Pacific Air Cargo Joins Freightos' Platform, Expanding Digital Air Cargo Capacity to Hawaii and Pacific Islands

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Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO) has announced the addition of Pacific Air Cargo to its WebCargo digital air cargo booking and payment platform. This collaboration expands WebCargo's capacity to include key routes from Los Angeles to Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, complementing recent advancements in domestic US air cargo capacity.

Pacific Air Cargo operates over 600 annual flights, transporting more than 100 million pounds of cargo annually. The airline offers shipping for diverse products and ad hoc charters for critical cargo. This integration will provide Pacific Air Cargo with greater exposure to a global network of forwarders, improved booking efficiency, and enhanced customer service capabilities. For WebCargo, it strengthens its position in the Hawaii and Pacific Islands markets, offering customers more options and better service reliability.

Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO) ha annunciato l'aggiunta di Pacific Air Cargo alla sua piattaforma di prenotazione e pagamento digitale WebCargo per il cargo aereo. Questa collaborazione amplia la capacità di WebCargo includendo rotte chiave da Los Angeles alle Hawaii e alle isole del Pacifico, completando i recenti progressi nella capacità di cargo aereo nazionale negli Stati Uniti.

Pacific Air Cargo opera oltre 600 voli annuali, trasportando più di 100 milioni di libbre di cargo ogni anno. La compagnia aerea offre spedizioni per prodotti diversi e charter ad hoc per carichi critici. Questa integrazione fornirà a Pacific Air Cargo una maggiore visibilità in una rete globale di spedizionieri, una migliore efficienza di prenotazione e capacità di servizio clienti migliorate. Per WebCargo, rafforza la sua posizione nei mercati delle Hawaii e delle isole del Pacifico, offrendo ai clienti più opzioni e una maggiore affidabilità del servizio.

Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO) ha anunciado la incorporación de Pacific Air Cargo a su plataforma digital de reservas y pagos WebCargo para carga aérea. Esta colaboración amplía la capacidad de WebCargo para incluir las rutas clave de Los Ángeles a Hawái y las Islas del Pacífico, complementando los recientes avances en la capacidad de carga aérea nacional en EE. UU.

Pacific Air Cargo opera más de 600 vuelos anuales, transportando más de 100 millones de libras de carga al año. La aerolínea ofrece envíos para diversos productos y fletes ad hoc para cargas críticas. Esta integración proporcionará a Pacific Air Cargo una mayor exposición a una red global de transitarios, una mejor eficiencia en la reserva y capacidades de servicio al cliente mejoradas. Para WebCargo, refuerza su posición en los mercados de Hawái y las Islas del Pacífico, ofreciendo a los clientes más opciones y una mejor confiabilidad en el servicio.

Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO)는 Pacific Air Cargo를 디지털 항공 화물 예약 및 결제 플랫폼인 WebCargo에 추가했다고 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 WebCargo의 용량을 로스앤젤레스에서 하와이 및 태평양 섬들로의 주요 노선을 포함하도록 확장하여 미국 국내 항공 화물 용량의 최근 발전을 보완합니다.

Pacific Air Cargo는 매년 600회 이상의 항공편을 운영하며, 매년 1억 파운드 이상의 화물을 운송합니다. 이 항공사는 다양한 제품에 대한 배송 및 긴급 화물에 대한 임시 전세 서비스를 제공합니다. 이번 통합은 Pacific Air Cargo에게 글로벌 포워더 네트워크에 대한 더 큰 노출, 예약 효율성 향상, 그리고 고객 서비스 능력 개선을 제공합니다. WebCargo에게는 하와이 및 태평양 섬 시장에서의 입지를 강화하여 고객에게 더 많은 옵션과 더 나은 서비스 신뢰성을 제공합니다.

Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO) a annoncé l'ajout de Pacific Air Cargo à sa plateforme de réservation et de paiement numérique WebCargo pour le fret aérien. Cette collaboration permet d'élargir la capacité de WebCargo en incluant des routes clés de Los Angeles vers Hawaii et les îles du Pacifique, complétant les récents progrès en matière de capacité de fret aérien domestique aux États-Unis.

Pacific Air Cargo opère plus de 600 vols par an, transportant plus de 100 millions de livres de fret chaque année. La compagnie aérienne propose des expéditions pour divers produits et des charters ad hoc pour des cargaisons critiques. Cette intégration donnera à Pacific Air Cargo une plus grande visibilité au sein d'un réseau mondial de transitaires, une efficacité de réservation améliorée et des capacités de service client renforcées. Pour WebCargo, cela renforce sa position sur les marchés d'Hawaii et des îles du Pacifique, offrant aux clients plus d'options et une meilleure fiabilité de service.

Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO) hat die Hinzufügung von Pacific Air Cargo zu seiner digitalen Buchungs- und Zahlungsplattform WebCargo für Luftfracht bekannt gegeben. Diese Zusammenarbeit erweitert die Kapazität von WebCargo, sodass wichtige Routen von Los Angeles nach Hawaii und den pazifischen Inseln einbezogen werden, und ergänzt die jüngsten Fortschritte in der nationalen Luftfrachtkapazität der USA.

Pacific Air Cargo führt über 600 jährliche Flüge durch und transportiert jährlich mehr als 100 Millionen Pfund Fracht. Die Fluggesellschaft bietet Transporte für verschiedene Produkte sowie Ad-hoc-Charter für kritische Frachten an. Diese Integration wird Pacific Air Cargo eine größere Sichtbarkeit in einem globalen Netzwerk von Spediteuren, verbesserte Buchungseffizienz und erweiterte Kundenservicefähigkeiten bieten. Für WebCargo stärkt dies die Position auf den Märkten in Hawaii und den pazifischen Inseln und bietet den Kunden mehr Optionen und eine bessere Servicezuverlässigkeit.

  • Expansion of WebCargo's capacity to include key routes from Los Angeles to Hawaii and Pacific Islands
  • Addition of Pacific Air Cargo's network, which operates over 600 annual flights and transports more than 100 million pounds of cargo yearly
  • Increased exposure to a global network of forwarders for Pacific Air Cargo
  • Strengthened position for WebCargo in the Hawaii and Pacific Islands markets
  • None.

The partnership between Pacific Air Cargo and Freightos' WebCargo platform is a strategic move that could yield positive results for both companies. For Freightos, this expands their digital booking capacity to include key routes from Los Angeles to Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, filling a geographical gap in their service offering. This expansion aligns with the growing trend of digitalization in the air cargo industry, potentially attracting more freight forwarders to their platform.

For Pacific Air Cargo, joining WebCargo opens up access to a wider customer base and streamlines their booking process. This could lead to increased efficiency and potentially higher utilization rates for their flights. However, the impact on revenue and market share remains to be seen, as it will depend on how effectively they can leverage this new digital channel.

While this partnership shows promise, investors should monitor key performance indicators in the coming quarters to gauge its actual impact on Freightos' financial performance and market position.

The integration of Pacific Air Cargo into WebCargo's platform represents a significant technological advancement in the air cargo industry. By digitizing the booking and payment process, this move addresses the industry-wide challenge of manual, time-consuming operations. The platform's ability to offer real-time rates and efficient shipment management aligns with the growing demand for data-driven logistics solutions.

However, the success of this integration will largely depend on the seamlessness of the technical implementation and user adoption rates. Freightos will need to ensure that their platform can handle the increased data flow and maintain performance standards. Additionally, they should focus on enhancing their AI and machine learning capabilities to provide predictive analytics and optimize route planning, which could give them a competitive edge in the digital air cargo market.

BARCELONA, Spain, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO) today  announced the addition of Pacific Air Cargo to its leading WebCargo digital air cargo booking and payment platform. This collaboration expands WebCargo's offered capacity to include key routes from Los Angeles to Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, complementing recent advancements in its domestic US air cargo capacity.

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Pacific Air Cargo, renowned for its network and reliable service, operates over 600 annual flights and transports more than 100 million pounds of cargo a year. The airline offers shipping for a diverse range of products, from construction materials and military goods to perishables and aircraft parts. In addition, Pacific Air Cargo offers ad hoc charters for disaster relief and medical supplies, and other critical cargo.

"We are excited to welcome Pacific Air Cargo to the WebCargo platform," said Manel Galindo, Chief Revenue Officer of Freightos. "This partnership not only enhances our capacity offering in the Hawaii and Pacific Islands regions but also underscores our commitment to providing seamless and efficient digital booking and payment solutions for our customers. The integration of Pacific Air Cargo's extensive network and specialized shipping capabilities will offer significant value to freight forwarders and shippers."

"Joining WebCargo by Freightos represents a significant step forward for Pacific Air Cargo," added Tanja Janfruechte, President and CEO at Pacific Air Cargo. "This collaboration will allow us to streamline our booking processes and offer our customers enhanced visibility and efficiency. We look forward to leveraging WebCargo's advanced digital tools to further improve our service offerings and meet the growing demands of our customers and the air cargo industry."

For Pacific Air Cargo, the integration into WebCargo's digital platform means greater exposure to a global network of forwarders, improved booking efficiency, and enhanced customer service capabilities. For WebCargo, adding Pacific Air Cargo's routes strengthens its position in the Hawaii and Pacific Islands markets, providing customers with more options and better service reliability.

With this integration, WebCargo continues to lead the digital transformation in the air cargo industry, making it easier for forwarders to access real-time rates, book cargo space, and manage shipments efficiently.

Forwarders interested in booking with Pacific Air Cargo can register for a free WebCargo account here.

About Freightos

Freightos® (NASDAQ: CRGO) is the leading vendor-neutral global freight booking platform. Airlines, ocean carriers, thousands of freight forwarders, and well over ten thousand importers and exporters connect on Freightos, making world trade faster, more efficient and more resilient.

The Freightos platform digitizes the trillion dollar international freight industry, supported by a suite of software solutions that span pricing, quoting, booking, shipment management, and payments for global businesses of all shapes and sizes. Products include the Freightos Marketplace, WebCargo, WebCargo for Airlines, Shipsta by Freightos, 7LFreight by WebCargo, and Clearit.

Freightos is a leading provider of real-time industry data via Freightos Terminal, which includes the world's leading spot pricing indexes, Freightos Air Index (FAX) for air cargo and Freightos Baltic Index (FBX) for container shipping.

More information is available at

Tali Aronsky
PR Lead, Freightos 

Anat Earon-Heilborn 

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What new routes has Freightos (CRGO) added to its WebCargo platform?

Freightos has added key routes from Los Angeles to Hawaii and the Pacific Islands through its partnership with Pacific Air Cargo.

How many flights does Pacific Air Cargo operate annually?

Pacific Air Cargo operates over 600 annual flights.

What is the annual cargo volume transported by Pacific Air Cargo?

Pacific Air Cargo transports more than 100 million pounds of cargo annually.

How will this partnership benefit Freightos (CRGO)?

The partnership strengthens Freightos' position in the Hawaii and Pacific Islands markets, providing customers with more options and better service reliability.

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