CSG Forte Wins TSG Real Transaction Metrics Awards for Second Consecutive Year
CSG Forte has been recognized by TSG (The Strawhecker Group) for achieving the 'Best Gateway Uptime' and 'Lowest Minute Outage' in North America for the second consecutive year. These awards are based on TSG's Global Experience Monitoring platform, which continuously benchmarks gateway performance through 24/7/365 monitoring across global locations.
The recognition highlights CSG Forte's excellence in payment gateway stability and reliability, important factors for merchants and developers in maintaining revenue streams and customer relationships. The company's performance was evaluated based on credit card transaction performance and merchant checkout experiences.
CSG Forte currently serves over 130,000 businesses worldwide with its payment platform. The company has recently released its CSG Forte 2024 Unwrapped eBook, showcasing platform improvements and featuring a case study of an ISV that achieved nearly 40% year-over-year revenue growth through payment integration.
CSG Forte è stata riconosciuta da TSG (The Strawhecker Group) per aver raggiunto il 'Miglior Uptime del Gateway' e 'Minimo Downtime Mensile' in Nord America per il secondo anno consecutivo. Questi premi si basano sulla piattaforma di Monitoraggio Globale dell'Esperienza di TSG, che valuta continuamente le prestazioni del gateway attraverso un monitoraggio attivo 24/7/365 in diverse località globali.
Il riconoscimento sottolinea l'eccellenza di CSG Forte nella stabilità e affidabilità del gateway di pagamento, fattori importanti per commercianti e sviluppatori nel mantenere flussi di entrate e relazioni con i clienti. La performance dell'azienda è stata valutata in base alle prestazioni delle transazioni con carte di credito e all'esperienza di checkout dei commercianti.
CSG Forte attualmente serve oltre 130.000 business in tutto il mondo con la sua piattaforma di pagamento. L'azienda ha recentemente pubblicato il suo eBook CSG Forte 2024 Unwrapped, che mette in mostra i miglioramenti della piattaforma e presenta uno studio di caso di un ISV che ha registrato quasi il 40% di crescita annuale delle entrate grazie all'integrazione dei pagamenti.
CSG Forte ha sido reconocida por TSG (The Strawhecker Group) por alcanzar el 'Mejor Uptime de Gateway' y el 'Menor Tiempo de Inactividad Mensual' en América del Norte por segundo año consecutivo. Estos premios se basan en la plataforma de Monitoreo de Experiencia Global de TSG, que evalúa continuamente el rendimiento del gateway a través de un monitoreo 24/7/365 en diferentes ubicaciones globales.
El reconocimiento destaca la excelencia de CSG Forte en la estabilidad y confiabilidad de su gateway de pagos, factores importantes para comerciantes y desarrolladores a la hora de mantener flujos de ingresos y relaciones con los clientes. El rendimiento de la empresa fue evaluado en base al rendimiento de las transacciones con tarjetas de crédito y a la experiencia de pago de los comerciantes.
CSG Forte actualmente sirve a más de 130,000 negocios en todo el mundo con su plataforma de pagos. La empresa ha lanzado recientemente su eBook CSG Forte 2024 Unwrapped, que muestra las mejoras de la plataforma y presenta un estudio de caso de un ISV que logró casi un 40% de crecimiento anual en los ingresos a través de la integración de pagos.
CSG Forte는 TSG(더 스트로헥커 그룹)으로부터 두 번째 연속으로 북미에서 '최고의 게이트웨이 가동시간'과 '최소 월간 중단 시간'을 달성하여 인정받았습니다. 이 상은 TSG의 글로벌 경험 모니터링 플랫폼을 기반으로 하며, 전 세계 여러 위치에서 24/7/365 모니터링을 통해 게이트웨이 성능을 지속적으로 벤치마킹합니다.
이 인정은 CSG Forte의 결제 게이트웨이 안정성과 신뢰성을 강조하며, 이는 상인과 개발자가 수익 흐름과 고객 관계를 유지하는 데 중요한 요소입니다. 회사의 성과는 신용카드 거래 성과와 상인의 체크아웃 경험을 기준으로 평가되었습니다.
CSG Forte는 현재 전 세계 130,000개 이상의 비즈니스에 결제 플랫폼을 제공하고 있습니다. 최근에는 플랫폼 개선 사항을 보여주고 결제 통합을 통해 연간 수익이 거의 40% 성장한 ISV의 사례 연구를 포함한 CSG Forte 2024 Unwrapped 전자책을 출시했습니다.
CSG Forte a été reconnue par TSG (The Strawhecker Group) pour avoir atteint le 'Meilleur Uptime de Passerelle' et le 'Moins de Temps d'Arrêt Mensuel' en Amérique du Nord pour la deuxième année consécutive. Ces prix sont basés sur la plateforme de Surveillance de l'Expérience Globale de TSG, qui évalue en continu les performances des passerelles grâce à une surveillance 24/7/365 dans le monde entier.
Cette reconnaissance met en avant l'excellence de CSG Forte en matière de stabilité et de fiabilité de la passerelle de paiement, des facteurs importants pour les commerçants et les développeurs pour maintenir des flux de revenus et des relations avec les clients. La performance de l'entreprise a été évaluée sur la base des performances des transactions par carte de crédit et des expériences de paiement des commerçants.
CSG Forte sert actuellement plus de 130 000 entreprises dans le monde entier avec sa plateforme de paiement. L'entreprise a récemment publié son eBook CSG Forte 2024 Unwrapped, qui met en valeur les améliorations de la plateforme et présente une étude de cas d'un ISV qui a réalisé une croissance annuelle des revenus de près de 40 % grâce à l'intégration des paiements.
CSG Forte wurde von TSG (The Strawhecker Group) für die Erreichung des 'Besten Gateway-Uptime' und des 'Geringsten Monatlichen Ausfalls' in Nordamerika für das zweite Jahr in Folge ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnungen basieren auf der Global Experience Monitoring-Plattform von TSG, die die Gateway-Leistung kontinuierlich durch Rund-um-die-Uhr-Überwachung an globalen Standorten bewertet.
Die Anerkennung unterstreicht die Exzellenz von CSG Forte in Bezug auf die Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit des Zahlungsgateways, wichtige Faktoren für Händler und Entwickler bei der Aufrechterhaltung von Einnahmequellen und Kundenbeziehungen. Die Leistung des Unternehmens wurde auf Basis der Kreditkarten-Transaktionsleistung und der Checkout-Erfahrungen der Händler bewertet.
CSG Forte bedient derzeit über 130.000 Unternehmen weltweit mit seiner Zahlungsplattform. Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich sein CSG Forte 2024 Unwrapped eBook veröffentlicht, das Verbesserungen der Plattform präsentiert und eine Fallstudie eines ISV vorstellt, der durch Zahlungsintegration ein nahezu 40%iges jährliches Umsatzwachstum erzielt hat.
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Earns recognition for “Best Gateway Uptime” and “Lowest Minute Outage” in
“Merchants and developers need to know they can depend on their payment infrastructure at all times,” said Mike Strawhecker, president, TSG. “With a payments partner that maximizes uptime and limits outages, merchants and developers can strengthen revenue, protect customer relationships and avoid bottlenecks. We were impressed by CSG Forte’s gateway stability and consistently strong performance across locations in North America.”
“Payment gateway interruptions are not just inconvenient for merchants; they can lead to lost business and diminished customer loyalty,” said Sukanya Madhavan, chief product and technology officer, Payments, CSG. “In a world where customers’ expectations for fast, effortless checkout experiences are sky-high, merchants need a payment partner they can trust to deliver a seamless experience. With a robust, reliable payment gateway, merchants can focus less on service interruptions and more on bringing value to their customers. For the second consecutive year, TSG’s analysis has confirmed our commitment to performance and stability for the 130,000+ worldwide businesses who rely on CSG’s platform.”
Learn about the latest improvements and innovations to CSG’s payment platform in the CSG Forte 2024 Unwrapped eBook, and read how integrating payments helped one property management independent software vendor (ISV) achieve nearly
About CSG Forte
CSG Forte delivers digital payments solutions that help organizations scale faster and smarter. With CSG Forte, organizations process omnichannel payments across a best of breed, PCI-compliant digital platform that allows customers to make any payments, via any channel, at any time. Our award-winning technology empowers organizations to modernize how customers pay bills, increasing on-time payments and customer satisfaction while using a single low-code, unified digital platform. CSG Forte processes 215 million transactions annually, totaling over
CSG empowers companies to build unforgettable experiences, making it easier for people and businesses to connect with, use and pay for the services they value most. Our customer experience, billing and payments solutions help companies of any size make money and make a difference. With our SaaS solutions, company leaders can take control of their future and tap into guidance along the way from our fiercely committed and forward-thinking CSGers around the world.
To learn more, visit www.csgi.com and www.forte.net and connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250130411128/en/
Julia Dakhlia
Public Relations
+1 (402) 431-7376
John Rea
Investor Relations
+1 (210) 687-4409
Source: CSG Forte