Cresco Labs Reports Consistent Profitability Improvement with Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

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Cresco Labs (OTCQX: CRLBF) reported its Q2 2024 financial results, showing consistent profitability improvement. Key highlights include:

  • Revenue of $184 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $54 million, up 33% year-over-year
  • Adjusted EBITDA margin of 29%, an 880 bps improvement
  • Operating cash flow of $17 million and Free Cash Flow of $11 million

The company retained the No. 1 share position in Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. Cresco Labs also announced a new tax position, expecting to recognize an estimated cash savings of $65 million in 2024. The company remains optimistic about cannabis reform progress and its readiness for industry changes.

Cresco Labs (OTCQX: CRLBF) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024, evidenziando un miglioramento costante della redditività. I punti salienti includono:

  • Entrate di 184 milioni di dollari
  • EBITDA rettificato di 54 milioni di dollari, in aumento del 33% rispetto all'anno precedente
  • Margine EBITDA rettificato del 29%, un miglioramento di 880 punti base
  • Flusso di cassa operativo di 17 milioni di dollari e Flusso di cassa libero di 11 milioni di dollari

L'azienda ha mantenuto la posizione di leader con la quota di mercato numero uno in Illinois, Pennsylvania e Massachusetts. Cresco Labs ha anche annunciato una nuova posizione fiscale, prevedendo di riconoscere un risparmio in contante stimato di 65 milioni di dollari nel 2024. L'azienda rimane ottimista riguardo ai progressi nella riforma della cannabis e alla sua prontezza per i cambiamenti del settore.

Cresco Labs (OTCQX: CRLBF) informó sus resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024, mostrando una mejora constante en la rentabilidad. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Ingresos de 184 millones de dólares
  • EBITDA ajustado de 54 millones de dólares, un aumento del 33% en comparación con el año anterior
  • Margen de EBITDA ajustado del 29%, una mejora de 880 puntos básicos
  • Flujo de caja operativo de 17 millones de dólares y Flujo de caja libre de 11 millones de dólares

La empresa mantuvo su posición de liderazgo en cuotas de mercado en Illinois, Pennsylvania y Massachusetts. Cresco Labs también anunció una nueva posición fiscal, esperando reconocer un ahorro en efectivo estimado de 65 millones de dólares en 2024. La empresa se mantiene optimista acerca de los avances en la reforma del cannabis y su preparación para los cambios en la industria.

Cresco Labs(OTCQX: CRLBF)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표하며 지속적인 수익성 향상을 보였습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 1억 8400만 달러의 수익
  • 조정 EBITDA 5400만 달러로 전년 대비 33% 증가
  • 조정 EBITDA 마진 29%로 880bp 개선
  • 운영 현금 흐름 1700만 달러 및 자유 현금 흐름 1100만 달러

회사는 일리노이, 펜실베이니아 및 매사추세츠에서 시장 점유율 1위를 유지했습니다. Cresco Labs는 또한 새로운 세금 위치를 발표하며 2024년에 약 6천500만 달러의 현금 절감을 인식할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 대마초 개혁의 진전과 산업 변화에 대한 준비가 긍정적이라고 말했습니다.

Cresco Labs (OTCQX: CRLBF) a publié ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre 2024, montrant une amélioration constante de la rentabilité. Les points clés incluent :

  • Chiffre d'affaires de 184 millions de dollars
  • EBITDA ajusté de 54 millions de dollars, en hausse de 33 % par rapport à l'année précédente
  • Marche EBITDA ajusté de 29 %, avec une amélioration de 880 points de base
  • Flux de trésorerie d'exploitation de 17 millions de dollars et Flux de trésorerie libre de 11 millions de dollars

L'entreprise a conservé la première position de part de marché en Illinois, en Pennsylvanie et au Massachusetts. Cresco Labs a également annoncé une nouvelle position fiscale, s'attendant à reconnaître des économies de liquidités estimées à 65 millions de dollars en 2024. L'entreprise reste optimiste quant aux progrès de la réforme du cannabis et à sa préparation aux changements de l'industrie.

Cresco Labs (OTCQX: CRLBF) hat seine Finanzzahlen für das 2. Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht und eine konstante Verbesserung der Rentabilität gezeigt. Die wichtigsten Highlights sind:

  • Umsatz von 184 Millionen Dollar
  • Bereinigtes EBITDA von 54 Millionen Dollar, ein Anstieg von 33% im Jahresvergleich
  • Bereinigte EBITDA-Marge von 29%, eine Verbesserung um 880 Basispunkte
  • Betrieblicher Cashflow von 17 Millionen Dollar und Freier Cashflow von 11 Millionen Dollar

Das Unternehmen behält die führende Marktanteilsposition in Illinois, Pennsylvania und Massachusetts. Cresco Labs hat zudem eine neue Steuerposition angekündigt und erwartet, dass es 2024 geschätzte Einsparungen von 65 Millionen Dollar in bar erkennen wird. Das Unternehmen bleibt optimistisch bezüglich der Fortschritte bei der Reform der Cannabisgesetzgebung und seiner Bereitschaft für Veränderungen in der Branche.

  • Adjusted EBITDA increased 33% year-over-year to $54 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA margin improved by 880 basis points to 29%
  • Generated $17 million in operating cash flow and $11 million in Free Cash Flow
  • Retained No. 1 market share position in Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts
  • Expects $65 million cash savings in 2024 due to new tax position
  • Net loss of $51 million, including a one-time $61 million charge related to new tax position
  • Revenue of $184 million, showing no significant growth mentioned
  • Senior secured term loan debt of $388 million and mortgage loan of $18 million

Over 800 basis point year over year improvement in Adjusted EBITDA Margin1

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cresco Labs Inc. (CSE: CL) (OTCQX: CRLBF) (FSE: 6CQ) (“Cresco Labs” or the “Company”), the industry leader in branded cannabis products with a portfolio of America’s most popular brands and the operator of Sunnyside dispensaries, today released its financial and operating results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024. All financial information presented in this release is reported in accordance with U.S. GAAP and in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise indicated, and is available on the Company’s investor website, here.

Second Quarter 2024 Highlights

  • Second quarter revenue of $184 million.
  • Gross profit of $95 million. Adjusted gross profit1 of $97 million up 4% year-over-year; and an Adjusted gross margin1 of 52% of revenue, a 570 bps improvement.
  • SG&A of $54 million. Reduced Adjusted SG&A1 by 14% year-over-year to $53 million, or 29% of revenue.
  • Net loss of $51 million which includes a one-time $61 million charge in the quarter related to the Company’s new tax position, as further described below. 
  • Second quarter Adjusted EBITDA1 of $54 million, up 33% year-over-year; and Adjusted EBITDA margin1 of 29%, an 880 bps improvement.
  • Second quarter operating cash flow of $17 million and Free Cash Flow1 of $11 million.
  • Retained the No. 1 share position in Illinois, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts2.

1 See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” at the end of this press release for more information regarding the Company’s use of non-GAAP financial measures.

2 According to BDSA.

Management Commentary

“Our Q2 results demonstrate the sustainability of the improvements we’ve made to the business over the past year with $184 million in revenue at a 29% Adjusted EBITDA margin1. It is clear our strategy is working; we are creating the brands consumers love and delivering best-in-class retail operations through Sunnyside. So far this year we’ve generated over twice as much operating cash flow than the first half of last year and we are putting it to work strengthening our balance sheet, investing in our core growth states with adult-use optionality, and exploring accretive, incremental M&A and other business opportunities.

We are seeing growing momentum in the industry. The DEA’s comment period on rescheduling recently closed, with 92% of over 40,000 comments submitted in overwhelming support for reclassifying cannabis as a Schedule III substance or declassifying cannabis entirely. Recent polls also show energy swelling around Florida’s Amendment 3 initiative to legalize adult-use.

As the pace of reform challenges even the most patient of us, it’s important for all stakeholders to remember that cannabis reform consistently polls higher than any candidate in any election, and the public has made it clear that it’s time for change. Reform is imminent and we are ready,” said Charles Bachtell, CEO of Cresco Labs.

Balance Sheet, Liquidity and Other Financial Information

  • As of June 30, 2024, current assets were $273 million, including cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash of $116 million. The Company had senior secured term loan debt, net of discount and issuance costs, of $388 million and a mortgage loan, net of discount and issuance costs of $18 million.
  • Total shares on a fully converted basis to Subordinate Voting Shares were 476,491,770 as of June 30, 2024.
  • The Company, in consultation with its tax advisors, has determined that IRS Section 280E is not applicable to its business and intends to update its tax position going forward to file as a normal business. As a result of the revised tax position:
    • the Company expects to recognize an estimated cash savings of $65 million in 2024 with similar impacts on a percentage basis anticipated in future years.  A corresponding uncertain tax position will be booked to reflect the risk of a challenge to the tax savings generated by the change in filing position;
    • the Company should recognize cash tax benefits over time, thereby reducing its tax liability and offsetting the $61 million charge. The Company expects the cash savings to mirror the cash outlay for a net neutral impact in every period; and
    • upon the approval  of cannabis being moved to a  Schedule III substance, the Company expects a reduction in income tax expense and an increase in deferred tax asset, effectively offsetting the $61 million charge and tax receivable agreement liability.

Conference Call and Webcast

The Company will host a conference call and webcast to discuss its financial results on Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 8:30am Eastern Time (7:30am Central Time). The conference call may be accessed via webcast or by dialing 1-800-715-9871 (US Toll Free) or 1-646-307-1963 (US Local), providing access code 9627744. Archived access to the webcast will be available for one year on Cresco Labs’ investor website.

Consolidated Financial Statements

The financial information reported in this press release is based on unaudited management prepared financial statements for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The Company expects to file its unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, on SEDAR+ and EDGAR on or about August 8, 2024. Accordingly, such financial information may be subject to change. All financial information contained in this press release is qualified in its entirety with reference to such financial statements. While the Company does not expect there to be any material changes between the information contained in this press release and the consolidated financial statements it files on SEDAR+ and EDGAR, to the extent that the financial information contained in this press release is inconsistent with the information contained in the Company’s financial statements, the financial information contained in this press release shall be deemed to be modified or superseded by the Company’s filed financial statements. The making of a modifying or superseding statement shall not be deemed an admission, for any purposes, that the modified or superseded statement, when made, constituted a misrepresentation for purposes of applicable securities laws. Further, the reader should refer to the additional disclosures in the Company’s audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, previously filed on SEDAR+ and EDGAR.

Cresco Labs references certain non-GAAP financial measures throughout this press release, which may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Please see the “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” section below for more detailed information.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

This release reports its financial results in accordance with U.S. GAAP and includes certain non-GAAP financial measures that do not have standardized definitions under U.S. GAAP. The non-GAAP measures include: Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”); Adjusted EBITDA; Adjusted EBITDA margin; Adjusted gross profit; Adjusted gross profit margin; Adjusted selling, general and administrative expenses (“Adjusted SG&A”), Adjusted SG&A margin; and Free Cash Flow are non-GAAP financial measures and do not have standardized definitions under U.S. GAAP. The Company defines these non-GAAP financial measures as follows: EBITDA as net loss (income) before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; Adjusted EBITDA as EBITDA less other income, net, adjustments for acquisition and non-core costs, impairment and share-based compensation; Adjusted EBITDA Margin as Adjusted EBITDA divided by revenues, net; Adjusted gross profit as gross profit less adjustments for acquisition and non-core costs; Adjusted gross profit margin as Adjusted gross profit divided by revenues, net; Adjusted SG&A as SG&A less adjustments for acquisition and non-core costs; Adjusted SG&A margin as Adjusted SG&A divided by revenues, net; and Free Cash Flow as Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities less purchases of property and equipment and proceeds from tenant improvement allowances. The Company has provided the non-GAAP financial measures, which are not calculated or presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP, as supplemental information and in addition to the financial measures that are calculated and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. These supplemental non-GAAP financial measures are presented because management has evaluated the financial results both including and excluding the adjusted items and believe that the supplemental non-GAAP financial measures presented provide additional perspective and insights when analyzing the core operating performance of the business. These supplemental non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered superior to, as a substitute for or as an alternative to, and should only be considered in conjunction with, the U.S. GAAP financial measures presented herein. Accordingly, the Company has included below reconciliations of the supplemental non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

About Cresco Labs Inc.

Cresco Labs’ mission is to normalize and professionalize the cannabis industry through a CPG approach to building national brands and a customer-focused retail experience, while acting as a steward for the industry on legislative and regulatory-focused initiatives. As a leader in cultivation, production and branded product distribution, the Company is leveraging its scale and agility to grow its portfolio of brands that include Cresco, High Supply, FloraCal, Good News, Wonder Wellness Co., Mindy’s and Remedi, on a national level. The Company also operates highly productive dispensaries nationally under the Sunnyside brand that focus on building patient and consumer trust and delivering ongoing education and convenience in a wonderfully traditional retail experience. Through year-round policy, community outreach and SEED initiative efforts, Cresco Labs embraces the responsibility to support communities through authentic engagement, economic opportunity, investment, workforce development and legislative initiatives designed to create the most responsible, respectable and robust cannabis industry possible. Learn more about Cresco Labs’ journey by visiting or following the Company on Facebook, X or LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and may also contain statements that may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively, “forward-looking statements”). Such forward-looking statements are not representative of historical facts or information or current condition, but instead represent only the Company’s beliefs regarding future events, plans or objectives, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of the Company’s control. Generally, such forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as, ‘may,’ ‘will,’ ‘should,’ ‘could,’ ‘would,’ ‘expects,’ ‘plans,’ ‘anticipates,’ ‘believes,’ ‘estimates,’ ‘projects,’ ‘predicts,’ ‘potential’ or ‘continue’ or the negative of those forms or other comparable terms. The Company’s forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including but not limited to those risks discussed under “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed on SEDAR+ and EDGAR, other documents filed by the Company with Canadian securities regulatory authorities; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Because of these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on the Company’s forward-looking statements. No assurances are given as to the future trading price or trading volumes of Cresco Labs’ shares, nor as to the Company’s financial performance in future financial periods. The Company does not intend to update any of these factors or to publicly announce the result of any revisions to any of the Company’s forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of new information, any future event or otherwise. Except as otherwise indicated, this press release speaks as of the date hereof. The distribution of this press release does not imply that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company after the date hereof or create any duty or commitment to update or supplement any information provided in this press release or otherwise.

Cresco Labs Inc.

Financial Information and Non-GAAP Reconciliations

(All amounts expressed in thousands of U.S. Dollars)








Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023






For the Three Months Ended

($ in thousands)


June 30, 2024


March 31, 2024


June 30, 2023

Revenues, net













Cost of goods sold













Gross profit













Gross profit %













Operating expenses:







Selling, general and administrative













Share-based compensation













Depreciation and amortization













Impairment loss











Total operating expenses













Income (loss) from operations




















Other (expense) income, net:







Interest expense, net













Other (expense) income, net













Total other expense, net













(Loss) income before income taxes













Income tax expense













Net loss1













1 Net loss includes amounts attributable to non-controlling interests.

Cresco Labs Inc.

Unaudited Reconciliation of Gross Profit to Adjusted Gross Profit (Non-GAAP)

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023










For the Three Months Ended

($ in thousands)


June 30, 2024


March 31, 2024


June 30, 2023

Revenues, net













Cost of goods sold1













Gross profit













Cost of goods sold adjustments for acquisition and other non-core costs













Adjusted gross profit (Non-GAAP)













Adjusted gross profit % (Non-GAAP)













1 Production (cultivation, manufacturing and processing) costs related to products sold during the period.

Cresco Labs Inc.

Summarized Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

As of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023






($ in thousands)


June 30, 2024


December 31, 2023






Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash







Other current assets







Property and equipment, net







Intangible assets, net














Other non-current assets







Total assets












Total current liabilities







Total non-current liabilities







Total shareholders’ equity







Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity







Cresco Labs Inc.

Unaudited Reconciliation of SG&A to Adjusted SG&A (Non-GAAP)

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023










For the Three Months Ended

($ in thousands)


June 30, 2024


March 31, 2024


June 30, 2023

Selling, general and administrative













Adjustments for acquisition and other non-core costs













Adjusted SG&A (Non-GAAP)













Adjusted SG&A % (Non-GAAP)













Cresco Labs Inc.

Unaudited Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP)

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023










For the Three Months Ended

($ in thousands)


June 30, 2024


March 31, 2024


June 30, 2023

Net loss1













Depreciation and amortization













Interest expense, net













Income tax expense

































Other expense (income), net













Adjustments for acquisition and other non-core costs













Impairment loss











Share-based compensation













Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP)













1 Net loss includes amounts attributable to non-controlling interests.

Cresco Labs Inc.

Unaudited Summarized Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023









For the Three Months Ended

($ in thousands)


June 30, 2024


March 31, 2024


June 30, 2023

Net cash provided by operating activities













Net cash used in investing activities













Net cash used in financing activities













Effect of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents













Net change in cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash













Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period













Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of period













Cresco Labs Inc.

Unaudited Reconciliation of Operating Cash Flow to Free Cash Flow (Non-GAAP)

For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023










For the Three Months Ended

($ in thousands)


June 30, 2024


March 31, 2024


June 30, 2023

Net cash provided by operating activities













Purchases of property and equipment













Proceeds from tenant improvement allowances













Free Cash Flow (Non-GAAP)















Jason Erkes, Cresco Labs

Chief Communications Officer



TJ Cole, Cresco Labs

SVP, Corporate Development & Investor Relations

For general Cresco Labs inquiries:


Source: Cresco Labs


What was Cresco Labs' (CRLBF) revenue in Q2 2024?

Cresco Labs reported revenue of $184 million for the second quarter of 2024.

How much did Cresco Labs' (CRLBF) Adjusted EBITDA improve in Q2 2024?

Cresco Labs' Adjusted EBITDA increased by 33% year-over-year to $54 million in Q2 2024.

What is Cresco Labs' (CRLBF) new tax position and its expected impact?

Cresco Labs determined that IRS Section 280E is not applicable to its business and expects to recognize an estimated cash savings of $65 million in 2024 due to this new tax position.

In which states does Cresco Labs (CRLBF) hold the No. 1 market share position?

Cresco Labs retained the No. 1 market share position in Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.



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Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
United States of America