Charles River Provides Translational Expertise at Neuroscience 2024

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Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) announced its participation in Neuroscience 2024, the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting from October 5-9 in Chicago. The company's neuroscience experts will present 18 scientific posters, showcasing their commitment to advancing neuroscience research. Key presentations include studies on in vitro co-culture models for myelination and neuroinflammation using iPSC-derived cells.

Charles River's team will also discuss advancements in ALS research and their impact on drug discovery. The company's global team of nearly 200 neuroscientists has supported 80% of new neuroscience drugs approved by the FDA since 2018. Recent initiatives include collaborations with CEBINA, integration of Insightec's ultrasound platform, and the AI-powered Logica® drug discovery solution in partnership with Lundbeck.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) ha annunciato la sua partecipazione a Neuroscience 2024, il meeting annuale della Society for Neuroscience che si terrà a Chicago dal 5 al 9 ottobre. Gli esperti di neuroscienze dell'azienda presenteranno 18 poster scientifici, dimostrando il loro impegno nel promuovere la ricerca neuroscientifica. Le presentazioni chiave includeranno studi su modelli di co-coltura in vitro per la mielinizzazione e neuroinfiammazione utilizzando cellule derivate da iPSC.

Il team di Charles River discuterà anche avanzamenti nella ricerca sull'ALS e il loro impatto sulla scoperta di farmaci. Il team globale dell'azienda, composto da quasi 200 neuroscienziati, ha supportato l'80% dei nuovi farmaci per le neuroscienze approvati dalla FDA dal 2018. Le iniziative recenti includono collaborazioni con CEBINA, integrazione della piattaforma ad ultrasuoni di Insightec e la soluzione di scoperta di farmaci Logica® potenziata dall'IA in partnership con Lundbeck.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) anunció su participación en Neuroscience 2024, la reunión anual de la Society for Neuroscience que se llevará a cabo del 5 al 9 de octubre en Chicago. Los expertos en neurociencia de la empresa presentarán 18 carteles científicos, lo que demuestra su compromiso con el avance de la investigación en neurociencia. Las presentaciones clave incluirán estudios sobre modelos de co-cultivo in vitro para la mielinización y neuroinflamación utilizando células derivadas de iPSC.

El equipo de Charles River también discutirá avances en la investigación de la ELA y su impacto en el descubrimiento de medicamentos. El equipo global de la empresa, compuesto por casi 200 neurocientíficos, ha apoyado el 80% de los nuevos medicamentos de neurociencia aprobados por la FDA desde 2018. Iniciativas recientes incluyen colaboraciones con CEBINA, integración de la plataforma de ultrasonido de Insightec y la solución de descubrimiento de fármacos Logica® impulsada por IA en asociación con Lundbeck.

찰스 리버 실험실 국제 주식회사 (NYSE: CRL)는 10월 5일부터 9일까지 시카고에서 열리는 연례 신경과학 회의인 Neuroscience 2024에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. 회사의 신경 과학 전문가들은 18개의 과학 포스터를 발표하며, 신경 과학 연구를 발전시키겠다는 의지를 보여줄 것입니다. 주요 발표 내용에는 미엘리네이션을 위한 인 비트로 공배양 모델iPSC 유래 세포를 사용한 신경 염증 연구가 포함됩니다.

찰스 리버 팀은 또한 ALS 연구의 발전과 약물 발견에 미치는 영향을 논의할 것입니다. 이 회사의 글로벌 팀은 거의 200명의 신경 과학자로 구성되어 있으며, 2018년 이후 FDA에서 승인한 새로운 신경과학 약물의 80%를 지원했습니다. 최근 이니셔티브에는 CEBINA와의 협력, Insightec의 초음파 플랫폼 통합, Lundbeck와의 파트너십을 통한 AI 기반 Logica® 약물 발견 솔루션이 포함됩니다.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) a annoncé sa participation au Neuroscience 2024, la réunion annuelle de la Society for Neuroscience qui se tiendra à Chicago du 5 au 9 octobre. Les experts en neurosciences de l'entreprise présenteront 18 affiches scientifiques, témoignant de leur engagement à faire progresser la recherche en neurosciences. Parmi les présentations clés figurent des études sur des modèles de co-culture in vitro pour la myélinisation et la neuroinflammation utilisant des cellules dérivées d'iPSC.

L'équipe de Charles River discutera également des avancées dans la recherche sur la SLA et de leur impact sur la découverte de médicaments. L'équipe mondiale de l'entreprise, composée de près de 200 neuroscientifiques, a soutenu 80 % des nouveaux médicaments en neurosciences approuvés par la FDA depuis 2018. Les initiatives récentes incluent des collaborations avec CEBINA, l'intégration de la plateforme à ultrasons d'Insightec et la solution de découverte de médicaments Logica® alimentée par IA en partenariat avec Lundbeck.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) hat seine Teilnahme an der Neuroscience 2024, der jährlichen Tagung der Society for Neuroscience, die vom 5. bis 9. Oktober in Chicago stattfindet, bekannt gegeben. Die Neurowissenschaftler des Unternehmens werden 18 wissenschaftliche Poster präsentieren und damit ihr Engagement für die Förderung der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung unter Beweis stellen. Zu den wichtigen Präsentationen gehören Studien über in vitro Co-Kulturmodelle für die Myelinisierung und Neuroinflammation unter Verwendung von iPSC-abgeleiteten Zellen.

Das Team von Charles River wird auch über Fortschritte in der ALS-Forschung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Arzneimittelentdeckung diskutieren. Das globale Team des Unternehmens, das aus fast 200 Neurowissenschaftlern besteht, hat 80% der seit 2018 von der FDA genehmigten neuen neurowissenschaftlichen Medikamente unterstützt. Zu den aktuellen Initiativen gehören Kooperationen mit CEBINA, die Integration der Ultraschallplattform von Insightec und die KI-gestützte Lösung zur Arzneimittelentdeckung Logica® in Partnerschaft mit Lundbeck.

  • Presenting 18 scientific posters at Neuroscience 2024, demonstrating research leadership
  • Supported 80% of new neuroscience drugs approved by the FDA since 2018
  • Strategic collaboration with CEBINA for advanced neuroscience research
  • Integration of Insightec's novel low-frequency ultrasound platform for precise drug delivery
  • Partnership with Lundbeck using AI-powered Logica® for brain disease research
  • None.

WILMINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) today announced that its team of neuroscience drug discovery experts will present 18 scientific posters, both independently and collaboratively with clients, at Neuroscience 2024, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN). The meeting, which brings together leading researchers from across the globe, will take place from October 5-9 in Chicago, IL.

“Charles River is committed to changing the course of neuroscience research,” said Antti Nurmi, Ph.D., MSc, General Manager, CNS Pharmacology, Charles River. “We are committed to providing deep translational expertise as a trusted partner for preclinical models, innovative drug discovery, manufacturing, and commercialization, ultimately driving towards better outcomes for our clients and patients.”

Partner with World-Class Scientists
Significant advances in genetics, pathology, biomarkers, and endpoints are driving momentum in neuroscience drug discovery, from small molecules to advanced therapies. Throughout the conference, Charles River experts will present posters and host discussions on the latest developments in neuroscience research and innovative approaches to tackling neurodegenerative disorders. Highlights include:

  • Establishment and validation of an in vitro co-culture model to study myelination using human iPSC-derived glutamatergic neurons and oligodendrocytes (Presented by Malika Bsibsi: Sunday, October 6, 2024, 4:00-5:00 p.m. CDT)
  • An iPSC derived neuroinflammation in vitro model of neurons and glial cells (Presented by Malika Bsibsi: Monday, October 7, 2024, 2:00-3:00 p.m. CDT)

Building Collective Momentum
On Monday, October 7, at 10:00 a.m. CDT in Product Theater 2, Charles River’s scientific experts will discuss how significant advances in genetics, pathology, biomarkers, and endpoints within ALS research are impacting drug discovery for this progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disease. Susanne Back, Ph.D., Senior Manager, CNS Pharmacology and Philip Mitchell, Ph.D., Director, Integrated Biology, will outline how cellular, and animal models can replicate disease pathology and can be interrogated with translational readouts to support clinical success for small molecules, ASOs, and gene therapies.

Charles River’s global team of nearly 200 neuroscientists work across drug discovery and development, from basic research to regulatory approval, providing the translational science, range of services, and collaborative approach needed to discover novel therapies. Since 2018, Charles River has supported 80 percent of new neuroscience drugs approved by the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

Charles River’s end-to-end approach to neurodegenerative disease is evidenced by several recent announcements, including the Company’s strategic collaboration with CEBINA to advance cutting edge neuroscience research, and the integration of Insightec’s novel low-frequency ultrasound platform, allowing precise therapeutic delivery of a variety of drugs, including delivery to deep brain structures. Additionally, Logica®, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered end-to-end drug discovery solution that translates biological insights into optimized preclinical candidates by leveraging the integration of Valo Health’s AI-powered Opal Computational Platform™ and Charles River’s leading expertise in drug discovery and preclinical development, recently announced an agreement with H. Lundbeck A/S (Lundbeck), utilizing Logica® to progress critical brain disease research.

A full schedule of Charles River’s activities during Neuroscience 2024 is available online. Additionally, experts will be available at Booth #417 for meetings with those interested in discussing neuroscience research and drug discovery.

About Charles River

Charles River provides essential products and services to help pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, government agencies and leading academic institutions around the globe accelerate their research and drug development efforts. Our dedicated employees are focused on providing clients with exactly what they need to improve and expedite the discovery, early-stage development and safe manufacture of new therapies for the patients who need them. To learn more about our unique portfolio and breadth of services, visit


Todd Spencer

Corporate Vice President, Investor Relations



Amy Cianciaruso

Corporate Vice President, Public Relations


Source: Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.


How many scientific posters will Charles River present at Neuroscience 2024?

Charles River will present 18 scientific posters at Neuroscience 2024, both independently and collaboratively with clients.

What percentage of new neuroscience drugs approved by the FDA since 2018 has Charles River (CRL) supported?

Charles River has supported 80% of new neuroscience drugs approved by the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) since 2018.

When and where will Neuroscience 2024 take place?

Neuroscience 2024, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), will take place from October 5-9 in Chicago, IL.

What is Logica® and how is it being used by Charles River (CRL)?

Logica® is an AI-powered end-to-end drug discovery solution that Charles River is using in partnership with H. Lundbeck A/S to progress critical brain disease research.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.


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