at 1-855-358-8966 or VAERS at 1‐800‐822‐7967 or www.vaers.hhs.gov.
Before receiving this vaccine, please see the full US Prescribing Information for FLUCELVAX. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for information about FLUCELVAX that is written for healthcare professionals.
Tiffany Cody
+1 (908) 370-1863
1 Mould-Quevedo, J. et al (2024). The impact of low influenza immunization rates on
2 Stein, A. et al (2024). Relative Vaccine Effectiveness of Cell-Based Versus Egg-Based Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines Against Test-Confirmed Influenza in
3 Imran, M. et al (2024). Relative Effectiveness of Cell-Based Influenza Vaccines versus Egg-Based Influenza Vaccines: A Review of Test-Confirmed and Clinical Diagnosis-Based Outcomes.
4 Stein, A. et al (2024). Estimated Additional Burden Averted for the 2022-2023 influenza season from Use of Cell-Based Influenza Vaccines Compared to Egg-Based Influenza Vaccines Among People 0-64 Years of Age in
5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Flu Vaccination Coverage Update. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/2023-2024/vaccination-coverage-update.htm. Accessed October 2024.
6 IQVIA PharMetrics Plus Administrative Claims Database.
7 Rise to Immunize. Blinded Comparative Report. https://www.amga.org/getmedia/5a3fd4d3-2ef6-4d23-a51f-a1db55c182c5/Rise-to-Immunize®-Blinded-Comparative-Report_2024_08.pdf. Accessed October 2024.
8 Mould-Quevedo, J. et al (2024). A Clinical and Economic Comparison of Non-Egg Influenza Vaccines in Adults 18-64 Years in the
9 CDC. Key Facts about Influenza. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/keyfacts.htm. Accessed October 2024.
10 CDC. Preliminary Estimated Flu Disease Burden 2023–2024 Flu Season. https://www.cdc.gov/flu-burden/php/data-vis/2023-2024.html. Accessed October 2024.
11 CDC. Who Needs a Flu Vaccine and When. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/vaccinations.htm. Accessed October 2024.
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