NESsT, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship, and Cisco Foundation Announce New Phase of Central-Eastern Europe Accelerator Program
NESsT, in partnership with IKEA Social Entrepreneurship and Cisco Foundation, has announced the next phase of their Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) Accelerator Program. The initiative aims to invest in social enterprises creating jobs for excluded communities in Poland and Romania.
Building on previous success, where 20 enterprises provided 3,900 quality employment opportunities, including 875 jobs for refugees and migrants, the program targets to support 26 social enterprises by December 2027. The goal is to create and sustain 1,200 formal, fairly compensated jobs while promoting sustainable practices.
The program offers recoverable grants, capacity-building support, and mentorship from industry experts. Success stories include ALTRNTV, a conscious fashion store supporting 150 Romanian artisans (90% women), and Ekoinbud, which aims to create 180 jobs in construction for youth, Ukrainian war-affected people, and women.
NESsT, in collaborazione con IKEA Social Entrepreneurship e Cisco Foundation, ha annunciato la prossima fase del loro Programma di Accelerazione per l'Europa Centrale e Orientale (CEE). L'iniziativa mira a investire in imprese sociali che creano opportunità di lavoro per comunità escluse in Polonia e Romania.
Costruendo sul successo precedente, dove 20 imprese hanno offerto 3.900 opportunità di lavoro di qualità, comprese 875 posizioni per rifugiati e migranti, il programma punta a supportare 26 imprese sociali entro dicembre 2027. L'obiettivo è creare e mantenere 1.200 posti di lavoro formali, equamente retribuiti, promuovendo pratiche sostenibili.
Il programma offre sovvenzioni recuperabili, supporto per lo sviluppo delle capacità e mentorship da esperti del settore. Le storie di successo includono ALTRNTV, un negozio di moda consapevole che supporta 150 artigiani romeni (il 90% donne), ed Ekoinbud, che mira a creare 180 posti di lavoro nel settore edile per giovani, persone colpite dalla guerra in Ucraina e donne.
NESsT, en asociación con IKEA Social Entrepreneurship y Cisco Foundation, ha anunciado la próxima fase de su Programa de Aceleración para Europa Central y Oriental (CEE). La iniciativa tiene como objetivo invertir en empresas sociales que generan empleo para comunidades excluidas en Polonia y Rumanía.
Basándose en el éxito anterior, donde 20 empresas proporcionaron 3.900 oportunidades de empleo de calidad, incluyendo 875 puestos para refugiados y migrantes, el programa tiene como objetivo apoyar a 26 empresas sociales para diciembre de 2027. La meta es crear y mantener 1.200 empleos formales, bien remunerados, promoviendo prácticas sostenibles.
El programa ofrece subvenciones recuperables, apoyo para el desarrollo de capacidades y mentoría de expertos de la industria. Las historias de éxito incluyen a ALTRNTV, una tienda de moda consciente que apoya a 150 artesanos rumanos (el 90% mujeres), y Ekoinbud, que busca crear 180 empleos en construcción para jóvenes, personas afectadas por la guerra en Ucrania y mujeres.
NESsT는 IKEA Social Entrepreneurship 및 Cisco Foundation과 협력하여 중앙동유럽(CEE) 가속기 프로그램의 다음 단계를 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 폴란드와 루마니아의 배제된 커뮤니티를 위해 일자리 창출을 목표로 하는 사회적 기업에 투자하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
20개의 기업이 3,900개의 양질의 고용 기회를 제공한 이전의 성공을 기반으로, 이 프로그램은 2027년 12월까지 26개의 사회적 기업을 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 목표는 1,200개의 정규, 공정하게 보상받는 일자리를 창출하고 지속 가능한 관행을 촉진하는 것입니다.
이 프로그램은 회수 가능한 보조금, 역량 개발 지원 및 산업 전문가의 멘토십을 제공합니다. 성공 사례에는 150명의 루마니아 장인을 지원하는 의식 있는 패션 매장 ALTRNTV(여성이 90%)와 청소년, 우크라이나 전쟁 피해자 및 여성에게 180개의 건설 일자리를 창출하려는 Ekoinbud가 포함됩니다.
NESsT, en partenariat avec IKEA Social Entrepreneurship et Cisco Foundation, a annoncé la prochaine phase de son Programme d'Accélération pour l'Europe Centrale et Orientale (CEE). L'initiative vise à investir dans des entreprises sociales créant des emplois pour des communautés exclues en Pologne et en Roumanie.
En s'appuyant sur le succès précédent, où 20 entreprises ont fourni 3 900 opportunités d'emploi de qualité, dont 875 postes pour des réfugiés et des migrants, le programme vise à soutenir 26 entreprises sociales d'ici décembre 2027. L'objectif est de créer et de maintenir 1 200 emplois formels, équitablement rémunérés, tout en promouvant des pratiques durables.
Le programme propose des subventions récupérables, un soutien au développement des capacités et un mentorat par des experts du secteur. Parmi les histoires de succès, on trouve ALTRNTV, un magasin de mode engagé qui soutient 150 artisans roumains (90 % de femmes), et Ekoinbud, qui vise à créer 180 emplois dans le secteur de la construction pour des jeunes, des personnes touchées par la guerre en Ukraine et des femmes.
NESsT hat in Partnerschaft mit IKEA Social Entrepreneurship und Cisco Foundation die nächste Phase ihres Accelerator-Programms für Mittel- und Osteuropa (CEE) angekündigt. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, in soziale Unternehmen zu investieren, die Arbeitsplätze für ausgeschlossene Gemeinschaften in Polen und Rumänien schaffen.
Aufbauend auf dem vorherigen Erfolg, bei dem 20 Unternehmen 3.900 qualitativ hochwertige Arbeitsplätze geschaffen haben, darunter 875 Stellen für Flüchtlinge und Migranten, zielt das Programm darauf ab, bis Dezember 2027 26 soziale Unternehmen zu unterstützen. Ziel ist es, 1.200 formelle und angemessen entlohnte Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und nachhaltige Praktiken zu fördern.
Das Programm bietet rückzahlbare Zuschüsse, Unterstützung bei der Kapazitätsentwicklung und Mentoring durch Branchenexperten. Zu den Erfolgsgeschichten gehört ALTRNTV, ein bewusster Mode-Shop, der 150 rumänische Handwerker (90% Frauen) unterstützt, sowie Ekoinbud, das 180 Arbeitsplätze im Bauwesen für Jugendliche, von Krieg betroffene Menschen aus der Ukraine und Frauen schaffen will.
- Previous program success: 3,900 quality employment opportunities created, including 875 jobs for refugees
- Clear growth targets: Support for 26 social enterprises by 2027
- Concrete job creation goal: 1,200 new formal, compensated positions
- Strong partnership backing from IKEA and Cisco Foundation
- None.
Accelerator Program to Drive Inclusive Employment and Sustainability in
The program builds on the combined experience of the NESsT Refugee Employment Initiative and the first phase of the NESsT-IKEA Social Entrepreneurship Poland & Romania Accelerator Program, incorporating valuable insights gained from three years of collaboration. Supported by IKEA Social Entrepreneurship and the Cisco Foundation, these initiatives collectively assisted 20 enterprises to provide 3,900 quality employment opportunities for people from marginalized backgrounds, including more than 875 jobs specifically for refugees and migrants, significantly improving income and job security. In its next iteration, the program broadens its scope to address interconnected social, economic, and environmental challenges across the region.
“Social enterprises are uniquely positioned to drive systemic change by addressing the overlapping challenges faced by underrepresented communities,” said Kirsten Dueck, CEO of NESsT. “Over the years, we have seen firsthand how these enterprises bridge employment gaps, provide tailored skills training, and offer critical support to marginalized groups. This next phase of the CEE Accelerator Program reflects our deep commitment to fostering long-term, inclusive growth across the region.”
“IKEA Social Entrepreneurship is proud to continue our partnership with NESsT to support social enterprises that are driving meaningful change in
The NESsT CEE Accelerator Program aims to support 26 social enterprises in
The program’s holistic approach is informed by key lessons learned from NESsT’s extensive work in the region. Social enterprises in the NESsT portfolio have shown that addressing intersecting challenges—from social inclusion to environmental sustainability—through innovative business models leads to long-term impact. An example is ALTRNTV, a conscious fashion store contributing to the circular economy in
Additionally, Ekoinbud, a socially impactful enterprise dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of the construction sector, aims to create 180 dignified employment opportunities in design, manufacturing, and on-site construction to youth, people affected by the war in
“Cisco Foundation is committed to supporting innovative solutions that empower underserved people and communities, and address systemic challenges. This collaboration with NESsT is a significant step toward creating long-term, impactful change across the region,” said Charu Adesnik, executive director at Cisco Foundation.
The NESsT CEE Accelerator Program is actively seeking new collaborators to amplify its impact. Donors interested in contributing to this mission can contact NESsT directly to explore partnership opportunities. Socially impactful enterprises in
About NESsT
NESsT invests in and supports social enterprises that create dignified employment for underserved communities in emerging markets. Over the past 28 years, NESsT has accelerated and financed more than 300 enterprises, in total sustaining dignified employment opportunities for over 113,000 individuals and improving the lives of over 1.8 million people from the most marginalized communities around the world, including smallholder farmers, Black people, Indigenous Peoples, ethnic minorities, the LGBTQIA+ community, migrants and refugees, people with disabilities, women, and youth.
About IKEA Social Entrepreneurship
IKEA Social Entrepreneurship creates greater opportunities for people from vulnerable and marginalised groups to live a better everyday life. Founded in 2018, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship B.V supports social entrepreneurs through providing investments, co-creating accelerator programmes , and sharing networks and knowledge so they can reach more people and have a bigger impact.
About Cisco Foundation
Cisco Foundation envisions a world of equitable, resilient and empowered communities where everyone can reach their full potential and thrive. Its mission is to partner with organizations to create and scale innovative digital solutions that promote a healthy planet and advance the wellbeing and self-reliance of underserved communities globally. Since 1997, it has harnessed the breadth of offerings from Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO), the worldwide technology leader helping revolutionize the way organizations connect and protect in the AI era, for strategic guidance, catalytic funding, technology donations and support.
Discover more about Cisco Foundation here and follow us on X at @Cisco.
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Michele Crater
Communications Manager, NESsT Global
Source: NESsT