Chesapeake Utilities Corporation Celebrates Opening of Safety Training Facility in DeBary, Florida
Chesapeake Utilities (NYSE: CPK) has inaugurated its second Safety Town training facility in DeBary, Florida, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on February 27, 2025. The one-acre state-of-the-art center mirrors the company's Dover, Delaware facility and features specialized training environments for gas-related operations.
The facility includes simulations for hit line and gas leaks, service hook-ups, utility locating, leak detection, and corrosion monitoring. It is equipped with technology-enabled training rooms, storage areas, and multiple training houses for real-life safety scenarios. The curriculum covers emergency response, infrastructure maintenance, underground utility operations, and propane tank training.
During the opening ceremony, CPK presented a $10,000 donation to the Florida Fire Chiefs' Association Foundation. The facility will serve as a training resource for both company employees and local first responders, featuring natural gas and electric mobile training units for on-site safety training throughout their service territories.
Chesapeake Utilities (NYSE: CPK) ha inaugurato la sua seconda struttura di formazione Safety Town a DeBary, Florida, con una cerimonia di taglio del nastro il 27 febbraio 2025. Il centro all'avanguardia di un acro riflette la struttura dell'azienda a Dover, Delaware, e presenta ambienti di formazione specializzati per operazioni legate al gas.
La struttura include simulazioni per linee danneggiate e perdite di gas, collegamenti di servizio, localizzazione delle utenze, rilevamento delle perdite e monitoraggio della corrosione. È dotata di aule di formazione tecnologicamente avanzate, aree di stoccaggio e diverse case di addestramento per scenari di sicurezza reali. Il curriculum copre la risposta alle emergenze, la manutenzione delle infrastrutture, le operazioni delle utenze sotterranee e la formazione sui serbatoi di propano.
Durante la cerimonia di apertura, CPK ha presentato una dona di $10.000 alla Florida Fire Chiefs' Association Foundation. La struttura servirà come risorsa di formazione sia per i dipendenti dell'azienda che per i primi soccorritori locali, offrendo unità di formazione mobile per gas naturale ed elettricità per la formazione sulla sicurezza in loco in tutto il loro territorio di servizio.
Chesapeake Utilities (NYSE: CPK) ha inaugurado su segunda instalación de capacitación Safety Town en DeBary, Florida, con una ceremonia de corte de cinta el 27 de febrero de 2025. El centro de última generación de una acre refleja la instalación de la empresa en Dover, Delaware, y cuenta con entornos de capacitación especializados para operaciones relacionadas con el gas.
La instalación incluye simulaciones para líneas dañadas y fugas de gas, conexiones de servicio, localización de servicios públicos, detección de fugas y monitoreo de corrosión. Está equipada con aulas de capacitación habilitadas por tecnología, áreas de almacenamiento y múltiples casas de capacitación para escenarios de seguridad en la vida real. El currículo abarca respuesta a emergencias, mantenimiento de infraestructura, operaciones de servicios públicos subterráneos y capacitación en tanques de propano.
Durante la ceremonia de apertura, CPK presentó una a la Fundación de la Asociación de Jefes de Bomberos de Florida. La instalación servirá como un recurso de capacitación tanto para los empleados de la empresa como para los primeros respondedores locales, con unidades de capacitación móvil de gas natural y eléctricas para la capacitación en seguridad en el lugar a lo largo de sus territorios de servicio.
체사피크 유틸리티 (NYSE: CPK)가 2025년 2월 27일 플로리다주 드바리에서 두 번째 안전 마을 교육 시설을 개관하며 리본 커팅 세레모니를 개최했습니다. 이 최첨단 1에이커 센터는 델라웨어주 도버에 있는 회사의 시설을 반영하며, 가스 관련 작업을 위한 전문 교육 환경을 제공합니다.
이 시설에는 파손된 라인 및 가스 누출 시뮬레이션, 서비스 연결, 유틸리티 탐지, 누출 탐지 및 부식 모니터링이 포함되어 있습니다. 기술이 적용된 교육실, 저장 공간 및 실제 안전 시나리오를 위한 여러 교육용 주택이 갖춰져 있습니다. 커리큘럼은 비상 대응, 인프라 유지 보수, 지하 유틸리티 작업 및 프로판 탱크 교육을 포함합니다.
개관식에서 CPK는 플로리다 소방서장 협회 재단에 $10,000 기부금을 전달했습니다. 이 시설은 회사 직원과 지역 응급 구조원 모두를 위한 교육 자원으로 활용되며, 서비스 지역 내에서 현장 안전 교육을 위한 천연 가스 및 전기 이동식 교육 유닛을 제공합니다.
Chesapeake Utilities (NYSE: CPK) a inauguré sa deuxième installation de formation Safety Town à DeBary, en Floride, lors d'une cérémonie de coupe de ruban le 27 février 2025. Ce centre ultramoderne d'un acre reflète l'installation de l'entreprise à Dover, Delaware, et propose des environnements de formation spécialisés pour les opérations liées au gaz.
La structure comprend des simulations pour des lignes endommagées et des fuites de gaz, des branchements de services, la localisation des utilités, la détection des fuites et la surveillance de la corrosion. Elle est équipée de salles de formation dotées de technologies avancées, d'espaces de stockage et de plusieurs maisons de formation pour des scénarios de sécurité réels. Le programme couvre la réponse aux urgences, l'entretien des infrastructures, les opérations des services publics souterrains et la formation sur les réservoirs de propane.
Lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture, CPK a présenté un don de 10 000 $ à la Florida Fire Chiefs' Association Foundation. L'installation servira de ressource de formation tant pour les employés de l'entreprise que pour les premiers intervenants locaux, avec des unités de formation mobiles pour le gaz naturel et l'électricité pour la formation à la sécurité sur site dans leurs territoires de service.
Chesapeake Utilities (NYSE: CPK) hat am 27. Februar 2025 mit einer Eröffnungszeremonie seine zweite Safety Town Schulungseinrichtung in DeBary, Florida, eingeweiht. Das moderne Zentrum auf einem Acre spiegelt die Einrichtung des Unternehmens in Dover, Delaware, wider und bietet spezialisierte Schulungsumgebungen für gasbezogene Operationen.
Die Einrichtung umfasst Simulationen für beschädigte Leitungen und Gaslecks, Serviceanschlüsse, Versorgungsortung, Lecksuche und Korrosionsüberwachung. Sie ist mit technologiegestützten Schulungsräumen, Lagerräumen und mehreren Schulungshäusern für realistische Sicherheitsszenarien ausgestattet. Der Lehrplan umfasst Notfallmaßnahmen, Infrastrukturwartung, unterirdische Versorgungsoperationen und Schulungen zu Propantanks.
Während der Eröffnungszeremonie überreichte CPK eine Spende von 10.000 $ an die Florida Fire Chiefs' Association Foundation. Die Einrichtung wird sowohl als Schulungsressource für die Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens als auch für lokale Ersthelfer dienen und bietet mobile Schulungseinheiten für Erdgas und Elektrizität für die Sicherheitsschulung vor Ort in ihren Servicegebieten.
- None.
- None.
The one-acre center was modeled after Chesapeake Utilities' Safety Town training facility in
"This facility underscores our dedication to safety, for our employees and the communities we serve across
The curriculum at Safety Town is designed to enhance technical expertise and emergency preparedness through comprehensive training programs, including:
- Emergency response coordination
- Main installation, repair and maintenance
- Underground utility line locating and excavation safety
- Infrastructure integrity inspections
- Valve recognition and operation
- Meter and regulating station meter installation and repairs
- Propane tank training
As the facility evolves, additional training areas will be identified, and the curriculum will continue to expand to meet industry needs.
In accordance with Chesapeake Utilities' mission to deliver energy that makes life better for the people and communities served, the Company has established a tradition of making a charitable contribution to a local nonprofit organization at the launch of its new facilities. During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, a
Following the ribbon cutting, those in attendance were offered tours and safety demonstrations, highlighting the training opportunities available through the new facilities. The Company's natural gas and electric mobile training units were also on display. These units allow on-site safety training for contractors and community first-responder teams throughout our service territories.
"Chesapeake Utilities' commitment to safety and continuous improvement are on full display with this state-of-the-art training facility," said Karen Chasez, mayor of
For more information about Safety Town or to inquire about safety training opportunities, please email Tom Boursier, training coordinator, at
About Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation is a diversified energy delivery company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:CPK). Chesapeake Utilities Corporation offers sustainable energy solutions through its natural gas transmission and distribution, electricity generation and distribution, propane gas distribution, mobile compressed natural gas utility services and solutions and other businesses. For more information, visit
Alexander Nye
Director, Strategic Communications
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SOURCE Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
What features does CPK's new Safety Town facility in DeBary, Florida include?
How much did Chesapeake Utilities (CPK) donate to the Florida Fire Chiefs' Association Foundation?
What training programs are offered at CPK's DeBary Safety Town facility?
When did Chesapeake Utilities open its DeBary Safety Town facility?