Canadian Solar Comments on Trina Solar Patent Infringement Complaint

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Canadian Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: CSIQ) has responded to a patent infringement complaint filed by Trina Solar Co., on October 8, 2024. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, alleges that three of Canadian Solar's U.S. subsidiaries are infringing on two U.S. patents related to tunnel oxide passivated contact solar photovoltaic module technology (TOPCon).

Canadian Solar, a major global solar product manufacturer, produces various solar products including TOPCon modules. The company has thousands of its own patents and asserts that the lawsuit is frivolous. Adam Walters, General Counsel for Canadian Solar's Modules and Systems Solutions business, expects the court to find that their proprietary TOPCon technology does not infringe on Trina's claimed patents.

The company affirms its commitment to continuing to deliver high-quality solar products in the United States and globally, as it has done for over 20 years since its founding in Guelph, Canada.

Canadian Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: CSIQ) ha risposto a una denuncia per violazione di brevetto presentata da Trina Solar Co. l'8 ottobre 2024. La causa, depositata presso il Tribunale Distrettuale degli Stati Uniti per il Distretto del Delaware, sostiene che tre delle filiali statunitensi di Canadian Solar violano due brevetti americani relativi alla tecnologia dei moduli solari fotovoltaici a contatto passivato con ossido tunnel (TOPCon).

Canadian Solar, un importante produttore globale di prodotti solari, produce vari prodotti solari, inclusi i moduli TOPCon. L'azienda possiede migliaia di propri brevetti e afferma che la causa è frivoa. Adam Walters, Consigliere Generale per il settore Moduli e Soluzioni di Sistemi di Canadian Solar, si aspetta che il tribunale stabilisca che la loro tecnologia TOPCon proprietaria non violi i brevetti rivendicati da Trina.

L'azienda ribadisce il proprio impegno a continuare a fornire prodotti solari di alta qualità negli Stati Uniti e a livello globale, come ha fatto per oltre 20 anni dalla sua fondazione a Guelph, Canada.

Canadian Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: CSIQ) ha respondido a una queja por violación de patente presentada por Trina Solar Co. el 8 de octubre de 2024. La demanda, presentada en el Tribunal de Distrito de EE. UU. para el Distrito de Delaware, alega que tres subsidiarias estadounidenses de Canadian Solar están infringiendo dos patentes estadounidenses relacionadas con la tecnología de módulos fotovoltaicos de contacto pasivado con óxido de túnel (TOPCon).

Canadian Solar, un importante fabricante global de productos solares, produce varios productos solares, incluidos los módulos TOPCon. La empresa tiene miles de sus propias patentes y afirma que la demanda es frívola. Adam Walters, Asesor General del negocio de Módulos y Soluciones de Sistemas de Canadian Solar, espera que el tribunal determine que su tecnología TOPCon propietaria no infringe las patentes reclamadas por Trina.

La compañía reafirma su compromiso de continuar ofreciendo productos solares de alta calidad en Estados Unidos y a nivel global, como lo ha hecho durante más de 20 años desde su fundación en Guelph, Canadá.

캐나다 솔라 Inc. (NASDAQ: CSIQ)는 2024년 10월 8일 Trina Solar Co.에 의해 제기된 특허 침해 소송에 응답했습니다. 이 소송은 델라웨어 지방법원에 제출되었으며, 캐나다 솔라의 미국 자회사가 터널 산화물 패시베이티드 접촉 태양광 모듈 기술 (TOPCon)과 관련된 두 개의 미국 특허를 침해하고 있다고 주장합니다.

캐나다 솔라는 주요 글로벌 태양광 제품 제조업체로, TOPCon 모듈을 포함한 다양한 태양광 제품을 생산합니다. 이 회사는 수천 개의 자사 특허를 보유하고 있으며 소송이 부당하다고 주장합니다. 캐나다 솔라의 모듈 및 시스템 솔루션 사업의 일반 고문인 아담 월터스는 법원이 자사의 독점 TOPCon 기술이 트리나의 주장한 특허를 침해하지 않는다고 판단할 것으로 예상합니다.

이 회사는 20년 이상 캐나다 겔프에서 설립된 이후로 미국 및 전 세계에서 고품질 태양광 제품을 계속 제공하겠다는 의지를 확고히 하고 있습니다.

Canadian Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: CSIQ) a répondu à une plainte pour violation de brevet déposée par Trina Solar Co. le 8 octobre 2024. Le procès, déposé devant le Tribunal de district des États-Unis pour le district du Delaware, allègue que trois des filiales américaines de Canadian Solar enfreignent deux brevets américains liés à la technologie des modules photovoltaïques à contact passivé par oxyde tunnel (TOPCon).

Canadian Solar, un important fabricant mondial de produits solaires, produit divers produits solaires, y compris des modules TOPCon. L'entreprise détient des milliers de brevets et affirme que le procès est frivole. Adam Walters, conseiller juridique général pour l'activité Modules et Solutions Systèmes de Canadian Solar, s'attend à ce que le tribunal conclue que leur technologie TOPCon propriétaire ne viole pas les brevets réclamés par Trina.

L'entreprise réaffirme son engagement à continuer à fournir des produits solaires de haute qualité aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier, comme elle le fait depuis plus de 20 ans depuis sa fondation à Guelph, au Canada.

Canadian Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: CSIQ) hat auf eine am 8. Oktober 2024 eingereichte Klage wegen Patentverletzung von Trina Solar Co. reagiert. Die Klage, die beim US-Bezirksgericht für den District of Delaware eingereicht wurde, behauptet, dass drei US-Tochtergesellschaften von Canadian Solar gegen zwei US-Patente verstoßen, die sich auf Tunneloxid-passivierte Kontakt-Solarphotovoltaikmodul-Technologie (TOPCon) beziehen.

Canadian Solar, ein großer globaler Hersteller von Solarprodukten, stellt verschiedene Solarprodukte, darunter TOPCon-Module, her. Das Unternehmen besitzt Tausende eigener Patente und behauptet, dass die Klage unbegründet ist. Adam Walters, General Counsel für das Modul- und Systemlösungs-Geschäft von Canadian Solar, erwartet, dass das Gericht entscheidet, dass ihre proprietäre TOPCon-Technologie nicht gegen die von Trina beanspruchten Patente verstößt.

Das Unternehmen bekräftigt sein Engagement, auch weiterhin hochwertige Solarprodukte in den USA und weltweit anzubieten, so wie es seit über 20 Jahren seit seiner Gründung in Guelph, Kanada, getan hat.

  • Canadian Solar has thousands of its own patents for solar cells and related technologies
  • The company expects to prove non-infringement of Trina's patents in court
  • Patent infringement lawsuit filed against Canadian Solar's U.S. subsidiaries by competitor Trina Solar
  • Legal proceedings may potentially impact Canadian Solar's operations in the U.S. market


This patent infringement lawsuit filed by Trina Solar against Canadian Solar's U.S. subsidiaries is a significant development in the solar industry. The dispute centers on TOPCon technology, which is important for high-efficiency solar modules. While Canadian Solar dismisses the lawsuit as "frivolous," patent litigation in the tech sector can be complex and protracted.

Key points to consider:

  • The outcome could impact Canadian Solar's ability to sell TOPCon modules in the U.S. market
  • Legal costs and potential damages could affect the company's financials
  • The case may set a precedent for future IP disputes in the solar industry
  • Canadian Solar's strong stance suggests confidence in their position, but the court's decision will be critical

Investors should monitor this case closely, as its resolution could influence Canadian Solar's market position and financial performance in the U.S., a key market for solar products.

The TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) technology at the center of this dispute is a significant advancement in solar cell efficiency. It allows for higher conversion rates of sunlight to electricity, typically achieving efficiencies above 23% compared to standard PERC cells.

Canadian Solar's involvement in TOPCon production indicates their commitment to cutting-edge technology. However, this lawsuit raises questions about the originality of their implementation. Key considerations:

  • TOPCon is becoming increasingly important in the highly competitive solar market
  • The outcome could affect Canadian Solar's technological edge and product differentiation
  • If found infringing, Canadian Solar might need to license the technology or develop alternative solutions

The case underscores the intense competition and rapid innovation in the solar industry, where technological advantages can significantly impact market share and profitability.

GUELPH, ON, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canadian Solar Inc. (the "Company", or "Canadian Solar") (NASDAQ: CSIQ), today issued the following comment:

On October 8, 2024, Trina Solar Co., Ltd., ("Trina"), a Chinese competitor of Canadian Solar, filed a complaint for patent infringement in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware lawsuit against three of the Company's U.S. subsidiaries. The suit alleges that the subsidiaries are directly or indirectly infringing on two U.S. patents held by Trina relating to tunnel oxide passivated contact solar photovoltaic module technology (commonly referred to in the solar industry as "TOPCon" technology).

As one of the largest solar product manufacturers in the world, Canadian Solar manufactures and sells many different types of solar products, including TOPCon solar modules, to customers both in the United States and elsewhere in the world. Canadian Solar has itself filed and received thousands of patents in various jurisdictions for solar cells and related technologies.

"Canadian Solar respects and takes very seriously its own intellectual property rights and those of third parties. In our view, this is a frivolous lawsuit, and we expect the court will find that our proprietary TOPCon technology does not infringe on the patents claimed by Trina," remarked Adam Walters, General Counsel, Americas for Canadian Solar's Modules and Systems Solutions business.

Canadian Solar will continue to deliver high quality solar products in the United States and globally, as it has for more than 20 years since its founding in Guelph, Canada.

About Canadian Solar Inc.

Canadian Solar was founded in 2001 in Canada and is one of the world's largest solar technology and renewable energy companies. It is a leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules, provider of solar energy and battery energy storage solutions, and developer of utility-scale solar power and battery energy storage projects with a geographically diversified pipeline in various stages of development. Over the past 23 years, Canadian Solar has successfully delivered over 133 GW of premium-quality, solar photovoltaic modules to customers across the world. Likewise, since entering the project development business in 2010, Canadian Solar has developed, built, and connected approximately 11 GWp of solar power projects and 3.7 GWh of battery energy storage projects across the world. Currently, the Company has approximately 1.6 GWp of solar power projects in operation, 6.5 GWp of projects under construction or in backlog (late-stage), and an additional 20.9 GWp of projects in advanced and early-stage pipeline. In addition, the Company has 1 GWh of battery energy storage projects in operation and a total battery energy storage project development pipeline of around 63 GWh, including approximately 8.5 GWh under construction or in backlog, and an additional 54.3 GWh at advanced and early-stage development. Canadian Solar is one of the most bankable companies in the solar and renewable energy industry, having been publicly listed on the NASDAQ since 2006. For additional information about the Company, follow Canadian Solar on LinkedIn or visit

Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These statements are made under the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms as "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "estimates," the negative of these terms, or other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include general business, regulatory and economic conditions and the state of the solar power and battery energy storage market and industry; geopolitical tensions and conflicts, including impasses, sanctions and export controls; volatility, uncertainty, delays and disruptions related to global pandemics; supply chain disruptions; governmental support for the deployment of solar power and battery energy storage; future available supplies of silicon, solar wafers and lithium cells; demand for end-use products by consumers and inventory levels of such products in the supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers; changes in demand from major markets such as China, the U.S., Europe, Brazil and Japan; changes in effective tax rates; changes in customer order patterns; changes in product mix; changes in corporate responsibility, especially environmental, social and governance ("ESG") requirements; capacity utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and declines in or failure to timely adjust average selling prices; delays in new product introduction; delays in utility-scale project approval process; delays in utility-scale project construction; delays in the completion of project sales; the pipeline of projects and timelines related to them; the ability of the parties to optimize value of that pipeline; continued success in technological innovations and delivery of products with the features that customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange and inflation rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 20-F filed on April 26, 2024. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, level of activity, performance, or achievements. Investors should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All information provided in this press release is as of today's date, unless otherwise stated, and Canadian Solar undertakes no duty to update such information, except as required under applicable law.

Canadian Solar Inc. Investor Relations Contact

Wina Huang
Investor Relations
Canadian Solar Inc. 

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SOURCE Canadian Solar Inc.


What is the patent infringement lawsuit against Canadian Solar (CSIQ) about?

The lawsuit, filed by Trina Solar on October 8, 2024, alleges that three of Canadian Solar's U.S. subsidiaries are infringing on two U.S. patents related to tunnel oxide passivated contact solar photovoltaic module technology (TOPCon).

How has Canadian Solar (CSIQ) responded to the patent infringement complaint?

Canadian Solar has called the lawsuit 'frivolous' and expects the court to find that their proprietary TOPCon technology does not infringe on the patents claimed by Trina Solar.

What type of solar technology is involved in the patent dispute for Canadian Solar (CSIQ)?

The patent dispute involves tunnel oxide passivated contact solar photovoltaic module technology, commonly referred to as TOPCon technology in the solar industry.

Will the patent lawsuit affect Canadian Solar's (CSIQ) operations in the United States?

Canadian Solar has stated that it will continue to deliver high-quality solar products in the United States and globally, as it has for more than 20 years since its founding.

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