CSG Announces Board of Directors’ Chair Transition
CSG (NASDAQ: CSGS) announced a planned Board Chair transition, with current Chair Ron Cooper stepping down at the end of his term on May 14, 2025. Marwan Fawaz, a board member since 2016, will succeed Cooper following the May 2025 Annual Shareholders Meeting.
Fawaz brings extensive industry experience, having served as Executive Advisor at Google and Alphabet, CEO at Nest and Google/Motorola Home, and held executive positions at Charter Communications, Adelphia Communications, and MediaOne. Under Cooper's leadership since 2006, CSG's annual revenue grew from approximately $380 million to nearly $1.2 billion in 2023.
The transition is part of the Board's long-term succession planning process, with Cooper having contributed to board diversity and refreshment initiatives during his tenure. Fawaz currently serves on the boards of NRG Energy and Ubicquia Incorporated.
CSG (NASDAQ: CSGS) ha annunciato una prevista transizione nella Presidenza del Consiglio, con l'attuale Presidente Ron Cooper che si dimetterà al termine del suo mandato il 14 maggio 2025. Marwan Fawaz, membro del consiglio dal 2016, succederà a Cooper dopo l'Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti di maggio 2025.
Fawaz porta con sé una vasta esperienza nel settore, avendo ricoperto il ruolo di Consulente Esecutivo presso Google e Alphabet, CEO di Nest e Google/Motorola Home, e avendo ricoperto posizioni dirigenziali presso Charter Communications, Adelphia Communications e MediaOne. Sotto la guida di Cooper dal 2006, il fatturato annuale di CSG è cresciuto da circa 380 milioni a quasi 1,2 miliardi nel 2023.
Questa transizione fa parte del processo di pianificazione della successione a lungo termine del Consiglio, con Cooper che ha contribuito alle iniziative di diversità e rinnovamento del consiglio durante il suo mandato. Fawaz attualmente è membro dei consigli di NRG Energy e Ubicquia Incorporated.
CSG (NASDAQ: CSGS) anunció una transición planificada en la Presidencia del Consejo, con el actual Presidente Ron Cooper renunciando al final de su mandato el 14 de mayo de 2025. Marwan Fawaz, miembro de la junta desde 2016, sucederá a Cooper después de la Asamblea Anual de Accionistas en mayo de 2025.
Fawaz aporta una amplia experiencia en la industria, habiendo sido Asesor Ejecutivo en Google y Alphabet, CEO de Nest y Google/Motorola Home, y habiendo ocupado posiciones ejecutivas en Charter Communications, Adelphia Communications y MediaOne. Bajo el liderazgo de Cooper desde 2006, los ingresos anuales de CSG crecieron de aproximadamente 380 millones a casi 1.2 mil millones en 2023.
La transición es parte del proceso de planificación de sucesión a largo plazo del Consejo, con Cooper habiendo contribuido a iniciativas de diversidad y renovación de la junta durante su mandato. Fawaz actualmente forma parte de las juntas de NRG Energy y Ubicquia Incorporated.
CSG (NASDAQ: CSGS)는 현재 의장인 Ron Cooper가 2025년 5월 14일 임기 종료 시 사임할 예정이라고 발표했습니다. Marwan Fawaz는 2016년부터 이사회 멤버로 활동했으며, 2025년 5월 연례 주주 총회 이후 Cooper를 이어받을 것입니다.
Fawaz는 Google과 Alphabet에서 Executive Advisor로 근무하고, Nest 및 Google/Motorola Home의 CEO를 역임했으며, Charter Communications, Adelphia Communications, MediaOne에서 임원직을 맡았던 풍부한 산업 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 2006년부터 Cooper의 리더십 하에 CSG의 연간 수익은 약 3억 8천만 달러에서 2023년에는 거의 12억 달러로 증가했습니다.
이 전환은 이사회의 장기적인 승계 계획의 일환이며, Cooper는 재임 중 이사회의 다양성과 혁신을 위한 이니셔티브에 기여해 왔습니다. Fawaz는 현재 NRG Energy와 Ubicquia Incorporated의 이사진으로 활동하고 있습니다.
CSG (NASDAQ: CSGS) a annoncé une transition prévue à la présidence du conseil, avec l'actuel président Ron Cooper qui démissionnera à la fin de son mandat le 14 mai 2025. Marwan Fawaz, membre du conseil depuis 2016, succédera à Cooper après l'Assemblée annuelle des actionnaires de mai 2025.
Fawaz apporte une vaste expérience dans l'industrie, ayant été conseiller exécutif chez Google et Alphabet, PDG de Nest et Google/Motorola Home et occupant des postes exécutifs chez Charter Communications, Adelphia Communications et MediaOne. Sous la direction de Cooper depuis 2006, le chiffre d'affaires annuel de CSG est passé d'environ 380 millions à près de 1,2 milliard en 2023.
Cette transition fait partie du processus de planification de la succession à long terme du conseil, Cooper ayant contribué aux initiatives de diversité et de renouvellement du conseil au cours de son mandat. Fawaz siège actuellement aux conseils d'administration de NRG Energy et Ubicquia Incorporated.
CSG (NASDAQ: CSGS) gab eine geplante Übergabe des Vorsitzes des Vorstands bekannt, bei der der aktuelle Vorsitzende Ron Cooper zum Ende seiner Amtszeit am 14. Mai 2025 zurücktreten wird. Marwan Fawaz, seit 2016 Vorstandsmitglied, wird Cooper nach der Jahreshauptversammlung der Aktionäre im Mai 2025 nachfolgen.
Fawaz bringt umfassende Branchenerfahrungen mit, da er als Executive Advisor bei Google und Alphabet, als CEO von Nest und Google/Motorola Home sowie in Führungspositionen bei Charter Communications, Adelphia Communications und MediaOne tätig war. Unter Coopers Leitung seit 2006 wuchsen die jährlichen Einnahmen von CSG von etwa 380 Millionen auf fast 1,2 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2023.
Der Übergang ist Teil des langfristigen Nachfolgeplans des Vorstands, wobei Cooper während seiner Amtszeit zur Diversität und Erneuerung des Vorstands beigetragen hat. Fawaz ist derzeit Mitglied der Vorstände von NRG Energy und Ubicquia Incorporated.
- Revenue growth from $380M to $1.2B under Cooper's leadership (2006-2023)
- Smooth, planned succession with experienced successor already on board
- Incoming Chair brings significant tech and telecom industry experience
- None.
Mr. Fawaz has served as a CSG Board Member since 2016. A 25+ year technology, media and telecommunications industry veteran, he served as Executive Advisor at Google and Alphabet, was the CEO at Nest and Google/Motorola Home and served in executive positions at Charter Communications, Adelphia Communications and MediaOne. Additionally, Mr. Fawaz serves on the board of NRG Energy (NYSE: NRG) and Ubicquia Incorporated.
“CSG is focused on strengthening and transforming every aspect of our company with breakthrough innovation, greater customer value, and much faster revenue growth, profit acceleration, and industry vertical diversification,” said Mr. Fawaz. “The progress made during Ron’s Board Chair leadership has been fantastic, and I am honored to help build on CSG’s rich history of delivering the most value-adding technology solutions to the marketplace. We will continue to hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity, impact, and excellence as we turbocharge CSG’s strategic growth.”
Since joining the CSG Board of Directors in 2006, Mr. Cooper has overseen the company’s successful revenue growth from approximately
“I couldn’t be prouder of the substantial growth CSG has experienced in my nearly 20 years of involvement with the company,” said Mr. Cooper. “With this smooth leadership transition in place, I know CSG has the right board, leadership team, and global employee base to achieve even greater heights in the years to come.”
About CSG
CSG empowers companies to build unforgettable experiences, making it easier for people and businesses to connect with, use and pay for the services they value most. Our customer experience, billing and payments solutions help companies of any size make money and make a difference. With our SaaS solutions, company leaders can take control of their future and tap into guidance along the way from our fiercely committed and forward-thinking CSGers around the world.
Want to be future-ready and a change-maker like the global brands that trust CSG? Visit csgi.com to learn more.
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John Rea
VP, Head of Investor Relations, Treasury, Insurance and ESG Reporting
+1 (210) 687-4409
Davis Barker
Sr. Manager, Investor Relations & Corporate Development
+1 (303) 884-4506
Source: CSG