CervoMed Announces Positive Results from the Extension Phase of its Phase 2b Clinical Study of Neflamapimod in Patients with Dementia with Lewy Bodies
CervoMed (NASDAQ: CRVO) has announced positive results from the 16-week extension phase of its Phase 2b RewinD-LB study for neflamapimod in treating dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The new batch of drug capsules showed significant improvements compared to both old capsules and placebo:
Key findings include:
- Improved Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB) scores (p<0.001 vs. old capsules; p=0.003 vs. placebo)
- Better performance on the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study - Clinical Global Impression of Change (p=0.035)
- Lower incidence of falls (7.4% vs. 14.5% for old capsules)
- Higher plasma drug concentrations (5.1 vs. 4.0 ng/mL, p=0.03)
The study involved 149 participants, with 94 receiving the new capsules and 55 receiving old capsules. The results suggest neflamapimod's potential to fundamentally change DLB treatment, particularly significant as no FDA-approved drugs currently exist for DLB management in the U.S.
CervoMed (NASDAQ: CRVO) ha annunciato risultati positivi dalla fase di estensione di 16 settimane del suo studio di fase 2b RewinD-LB per neflamapimod nel trattamento della demenza con corpi di Lewy (DLB). Il nuovo lotto di capsule ha mostrato miglioramenti significativi rispetto sia alle vecchie capsule che al placebo:
I risultati chiave includono:
- Miglioramenti nei punteggi del Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB) (p<0.001 rispetto alle vecchie capsule; p=0.003 rispetto al placebo)
- Migliore performance nello studio cooperativo sull'Alzheimer - Impressione clinica globale del cambiamento (p=0.035)
- Incidenza ridotta di cadute (7.4% contro 14.5% per le vecchie capsule)
- Concentrazioni plasmatiche del farmaco più elevate (5.1 contro 4.0 ng/mL, p=0.03)
Lo studio ha coinvolto 149 partecipanti, di cui 94 hanno ricevuto le nuove capsule e 55 hanno ricevuto le vecchie capsule. I risultati suggeriscono il potenziale di neflamapimod di cambiare fondamentalmente il trattamento della DLB, particolarmente significativo poiché attualmente non esistono farmaci approvati dalla FDA per la gestione della DLB negli Stati Uniti.
CervoMed (NASDAQ: CRVO) ha anunciado resultados positivos de la fase de extensión de 16 semanas de su estudio de fase 2b RewinD-LB para neflamapimod en el tratamiento de la demencia con cuerpos de Lewy (DLB). El nuevo lote de cápsulas mostró mejoras significativas en comparación con las cápsulas antiguas y el placebo:
Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- Puntuaciones mejoradas en el Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB) (p<0.001 frente a las cápsulas antiguas; p=0.003 frente al placebo)
- Mejor rendimiento en el estudio cooperativo de la enfermedad de Alzheimer - Impresión clínica global de cambio (p=0.035)
- Menor incidencia de caídas (7.4% frente a 14.5% para las cápsulas antiguas)
- Concentraciones plasmáticas del fármaco más altas (5.1 frente a 4.0 ng/mL, p=0.03)
El estudio involucró a 149 participantes, de los cuales 94 recibieron las nuevas cápsulas y 55 recibieron las cápsulas antiguas. Los resultados sugieren el potencial de neflamapimod para cambiar fundamentalmente el tratamiento de la DLB, lo que es particularmente significativo dado que actualmente no existen medicamentos aprobados por la FDA para el manejo de la DLB en los EE. UU.
CervoMed (NASDAQ: CRVO)는 루이체 치매(DLB) 치료를 위한 neflamapimod의 2b상 RewinD-LB 연구의 16주 연장 단계에서 긍정적인 결과를 발표했습니다. 새로운 약물 캡슐은 이전 캡슐 및 위약에 비해 유의미한 개선을 보였습니다:
주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 임상 치매 평가 박스 합계(CDR-SB) 점수 개선 (구 캡슐 대비 p<0.001; 위약 대비 p=0.003)
- 알츠하이머병 협동 연구 - 임상 전반적 변화 인상에서의 성능 향상 (p=0.035)
- 낙상의 발생률 감소 (구 캡슐 대비 7.4% vs. 14.5%)
- 혈장 약물 농도 증가 (5.1 vs. 4.0 ng/mL, p=0.03)
이 연구에는 149명이 참여했으며, 94명이 새로운 캡슐을, 55명이 이전 캡슐을 받았습니다. 결과는 neflamapimod이 DLB 치료를 근본적으로 변화시킬 잠재력이 있음을 시사하며, 이는 미국에서 DLB 관리를 위한 FDA 승인 약물이 현재 존재하지 않기 때문에 특히 중요합니다.
CervoMed (NASDAQ: CRVO) a annoncé des résultats positifs de la phase d'extension de 16 semaines de son étude de phase 2b RewinD-LB sur le neflamapimod dans le traitement de la démence à corps de Lewy (DLB). Le nouveau lot de capsules médicamenteuses a montré des améliorations significatives par rapport aux anciennes capsules et au placebo :
Les résultats clés incluent :
- Amélioration des scores du Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB) (p<0.001 par rapport aux anciennes capsules ; p=0.003 par rapport au placebo)
- Meilleure performance dans l'Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study - Impression clinique globale de changement (p=0.035)
- Incidence réduite des chutes (7.4% contre 14.5% pour les anciennes capsules)
- Concentrations plasmatiques du médicament plus élevées (5.1 contre 4.0 ng/mL, p=0.03)
L'étude a impliqué 149 participants, dont 94 ont reçu les nouvelles capsules et 55 ont reçu les anciennes capsules. Les résultats suggèrent le potentiel du neflamapimod à transformer fondamentalement le traitement de la DLB, ce qui est particulièrement significatif puisque aucun médicament approuvé par la FDA n'existe actuellement pour la gestion de la DLB aux États-Unis.
CervoMed (NASDAQ: CRVO) hat positive Ergebnisse aus der 16-wöchigen Verlängerungsphase seiner Phase-2b-Studie RewinD-LB zu neflamapimod bei der Behandlung von Lewy-Körper-Demenz (DLB) bekannt gegeben. Die neue Charge von Medikamentenkapseln zeigte signifikante Verbesserungen im Vergleich zu alten Kapseln und Placebo:
Wesentliche Ergebnisse umfassen:
- Verbesserte Werte im Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB) (p<0.001 im Vergleich zu alten Kapseln; p=0.003 im Vergleich zu Placebo)
- Bessere Leistung in der Alzheimer Disease Cooperative Study - Clinical Global Impression of Change (p=0.035)
- Geringere Sturzrate (7.4% gegenüber 14.5% für alte Kapseln)
- Höhere Plasmakonzentrationen des Medikaments (5.1 gegenüber 4.0 ng/mL, p=0.03)
Die Studie umfasste 149 Teilnehmer, von denen 94 die neuen Kapseln und 55 die alten Kapseln erhielten. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass neflamapimod das Potenzial hat, die Behandlung von DLB grundlegend zu verändern, was besonders bedeutend ist, da es in den USA derzeit keine von der FDA zugelassenen Medikamente zur Behandlung von DLB gibt.
- Significant improvement in primary endpoint CDR-SB scores vs both old capsules and placebo
- Better safety profile with lower fall incidence (7.4% vs 14.5%)
- Higher drug bioavailability with new capsules (5.1 vs 4.0 ng/mL)
- Strong completion rate (>87%) in extension phase
- Potential first-to-market opportunity for DLB treatment in US
- Previous trial phase failed due to underdosing with old capsules
- Drug efficacy dependent on new capsule formulation
- long-term data available (only 16-week extension results)
CervoMed's announcement represents a significant clinical breakthrough for their lead candidate neflamapimod in treating dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The extension phase results directly address what appears to have been a formulation/bioavailability issue that hampered the initial study phase.
The key data points are compelling: the new capsule formulation showed statistically significant improvement on the CDR-SB (p=0.003 vs placebo) and CGIC (p=0.035), both clinically meaningful endpoints. Particularly noteworthy is the lower incidence of falls (7.4% vs 18.8%, p=0.04 compared to placebo), as falls represent a serious complication for DLB patients that often lead to hospitalization and accelerated decline.
The pharmacokinetic data confirms the working hypothesis - trough concentrations were 27.5% higher with the new capsules, explaining the efficacy difference. This validates that the initial trial failure wasn't due to the drug's mechanism but rather insufficient plasma concentrations from the older capsule formulation.
With no FDA-approved treatments specifically for DLB, neflamapimod addresses a substantial unmet need in a condition affecting approximately 1.4 million Americans. The consistency between these results and prior Phase 2a findings provides a solid foundation for the upcoming Phase 3 program, significantly derisking CervoMed's clinical development pathway.
From an investment perspective, these trial results fundamentally transform CervoMed's clinical prospects and potentially its valuation thesis. The company has effectively salvaged its lead program by identifying and correcting what appears to be a straightforward formulation issue rather than a therapeutic failure.
What stands out is the statistical strength of the findings - achieving p<0.001 against old capsules and p=0.003 against placebo on the primary CDR-SB endpoint demonstrates robust efficacy. This statistical significance substantially reduces the clinical risk profile heading into Phase 3.
The market opportunity is particularly noteworthy as DLB represents a completely open therapeutic landscape with no FDA-approved treatments. For a small-cap company ($17.7 million market cap), securing a first-mover advantage in this indication could be transformative.
The results will likely catalyze increased institutional interest and potentially partnership discussions, as larger pharmaceutical companies frequently acquire promising late-stage neurological assets. However, financing the planned Phase 3 program remains a key consideration - the company will need to secure additional capital, potentially through partnerships or equity raises.
With these positive clinical results addressing a clear unmet medical need, CervoMed has substantially improved its risk-reward profile. The additional 16 weeks of extension data expected later this year will provide further validation before the company finalizes its Phase 3 strategy with regulators.
A new batch of neflamapimod capsules led to increased plasma drug concentrations and demonstrated improvement (p<0.001 vs. old capsules; p=0.003 vs. placebo) on the primary outcome measure, change from baseline in Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB)
Improvement (p=0.035 against either old capsules or placebo) also demonstrated on the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study - Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC)
Compared to either old capsules or placebo, a lower incidence of falls was seen in participants receiving study drug from the new batch of capsules during the extension phase
Company to host investor webcast at 5:00 PM ET today to discuss results
BOSTON, March 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO), a clinical-stage company focused on developing treatments for age-related neurologic disorders (CervoMed or the Company), today announced positive results from the first 16 weeks of the extension phase of the Phase 2b RewinD-LB study of neflamapimod in the treatment of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB).
“This is a great day for patients and families impacted by DLB, as well as the DLB clinical community. The magnitude of the effect demonstrated on the CDR-SB and the CGIC, both clinically meaningful endpoints, as well the apparent beneficial effect on the incidence of participant falls, suggests that neflamapimod has the potential to fundamentally change the disease course of DLB and our approach to treating the disease,” said James E. Galvin, MD, MPH, Professor of Neurology at the Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Co-Principal Investigator of the RewinD-LB study and member of the Board at the Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA). Continued Dr. Galvin, “To date, there is not a single drug approved in the U.S. for the management of DLB. My colleagues in the DLB clinical community and I look forward to working with CervoMed and regulatory authorities to advance neflamapimod through phase 3 and the regulatory approval process.”
“As presented at the recent International Lewy Body Dementia Conference, our working hypothesis for the failure of neflamapimod during the initial 16 weeks of the study is that the investigational drug capsules utilized in that phase of the trial delivered lower than expected plasma drug concentrations and effectively underdosed participants. Consistent with this hypothesis, the results announced today demonstrate the new batch of capsules led to both higher plasma drug concentration levels and improvements on the metrics used as the primary endpoint and a key secondary endpoint in the initial phase of the study. Further, the consistency and magnitude of the clinical effect of neflamapimod on the CDR-SB are similar to our Phase 2a study results and we believe demonstrate proof-of-concept for neflamapimod as a potential treatment for dementia with Lewy bodies,” said John Alam, MD, Co-Principal Investigator of the RewinD-LB study and CEO of CervoMed. “We are excited to complete the full 32-weeks of the extension phase of the study and look forward to engaging with regulatory authorities to discuss finalizing our Phase 3 plans after these additional data are available later this year.”
“The results from the extension phase of the RewinD-LB study are highly persuasive. It is rare in dementia clinical research to see results with the magnitude of effect and statistical strength as was seen on the CDR-SB. At the same time, the findings are similar to what was seen in the Phase 2a clinical study and I believe are the result of having utilized a targeted therapy such as neflamapimod as well as aligning the therapy with a DLB patient population that is well suited to respond to its mechanism of action,” said John-Paul Taylor, MBBS(hons) MRCPsych PhD, Professor of Translational Dementia Research at Newcastle University, United Kingdom (UK) and the principal investigator for the UK.
16-Week Results from the Extension Phase of the Phase 2b RewinD-LB Study1
Of the 159 participants randomized in the initial 16-week double-blind, placebo-controlled (“Initial”) phase of the study, 152 completed the Initial phase and 149 entered the extension phase (“Extension”), during which all participants received neflamapimod. Though study participants and site personnel were aware that the treatment for all participants during the Extension phase was neflamapimod (i.e., treatment was “open label” neflamapimod), they were not aware of which batch of capsules was administered to any given participant during the first 16 weeks of the Extension. Of the 149 participants who entered the Extension, 55 received the same batch of capsules (“Old Capsules”) utilized in the Initial phase throughout the first 16 weeks of the Extension and 94 received a new batch of capsules (“New Capsules”) for all or a portion of those 16 weeks; 46 starting at day 1 of the Extension, 22 starting at week 4 of the Extension, and 26 starting at week 8 of the Extension).2
CDR-SB Results
As specified by the protocol and statistical analysis plan, linear Mixed-effects Model for Repeated Measures was utilized to analyze the change from baseline in CDR-SB, the metric used as the primary endpoint for the Initial phase of the study.
- From the end of the Initial phase of the study (i.e. Day 1 of the Extension) through to Week 16 of the Extension, the change in CDR-SB was lower in the New Capsule group compared to the Old Capsule group (difference=-0.73,
95% CI: -1.14, -0.32; p<0.001). - When analyzed from baseline of the study overall through to Week 16 of the Extension, (i.e., including all data from the first 32 weeks of the study, from Day 1 of the Initial phase through to Week 16 of the Extension), the New Capsules demonstrated a positive benefit compared to placebo (difference= -0.45,
95% CI: -0.78, -0.15; p=0.003). - The difference for both comparisons in the participants whose screening plasma ptau181 was < 2.2 pg/mL, the cut-off in the Phase 2a study for evidence of Alzheimer’s disease related co-pathology, were more pronounced.
CGIC Results
- On CGIC, which was administered at Week 8 of the Extension, administration of the New Capsules led to an improved score (4.02 vs. 4.46 with Old Capsules, p=0.035), indicating less worsening with New Capsule administration. A greater magnitude difference was also observed in participants with screening plasma ptau181 < 2.2 pg/mL (3.90 with New Capsules vs. 4.45 with Old Capsules, p=0.011).
- In addition, in a within-subject analysis (i.e., comparing results in participants who received placebo in the Initial phase and New Capsules in the Extension), the CGIC score was reduced in participants administered the New Capsule compared to placebo (3.94 vs. 4.46, p=0.035).
- Both Old and New Capsules demonstrated comparable tolerability profiles and no new safety signals were identified during the Extension.
- The incidence of falls was lower in participants who received New Capsules compared to those who received Old Capsules during the Extension (
7.4% vs.14.5% for all participants;4.0% vs.15.4% , p=0.025, for participants with screening plasma ptau181 < 2.2 pg/mL). - The incidence of falls measured during the Extension were also lower in participants who received New Capsules compared to those who received placebo during the Initial phase of the study (
7.4% vs.18.8% for all participants, p=0.04;4.0% vs.19.7% , p=0.007, for participants with screening plasma ptau181 < 2.2 pg/mL).
- As reported previously, in a within-subject comparison (N=13), the mean plasma drug trough concentration was significantly higher (5.1 vs. 4.0 ng/mL, p=0.03) with the New Capsules than in the Old Capsules. Analyses conducted to date suggest the lower–than-expected bioavailability with the Old Capsules is related to the to the age of the capsules and the development of inferior dissolution kinetics with extended aging, rather than chemical degradation.
Conference Call / Webcast Details
CervoMed will host a conference call and webcast to review and discuss the 16-week results from the Extension phase of the Phase 2b RewinD-LB study today, Monday, March 10, 2025, at 5:00 PM ET. Participants should dial 1-877-425-9470 (domestic) or 1-201-389-0878 (international) with the code 13752218.
To access the Call me™ feature, which avoids having to wait for an operator, click here.
The live webcast and replay will be available under “Events & Presentations” in the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website, https://www.cervomed.com
The results from the extension phase of the RewinD-LB study have been accepted as an oral presentation at the International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases and Related Neurologic Disorders in Vienna, April 1-5, 2025.
About Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB)
DLB is the third most common degenerative disease of the brain (after Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease). Patients with this disease accumulate protein deposits, called Lewy bodies, in the brain’s nerve cells. This negatively affects cognitive ability, including attention, judgement, and reasoning, along with motor function. Patients with DLB incur higher healthcare costs, have longer hospitalizations, report lower quality of life, and have caregivers with higher levels of distress when compared to patients with Alzheimer’s disease. No treatments for DLB have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or European Medicines Agency, and there are few drugs in development. The current standard of care is cholinesterase inhibitor therapy, which is approved for use in AD, but in DLB patients typically improves cognition transiently, and does not impact the motor component of the disease.
About Neflamapimod
Neflamapimod is an investigational, orally administered small molecule brain penetrant drug that inhibits alpha isoform of the p38MAP kinase. In preclinical studies, neflamapimod reversed synaptic dysfunction, including and particularly within the part of the brain most impacted in DLB – the basal forebrain cholinergic system. In Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical studies involving more than 400 participants, neflamapimod has been shown to be generally well tolerated. Results from the AscenD-LB Phase 2a clinical study demonstrated that neflamapimod improved dementia severity (assessed by CDR-SB) compared to placebo and improved functional mobility (assessed by TUG test) compared to placebo. At the highest dose evaluated, neflamapimod also improved results on a cognitive test battery. The treatment response in AscenD-LB in the participants who did not have AD co-pathology (as assessed by a blood biomarker, plasma ptau181) was substantial (effect size > 0.7) and greater than the overall study population.
About the RewinD-LB Phase 2b Study in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
The Initial phase of RewinD-LB is a randomized, 16-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study evaluating oral neflamapimod (40mg TID) in 159 patients with DLB. Patients with AD co-pathology, as assessed by plasma ptau181 levels, were excluded from the study. Compared to patients with “pure” DLB – who may comprise up to
About CervoMed
CervoMed Inc. is a clinical-stage company focused on developing treatments for age-related neurologic disorders. The Company is currently developing neflamapimod, an investigational, orally administered small molecule brain penetrant that inhibits p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase alpha. Neflamapimod has the potential to treat synaptic dysfunction, the reversible aspect of the underlying neurodegenerative processes that causes disease in DLB and certain other major neurological disorders. Neflamapimod is currently being evaluated in a Phase 2b study in patients with DLB.
National Institute on Aging Grant
Research reported in this press release was supported by the National Institute On Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01AG080536. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes express and implied forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, regarding the intentions, plans, beliefs, expectations or forecasts for the future of the Company, including, but not limited to: the therapeutic potential of neflamapimod; the anticipated timing and achievement of clinical and development milestones, potential discussions with regulatory authorities related to the Initial and Extension phases and clinical development of and approval process for neflamapimod; any other expected or implied benefits or results, including that any future clinical results observed with respect to neflamapimod in the Initial and Extension phases will be replicated in later studies; the timing of the initiation of any phase 3 study or other additional clinical trials evaluating neflamapimod in DLB, including as a result of the Company’s need to acquire sufficient funding therefor. Terms such as “believes,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “plans,” “aims,” “seeks,” “intends,” “may,” “might,” “could,” “might,” “will,” “should,” “approximately,” “potential,” “target,” “project,” “contemplate,” “predict,” “forecast,” “continue,” or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes (including the negative of these terms) may identify these forward-looking statements. Although there is believed to be reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained herein, forward-looking statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties, known and unknown, many of which are beyond the Company’s control and, as a result, actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement. Particular risks and uncertainties include, among other things, those related to: the Company’s available cash resources and the availability of additional funds on acceptable terms; the results of the Company’s clinical trials, including RewinD-LB; the likelihood and timing of any regulatory approval of neflamapimod or the nature of any feedback the Company may receive from the FDA; the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations in the future; general economic, political, business, industry, and market conditions, inflationary pressures, and geopolitical conflicts; and the other factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 29, 2024, and other filings that the Company may file from time to time with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date hereof (or such earlier date as may be identified). The Company does not undertake any obligation to update such forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release, except to the extent required by law.
PJ Kelleher
LifeSci Advisors
Argot Partners
1 Though all analyses reported are exploratory in nature, along with
2 Except as otherwise indicated, references to “New Capsule” data in this press release include these 94 participants as a single cohort.