Telenor Denmark Leads New Era in Wireless Innovation with CSG

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Telenor Denmark, the second-largest mobile operator in Denmark, has chosen CSG's cloud-native, SaaS platforms to drive its digital transformation and enhance customer experiences. This strategic collaboration aims to:

1. Improve omnichannel monetization
2. Boost business efficiency
3. Future-proof B2C and B2B customer experiences

CSG Ascendon, an AWS cloud-native revenue management platform, and CSG Xponent will be implemented to deliver better digital experiences, enhance omnichannel support, and seize new revenue opportunities. The partnership is expected to strengthen Telenor Denmark's position as a leading digital telco, serving its 1.7 million customers with innovative solutions and maintaining high customer satisfaction levels.

Telenor Danimarca, il secondo operatore mobile più grande della Danimarca, ha scelto le piattaforme SaaS native del cloud di CSG per guidare la sua trasformazione digitale e migliorare l'esperienza dei clienti. Questa collaborazione strategica mira a:

1. Migliorare la monetizzazione omnicanale
2. Aumentare l'efficienza aziendale
3. Rendere futuribili le esperienze per clienti B2C e B2B

CSG Ascendon, una piattaforma di gestione delle entrate nativa del cloud AWS, e CSG Xponent saranno implementati per offrire esperienze digitali migliori, migliorare il supporto omnicanale e cogliere nuove opportunità di guadagno. Si prevede che la partnership rafforzi la posizione di Telenor Danimarca come operatore telco digitale leader, servendo i suoi 1,7 milioni di clienti con soluzioni innovative e mantenendo elevati livelli di soddisfazione del cliente.

Telenor Dinamarca, el segundo operador móvil más grande de Dinamarca, ha elegido las plataformas SaaS nativas de la nube de CSG para impulsar su transformación digital y mejorar la experiencia del cliente. Esta colaboración estratégica tiene como objetivo:

1. Mejorar la monetización omnicanal
2. Aumentar la eficiencia empresarial
3. Preparar para el futuro las experiencias de clientes B2C y B2B

CSG Ascendon, una plataforma de gestión de ingresos nativa de AWS, y CSG Xponent se implementarán para ofrecer mejores experiencias digitales, mejorar el soporte omnicanal y aprovechar nuevas oportunidades de ingresos. Se espera que la asociación fortalezca la posición de Telenor Dinamarca como un telco digital líder, sirviendo a sus 1.7 millones de clientes con soluciones innovadoras y manteniendo altos niveles de satisfacción del cliente.

덴마크의 두 번째로 큰 이동통신 사업자인 텔레노르 덴마크는 디지털 변혁을 주도하고 고객 경험을 향상시키기 위해 CSG의 클라우드 네이티브 SaaS 플랫폼을 선택했습니다. 이 전략적 협업의 목표는:

1. 옴니채널 수익화 개선
2. 비즈니스 효율성 증가
3. B2C 및 B2B 고객 경험의 미래 대비

AWS 클라우드 네이티브 수익 관리 플랫폼인 CSG Ascendon과 CSG Xponent가 구현되어 더 나은 디지털 경험을 제공하고, 옴니채널 지원을 강화하며, 새로운 수익 기회를 포착할 것입니다. 이 파트너십은 텔레노르 덴마크가 170만 고객에게 혁신적인 솔루션을 제공하고 높은 고객 만족도를 유지하며 디지털 통신사로서의 위상을 강화하는 데 기여할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Telenor Danemark, le deuxième plus grand opérateur mobile du Danemark, a choisi les plateformes SaaS natives du cloud de CSG pour conduire sa transformation digitale et améliorer l'expérience client. Cette collaboration stratégique a pour objectifs :

1. Améliorer la monétisation omnicanale
2. Accroître l'efficacité des affaires
3. Préparer les expériences clients B2C et B2B pour l'avenir

CSG Ascendon, une plateforme de gestion des revenus native du cloud AWS, et CSG Xponent seront mises en œuvre pour offrir de meilleures expériences numériques, améliorer le support omnicanal et saisir de nouvelles opportunités de revenus. Le partenariat devrait renforcer la position de Telenor Danemark en tant que leader du télécom numérique, servant ses 1,7 million de clients avec des solutions innovantes tout en maintenant des niveaux élevés de satisfaction client.

Telenor Dänemark, der zweitgrößte Mobilfunkanbieter in Dänemark, hat sich für die cloud-nativen SaaS-Plattformen von CSG entschieden, um seine digitale Transformation voranzutreiben und die Kundenerfahrungen zu verbessern. Diese strategische Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab:

1. Die Omnichannel-Monetarisierung zu verbessern
2. Die Geschäftseffizienz zu steigern
3. Die Kundenerfahrungen für B2C und B2B zukunftssicher zu gestalten

CSG Ascendon, eine cloud-native Plattform für das Einnahmenmanagement von AWS, und CSG Xponent werden implementiert, um bessere digitale Erlebnisse zu bieten, die Unterstützung über alle Kanäle hinweg zu verbessern und neue Einnahmequellen zu erschließen. Die Partnerschaft wird voraussichtlich die Position von Telenor Dänemark als führendes digitales Telekommunikationsunternehmen stärken und 1,7 Millionen Kunden innovative Lösungen anbieten sowie hohe Kundenzufriedenheitswerte aufrechterhalten.

  • Telenor Denmark chose CSG's cloud-native SaaS platforms for digital transformation
  • Implementation of CSG Ascendon and Xponent to improve customer experiences and business efficiency
  • Potential for new revenue opportunities and faster innovation
  • Enhanced ability to bundle offers with partners and create efficient solutions for business customers
  • None.

Telenor Denmark’s collaboration with CSG to leverage cloud-native, SaaS platforms is a significant step towards digital transformation. This strategic move will likely enhance their operational efficiency and customer experience. The use of CSG Ascendon and its real-time decisioning engine allows for better flexibility and intelligence across all touchpoints. This positions Telenor as a forward-thinking company in the digital telco arena, providing a strong competitive edge in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

For investors, this means Telenor Denmark is investing heavily in technologies that can drive future growth. Cloud and AI integration often correlate with reduced operational costs and higher margins in the long term. Thus, it's a positive indicator for potential profitability and market leadership.

From a financial perspective, Telenor Denmark’s initiative to enhance digital customer experiences using CSG’s platforms can be seen as a strategic investment. By adopting a cloud-native SaaS model, they are likely to see a reduction in IT infrastructure costs and an increase in operational efficiencies. Additionally, the ability to offer faster, more personalized solutions can drive higher customer retention rates, which is important for sustained revenue growth.

This move is particularly impactful given Telenor Denmark's market position as the second-largest mobile operator in the Danish market. Enhanced customer satisfaction metrics often lead to higher ARPU (Average Revenue Per User), making this a strategic initiative that could positively influence the company’s financial health and attractiveness to investors.

The partnership between Telenor Denmark and CSG is a clear signal of Telenor's commitment to innovation and customer-first strategies. In a highly competitive market like telecommunications, differentiating through superior customer experience and efficient operations is essential. By adopting CSG’s solutions, Telenor Denmark is not just catching up but setting new benchmarks in the industry.

For retail investors, this is promising news. The focus on enhancing customer experiences through advanced technologies like AI and cloud computing represents a proactive approach to market demands. This will likely result in increased customer loyalty and potentially higher market share. However, investors should also keep an eye on the execution risks and the timeline for these improvements to fully materialize.

Power of the cloud and AI elevate digital customer experiences and propel future business growth

COPENHAGEN, Denmark--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Telenor Denmark, the second-largest mobile operator in the Danish market, is a trailblazer for customer-first innovation. To reinforce its position at the forefront of digital telecommunications commerce and continue to provide excellent customer experiences, Telenor Denmark chose CSG®‘s (NASDAQ: CSGS) cloud-native, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms to drive its evolution into the future. This transformation turbocharges Telenor Denmark’s omnichannel monetisation, improves business efficiency and future-proofs the B2C and B2B customer experience.

“At Telenor Denmark, we make it easy for our 1.7 million customers to connect with the people and services that matter most to them. This is how we earned the industry’s highest customer satisfaction in 2023,” said Lars Thomsen, CEO, Telenor Denmark. “As we look to the future, we must adapt to meet fluctuating demands and continue to offer new, innovative solutions to our customers. CSG has the proven track record, industry depth and cloud expertise we need to embrace end-to-end digitalisation that will further strengthen our ability to deliver excellent customer service and inspire our customers. It’s an exciting time for Telenor Denmark and this strategic collaboration with CSG brings us one step closer to the future we want to shape for our customers, partners and ourselves.”

As Telenor Denmark and CSG collaborate to make the communication service provider (CSP) a leading digital telco in Denmark, CSG Ascendon, a market-leading AWS cloud-native revenue management platform, with pre-integrated, world-class customer engagement capabilities powered by CSG Xponent, enhance Telenor Denmark’s growth with flexibility, efficiency and intelligence. With CSG’s real-time decisioning engine, Telenor Denmark will deliver better digital experiences across all touchpoints, enhance omnichannel support for all business segments and seize new revenue opportunities. Along with CSG’s industry-leading configure, price and quote capabilities, the two platforms give Telenor Denmark powerful tools to seamlessly bundle offers with partners and create faster, more efficient solutions for its business customers. These improvements make it easy for Telenor Denmark to keep happier, more loyal customers that drive faster revenue for future innovation.

“To come out on top in digital telco commerce, CSPs need business infrastructure that allows them to hit the ground running and wow customers with speed, sophistication and flexibility,” said Ian Waterson, SVP of Go-To-Market, CSG. “As a customer satisfaction leader, Telenor Denmark understands the importance of customer loyalty in driving long-term growth. Their trust in CSG and our industry-leading solutions will elevate customer experience and set Telenor Denmark up for future-ready success.”

Get the facts on CSG Ascendon’s B2C, B2B and B2B2X capabilities and read CSG’s eBook to discover how you can make your CX more proactive, predictive and personalised with data-driven customer communication programs.

About CSG

CSG empowers companies to build unforgettable experiences, making it easier for people and businesses to connect with, use and pay for the services they value most. Our customer experience, billing and payments solutions help companies of any size make money and make a difference. With our SaaS solutions, company leaders can take control of their future and tap into guidance along the way from our fiercely committed and forward-thinking CSGers around the world.

Want to be future-ready and a change-maker like the global brands that trust CSG? Visit to learn more.

About Telenor Denmark

Telenor helps Danes create good connections through mobile and internet services. We are committed to being the telecommunications company that provides Danish businesses and consumers with a secure, straightforward, and safe digital everyday life. Therefore, we invest massively in innovation and in developing the Danish telecommunications infrastructure and have recently completed the 5G modernization of our nationwide mobile network.

Telenor is Denmark's second-largest mobile operator and a part of the Telenor Group, operating throughout Scandinavia and Asia. Globally, we assist 186 million customers in their communication needs. In Denmark, we have approximately 1000 employees and 38 stores spread across the country.

You can learn more about us at


Kristine Østergaard

Public Relations

+44 (0)79 2047 7204

John Rea

Investor Relations

+1 (210) 687-4409

Telenor Denmark

Cecilie Bruun Iversen

Media Relations

+45 25 600 800

Source: CSG


What platforms has Telenor Denmark chosen for its digital transformation?

Telenor Denmark has chosen CSG's cloud-native, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms, specifically CSG Ascendon and CSG Xponent, to drive its digital transformation and enhance customer experiences.

How many customers does Telenor Denmark serve?

Telenor Denmark serves 1.7 million customers, making it the second-largest mobile operator in the Danish market.

What are the main goals of Telenor Denmark's collaboration with CSG (CSGS)?

The main goals are to improve omnichannel monetization, boost business efficiency, and future-proof B2C and B2B customer experiences. The collaboration also aims to enhance Telenor Denmark's ability to deliver excellent customer service and inspire customers.

What specific capabilities will CSG's platforms provide to Telenor Denmark?

CSG's platforms will provide Telenor Denmark with real-time decisioning, enhanced omnichannel support, configure, price and quote capabilities, and tools to seamlessly bundle offers with partners and create efficient solutions for business customers.

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