CRH Develops Wind Farm to Power Cement Plant in Romania
CRH has developed a pioneering wind farm to power its Medgidia Cement Plant in Romania, marking the country's first such installation dedicated to a cement facility. The project, which became fully operational after commencing in August 2023, features five turbines with a 30 MW total installed capacity and an estimated annual production of 80 GWh. The wind farm will meet a significant portion of the plant's annual energy needs and reduce Romania's national energy-related CO2 emissions by 40,000 tons. This initiative aligns with CRH's target to reduce absolute carbon emissions by 30% by 2030.
CRH ha sviluppato un innovativo parco eolico per alimentare il suo impianto di cemento a Medgidia, in Romania, segnando la prima installazione di questo tipo dedicata a una struttura cementiera nel paese. Il progetto, che è diventato completamente operativo dopo essere iniziato nell'agosto 2023, è composto da cinque turbine con una capacità totale installata di 30 MW e una produzione annuale stimata di 80 GWh. Il parco eolico soddisferà una parte significativa del fabbisogno energetico annuale dell'impianto e contribuirà a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 legate all'energia in Romania di 40.000 tonnellate. Questa iniziativa è in linea con l'obiettivo di CRH di ridurre le emissioni di carbonio assolute del 30% entro il 2030.
CRH ha desarrollado un parque eólico pionero para alimentar su planta de cemento en Medgidia, Rumania, lo que marca la primera instalación de este tipo dedicada a una fábrica de cemento en el país. El proyecto, que se volvió completamente operativo tras su inicio en agosto de 2023, cuenta con cinco turbinas con una capacidad instalada total de 30 MW y una producción anual estimada de 80 GWh. El parque eólico cubrirá una parte significativa de las necesidades energéticas anuales de la planta y reducirá las emisiones de CO2 relacionadas con la energía en Rumania en 40.000 toneladas. Esta iniciativa se alinea con el objetivo de CRH de reducir las emisiones absolutas de carbono en un 30% para 2030.
CRH는 루마니아 메드기디아의 시멘트 공장을 구동하기 위해 선구적인 풍력 발전소를 개발했습니다. 이는 시멘트 시설에 전념하는 루마니아의 첫 번째 설치입니다. 이 프로젝트는 2023년 8월 시작된 후 완전 가동되었으며, 총 30 MW의 설치 용량과 연간 생산량 80 GWh를 갖춘 5개의 터빈이 특징입니다. 이 풍력 발전소는 공장의 연간 에너지 수요의 상당 부분을 충족하고 루마니아의 에너지와 관련된 CO2 배출량을 40,000 톤 줄이는 데 기여할 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 CRH가 2030년까지 절대 탄소 배출량을 30% 줄이겠다는 목표와 일치합니다.
CRH a développé un parc éolien novateur pour alimenter son usine de ciment à Medgidia, en Roumanie, marquant la première installation de ce type dédiée à une installation de ciment dans le pays. Le projet, qui est devenu pleinement opérationnel après son lancement en août 2023, comprend cinq turbines avec une capacité installée totale de 30 MW et une production annuelle estimée à 80 GWh. Le parc éolien répondra à une partie significative des besoins énergétiques annuels de l'usine et réduira les émissions de CO2 liées à l'énergie en Roumanie de 40 000 tonnes. Cette initiative s'aligne avec l'objectif de CRH de réduire les émissions de carbone absolues de 30% d'ici 2030.
CRH hat einen wegweisenden Windpark entwickelt, um sein Zementwerk in Medgidia, Rumänien, mit Energie zu versorgen. Dies ist die erste Installation dieser Art, die speziell für eine Zementfabrik im Land errichtet wurde. Das Projekt, das nach Beginn im August 2023 vollständig betriebsbereit wurde, umfasst fünf Windturbinen mit einer installierten Gesamtkapazität von 30 MW und einer geschätzten Jahresproduktion von 80 GWh. Der Windpark wird einen erheblichen Teil des jährlichen Energiebedarfs des Werks decken und die energiebezogenen CO2-Emissionen Rumäniens um 40.000 Tonnen reduzieren. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Ziel von CRH, die absoluten Kohlenstoffemissionen bis 2030 um 30% zu senken.
- First-of-its-kind wind farm implementation in Romania for cement plant power
- 30 MW installed capacity with 80 GWh estimated annual production
- Reduction of 40,000 tons in national CO2 emissions
- Project already completed and fully operational
- Contributes to company's carbon reduction targets
- None.
The development of a 30 MW wind farm to power CRH's Medgidia cement plant represents a significant strategic investment in sustainable operations. The project's 80 GWh annual production capacity and potential to reduce CO2 emissions by 40,000 tons demonstrates meaningful progress toward the company's 30% carbon reduction target by 2030. This initiative positions CRH favorably in the growing ESG-focused market, potentially attracting environmentally conscious investors and customers while hedging against rising energy costs and carbon pricing. The project's successful completion also establishes a replicable model for CRH's global operations, particularly in regions with favorable wind conditions. This vertical integration in power generation could provide long-term cost advantages and operational stability, though initial capital expenditure impact should be monitored.
This pioneering project in Romania's cement industry demonstrates strong execution of industrial decarbonization strategy. The 30 MW capacity is well-sized for a cement plant's intensive energy needs, while the estimated 80 GWh annual production suggests favorable wind conditions and efficient turbine placement. The direct power purchase arrangement eliminates grid transmission losses and provides predictable energy costs, important in today's volatile energy markets. This model could become increasingly valuable as carbon prices rise under EU regulations. The project's rapid completion from August 2023 to full operation indicates effective project management and suggests potential for similar implementations across CRH's global portfolio, particularly in regions with supportive renewable energy policies.

(Photo: Business Wire)
Eunice Heath, Chief Sustainability Officer, CRH, said: “This is a significant clean energy project for CRH and is one of the many ways we are helping to create a more resilient and sustainable built environment. Building a wind farm to power one of our cement plants demonstrates our commitment to decarbonizing and providing lower carbon building materials solutions for our customers to help meet the changing needs of construction.”
CRH is actively investing in clean energy to help it provide lower-carbon products and solutions for its customers. By increasing its use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar at its operations and generating renewable electricity on-site, CRH is taking an important step toward delivering its industry-leading target to reduce absolute carbon emissions by
The project commenced in August 2023 and the wind farm is now fully operational. Consisting of five turbines, it has a total installed capacity of approximately 30 MW and an estimated annual net production of 80 GWh. It will help reduce
About CRH
CRH (NYSE: CRH, LSE: CRH) is the leading provider of building materials solutions that build, connect and improve our world. Employing c.78,500 people at c.3,390 operating locations in 28 countries, CRH has market leadership positions in both
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Source: CRH
What is the capacity of CRH's new wind farm in Romania?
When did CRH's Romanian wind farm project become operational?
How much CO2 emissions will CRH's Romanian wind farm reduce?