For Climate Week NYC, Cisco Highlights Its Innovation and Leadership

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During Climate Week NYC 2024, Cisco Systems highlighted its innovation and leadership in addressing climate change. The company's efforts include:

1. Developing energy-efficient networking solutions and circular-designed products

2. Setting 2040 net-zero goals

3. Supporting customers on their sustainability journeys

4. The Cisco Foundation's 10-year $100 million climate commitment

Cisco is focusing on:

  • Improving energy efficiency in products like the Silicon One chip
  • Incorporating Circular Design Principles into new products and packaging
  • Applying AI and IoT to enhance sustainability in smart grids, buildings, and data centers
  • Supporting utilities in transitioning to renewable energy sources
  • Developing smart building solutions to reduce energy consumption

The company emphasizes collaboration between government, industry, and academia to drive climate action through programs like Country Digital Acceleration and Networking Academy.

Durante la Climate Week NYC 2024, Cisco Systems ha messo in evidenza la propria innovazione e leadership nell'affrontare il cambiamento climatico. Gli sforzi dell'azienda includono:

1. Sviluppo di soluzioni di networking a basso consumo energetico e prodotti progettati in ottica circolare

2. Fissare obiettivi di zero emissioni nette entro il 2040

3. Sostenere i clienti nei loro percorsi di sostenibilità

4. L'impegno climatico della Cisco Foundation di 100 milioni di dollari in 10 anni

Cisco si sta concentrando su:

  • Il miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica in prodotti come il chip Silicon One
  • Incorporare i Principi di Design Circolare nei nuovi prodotti e imballaggi
  • Applicare AI e IoT per migliorare la sostenibilità in reti intelligenti, edifici e data center
  • Sostenere le utilities nella transizione verso fonti di energia rinnovabile
  • Sviluppare soluzioni per edifici intelligenti per ridurre il consumo energetico

L'azienda sottolinea l'importanza della collaborazione tra governo, industria e università per promuovere azioni climatiche tramite programmi come Country Digital Acceleration e Networking Academy.

Durante la Climate Week NYC 2024, Cisco Systems destacó su innovación y liderazgo en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Los esfuerzos de la compañía incluyen:

1. Desarrollo de soluciones de networking energéticamente eficientes y productos diseñados con un enfoque circular

2. Establecimiento de metas de cero emisiones netas para 2040

3. Apoyo a los clientes en sus trayectorias de sostenibilidad

4. El compromiso climático de la Fundación Cisco de 100 millones de dólares en 10 años

Cisco se está enfocando en:

  • Mejorar la eficiencia energética en productos como el chip Silicon One
  • Incorporar Principios de Diseño Circular en nuevos productos y empaques
  • Aplicar IA e IoT para mejorar la sostenibilidad en redes inteligentes, edificios y centros de datos
  • Apoyar a las utilities en la transición hacia fuentes de energía renovable
  • Desarrollar soluciones para edificios inteligentes que reduzcan el consumo energético

La empresa enfatiza la colaboración entre gobiernos, industria y academia para impulsar la acción climática a través de programas como Country Digital Acceleration y Networking Academy.

기후 주간 NYC 2024 동안, Cisco Systems는 기후 변화 해결에 대한 혁신과 리더십을 강조했습니다. 회사의 노력은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 에너지 효율적인 네트워킹 솔루션과 순환 설계 제품 개발

2. 2040년 탄소 중립 목표 설정

3. 고객들의 지속 가능성 여정 지원

4. Cisco Foundation의 10년 동안 1억 달러 기후 약속

Cisco는 다음에 집중하고 있습니다:

  • Silicon One 칩과 같은 제품의 에너지 효율성 개선
  • 새로운 제품 및 포장에 순환 설계 원칙 통합
  • AI 및 IoT를 활용하여 스마트 그리드, 건물 및 데이터 센터의 지속 가능성 향상
  • 재생 가능 에너지로의 전환을 지원하는 유틸리티
  • 에너지 소비를 줄이기 위한 스마트 빌딩 솔루션 개발

회사는 Country Digital AccelerationNetworking Academy와 같은 프로그램을 통해 기후 행동을 촉진하기 위한 정부, 산업 및 학계 간의 협력을 강조합니다.

Lors de la Climate Week NYC 2024, Cisco Systems a mis en avant son innovation et son leadership dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Les efforts de l'entreprise comprennent :

1. Développement de solutions de réseau énergétiquement efficaces et de produits conçus avec une approche circulaire

2. Fixation d'objectifs de zéro émission nette pour 2040

3. Soutien aux clients dans leurs parcours de durabilité

4. L'engagement climatique de la Fondation Cisco de 100 millions de dollars sur 10 ans

Cisco se concentre sur :

  • Amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique dans des produits comme la puce Silicon One
  • Intégration des Principes de Design Circulaire dans les nouveaux produits et emballages
  • Application de l'IA et de l'IoT pour renforcer la durabilité dans les réseaux intelligents, les bâtiments et les centres de données
  • Soutien aux services publics lors de leur transition vers des sources d'énergie renouvelable
  • Développement de solutions pour des bâtiments intelligents visant à réduire la consommation d'énergie

L'entreprise souligne l'importance de la collaboration entre gouvernement, industrie et milieu académique pour promouvoir l'action climatique à travers des programmes tels que Country Digital Acceleration et Networking Academy.

Während der Climate Week NYC 2024 hob Cisco Systems seine Innovation und Führungsrolle im Umgang mit dem Klimawandel hervor. Die Bemühungen des Unternehmens umfassen:

1. Entwicklung von energieeffizienten Netzwerklösungen und Produkten mit kreislauffähigem Design

2. Festlegung von Netto-Null-Zielen für 2040

3. Unterstützung der Kunden auf ihren Nachhaltigkeitsreisen

4. Das 10-jährige Klimaverpflichtung der Cisco Stiftung in Höhe von 100 Millionen Dollar

Cisco konzentriert sich auf:

  • Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz in Produkten wie dem Silicon One Chip
  • Einbindung von Kreislaufdesignprinzipien in neue Produkte und Verpackungen
  • Anwendung von KI und IoT zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit in intelligenten Netzen, Gebäuden und Rechenzentren
  • Unterstützung der Versorgungsunternehmen bei der Umstellung auf erneuerbare Energiequellen
  • Entwicklung von Lösungen für intelligente Gebäude zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs

Das Unternehmen betont die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Regierung, Industrie und Wissenschaft, um Klimaschutzmaßnahmen durch Programme wie Country Digital Acceleration und Networking Academy voranzutreiben.

  • Cisco is developing energy-efficient networking solutions and circular-designed products
  • The company has set stringent 2040 net-zero goals
  • Cisco Foundation has committed $100 million over 10 years for climate initiatives
  • The Silicon One chip's latest version (G200) is twice as energy efficient as its predecessor
  • Cisco is making progress on incorporating Circular Design Principles into 100% of new products and packaging by FY2025
  • The company is applying AI and IoT to enhance sustainability in various sectors
  • Cisco is supporting utilities in transitioning to renewable energy sources
  • The company is developing smart building solutions to reduce energy consumption
  • None.

From smart grids and data centers to education and leadership, Cisco's focus on climate change is longstanding - and accelerating.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / Cisco Systems Inc.

By Kevin Delaney

This year is on track to be the hottest on record. Wildfires, floods, and droughts are mounting. And climate-driven refugee crises span continents.

That's why Climate Week NYC 2024 - with its theme of "It's Time" - was so critical. Hosted by the international non-profit Climate Group, in conjunction with the U.N. General Assembly and New York City, it brought together a far-ranging mix of government, industry, academia, and activists.

All share the same overarching goal: to drive action on climate - before it's too late.

For Cisco, Climate Week is a unique opportunity to showcase its innovation, global influence, and leadership on an issue that is central to its purpose: powering an inclusive future for all.

During her Climate Week sessions, Mary de Wysocki, Cisco's SVP and chief sustainability officer, highlighted a few of the ways Cisco exercises that leadership. It includes everything from innovating more energy-efficient networking solutions and circular-designed products to setting stringent 2040 net-zero goals and supporting its vast global customer base on their own sustainability journeys. Moreover, the Cisco Foundation's 10-year $100 million climate commitment is helping drive important work in areas like carbon capture and wave energy.

"Cisco is a worldwide technology company that securely connects everything to make anything happen," de Wysocki said. "But we ask, how do we solve those business problems while using newer technologies to make the world a better place, a more secure and sustainable place?"

And as Guy Diedrich, Cisco's SVP and global innovation officer, stressed, the company's focus on climate change has deep roots.

"Cisco's role in helping contribute to reducing climate change is profound, and it has been around for a very long time," he said. "Before anybody was talking about climate change, Cisco was leading the industry in practices that help us contribute to the betterment of populations and the environment around the world."

Today, when Cisco products become more energy efficient, as well as modular, recyclable, and reusable (that is, circular), the benefits can cascade across industries, countries, and continents.

"We are working hand in hand with our customers on how they're adopting similar approaches as us, and adopting renewable energy," de Wysocki explained. "It means innovating our products to be more energy efficient, like our Silicon One chip, which adds more capability in an ever-increasing, energy-efficient way. And it means that when we design our products that we're thinking about how to make them more modular and circular."

In terms of circularity, Cisco is making progress on its goal of incorporating Circular Design Principles into 100 percent of new products and packaging by fiscal year 2025. And in its latest G200 version, the Silicon One chip is twice as energy efficient as its predecessor.

"With service providers we've seen really healthy numbers of energy savings and energy efficiency," said Denise Lee, vice president of Cisco's Engineering Sustainability Office. "And now our strategy is to take that Silicon One chip and make it available beyond service provider, and into the enterprise."

When smart equals more sustainable

Artificial intelligence was top of mind throughout Climate Week, both for its great potential in sustainable innovation - such as enabling smarter grids, buildings, and factories - and for its massive energy needs. To that end, Cisco's efforts to increase data-center capabilities with innovations like Silicon One and the UCS X-Series Modular System, while reducing their energy needs, loom large.

"Now we're looking at AI workloads," Lee explained, "and whether you have a brand-new training model or you're just playing around with it, the reality is everyone needs more and more compute and more and more capacity. So, we need to be thinking about how to do that with energy efficiency."

Lee spoke of how Cisco is infusing AI into many areas, such as smart buildings and data centers to renewable energy grids and agriculture.

"When you start thinking of where you can apply data and sensors and then what that data can do from an AI perspective to be smarter and more automated," she said, "that opens up a world of opportunities to more quickly find solutions and then deploy those solutions at scale."

The grids supplying those energy-hungry data centers (and just about everything else!) are another key focus for Cisco. The company has a long history of partnering and innovating with the energy sector, and today it's helping utilities transition to a more sustainable, efficient, and secure future. That includes supporting renewable sources like wind and solar, which along with their many benefits can create new complexities across a more distributed grid (as opposed to one centralized power station).

So, it's a perfect opportunity for automation, AI, and machine learning in applications such as load balancing and monitoring for anomalies or threats - as top Cisco customers like Enel, Italy's largest energy provider, are discovering.

"Forward thinking utilities are increasingly considering digital technologies as a part of their architectures," said Kelsi Doran, head of sustainability strategy and transformation for Cisco. "It enables them to have better visibility into their entire OT network so they can do things like more efficiently balance the load of supply and demand. Utilities are adopting these things so they can not only accelerate the clean energy transition, but their digital business-model transformation as well."

With end-to-end solutions for utilities, Cisco, Doran believes, is uniquely positioned to support this transition.

"What differentiates Cisco in this space," she said, "is our unrivaled security expertise, our end-to-end portfolio, especially in our networking solutions, our automation, our management capabilities, and of course our Internet of Things expertise. We can provide that connectivity, that visibility, that security across the entire grid network."

Increasing sustainability, where we live and work

By some estimates, the building environment is a source of up to 40 percent of global carbon emissions. So, smart buildings are a critical focus for Cisco. And New York's Climate Week was a great opportunity to showcase the company's Penn One office. Built with hybrid work in mind, it's a visually inspiring, hyperconnected design with many features that can reduce energy use, such as automated window shades to maximize natural light.

Cisco's smart building solutions also help reduce energy consumption through 90-watt Power over Ethernet (PoE) and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors that can provide network-based monitoring and control of temperature, lighting, air quality, and more.

"A building or a room requires the network," Lee stressed. "And when you can start thinking of where you can apply data and sensors - and then what that data can do from an AI perspective to be smarter and more automated - it opens up a world of opportunities to more quickly find solutions and then deploy those solutions at scale."

Working together to meet the biggest challenges

Diedrich, who oversees Cisco's Country Digital Acceleration (CDA) and Networking Academy tech skills programs, stressed that Climate Week's theme of working together is closely aligned with Cisco's strategy.

"The CDA program has been around for just over 10 years, and we have around 1600 active or completed individual digitization projects in 51 countries," he said, "and the thing that we learned is that you will not have the sort of success that you want without involving government, industry and academia. You have to have all three sitting around at the table from the start. And it's never been more true than our projects related to sustainability."

As but one example, Diedrich cited CDA's partnership with Kerala, India, to empower farmers with IoT data insights on weather, soil, water management, limiting pesticides, and other support.

It's a theme championed by de Wysocki.

"When I look at the number of companies like Cisco that have set net zero goals across their value chains, that gives me hope," she concluded. "When I look at the technology advancements, when I think about how we're designing products and solutions that are ever more energy efficient, when I see the number of investments in renewable energy, that gives me hope. But it's going to take all of us coming together."

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Spokesperson: Cisco Systems Inc.

SOURCE: Cisco Systems Inc.

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What are Cisco's (CSCO) main initiatives for addressing climate change in 2024?

Cisco's main initiatives include developing energy-efficient networking solutions, setting 2040 net-zero goals, supporting customers on sustainability journeys, and the Cisco Foundation's 10-year $100 million climate commitment. The company is also focusing on improving product energy efficiency, incorporating Circular Design Principles, and applying AI and IoT to enhance sustainability in various sectors.

How is Cisco (CSCO) improving energy efficiency in its products?

Cisco is improving energy efficiency through innovations like the Silicon One chip, which in its latest G200 version is twice as energy efficient as its predecessor. The company is also incorporating Circular Design Principles into new products and packaging, aiming to reach 100% by fiscal year 2025.

What role does Cisco (CSCO) play in supporting the transition to renewable energy?

Cisco supports utilities in transitioning to renewable energy sources by providing end-to-end solutions that enable better visibility into OT networks, efficient load balancing, and enhanced security. The company's expertise in networking, automation, and IoT helps utilities accelerate their clean energy transition and digital business-model transformation.

How is Cisco (CSCO) addressing sustainability in buildings during Climate Week NYC 2024?

During Climate Week NYC 2024, Cisco showcased its Penn One office, which features smart building solutions that reduce energy consumption. These include 90-watt Power over Ethernet (PoE) and IoT sensors for network-based monitoring and control of temperature, lighting, and air quality. The company is developing smart building technologies to decrease energy use and improve efficiency.

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