CSL Seqirus, a Global Leader in Pandemic Preparedness, Announces Sixth BARDA Award in Response to Avian Influenza

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CSL Seqirus, a global leader in pandemic preparedness, has received a $34 million award from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to complete the fill and finish process for additional pre-pandemic vaccines. This marks the sixth avian influenza pandemic preparedness award from BARDA to CSL Seqirus. The company will deliver approximately 3 million finished doses of MF59®-adjuvanted H5N1 pre-pandemic vaccine and manufacture an additional lot of H5N8 antigen.

CSL Seqirus' manufacturing facility in Holly Springs, North Carolina, is the largest cell-based influenza vaccine producer in the world. It can deliver 150 million influenza vaccine doses within six months of a pandemic declaration. This project is supported by federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, and BARDA.

CSL Seqirus, leader globale nella preparazione alle pandemie, ha ricevuto un finanziamento di 34 milioni di dollari dall'Autorità per la Ricerca e Sviluppo Avanzato Biomedico (BARDA) per completare il processo di riempimento e finitura per ulteriori vaccini pre-pandemici. Questo segna il sesto finanziamento per la preparazione alla pandemia da influenza aviaria da parte di BARDA a CSL Seqirus. L'azienda fornirà circa 3 milioni di dosi finite del vaccino pre-pandemico H5N1 adiuvato MF59® e produrrà un ulteriore lotto di antigeni H5N8.

Lo stabilimento di produzione di CSL Seqirus a Holly Springs, Carolina del Nord, è il più grande produttore mondiale di vaccini antinfluenzali a base cellulare. Può fornire 150 milioni di dosi di vaccino antinfluenzale entro sei mesi dalla dichiarazione di pandemia. Questo progetto è supportato da fondi federali del Dipartimento della Salute e dei Servizi Umani, dell'Amministrazione per la Preparazione Strategica e la Risposta, e di BARDA.

CSL Seqirus, líder mundial en preparación para pandemias, ha recibido un financiamiento de 34 millones de dólares de la Autoridad de Investigación y Desarrollo Biomedico Avanzado (BARDA) para completar el proceso de llenado y acabado de vacunas pre-pandémicas adicionales. Este es el sexto financiamiento para la preparación ante la pandemia de gripe aviar otorgado por BARDA a CSL Seqirus. La compañía entregará aproximadamente 3 millones de dosis terminadas de la vacuna pre-pandémica H5N1 con adyuvante MF59® y fabricará un lote adicional de antígeno H5N8.

La instalación de producción de CSL Seqirus en Holly Springs, Carolina del Norte, es el mayor productor mundial de vacunas contra la gripe basadas en células. Puede entregar 150 millones de dosis de vacuna contra la gripe dentro de los seis meses posteriores a la declaración de pandemia. Este proyecto cuenta con el apoyo de fondos federales del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos, la Administración para la Preparación Estratégica y la Respuesta, y BARDA.

CSL Seqirus는 세계적인 팬데믹 대응 리더로서 3천4백만 달러의 지원금을 생물의학 고급 연구 및 개발 권위(BARDA)로부터 받아 추가적으로 팬데믹 전 백신의 충전 및 마무리 과정을 완료할 예정입니다. 이는 BARDA가 CSL Seqirus에 제공한 여섯 번째 조류 인플루엔자 팬데믹 준비 지원입니다. 회사는 MF59® 보조제가 포함된 H5N1 팬데믹 전 백신 300만 완제품을 공급하고 H5N8 항원의 추가 로트를 제조할 것입니다.

노스 캐롤라이나 홀리 스프링스에 위치한 CSL Seqirus의 제조 시설은 세계에서 가장 큰 세포 기반 인플루엔자 백신 생산 업체입니다. 이 시설은 팬데믹 선언 후 6개월 이내에 1억5천만 인플루엔자 백신 도즈를 제공할 수 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 보건복지부 및 전략적 준비와 대응 관리국, BARDA의 연방 자금 지원으로 이루어집니다.

CSL Seqirus, leader mondial en préparation aux pandémies, a reçu une subvention de 34 millions de dollars de l'Autorité de Recherche et Développement Biologique Avancée (BARDA) pour compléter le processus de remplissage et de finition pour des vaccins prépandémiques supplémentaires. Cela marque la sixième subvention pour la préparation à la pandémie de grippe aviaire de BARDA à CSL Seqirus. L'entreprise livrera environ 3 millions de doses finies du vaccin prépandémique H5N1 adjuvanté MF59® et produira un lot supplémentaire d'antigène H5N8.

L'installation de fabrication de CSL Seqirus à Holly Springs, en Caroline du Nord, est le plus grand producteur mondial de vaccins contre la grippe basés sur des cellules. Elle peut livrer 150 millions de doses de vaccin contre la grippe dans les six mois suivant la déclaration d'une pandémie. Ce projet est soutenu par des fonds fédéraux du Département de la Santé et des Services sociaux, de l'Administration pour la préparation stratégique et la réponse, et de BARDA.

CSL Seqirus, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen für die Pandemievorbereitung, hat von der Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA einen Förderbetrag von 34 Millionen Dollar erhalten, um den Füll- und Fertigungsprozess für zusätzliche Impfstoffe gegen Pandemien abzuschließen. Dies ist die sechste Auszeichnung für die Pandemievorbereitung bezüglich Vogelgrippe von BARDA an CSL Seqirus. Das Unternehmen wird voraussichtlich etwa 3 Millionen fertige Dosen des H5N1-Pandemievakzins mit dem Adjuvans MF59® liefern und eine zusätzliche Charge des H5N8-Antigens herstellen.

Die Produktionsstätte von CSL Seqirus in Holly Springs, North Carolina, ist der größte Hersteller von zellbasierten Influenza-Impfstoffen weltweit. Sie kann 150 Millionen Dosen Influenza-Impfstoff innerhalb von sechs Monaten nach der Pandemiedeklaration abgeben. Dieses Projekt wird durch Mittel des Gesundheitsministeriums, der Administration für strategische Vorbereitung und Reaktion sowie von BARDA unterstützt.

  • Received a $34 million award from BARDA for pre-pandemic vaccine production
  • Will deliver approximately 3 million finished doses of H5N1 pre-pandemic vaccine
  • Manufacturing facility in Holly Springs can produce 150 million influenza vaccine doses within six months of a pandemic declaration
  • Sixth avian influenza pandemic preparedness award from BARDA, indicating ongoing trust and collaboration
  • None.
  • CSL Seqirus has received a Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) award to complete the fill and finish process for additional pre-pandemic vaccines to further support the U.S. government's outbreak and preparedness response. 
  • BARDA has requested adjuvanted H5N1 pre-pandemic vaccines and additional H5N8 antigen as part of its decision to expand its portfolio of pre-pandemic vaccines.
  • This $34 million investment is the sixth avian influenza pandemic preparedness award made to CSL Seqirus by BARDA. 

SUMMIT, N.J., Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CSL Seqirus, a business of CSL (ASX: CSL), has been selected by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to fill and finish additional pre-pandemic vaccine doses as part of the National Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile (NPIVS). This latest acquisition of pre-pandemic vaccine will further supplement BARDA's stockpile of vaccine to support the U.S. government's pre-pandemic response to avian influenza. 

"As a global leader in pandemic preparedness, this new award from BARDA emphasizes the value of collaboration in tackling global health threats as they emerge," said Marc Lacey, CSL Seqirus, Global Executive Director for Pandemic. "We're proud to be a pandemic partner to over thirty governments globally and to do our part to help safeguard and protect public health."

Under the terms of the $34 million award, CSL Seqirus will deliver approximately 3 million finished doses of MF59®-adjuvanted H5N1 pre-pandemic vaccine and manufacture an additional lot of H5N8 antigen. Evidence produced by the CDC indicates both the H5N1 strain and the H5N8 strain are similar to A(H5N1) strains circulating among U.S. dairy cattle and suggests that both strains could be expected to induce a degree of protection in vaccinated individuals.1,2

"Pandemic preparedness is a core part of who we are," said Jon Kegerise, Vice President of Manufacturing and Site Head at CSL Seqirus Holly Springs. "Our Holly Springs site was built to be able to deliver innovative pandemic solutions at industrial scale and speed."

CSL Seqirus' manufacturing facility in Holly Springs, North Carolina, built through a public-private partnership established in 2009 with BARDA, is the largest cell-based influenza vaccine producer in the world and is the first such domestic facility in the U.S. It utilizes a highly scalable method of production and is currently positioned to deliver 150 million influenza vaccine doses to support an influenza pandemic response within six months of a pandemic declaration. After this, a second wave of manufacturing could be enabled to provide further pandemic vaccine as needed. Seasonal vaccine manufacturing provides an essential "warm base" alongside ongoing R&D activity with influenza strains of pandemic potential, component and raw material stockpiles, seed libraries and technological know-how to be pandemic ready and manufacture at scale. 

This project has been supported in whole or in part with federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response; Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) under contracts HHSO100200900101C and 75A50122D00004. 

About Pandemic Influenza
Influenza is a contagious airborne respiratory disease.3,4 The risk of influenza-associated morbidity and mortality is greater with pandemic influenza than with seasonal influenza because there is likely to be little or no pre-existing immunity to the novel virus in the human population.5 The timing and severity of pandemic influenza is unpredictable. Four influenza pandemics have occurred over the past century, with the 1918 pandemic being the most severe in recent history, with an estimated mortality of up to 50 million people worldwide.6

About Avian Influenza
Avian influenza spreads predominantly among birds.7 Avian influenza viruses do not normally infect humans; however, in rare cases humans have been infected with avian influenza viruses.8 Illness in humans from avian influenza has varied in levels of severity, from no symptoms or mild illness to severe disease and death.8 The spread of avian influenza from one human to another is very rare and typically has only spread to a few people.8

The recent rise in avian influenza among birds has been driven by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus.9 CSL Seqirus recommends referring to the WHO statement, and CDC, ECDC or national guidance to gauge the levels of concern regarding the high levels of HPAI activity.10,11,12

About CSL Seqirus
CSL Seqirus is part of CSL (ASX: CSL). As a global leader in the protection of public health and one of the largest influenza vaccine providers in the world, CSL Seqirus is committed to preventing infectious diseases, like influenza and COVID-19, and is a transcontinental partner in pandemic preparedness. With state-of-the-art production facilities in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia, and leading R&D capabilities, CSL Seqirus offers a broad portfolio of innovative, differentiated vaccines in more than 20 countries around the world.

For more information about CSL Seqirus, visit

About CSL
CSL (ASX:CSL) (USOTC:CSLLY) is a global biotechnology company with a dynamic portfolio of medicines, including those that treat hemophilia and immune deficiencies, vaccines to prevent influenza, and therapies in iron deficiency and nephrology. Since our start in 1916, we have been driven by our promise to save lives using the latest technologies. Today, CSL – including our three businesses: CSL Behring, CSL Seqirus and CSL Vifor – provides products to patients in more than 100 countries and employs 32,000 people. Our unique combination of commercial strength, R&D focus and operational excellence enables us to identify, develop and deliver innovations so our patients can live life to the fullest. For inspiring stories about the promise of biotechnology, visit and follow us on For more information about CSL, visit

Intended Audience 
This press release is issued from CSL Seqirus in Summit, New Jersey, USA and is intended to provide information about our global business. Please be aware that information relating to the approval status and labels of approved CSL Seqirus products may vary from country to country. Please consult your local regulatory authority on the approval status of CSL Seqirus products. 

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding future results, performance or achievements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performances or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and subject to risks and uncertainties. Given these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.



Em Dekonor
+44 (0)7920500496

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Technical Update: Summary Analysis of Genetic Sequences of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses in Texas. Retrieved from Accessed September 2024
2 CDC. Technical Report: June 2024 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses. Retrieved from Accessed September 2024
3 CDC. About Flu. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
4 CDC. Key Facts About Influenza (Flu). Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
5 WHO. How pandemic influenza emerges. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
6 WHO. Pandemic Influenza Risk Management: A WHO guide to inform and harmonize national and international pandemic preparedness and response. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=4421F16879D2F8B96481F8D0C745C7F3?sequence=1. Accessed September 2024
7 CDC. Avian Flu, Information on bird flu. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
8 CDC. What Causes Bird Flu Virus Infections in Humans. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
9 CDC. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Animals: Interim Recommendations. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
10 CDC. H5 Bird Flu: Current Situation. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
11 FAO, WHO, WOAH. Ongoing avian influenza outbreaks in animals pose risk to humans. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024
12 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Avian influenza overview March – June 2024. Retrieved from: Accessed September 2024

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What is the value of the BARDA award received by CSL Seqirus (CSLLY) for pre-pandemic vaccine production?

CSL Seqirus (CSLLY) received a $34 million award from BARDA to complete the fill and finish process for additional pre-pandemic vaccines.

How many doses of H5N1 pre-pandemic vaccine will CSL Seqirus (CSLLY) deliver under this BARDA award?

CSL Seqirus (CSLLY) will deliver approximately 3 million finished doses of MF59®-adjuvanted H5N1 pre-pandemic vaccine under this BARDA award.

What is the production capacity of CSL Seqirus' (CSLLY) Holly Springs facility during a pandemic?

CSL Seqirus' (CSLLY) Holly Springs facility can deliver 150 million influenza vaccine doses within six months of a pandemic declaration.

How many avian influenza pandemic preparedness awards has CSL Seqirus (CSLLY) received from BARDA?

This is the sixth avian influenza pandemic preparedness award that CSL Seqirus (CSLLY) has received from BARDA.



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