Canagold Receives Process Order to Proceed with Environmental Assessment Application for Permitting the New Polaris Project
Canagold Resources (TSX: CCM, OTC-QB: CRCUF) has achieved a significant permitting milestone for its New Polaris Project in northwestern British Columbia. The British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (BCEAO) has issued a process order, allowing the project to advance to the Application Development and Review phase of the Environmental Assessment.
This development enables Canagold to prepare and submit its application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate while maintaining engagement with Indigenous Nations, regulatory bodies, and stakeholders. The BCEAO's decision followed a comprehensive review process that incorporated feedback from participating Indigenous Nations, the Technical Advisory Committee, Alaskan Tribes, and the public through a comment period.
Canagold Resources (TSX: CCM, OTC-QB: CRCUF) ha raggiunto un'importante pietra miliare per il suo Progetto New Polaris nel nord-ovest della Columbia Britannica. L'Ufficio per la Valutazione Ambientale della Columbia Britannica (BCEAO) ha emesso un ordine di processo, consentendo al progetto di avanzare alla fase di Sviluppo e Revisione dell'Applicazione per la Valutazione Ambientale.
Questo sviluppo consente a Canagold di preparare e presentare la propria domanda per un Certificato di Valutazione Ambientale, mantenendo al contempo un coinvolgimento con le Nazioni Indigene, gli enti normativi e le parti interessate. La decisione del BCEAO è seguita a un processo di revisione completo che ha incorporato il feedback delle Nazioni Indigene partecipanti, del Comitato Consultivo Tecnico, delle Tribù Alaskane e del pubblico attraverso un periodo di commento.
Canagold Resources (TSX: CCM, OTC-QB: CRCUF) ha logrado un hito significativo en la obtención de permisos para su Proyecto New Polaris en el noroeste de Columbia Británica. La Oficina de Evaluación Ambiental de Columbia Británica (BCEAO) ha emitido una orden de proceso, permitiendo que el proyecto avance a la fase de Desarrollo y Revisión de la Solicitud de Evaluación Ambiental.
Este desarrollo permite a Canagold preparar y presentar su solicitud para un Certificado de Evaluación Ambiental mientras mantiene el compromiso con las Naciones Indígenas, los organismos reguladores y las partes interesadas. La decisión del BCEAO siguió a un proceso de revisión exhaustivo que incorporó la retroalimentación de las Naciones Indígenas participantes, el Comité Asesor Técnico, las Tribus de Alaska y el público a través de un período de comentarios.
카나골드 자원 (TSX: CCM, OTC-QB: CRCUF)는 브리티시컬럼비아 북서부에 있는 뉴 폴라리스 프로젝트에 대한 중요한 허가 이정표를 달성했습니다. 브리티시컬럼비아 환경 평가 사무소(BCEAO)는 이 프로젝트가 환경 평가의 신청 개발 및 검토 단계로 진행될 수 있도록 하는 절차 명령을 발행했습니다.
이 발전은 카나골드가 원주율 단체, 규제 기관 및 이해관계자와의 관계를 유지하면서 환경 평가 증명서를 위한 신청서를 준비하고 제출할 수 있도록 합니다. BCEAO의 결정은 참여 원주율 단체, 기술 자문 위원회, 알래스카 부족 및 대중의 의견이 반영된 포괄적인 검토 과정에 따라 이루어졌습니다.
Canagold Resources (TSX: CCM, OTC-QB: CRCUF) a atteint une étape importante en matière de permis pour son Projet New Polaris situé dans le nord-ouest de la Colombie-Britannique. Le Bureau d'évaluation environnementale de la Colombie-Britannique (BCEAO) a émis un ordre de procédure, permettant au projet de passer à la phase de Développement et de Révision de la Demande d'Évaluation Environnementale.
Ce développement permet à Canagold de préparer et de soumettre sa demande pour un Certificat d'Évaluation Environnementale tout en maintenant un dialogue avec les Nations Autochtones, les organismes de réglementation et les parties prenantes. La décision de la BCEAO a suivi un processus de révision complet qui a inclus les retours des Nations Indigènes participantes, du Comité Consultatif Technique, des Tribus Alaskiennes et du public à travers une période de commentaires.
Canagold Resources (TSX: CCM, OTC-QB: CRCUF) hat einen bedeutenden Genehmigungsmeilenstein für sein New Polaris Projekt im Nordwesten von British Columbia erreicht. Das Environmental Assessment Office of British Columbia (BCEAO) hat einen Prozessbeschluss erlassen, der es dem Projekt ermöglicht, in die Phase der Anwendungsentwicklung und -prüfung für die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung einzutreten.
Diese Entwicklung ermöglicht es Canagold, seinen Antrag auf ein Umweltverträglichkeitszertifikat vorzubereiten und einzureichen, während die Kommunikation mit indigenen Nationen, Regulierungsbehörden und Interessengruppen aufrechterhalten wird. Die Entscheidung der BCEAO folgte einem umfassenden Prüfverfahren, das das Feedback der beteiligten indigenen Nationen, des technischen Beratungsausschusses, der Alaskastämme und der Öffentlichkeit während einer Kommentierungsphase einbezog.
- Received process order from BCEAO to proceed with Environmental Assessment Application
- Project advances to Application Development and Review phase
- None.
The British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (BCEAO) has issued a process order, enabling the Project to proceed to the Application Development and Review phase of the Environmental Assessment. This marks a crucial step forward in the permitting process for the New Polaris Project.
During this phase, Canagold will prepare and submit its application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate while continuing its robust engagement efforts with Indigenous Nations, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders.
Prior to issuing the process order, BCEAO conducted a thorough review process that included feedback from participating Indigenous Nations, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Alaskan Tribes, and the public, facilitated through a public comment period.
“We are thrilled to continue advancing our permitting efforts for the New Polaris Project,” said Catalin Kilofliski, CEO of Canagold Resources. “This milestone highlights our commitment to responsible mining practices and ongoing collaboration with Indigenous Nations, local communities, and other stakeholders. We look forward to building on this progress and moving the New Polaris Project closer to becoming a sustainable gold mining operation.”
The New Polaris Project reflects Canagold’s dedication to creating long-term value while adhering to high environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards. The Company will continue to provide updates as it advances through the permitting process and prepares for the next stages of project development.
About Canagold Resources Ltd.
Canagold Resources Ltd. is an advanced development company dedicated to advancing the New Polaris Project through feasibility, permitting, and production stages. The Company’s flagship asset, the New Polaris Project, is a high-grade gold-antimony deposit located in
Additionally, Canagold aims to expand its asset base by acquiring advanced projects, positioning itself as a leading project developer. With a team of technical experts, the Company is poised to unlock substantial value for its shareholders.
For further information about the New Polaris Project and Canagold Resources Ltd, please visit Canagold’s website at
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Catalin Kilofliski, Chief Executive Officer
Source: Canagold Resources Ltd.