CRH Ventures Launches “Sustainable Building Materials” Accelerator to Scale Innovative Startups Shaping the Future of the Built World
CRH Ventures, the venture capital unit of CRH, has launched its Sustainable Building Materials accelerator to support innovative startups in the construction technology and climate tech space. The program, open for applications until December 16, aims to identify market-ready products that can lower emissions, reduce waste, and improve energy use in construction.
The accelerator focuses on three key areas: sustainable binder solutions, new materials and applications, and CO2 mineralized materials. Selected startups will benefit from pilot programs, access to CRH's network of 200+ operating companies, and potential investments from CRH Ventures. The initiative aligns with CRH's goal to lead the transition to smarter, more sustainable construction and achieve its 2050 net-zero ambition.
This is CRH Ventures' third accelerator program, following the successful launch of the Roads of the Future and Water Solutions accelerators. The selection process will culminate in a live pitch day in early February 2025 for the most promising 10-12 startups.
CRH Ventures, l'unità di venture capital di CRH, ha lanciato il suo acceleratore di materiali da costruzione sostenibili per sostenere startup innovative nel settore della tecnologia per la costruzione e della tecnologia climatica. Il programma, aperto per le candidature fino al 16 dicembre, mira a identificare prodotti pronti per il mercato che possono ridurre le emissioni, diminuire i rifiuti e migliorare l'uso dell'energia nella costruzione.
L'acceleratore si concentra su tre aree chiave: soluzioni di leganti sostenibili, nuovi materiali e applicazioni, e materiali mineralizzati di CO2. Le startup selezionate beneficeranno di programmi pilota, accesso alla rete di oltre 200 aziende operanti di CRH e potenziali investimenti da parte di CRH Ventures. L'iniziativa è in linea con l'obiettivo di CRH di guidare la transizione verso una costruzione più intelligente e sostenibile e di raggiungere la sua ambizione di azzeramento delle emissioni entro il 2050.
Questo è il terzo programma di accelerazione di CRH Ventures, dopo il lancio di successo degli acceleratori Roads of the Future e Water Solutions. Il processo di selezione culminerà in una giornata di pitch dal vivo all'inizio di febbraio 2025 per le 10-12 startup più promettenti.
CRH Ventures, la unidad de capital de riesgo de CRH, ha lanzado su acelerador de materiales de construcción sostenibles para apoyar a startups innovadoras en el espacio de tecnología de construcción y tecnología climática. El programa, abierto para solicitudes hasta el 16 de diciembre, tiene como objetivo identificar productos listos para el mercado que puedan reducir emisiones, minimizar residuos y mejorar el uso de energía en la construcción.
El acelerador se enfoca en tres áreas clave: soluciones de aglutinantes sostenibles, nuevos materiales y aplicaciones, y materiales mineralizados de CO2. Las startups seleccionadas se beneficiarán de programas piloto, acceso a la red de más de 200 empresas operativas de CRH y posibles inversiones de CRH Ventures. La iniciativa está alineada con el objetivo de CRH de liderar la transición hacia una construcción más inteligente y sostenible y lograr su ambición de cero emisiones netas para 2050.
Este es el tercer programa de aceleración de CRH Ventures, después del exitoso lanzamiento de los aceleradores Roads of the Future y Water Solutions. El proceso de selección culminará en un día de presentación en vivo a principios de febrero de 2025 para las 10-12 startups más prometedoras.
CRH Ventures는 CRH의 벤처 캐피탈 유닛으로서 지속 가능한 건축 자재 가속기를 출시하여 건설 기술 및 기후 기술 분야의 혁신적인 스타트업을 지원하고 있습니다. 12월 16일까지 지원서를 받을 예정인 이 프로그램은 상용화된 제품을 식별하여 배출량을 줄이고, 폐기물을 최소화하며, 건설 에너지 사용을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
이 가속기는 지속 가능한 바인더 솔루션, 새로운 재료 및 응용 프로그램, CO2 미네랄화 재료의 세 가지 핵심 분야에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 선정된 스타트업은 파일럿 프로그램, CRH의 200개 이상의 운영 회사 네트워크에 대한 접근 및 CRH Ventures의 투자 가능성을 통해 혜택을 받을 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 CRH의 목표인 더 스마트하고 지속 가능한 건설로의 전환을 주도하고 2050년 탄소 중립 목표를 달성하는 데 부합합니다.
이번은 CRH Ventures의 세 번째 가속기 프로그램으로, Roads of the Future 및 Water Solutions 가속기의 성공적인 런칭에 이어 진행됩니다. 선정 과정은 가장 유망한 10-12개 스타트업을 위한 라이브 피치 데이로 2025년 2월 초에 마무리될 예정입니다.
CRH Ventures, l'unité de capital-risque de CRH, a lancé son accélérateur de matériaux de construction durables pour soutenir les startups innovantes dans le domaine de la technologie de construction et de la technologie climatique. Le programme, ouvert aux candidatures jusqu'au 16 décembre, vise à identifier des produits prêts à être lancés sur le marché qui peuvent réduire les émissions, diminuer les déchets et améliorer l'utilisation de l'énergie dans la construction.
L'accélérateur se concentre sur trois domaines clés : solutions de liants durables, nouveaux matériaux et applications, et matériaux minéralisés de CO2. Les startups sélectionnées bénéficieront de programmes pilotes, d'un accès au réseau de plus de 200 entreprises operantes de CRH et de potentielles investissements de CRH Ventures. L'initiative s'aligne avec l'objectif de CRH de mener la transition vers une construction plus intelligente et plus durable et d'atteindre son objectif de zéro émission nette d'ici 2050.
C'est le troisième programme d'accélération de CRH Ventures, après le lancement réussi des accélérateurs Roads of the Future et Water Solutions. Le processus de sélection culminera en une journée de pitch en direct au début février 2025 pour les 10-12 startups les plus prometteuses.
CRH Ventures, die Venture-Capital-Einheit von CRH, hat seinen Accelerator für nachhaltige Baumaterialien ins Leben gerufen, um innovative Startups im Bereich Bau- und Klimatechnologie zu unterstützen. Das Programm, das bis zum 16. Dezember für Bewerbungen geöffnet ist, zielt darauf ab, marktreife Produkte zu identifizieren, die Emissionen senken, Abfall reduzieren und den Energieverbrauch im Bauwesen verbessern können.
Der Accelerator konzentriert sich auf drei Hauptbereiche: nachhaltige Bindemittellösungen, neue Materialien und Anwendungen sowie CO2-mineralisierte Materialien. Ausgewählte Startups profitieren von Pilotprogrammen, Zugang zu CRHs Netzwerk von über 200 operierenden Unternehmen und potenziellen Investitionen von CRH Ventures. Diese Initiative stimmt mit CRHs Ziel überein, den Übergang zu intelligenterem, nachhaltigeren Bauen zu leiten und sein Nettnull-Ziel für 2050 zu erreichen.
Dies ist das dritte Accelerator-Programm von CRH Ventures, nach dem erfolgreichen Start der Acceleratoren Roads of the Future und Water Solutions. Der Auswahlprozess wird Anfang Februar 2025 mit einem Live-Pitch-Tag für die 10-12 vielversprechendsten Startups gipfeln.
- Launch of Sustainable Building Materials accelerator to support innovative startups
- Focus on reducing emissions, waste, and improving energy use in construction
- Access to CRH's network of 200+ operating companies for selected startups
- Potential investments from CRH Ventures for participating startups
- Aligns with CRH's 2050 net-zero ambition
- None.

Eduardo Gomez Mendoza, Head of CRH Ventures (Photo: Business Wire)
CRH is leading the transition to smarter, more sustainable construction and the Sustainable Building Materials accelerator will target promising Seed-, Series A- and Series B-stage companies in the construction technology (“contech”) and climate tech space with market-ready products. The program aims to identify innovative materials and applications to lower emissions, reduce waste and improve energy use - leveraging CRH’s extensive network and expertise to drive forward innovative and sustainable solutions for the built environment.
The accelerator will focus on exploring three key areas to enable more sustainable construction:
- Sustainable binder solutions — companies enhancing the carbon performance and / or the circularity of traditional cement or concrete materials
- New materials and applications — companies developing novel materials or new applications of existing materials to create non-traditional solutions for cement or concrete applications
- CO2 mineralized materials — companies utilizing CO2 in binders, aggregates, waste feedstocks or concrete to develop building materials or products that also offer carbon storage
This accelerator will identify startups poised to capitalize on the significant market opportunity decarbonization represents and support them as they develop and scale their operations. CRH Ventures will arrange one or more pilot programs for each shortlisted applicant, providing commercial users for products and facilitating technology refinement and engagement with selected partners in the construction space. Startups will also gain broader access to CRH’s network of 200+ operating companies, gaining insight from CRH experts and exploring synergies as they scale their technologies. Participants in the accelerator will also be eligible for potential investments from CRH Ventures at the conclusion of the pilot programs.
Eduardo Gomez, Head of CRH Ventures, said: “There’s an incredible opportunity to reduce construction-related emissions and enhance circularity through innovation. At CRH, we’re uniquely positioned to support the development of sustainable and innovative solutions and technologies to meet the changing needs of construction. In launching the Sustainable Building Materials accelerator, we plan to identify the most impactful innovations, and drive their commercial development through our network to support the construction industry to decarbonize and help CRH achieve its 2050 net-zero ambition.”
The accelerator will be accepting applicants via the CRH Ventures website through December 16. The selection process will continue throughout November and December, and will culminate in a live pitch day in early February 2025 for the most promising 10-12 startups.
Launched in 2022, CRH Ventures has established itself as a leader in construction innovation, with access to a
The Sustainable Building Materials program is CRH Ventures’ third accelerator. Earlier this year, it successfully launched the Roads of the Future accelerator to identify leading innovations with potential to impact the roads ecosystem and in 2023, it launched a Water Solutions accelerator focused on technologies that address a range of water management challenges.
About CRH Ventures
CRH Ventures is the venture capital unit of CRH, the leading provider of building materials solutions that build, connect and improve our world. With access to a
About CRH
CRH (NYSE: CRH, LSE: CRH) is the leading provider of building materials solutions that build, connect and improve our world. Employing approximately 78,500 people at approximately 3,390 operating locations in 28 countries, CRH has market leadership positions in both
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Jack Shaw
Antenna Group (for CRH Ventures)
Source: CRH Ventures
What is the deadline for applications to CRH Ventures' Sustainable Building Materials accelerator?
What are the three key focus areas of CRH's Sustainable Building Materials accelerator?
When will the live pitch day for CRH Ventures' Sustainable Building Materials accelerator take place?