Salesforce Introduces Agentforce Partner Network — The World’s First Agent Ecosystem

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Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) has introduced the Agentforce Partner Network, the world's first agent ecosystem. This open ecosystem enables companies to extend their Agentforce capabilities with third-party AI agents and agent actions. Key features include:

1. Partner-built agent actions and templates available through Salesforce's AppExchange
2. Collaboration with major tech companies like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM, and Workday
3. Support from global system integrators to accelerate AI-driven transformations
4. Integration with existing technology investments for seamless task execution

The network aims to enhance Agentforce's ability to plan and reason across multiple systems, accomplishing complex tasks more efficiently. Salesforce's vision is to enable customers with a billion AI agents over the next year, revolutionizing how businesses achieve customer success.

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) ha introdotto il Agentforce Partner Network, il primo ecosistema di agenti al mondo. Questo ecosistema aperto consente alle aziende di estendere le proprie capacità di Agentforce con agenti AI di terze parti e azioni di agenti. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Azioni e modelli di agenti sviluppati dai partner disponibili tramite l'AppExchange di Salesforce
2. Collaborazione con grandi aziende tecnologiche come Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM e Workday
3. Supporto da parte di integratori di sistemi globali per accelerare le trasformazioni guidate dall'IA
4. Integrazione con investimenti tecnologici esistenti per un'esecuzione dei compiti senza soluzione di continuità

La rete mira a migliorare la capacità di Agentforce di pianificare e ragionare tra più sistemi, realizzando compiti complessi in modo più efficiente. La visione di Salesforce è quella di consentire ai clienti di avere un miliardo di agenti AI nel prossimo anno, rivoluzionando il modo in cui le aziende raggiungono il successo del cliente.

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) ha presentado la Red de Socios Agentforce, el primer ecosistema de agentes del mundo. Este ecosistema abierto permite a las empresas ampliar sus capacidades de Agentforce con agentes de IA de terceros y acciones de agentes. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Acciones y plantillas de agentes desarrolladas por socios disponibles a través de la AppExchange de Salesforce
2. Colaboración con importantes empresas tecnológicas como Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM y Workday
3. Apoyo de integradores de sistemas globales para acelerar las transformaciones impulsadas por IA
4. Integración con inversiones tecnológicas existentes para una ejecución de tareas sin problemas

La red tiene como objetivo mejorar la capacidad de Agentforce para planificar y razonar entre múltiples sistemas, logrando tareas complejas de manera más eficiente. La visión de Salesforce es permitir a sus clientes contar con un billón de agentes de IA en el próximo año, revolucionando la forma en que las empresas logran el éxito del cliente.

세일즈포스(NYSE: CRM)는 세계 최초의 에이전트 생태계인 Agentforce 파트너 네트워크를 소개했습니다. 이 열린 생태계는 기업이 타사 AI 에이전트 및 에이전트 액션을 통해 Agentforce 기능을 확장할 수 있게 해줍니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Salesforce의 AppExchange를 통해 제공되는 파트너 생성 에이전트 액션 및 템플릿
2. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM 및 Workday와 같은 주요 기술 기업과의 협업
3. AI 기반 변화를 가속화하기 위한 글로벌 시스템 통합업체의 지원
4. 원활한 작업 실행을 위한 기존 기술 투자와의 통합

이 네트워크는 Agentforce가 여러 시스템 간에 계획하고 추론하는 능력을 향상시켜 복잡한 작업을 더 효율적으로 수행하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Salesforce의 비전은 다음 1년 동안 고객에게 10억 개의 AI 에이전트를 제공하여 기업의 고객 성공 달성 방식을 혁신하는 것입니다.

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) a lancé le Réseau de Partenaires Agentforce, le premier écosystème d'agents au monde. Cet écosystème ouvert permet aux entreprises d'élargir leurs capacités Agentforce avec des agents d'IA tiers et des actions d'agents. Les principales caractéristiques comprennent :

1. Actions et modèles d'agents construits par des partenaires disponibles via l'AppExchange de Salesforce
2. Collaboration avec des grandes entreprises technologiques comme Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM et Workday
3. Soutien des intégrateurs de systèmes mondiaux pour accélérer les transformations pilotées par l'IA
4. Intégration avec les investissements technologiques existants pour une exécution des tâches sans faille

Le réseau vise à améliorer la capacité d'Agentforce à planifier et à raisonner à travers plusieurs systèmes, accomplissant des tâches complexes de manière plus efficace. La vision de Salesforce est de permettre aux clients d'accéder à un milliard d'agents IA au cours de l'année prochaine, révolutionnant ainsi la manière dont les entreprises atteignent le succès client.

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) hat das Agentforce Partner Network eingeführt, das weltweit erste Agenten-Ökosystem. Dieses offene Ökosystem ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Agentforce-Fähigkeiten mit drittanbieter AI-Agenten und Agentenaktionen zu erweitern. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

1. Von Partnern entwickelte Agentenaktionen und Vorlagen, die über den AppExchange von Salesforce verfügbar sind
2. Zusammenarbeit mit großen Technologieunternehmen wie Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM und Workday
3. Unterstützung durch globale Systemintegratoren, um KI-gesteuerte Transformationen zu beschleunigen
4. Integration mit bestehenden Technologieinvestitionen für eine nahtlose Aufgabenausführung

Das Netzwerk zielt darauf ab, die Fähigkeit von Agentforce zu verbessern, über mehrere Systeme hinweg zu planen und zu argumentieren, um komplexe Aufgaben effizienter zu erledigen. Die Vision von Salesforce ist es, den Kunden im nächsten Jahr eine Milliarde AI-Agenten zur Verfügung zu stellen und die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen den Kundenerfolg erreichen, zu revolutionieren.

  • Introduction of Agentforce Partner Network, expanding Salesforce's AI capabilities
  • Collaboration with major tech companies like AWS, Google Cloud, IBM, and Workday
  • Easy integration of partner-built agent actions and templates through AppExchange
  • Support from global system integrators to accelerate AI-driven transformations
  • Potential for increased productivity and efficiency in complex business tasks
  • None.

Salesforce's introduction of the Agentforce Partner Network marks a significant advancement in AI-driven business solutions. This ecosystem enables the creation of a vast network of AI agents capable of performing complex tasks across multiple systems, addressing the challenge of managing numerous applications in enterprise environments.

The partnership with tech giants like AWS, Google Cloud and IBM adds substantial credibility and capability to the platform. The integration of partner-built agent actions and templates through AppExchange streamlines the customization process, potentially accelerating AI adoption in various industries.

However, the success of this initiative will largely depend on the quality and reliability of partner-developed agents and actions. There's also a potential risk of increased complexity in managing multiple AI agents across different systems. Overall, this move positions Salesforce at the forefront of AI integration in CRM systems, potentially reshaping the competitive landscape in the enterprise software market.

The Agentforce Partner Network represents a paradigm shift in enterprise AI implementation. By enabling AI agents to operate across multiple systems and datasets, Salesforce is addressing a critical limitation in current AI deployments. This approach could significantly enhance operational efficiency and decision-making processes in businesses.

The ability to customize and extend AI capabilities through partner-built actions and templates is particularly noteworthy. It allows for tailored AI solutions across various industries and functions, potentially leading to more widespread and effective AI adoption.

However, the complexity of managing a "digital workforce" of AI agents raises important questions about governance, security and ethical use of AI in business contexts. Companies will need to develop new strategies to effectively oversee and coordinate these AI systems. Despite these challenges, this initiative has the potential to dramatically accelerate AI-driven business transformation.

Salesforce's Agentforce Partner Network is a strategic move to dominate the AI-powered CRM market. By creating an open ecosystem, Salesforce is leveraging the expertise of partners to rapidly expand its AI capabilities, potentially outpacing competitors in innovation and functionality.

The involvement of major tech companies and global system integrators suggests a strong industry buy-in, which could accelerate adoption among enterprise clients. This network effect could create a significant competitive advantage for Salesforce in the long term.

However, the success of this strategy hinges on effective partner management and quality control. Salesforce will need to ensure that partner-developed agents and actions meet high standards of performance and security. Additionally, the company may face challenges in revenue sharing and intellectual property management within this ecosystem. Despite these potential hurdles, if executed well, this initiative could significantly strengthen Salesforce's market position and drive long-term growth.

This open ecosystem enables a company’s Agentforce to complete complex tasks that require chaining together actions across Salesforce and a broad network of third-party systems and agents

Partners like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM, and Workday will extend Agentforce with new agent actions, pre-built agent templates, and partner agents that can plan and take action across multiple systems on behalf of users and businesses

Partner-built agent actions and templates will be available to customers natively in the platform through Salesforce’s AppExchange to quickly and easily customize out-of-the-box agents or to build their own agents with specialized skills

Global system integrators — including Accenture, Deloitte Digital, Capgemini, IBM Consulting, PwC, and Slalom — will bring Agentforce to life for customers, accelerating AI-driven transformations for businesses worldwide

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Salesforce (NYSE: CRM), the #1 AI CRM, today announced the Agentforce Partner Network, a global ecosystem of leading partners building new third-party AI agents and agent actions for Agentforce. Customers can easily install these trusted third-party extensions from the Salesforce AppExchange to customize Agentforce’s out-of-the-box agents, build new agents with specific skills, or deploy partner-built agents for specialized industry, line of business, or functional use cases. This ecosystem extends Agentforce's ability to plan and reason across a broad network of technology and data providers to accomplish complex tasks and get more done on behalf of users.

“Agentforce represents a monumental shift in the industry, enabling humans with AI to redefine how businesses achieve customer success," said Brian Millham, President and Chief Operating Officer at Salesforce. "Over the next year, our bold vision is to enable customers with a billion AI agents. The Agentforce Partner Network, the world's first agent ecosystem, plays a crucial role in helping our customers realize this vision by providing a vast catalog of trusted and ready-to-deploy partner agents and agent actions.”

Why it matters: To successfully and autonomously automate a task or sequence of tasks, an AI agent needs to reason through a prompt, user intent, or system event, retrieve data, build a multi-step plan, and take action to execute the plan. The more actions an agent can perform, the more capable at certain tasks it will be. But, what if that action requires the agent to interface with another system or agent?

With the average enterprise managing nearly 1,000 different applications, autonomous AI agents will need the skills, data, and domain expertise to navigate across multiple systems, databases, and other agents to get work done. With the Agentforce Partner Network, customers can now access a catalog of third-party skills, actions, and agents directly in the Salesforce Platform to make AI agents even more capable and unleash a limitless digital workforce.

Whether it’s answering customer service inquiries, qualifying sales leads, or optimizing marketing campaigns, customers can use partner capabilities to augment out-of-the-box agents with specialized skills to interact with the products they need to accomplish a task or bring partner agents right into the flow of work. With the Agentforce Partner Network, customers will be able to leverage these agents and actions that seamlessly connect their existing technology investments to make sure that AI agents have the proper context and access needed to execute complex work and get more done on their behalf. The future of AI is agents, working together alongside humans, and the future is here.

Zoom in:

The Agentforce Partner Network includes launch partners such as Amazon Web Services, Appiphony, Asymbl, Box, Certinia, Copado, Coupa, Docusign, GoMeddo, Google Cloud, Honeywell, IBM, Korn Ferry, Moody’s, OpenText, Sprout Social, TerraSky, Workday, Zoom, and more. These partners are building 1) agent actions to bring new skills or integration with third-party apps and agents to Agentforce and/or 2) agent templates to support specialized industries or line of business use cases. Customers can install these actions and agent templates directly in the Salesforce Platform through AppExchange and use them in Agent Builder to customize out-of-the-box agents, build new agents with unique skills, or deploy new agents based on pre-defined templates.

1. Partner-built agent actions and topics:

Using Agent Builder, organizations can add or configure jobs to be done for their agent in the form of topics and actions. Topics define the guardrails, in natural language, and the set of actions that can be used within those guardrails. Agentforce includes a library of standard actions, like “Summarize Record,” “Plan My Day, ” or “Process Return,” with more being added all the time. And, Salesforce partners are building additional tailored and specialized actions to extend this library. These actions can be simple sets of secure API calls, actions engineered for a specific industry, complex multi-step workflows, or secure integrations to third-party agents. Partners can also ship topics to group their actions into jobs to be done with predefined guardrails. Customers will soon have access to dozens of specialized partner agent actions for:

Content creation and management

Google Workspace: Create, find, and share Google Docs and Slides, based on CRM data.
Box: Surface the right Box content for an account, lead, or opportunity and use natural language to interact with documents.
Docusign: Generate partnership document, route for signature, and track doc and signature status.
Honeywell: Assemble compliant training materials for life sciences workers based on complex regulatory standards.

Sales and customer insights

Zoom: Access analytics and key insights from calls, meetings, and other productivity solutions from Zoom Workplace.
Moody’s: Compile customer insights from company overviews, news articles, and financial filings.
Korn Ferry: Suggest personalized seller actions and schedule coaching to improve.
Sprout Social: Summarize customer cases with social data to understand what drives their satisfaction.
Tribble: Increase sales team productivity by automating RFPs and speeding up rep onboarding.

Industry automation

Copado: Generate developer and testing materials to deliver Salesforce Platform apps faster.
Coupa: Optimize budget spend, monitor compliance, and find budget efficiencies.
OpenText: Enable insurance adjusters to verify claim-specialist findings and expedite a claim.
GoMeddo: Optimize appointments across patient, doctor, technician, and exam room calendars.
Asymbl: Identify candidates based on job needs and schedule interviews with top prospects.

2. Partner-built agents and agent templates

Beyond actions and topics, partners will also be able to build and distribute pre-built agents and agent templates. These templates assemble a set of actions and topics together into a pre-tested agent for specialized industry, line of business, or functional use cases. These partner-built out-of-the-box agents are easy to deploy from the AppExchange, can be set up in minutes with clicks, not code, and work just like the Salesorce provided out-of-the-box-agents.

For example: Organizations across highly regulated industries will be able to use pre-built agents from IBM to get work done without having to move data across systems, which would add more time and cost to customers’ AI deployments. Banking advisors will be able to streamline loan approvals by engaging autonomous partner agents to handle credit checks, ensure compliance with local laws, engage with clients directly, and generate loan origination documents. Customers will also be able to use pre-built agents from Workday to streamline employee services like onboarding, health benefit changes, and career development, and Certinia to identify customer adoption risks and drive contextual engagement to proactively resolve issues and improve account health and value realization.

Implementation partners increase readiness and ROI

Systems integrators (SIs) support enterprises in defining, building, and deploying AI agents and actions using Agentforce, tapping their domain and platform expertise. The Agentforce Partner Network amplifies these collaboratively created agents and actions, unlocking more advanced agent functionality and specialization.

Salesforce has committed to joint investments to strengthen this collaborative effort, supporting its partners in delivering seamless Agentforce solutions. SIs possess a deep understanding of Salesforce technology and the technologies from ISVs and other partners, enabling them to create a unified strategy tailored to customer needs, driving better results across the board.

Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte Digital, IBM, PwC, Slalom, and more are invested in helping customers across industries begin their journey and realize the value of Agentforce. Customers unsure of where to start can partner with trusted experts to create a strategy, connect data, customize, and implement agents tailored to business needs, and on average, report 31% faster adoption of emerging technologies when using a consulting partner.*

Analyst perspective: “With the Agentforce Partner Network, Salesforce is cultivating an open ecosystem and bringing together industry-leading partners to empower Agentforce Agents with data, skills, and expertise to get work done – increasing productivity across many different complex systems and workflows. Thus enabling partners and their customers to show faster results from the AI and autonomous agent pilots.” — Steve White, IDC


For available agent actions and demos, please visit AppExchange

Get started:

  • Read about Agentforce
  • Check out all of the Salesforce-approved partners who are equipped to enhance Agentforce readiness, facilitate seamless implementations, and drive ROI
  • Tune into Dreamforce to see how Agentforce can transform your business operations
  • Learn more about Google and IBM’s Agentforce integrations

About Salesforce:

Salesforce helps organizations of any size reimagine their business for the world of AI. With Agentforce, Salesforce's trusted platform, organizations can bring humans together with agents to drive customer success—powered by AI, data, and action. Visit for more information.

*Source: 2023 Salesforce Partner Value / AppExchange Customer Success Survey. 2023 survey based on n=1,000 customers across AMER, EMEA, LATAM, and APAC.

Any unreleased services or features referenced here are not currently available and may not be delivered on time or at all. Customers should make their purchase decisions based upon features that are currently available.

Salesforce Public Relations

Source: Salesforce


What is the Agentforce Partner Network introduced by Salesforce (CRM)?

The Agentforce Partner Network is the world's first agent ecosystem that enables companies to extend their Agentforce capabilities with third-party AI agents and agent actions. It allows customers to easily install trusted third-party extensions from Salesforce's AppExchange to customize and enhance their AI agents.

Who are some of the key partners in Salesforce's (CRM) Agentforce Partner Network?

Key partners in the Agentforce Partner Network include Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM, Workday, Accenture, Deloitte Digital, Capgemini, PwC, and Slalom, among others. These partners are building new agent actions, pre-built agent templates, and specialized agents for various industries and business functions.

How does the Agentforce Partner Network benefit Salesforce (CRM) customers?

The Agentforce Partner Network benefits Salesforce customers by providing access to a vast catalog of trusted and ready-to-deploy partner agents and agent actions. This allows customers to customize out-of-the-box agents, build new agents with specific skills, or deploy partner-built agents for specialized industry use cases, enhancing their ability to automate complex tasks across multiple systems.

What is Salesforce's (CRM) vision for AI agents in the coming year?

Salesforce's vision is to enable customers with a billion AI agents over the next year. The Agentforce Partner Network plays a important role in helping customers realize this vision by providing a vast catalog of trusted and ready-to-deploy partner agents and agent actions.

Salesforce, Inc.


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