CervoMed Announces Last Patient Last Visit in Phase 2b RewinD-LB Trial of Neflamapimod for the Treatment of Early-Stage Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB)

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CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO) has announced the Last Patient Last Visit in its Phase 2b RewinD-LB clinical trial evaluating neflamapimod for early-stage dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The company is on track to report topline efficacy and safety data in December 2024. Key highlights include:

- 96% of enrolled patients completed the 16-week double-blind placebo-controlled portion
- 98% of those patients continued into the open label extension
- The Data Safety Monitoring Board concluded the study may proceed without modification
- CervoMed will present late-breaking oral presentations at the upcoming Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) conference

The company believes neflamapimod has the potential to restore function and improve cognitive and motor functions in DLB patients, addressing a significant unmet need in this population.

CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO) ha annunciato l'Ultimo Paziente Ultima Visita nel suo trial clinico di Fase 2b RewinD-LB, che valuta il neflamapimod per la demenza in fase precoce con corpi di Lewy (DLB). L'azienda è in pista per riportare i dati di efficacia e sicurezza preliminari a dicembre 2024. I punti salienti includono:

- Il 96% dei pazienti arruolati ha completato la fase controllata con placebo di 16 settimane
- Il 98% di questi pazienti ha continuato nell'estensione a etichetta aperta
- Il Comitato per la Sicurezza dei Dati ha concluso che lo studio può procedere senza modifiche
- CervoMed presenterà presentazioni orali di grande rilevanza alla prossima conferenza Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD)

L'azienda crede che il neflamapimod abbia il potenziale per ripristinare la funzionalità e migliorare le funzioni cognitive e motorie nei pazienti con DLB, affrontando una significativa necessità insoddisfatta in questa popolazione.

CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO) ha anunciado la Última Visita del Último Paciente en su ensayo clínico de Fase 2b RewinD-LB, que evalúa el neflamapimod para la demencia en etapas tempranas con cuerpos de Lewy (DLB). La compañía está preparada para informar los datos preliminares de eficacia y seguridad en diciembre de 2024. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

- El 96% de los pacientes inscritos completaron la fase controlada con placebo de 16 semanas
- El 98% de esos pacientes continuaron en la extensión de etiqueta abierta
- La Junta de Monitoreo de Seguridad de Datos concluyó que el estudio puede continuar sin modificaciones
- CervoMed presentará presentaciones orales de gran relevancia en la próxima conferencia sobre Ensayos Clínicos en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (CTAD)

La compañía cree que el neflamapimod tiene el potencial de restaurar la función y mejorar las funciones cognitivas y motoras en pacientes con DLB, abordando una necesidad no satisfecha significativa en esta población.

CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO)는 초기 단계 루이 소체 치매(DLB)를 위한 neflamapimod를 평가하는 2b상 RewinD-LB 임상 시험에서 2024년 12월에 효능 및 안전성 데이터에 대한 최종 결과를 보고할 예정이다라고 발표했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 등록된 환자의 96%가 16주 이중 맹검 위약 대조 단계 완료
- 그 환자의 98%가 개방형 연장으로 계속 진행
- 데이터 안전성 모니터링 위원회는 연구가 수정 없이 진행될 수 있다고 결론지음
- CervoMed는 다가오는 알츠하이머병 임상 시험(CTAD) 회의에서 주목할 만한 구술 발표를 할 예정입니다.

회사는 neflamapimod가 DLB 환자의 기능을 회복하고 인지 및 운동 기능을 개선할 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있으며, 이 인구 집단에서 중요한 미충족 요구를 해결한다고 믿습니다.

CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO) a annoncé la Dernière Visite du Dernier Patient dans son essai clinique de Phase 2b RewinD-LB évaluant le neflamapimod pour la démence précoce avec corps de Lewy (DLB). La société est sur la bonne voie pour communiquer les résultats préliminaires d'efficacité et de sécurité en décembre 2024. Les points clés incluent :

- 96 % des patients recrutés ont complété la phase contrôlée en double aveugle avec placebo de 16 semaines
- 98 % de ces patients ont continué dans l'extension à étiquette ouverte
- Le Comité de Surveillance de la Sécurité des Données a conclu que l'étude pouvait se poursuivre sans modification
- CervoMed fera des présentations orales tardives lors de la prochaine conférence sur les Essais Cliniques en Maladie d'Alzheimer (CTAD)

La société croit que le neflamapimod a le potentiel de restaurer la fonction et d'améliorer les fonctions cognitives et motrices chez les patients DLB, répondant ainsi à un besoin non satisfait important dans cette population.

CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO) hat den Letzten Patienten Letzte Untersuchung in seiner Phase-2b-Studie RewinD-LB bekannt gegeben, die neflamapimod bei der frühstadialen Lewy-Körper-Demenz (DLB) evaluiert. Das Unternehmen ist auf dem richtigen Weg, um im Dezember 2024 die Eckdaten zur Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit zu berichten. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

- 96% der eingeschlossenen Patienten haben den 16-wöchigen, doppelblinden, placebo-kontrollierten Teil abgeschlossen
- 98% dieser Patienten haben in die offene Verlängerung übergegangen
- Der Ausschuss für die Überwachung der Datensicherheit hat festgestellt, dass die Studie ohne Änderungen fortgesetzt werden kann
- CervoMed wird auf der kommenden Konferenz Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) bedeutende mündliche Präsentationen vorstellen.

Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass neflamapimod das Potenzial hat, die Funktion wiederherzustellen und die kognitiven sowie motorischen Fähigkeiten bei DLB-Patienten zu verbessern, und somit einen erheblichen ungedeckten Bedarf in dieser Population anzugehen.

  • High patient retention rate with 96% completing the 16-week study portion
  • 98% of patients continued into the open label extension, indicating potential treatment benefits
  • Data Safety Monitoring Board approved study continuation without modifications
  • On track for topline data release in December 2024
  • Potential to address unmet need in DLB treatment
  • None.


The completion of the Last Patient Last Visit in the RewinD-LB Phase 2b trial for neflamapimod in early-stage dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a significant milestone for CervoMed. The high completion rate of 96% for the 16-week double-blind portion and 98% continuation into the open-label extension suggest strong patient engagement and potentially promising tolerability.

The upcoming topline data in December 2024 will be important in determining neflamapimod's efficacy in restoring function and improving cognitive and motor functions in DLB patients. The positive safety review by the independent Data Safety Monitoring Board adds confidence to the drug's safety profile.

The planned presentations at the CTAD conference on plasma biomarker data could provide valuable insights into patient selection and potential predictors of treatment response. This could be particularly important for future trial design and potential personalized treatment approaches in DLB.

While the results are promising, investors should remain cautious as Phase 2b data is still preliminary. The lack of approved treatments for DLB presents a significant market opportunity if neflamapimod proves effective, but regulatory hurdles and potential competition should be considered in the long-term outlook.

CervoMed's progress with neflamapimod in the DLB market represents a potentially significant opportunity. With no currently approved treatments for DLB, a successful Phase 2b trial could position CervoMed as a frontrunner in this untapped market. The company's market cap of $112,663,565 suggests room for substantial growth if the trial results are positive.

Investors should note the following key points:

  • The high patient retention rates in the trial (96% completion, 98% continuation) could indicate strong efficacy or safety signals, potentially de-risking the investment.
  • Positive topline data in December 2024 could be a significant catalyst for the stock price.
  • The upcoming CTAD conference presentations may provide interim insights that could influence investor sentiment.

However, as with any clinical-stage biotech company, risks remain high. The success of neflamapimod is important for CervoMed's valuation and negative trial results could significantly impact the stock. Investors should also consider the company's cash position and burn rate leading up to the potential commercialization phase.

• On track to report topline data from the Phase 2b trial in December 2024

• Neflamapimod has the potential to restore function and improve cognitive and motor functions in DLB patients

• 96% of patients enrolled in RewinD-LB completed the 16-week portion of the study, of which 98% continued into the open label extension

BOSTON, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CervoMed Inc. (NASDAQ: CRVO), a clinical-stage company focused on developing treatments for age-related neurologic disorders, today announced the Last Patient Last Visit in RewinD-LB, a Phase 2b clinical trial evaluating neflamapimod in patients with early-stage dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). CervoMed remains on track to report topline efficacy and safety data in December 2024.

“Completion of the last patient visit in the RewinD-LB Phase 2b trial is an important milestone in our neflamapimod program for DLB,” said John Alam, MD, Chief Executive Officer of CervoMed. “There has been a high level of enthusiasm from the clinical sites, trial investigators, and patients, reflecting the significant unmet need in the DLB patient population for which no treatment is currently approved. We are also encouraged by the fact that 96% of the patients enrolled into the study completed the 16-week double-blind placebo-controlled portion of the study, of which 98% continued into the open label extension. Furthermore, our independent Data Safety Monitoring Board recently met to conduct a pre-specified review of the available safety data and concluded that the study may proceed without modification. We look forward to sharing topline data in December 2024.

Dr. Alam continued; “We are also pleased to deliver late-breaking oral presentations at the upcoming Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD) conference, where we will discuss plasma biomarker data and their relevance to our ongoing trial. Leveraging insights from our Phase 2a trial and the baseline characteristics of patients enrolled in RewinD-LB, we think that we have enrolled the appropriate early DLB patient population we were targeting when we designed the study, namely participants who both have substantial clinical deficits and are still able to show improvements in their underlying disease process. [Combined with the use of a clinically meaningful primary endpoint, these data further increase our confidence that we are well positioned in the trial as we approach the topline readout in December. With a positive result, we believe we’ll have demonstrated true clinical proof-of-concept for neflamapimod as a specific treatment for patients with DLB.”

The full details on CervoMed’s upcoming oral late-breaking presentations at CTAD can be found here.

About the RewinD-LB Phase 2b Study in Dementia with Lewy Bodies

CervoMed’s ongoing Phase 2b study, RewinD-LB, is a randomized, 16-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating oral neflamapimod (40mg TID) in 159 patients with early-stage DLB. In early-stage DLB patients – who are estimated to comprise approximately 50% of the total diagnosed DLB patient population at any given time – the disease has not progressed to a point where the patient has significant neuronal loss in the hippocampus. Patients with advanced DLB – in whom there is a significant, irreversible neuronal loss in the hippocampus and associated Alzheimer’s Disease co-pathology -- as assessed by a blood biomarker (plasma ptau181), were excluded from the study. The primary endpoint in the study is a change in the Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes, and secondary endpoints include the Timed Up and Go test, a cognitive test battery, and the Clinician’s Global Impression of Change. The RewinD-LB study is funded by a $21.0 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Aging, which is being disbursed over the course of the study as costs are incurred. The study includes 43 sites (32 in the United States, 8 in the United Kingdom, and 3 in the Netherlands) and completed enrollment in June 2024, with topline data expected in December 2024. Patients completing the 16-week placebo-controlled study period will be able to continue in the study while receiving open-label neflamapimod treatment for an additional 32 weeks. More information on the RewinD-LB study, including contact information on active clinical trial sites, is available at (NCT05869669).

About CervoMed

CervoMed Inc. (the “Company”) is a clinical-stage company focused on developing treatments for age-related neurologic disorders. The Company is currently developing neflamapimod, an investigational, orally administered small molecule brain penetrant that inhibits p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase alpha. Neflamapimod has the potential to treat synaptic dysfunction, the reversible aspect of the underlying neurodegenerative processes that causes disease in DLB and certain other major neurological disorders. Neflamapimod is currently being evaluated in a Phase 2b study in patients with early-stage DLB.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes express and implied forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, regarding the intentions, plans, beliefs, expectations or forecasts for the future of the Company, including, but not limited to, the therapeutic potential of neflamapimod and the anticipated timing and achievement of clinical and development milestones, including the completion and achievement of primary endpoints of the RewinD-LB Phase 2b clinical trial and the Company’s announcement of topline data therefrom. Terms such as “believes,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “plans,” “aims,” “seeks,” “intends,” “may,” “might,” “could,” “might,” “will,” “should,” “approximately,” “potential,” “target,” “project,” “contemplate,” “predict,” “forecast,” “continue,” or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes (including the negative of these terms) may identify these forward-looking statements. Although there is believed to be reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained herein, forward-looking statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties, known and unknown, many of which are beyond the Company’s control and, as a result, actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement. Particular risks and uncertainties include, among other things, those related to: the Company’s available cash resources and the availability of additional funds on acceptable terms; the results of the Company’s clinical trials, including RewinD-LB; the likelihood and timing of any regulatory approval of neflamapimod or the nature of any feedback the Company may receive from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations in the future; general economic, political, business, industry, and market conditions, inflationary pressures, and geopolitical conflicts; and the other factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 29, 2024, and other filings that the Company may file from time to time with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date hereof (or such earlier date as may be identified). The Company does not undertake any obligation to update such forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release, except to the extent required by law.

Investor Contact:

PJ Kelleher

LifeSci Advisors



What is the status of CervoMed's (CRVO) Phase 2b RewinD-LB trial for neflamapimod?

CervoMed has completed the Last Patient Last Visit in its Phase 2b RewinD-LB trial evaluating neflamapimod for early-stage dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The company is on track to report topline efficacy and safety data in December 2024.

What is the patient retention rate in CervoMed's (CRVO) RewinD-LB trial?

The patient retention rate in CervoMed's RewinD-LB trial is high, with 96% of enrolled patients completing the 16-week double-blind placebo-controlled portion of the study, and 98% of those continuing into the open label extension.

When will CervoMed (CRVO) report topline data for the RewinD-LB trial?

CervoMed is on track to report topline efficacy and safety data from the RewinD-LB trial in December 2024.

What did the Data Safety Monitoring Board conclude about CervoMed's (CRVO) RewinD-LB trial?

The independent Data Safety Monitoring Board conducted a pre-specified review of the available safety data and concluded that the RewinD-LB study may proceed without modification.

Where will CervoMed (CRVO) present data from the RewinD-LB trial?

CervoMed will deliver late-breaking oral presentations at the upcoming Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) conference, discussing plasma biomarker data and their relevance to the ongoing trial.

CervoMed Inc.


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