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Smartt Inc. (OTC Pink: CRSM) has acquired Costrade S.P.A., a construction firm with a strong track record of around $1 Billion in completed projects since 1951. The acquisition, finalized on August 22, 2021, is expected to enhance Smartt's construction division significantly. The first payment consists of 50 million restricted shares valued at approximately $1.1 million, with future payments based on share performance. Smartt aims to expand Costrade S.P.A.'s operations into the U.S. and LATAM, positioning the company as a leading construction entity in Europe.
Smartt Inc. (CRSM) has announced the acquisition of Immobilfin S.P.A., a real estate company valued at $47.6 million and generating approximately $1.5 million annually. The deal includes a commercial building in Naples, Italy, leased to the government. Smartt will issue 50 million restricted shares valued at roughly $1.5 million as part of the transaction. CEO Roy Capasso emphasized plans for growth in real estate and technology sectors globally. He indicated a commitment to leveraging investment networks to expand the company’s presence.
Smartt Inc. (OTC Pink: CRSM) announced the cancellation of its Form D to prioritize shareholder interests, showcasing its commitment to growth. The company has transitioned to a Holdings model focusing on strategic acquisitions in Technology, Real Estate, and Construction. A recent acquisition of Black Brick Construction, generating over $100K in positive cash flow, aims to boost immediate revenue. The company plans to unveil a new website, logo, and SEC reporting by year-end, with no reverse stock split intended. Director Diego Visconti expressed optimism about future growth and shareholder value.
Smartt Inc. (OTC Pink: CRSM) announced the acquisition of Black Brick Construction, Inc., a Florida-based company specializing in Ground Up Construction and Data Centers. The acquisition gives Smartt 100% ownership and aligns with their strategy to expand through scalable firms with real revenue streams. Black Brick is currently profitable, generating over $100,000 in cash flow, and has three promising projects in the pipeline. Smartt aims to further diversify its operations across technology, real estate, and construction.
What is the current stock price of CARSMARTT (CRSM)?