Charles River and Lundbeck Enter Agreement Utilizing AI-Powered Logica® to Advance the Discovery of Novel Drugs for Neurological Disease

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Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) has announced an agreement with H. Lundbeck A/S to utilize Logica®, an AI-powered drug discovery solution, to advance research into neurological diseases. Logica® integrates Valo Health's AI-powered Opal Computational Platform™ with Charles River's expertise in drug discovery and preclinical development.

The collaboration aims to create optimized small molecules for novel therapies in neurological research. Lundbeck will deploy Logica® to work on unprecedented molecular targets with causal biology, potentially overcoming drug design challenges that often slow down the translation of promising targets into drug candidates.

This partnership combines Lundbeck's industry-leading neurology expertise with Charles River's agile approach, leveraging AI-augmented processes to progress critical brain disease research.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) ha annunciato un accordo con H. Lundbeck A/S per utilizzare Logica®, una soluzione di scoperta di farmaci basata sull'IA, per promuovere la ricerca sulle malattie neurologiche. Logica® integra la Piattaforma Computazionale Opal™ di Valo Health, potenziata dall'IA, con l'esperienza di Charles River nella scoperta di farmaci e nello sviluppo preclinico.

La collaborazione mira a creare piccole molecole ottimizzate per nuove terapie nella ricerca neurologica. Lundbeck utilizzerà Logica® per lavorare su bersagli molecolari senza precedenti con biologia causale, superando potenzialmente le sfide nella progettazione di farmaci che spesso rallentano la transizione di bersagli promettenti in candidati farmacologici.

Questa partnership combina l'esperienza di Lundbeck nel settore neurologico con l'approccio agile di Charles River, sfruttando processi potenziati dall'IA per progredire nella ricerca sulle malattie cerebrali critiche.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) ha anunciado un acuerdo con H. Lundbeck A/S para utilizar Logica®, una solución de descubrimiento de fármacos impulsada por IA, para avanzar en la investigación de enfermedades neurológicas. Logica® integra la Plataforma Computacional Opal™ de Valo Health, potenciada por IA, con la experiencia de Charles River en el descubrimiento de fármacos y el desarrollo preclínico.

La colaboración tiene como objetivo crear moléculas pequeñas optimizadas para nuevas terapias en investigación neurológica. Lundbeck desplegará Logica® para trabajar en objetivos moleculares sin precedentes con biología causal, superando potencialmente los desafíos en el diseño de fármacos que a menudo ralentizan la transición de objetivos prometedores a candidatos a fármacos.

Esta asociación combina la experiencia líder de la industria en neurología de Lundbeck con el enfoque ágil de Charles River, aprovechando procesos potenciados por IA para avanzar en la investigación de enfermedades cerebrales críticas.

찰스 리버 실험실 국제 주식회사(Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., NYSE: CRL)가 H. Lundbeck A/S와의 협약을 발표했습니다. 이 협약은 인공지능(AI) 기반의 약물 발견 솔루션인 Logica®를 활용하여 신경 질환 연구를 진행하기 위한 것입니다. Logica®는 Valo Health의 AI 플랫폼 Opal Computational Platform™과 찰스 리버의 약물 발견 및 전임상 개발 전문성을 통합합니다.

이 협업의 목표는 신경 연구를 위한 새로운 치료제의 최적화된 소분자를 만드는 것입니다. Lundbeck은 Logica®를 활용하여 인과 생물학이 포함된 전례 없는 분자 표적을 작업하게 되며, 이는 종종 유망한 표적을 약물 후보로 전환하는 데 장애가 되는 약물 설계 문제를 극복할 가능성이 있습니다.

이 파트너십은 Lundbeck의 산업 최고의 신경학 전문성과 찰스 리버의 민첩한 접근 방식을 결합하여 AI 강화 프로세스를 활용하여 중요한 뇌 질환 연구를 진행하는 데 기여합니다.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) a annoncé un accord avec H. Lundbeck A/S pour utiliser Logica®, une solution de découverte de médicaments alimentée par l'IA, afin d'avancer la recherche sur les maladies neurologiques. Logica® intègre la plateforme computationnelle Opal™ de Valo Health, alimentée par l'IA, avec l'expertise de Charles River en matière de découverte de médicaments et de développement préclinique.

La collaboration vise à créer des molécules petites optimisées pour de nouvelles thérapies dans la recherche neurologique. Lundbeck déploiera Logica® pour travailler sur des cibles moléculaires sans précédent avec une biologie causale, pouvant potentiellement surmonter les défis de conception de médicaments qui ralentissent souvent la transformation des cibles prometteuses en candidats médicaments.

Ce partenariat combine l'expertise de Lundbeck en neurologie avec l'approche agile de Charles River, utilisant des processus augmentés par l'IA pour faire progresser la recherche sur les maladies cérébrales critiques.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) hat eine Vereinbarung mit H. Lundbeck A/S angekündigt, um Logica®, eine KI-gestützte Lösung zur Arzneimittelentdeckung, zu nutzen, um die Forschung zu neurologischen Erkrankungen voranzutreiben. Logica® integriert die KI-gestützte Opal Computational Platform™ von Valo Health mit dem Fachwissen von Charles River in der Arzneimittelentdeckung und der präklinischen Entwicklung.

Das Ziel der Zusammenarbeit ist es, optimierte kleine Moleküle für neuartige Therapien in der neurologischen Forschung zu schaffen. Lundbeck wird Logica® einsetzen, um an beispiellosen molekularen Zielen mit ursächlicher Biologie zu arbeiten und möglicherweise Herausforderungen im Arzneimitteldesign zu überwinden, die häufig die Umwandlung vielversprechender Ziele in Arzneimittelkandidaten verlangsamen.

Diese Partnerschaft kombiniert Lundbecks führendes Fachwissen in der Neurologie mit dem agilen Ansatz von Charles River und nutzt KI-unterstützte Prozesse, um die Forschung zu kritischen Gehirnerkrankungen voranzutreiben.

  • Partnership with Lundbeck, a leader in neurology research
  • Utilization of AI-powered Logica® for drug discovery
  • Potential to accelerate development of novel therapies for neurological diseases
  • Integration of advanced AI technology with Charles River's expertise in drug discovery
  • None.


This partnership between Charles River Laboratories and Lundbeck marks a significant step in leveraging AI for neurological drug discovery. The use of Logica®, an AI-powered platform, could potentially accelerate the identification of novel drug candidates for brain diseases. This collaboration combines Lundbeck's expertise in neurology with Charles River's drug discovery capabilities and Valo Health's AI technology.

The key advantages of this approach include:

  • Faster translation of biological insights into optimized preclinical candidates
  • Ability to work on unprecedented molecular targets with causal biology
  • Potential to overcome drug design challenges that often slow down the development process

While this news is promising for advancing neurological research, it's important to note that drug discovery is a long and complex process. The impact on Lundbeck's pipeline and Charles River's revenue may not be immediate. However, this collaboration positions both companies at the forefront of AI-driven drug discovery in neurology, which could lead to long-term competitive advantages and potential breakthroughs in treating neurological disorders.

The integration of AI into drug discovery processes represents a significant technological advancement in the pharmaceutical industry. Logica®, which combines Valo Health's Opal Computational Platform™ with Charles River's expertise, exemplifies the growing trend of AI-augmented research in life sciences.

Key technological implications include:

  • Enhanced efficiency in identifying and optimizing small molecule candidates
  • Improved ability to tackle complex biological targets previously considered "undruggable"
  • Potential reduction in time and cost associated with early-stage drug discovery

For Charles River Laboratories, this partnership showcases their commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology into their service offerings. It potentially strengthens their competitive position in the contract research organization (CRO) market, particularly in the high-value area of AI-driven drug discovery. The success of this collaboration could lead to increased demand for Charles River's AI-enhanced services, potentially driving future revenue growth and market share expansion in the evolving landscape of pharmaceutical research and development.

Logica®, an offering from Charles River and Valo Health, will be leveraged to progress Lundbeck’s research into disorders of the central nervous system

WILMINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE: CRL) today announced an agreement with H. Lundbeck A/S (Lundbeck) to utilize Logica® to progress critical brain disease research.

“We are excited to partner with Lundbeck as they work toward the discovery of novel treatments for neurodegenerative disease,” said Professor Julie Frearson, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Charles River. “Logica’s integrated, AI-augmented process allows us to be an agile partner, and combined with Lundbeck’s industry-leading neurology expertise, we look forward to a successful collaboration.”

Logica is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered end-to-end drug discovery solution that translates biological insights into optimized preclinical candidates by leveraging the integration of Valo Health’s AI-powered Opal Computational Platform™ and Charles River’s leading expertise in drug discovery and preclinical development. Through the agreement, Lundbeck will deploy Logica with the aim of creating optimized small molecules that lead to novel therapies for neurological research.

“To make a significant impact on neurological diseases today, you need to be able to work on unprecedented molecular targets with causal biology,” said Tarek Samad, Senior Vice President and Head of Global Research at Lundbeck. “Partnering with Logica will allow us to use a unique tool set, including AI-driven approaches, to overcome drug design challenges which often slow down the translation of promising targets into drug candidates.”

About Logica
In 2022, Charles River and Valo Health launched Logica, providing clients with transformed drug discovery with a single integrated offering seamlessly translating targets to candidate nomination under a partnering business model. Logica utilizes industry-leading predictive models, chemical design, and synthesis capabilities, DNA-encoded libraries, in silico high throughput screening from Valo’s Opal Computational Platform as well as Charles River’s leading capabilities in all aspects of discovery optimization including high throughput screening, medicinal chemistry, ADME, biology, pharmacology, and ultimately safety testing and IND submission, joining together for the first time to create a computation-powered, unified target-to-candidate offering.

About Valo Health
Valo Health, Inc is a biotechnology company focused on utilizing large scale data and AI-driven computation to discover and develop therapeutics. Valo aims to fully integrate humancentric data across the entire drug development life cycle into a single unified architecture, thereby accelerating the discovery and development of life-changing drugs while simultaneously reducing costs, time, and failure rates. The company’s Opal Computational Platform™ is an end-to-end drug discovery and development platform designed to transform data into valuable insights that may accelerate discoveries and enable Valo to advance a robust pipeline of programs. Learn more about Valo by visiting valo​health​.com.

About Charles River
Charles River provides essential products and services to help pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, government agencies and leading academic institutions around the globe accelerate their research and drug development efforts. Our dedicated employees are focused on providing clients with exactly what they need to improve and expedite the discovery, early-stage development and safe manufacture of new therapies for the patients who need them. To learn more about our unique portfolio and breadth of services, visit

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Valo Health Media:

Olivia Offner


Source: Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.


What is the purpose of the agreement between Charles River (CRL) and Lundbeck?

The agreement aims to utilize Logica®, an AI-powered drug discovery solution, to advance research into neurological diseases and discover novel treatments for neurodegenerative disorders.

How will Logica® benefit Lundbeck's research in neurological diseases?

Logica® will allow Lundbeck to use AI-driven approaches to overcome drug design challenges, work on unprecedented molecular targets with causal biology, and potentially accelerate the translation of promising targets into drug candidates.

What technologies are combined in the Logica® platform used by Charles River (CRL)?

Logica® integrates Valo Health's AI-powered Opal Computational Platform™ with Charles River's expertise in drug discovery and preclinical development to create an end-to-end drug discovery solution.

What is the expected outcome of the collaboration between Charles River (CRL) and Lundbeck?

The collaboration aims to create optimized small molecules that lead to novel therapies for neurological research, potentially making a significant impact on neurological diseases.

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.


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